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Cantankerous 08.06.2008 01:38 AM

how many times have you seen sy live?
just curious.

i think mccarren park will be my 7th time in 5 years? something like that

i'm sure most of you guys who have years on me have seen way more youth shows

nicfit 08.06.2008 01:40 AM

if the syr 3 tour counts, I think 6 times.

Everyneurotic 08.06.2008 01:40 AM

twice plus thurston with william winant and tom surgal once.


are you going to any of the king crimson shows in ny, cantanky?

Cantankerous 08.06.2008 01:41 AM

i didn't even know king crimson were playing here. probably not though.

Everyneurotic 08.06.2008 01:43 AM

in two weeks; i'm weighting the option because it's sixty-fucking-dollars and i can spend that money on something else.

Cantankerous 08.06.2008 01:44 AM

it's probably not the same seeing them now as it would have been 30 or 35 years ago. no way would i pay $60 either.

greenlight 08.06.2008 01:44 AM

tomorrow should be 6th. time i will see SY live.

Everyneurotic 08.06.2008 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
it's probably not the same seeing them now as it would have been 30 or 35 years ago. no way would i pay $60 either.

they are still pretty righteous, i did like their recent-ish output.

but of course it's not the same as seeing them before, they are almost two complete different bands (and dozens others in between.)

but yeah, $60 dollars is pretty bogus, i might end up going to central park to fight all the hipsters grooving to battles.

atsonicpark 08.06.2008 01:53 AM

They've never came here and I don't think they've even come to this state in forever and I don't have a reliable car to go out of state and none of my friends like SY enough to ever go out of state to see them.


Cantankerous 08.06.2008 01:54 AM

i'll watch out the window, i live across the street from central park.


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
They've never came here and I don't think they've even come to this state in forever and I don't have a reliable car to go out of state and none of my friends like SY enough to ever go out of state to see them.


that's surprising, i feel privleged now. i would have thought you of all people would have seen them.

Everyneurotic 08.06.2008 01:55 AM

ohh, ritzy.

and to address one concern of this thread, there's probably no way i will stay long enough to catch sy in mccarren park, so it's still twice without any change in sight.

Cantankerous 08.06.2008 01:56 AM

they better not play a bunch of shit from rather ripped or i will be marching up to thurston moore's doorstep and demanding a refund.

Death & the Maiden 08.06.2008 02:45 AM

Once. If I'd discovered them sooner it could've been twice.

Kanamori Happy 08.06.2008 02:57 AM

07/04/98 Werchter, Belgium Werchter Festival
07/04/00 Brussels, Belgium Ancienne Belgique
06/09/01 Gent, Belgium Theaterzaal Vooruit
06/28/02 Werchter, Belgium Werchter Festival
08/28/04 Oudenaarde, Belgium Feest in the Park
12/12/06 Brussels, Belgium Halles de Schaerbeek

12/13/06 Paris, France Le Zenith

08/18/07 Hasselt, Belgium Pukkelpop Festival

08/05/08 Lokeren, Belgium Lokerse Feesten (festival)

therealglenstyler 08.06.2008 03:06 AM

seven yo.

ingram 08.06.2008 03:06 AM

Moscow 2007 only

Tokolosh 08.06.2008 03:14 AM

5 times.

blunderbuss 08.06.2008 04:12 AM

I ran out of fingers, but still had some toes to spare.

_slavo_ 08.06.2008 04:30 AM

Sonic Youth 4 times (DC, London, Prague, Vienna) + Text of Light once

mil_pl 08.06.2008 04:43 AM

one time, but unforgettable one time!

gdynia, poland 2007.

pantophobia 08.06.2008 04:54 AM

08/08/02 Washington, DC 9:30 Club
11/24/02 Baltimore, MD Recher Theatre
06/15/03 Pittsburgh, PA Three Rivers Art Festival
06/21/03 Cincinnati, OH Bogart's
06/30/03 Washington, DC Constitution Hall
04/03/04 E. Sussex, UK Camber Sands Holiday Village (All Tomorrow's Parties)
07/29/04 Chicago, IL Vic Theatre
07/30/04 Milwaukee, WI The Rave
08/04/04 Montreal, PQ Metropolis
08/11/04 Washington, DC 9:30 Club
08/17/04 Philadelphia, PA Electric Factory
04/16/05 Hoboken, NJ Maxwell's [2 SHOWS]
09/04/05 Los Angeles, CA Barnesdale Art Park (Arthurfest)
06/14/06 Philadelphia, PA Starlight Ballroom
06/15/06 Washington, DC 9:30 Club [2 shows]
06/16/06 Washington, DC XM Radio Live
06/19/06 Atlanta, GA Earthlink Live
06/30/06 Seattle, WA Moore Theatre
07/01/06 Portland, OR Roseland Ballroom
08/06/06 Milwaukee, WI Pabst Theatre
08/11/06 Brooklyn, NY McCarren Pool
08/12/06 Brooklyn, NY McCarren Pool
08/31/06 Allentown, PA Allentown Fair [w. Flaming Lips]
12/09/06 Minehead, UK ATP Nightmare Before Christmas
07/28/07 Brooklyn, NY McCarren Park Pool [performing DAYDREAM NATION]

Tokolosh 08.06.2008 05:09 AM

You sure are following in Jen's footsteps. Impressive.

ZEROpumpkins 08.06.2008 05:14 AM

Divide your age by the number of SY shows you've been too and you have your SONIC FACTOR

Mine is 8 (16/2)

Spiritual Amnesia 08.06.2008 05:23 AM

5 times:
- rock am ring / germany
- brussels (2x)
- munich
- vienna

e.if.ix 08.06.2008 05:34 AM

wow, difficult one, but i'm clocking in well over twenty!
we have been spoilt here in belgium, since the youth mostly play two shows when they visit. so that adds up.
first show in 93 at werchter festival, since then, i've only missed them once in belgium.
in between, i've seen the youth in holland, france and spain. add a couple of special shows (goodbye 20th century, the movie thing they did) and a few thurston shows (ATP england and brussels) and a lee show and that's it.

they never disappoint (as a friend of mine, with a big smile on his face, said yesterday)

hooligan37 08.06.2008 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
just curious.

i think mccarren park will be my 7th time in 5 years? something like that

i'm sure most of you guys who have years on me have seen way more youth shows

I think I'm at 16 times with McCarren coming up. No international shows though. :(

jennthebenn 08.06.2008 07:25 AM

All the ones panto has seen, plus

5/7/98, DC
6/20/00, DC
4/21/01, Philly
3/15/02, ATP UCLA
8/7/02, Raleigh
8/10/02, Philly
8/11/02, NY
8/13/02, Boston
8/17/02, chicago
8/18/02, Chicago
11/30/02, NY

so Mccarren will be my 39th

idiotic 08.06.2008 07:43 AM

08/25/91 Hasselt, Belgium, Pukkelpop Festival
09/01/91 Rotterdam, Holland, Doelen
12/01/92 Deinze, Belgium, Brielpoort
07/04/98 Werchter, Belgium, Werchter Festival
06/28/02 Werchter, Belgium, Werchter Festival
08/06/08 Lokeren, Belgium, Lokerse Feesten

reginald 08.06.2008 08:15 AM

I've seen SY 4 times now, and will everytime I get the chance...


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
are you going to any of the king crimson shows in ny, cantanky?

May I butt in ? :D This is my contribution given on another message board, amended slightly for here...

I'm including my brief description of the 1st show, and I attended both, but I'm also including a link so you Crimson fans can read what you like about both shows. I know there are several of you here. The Nashville shows were the 'warmups' and I attend each incarnation of the KC band that performs these. Unfuricken REAL !!! KC is the very best !!!!!! This makes my 9th time seeing them, first time on June 6, 1974.


My post here is about pg. 5 of the forums on this link....Please read the reviews offered here if you're a fan.

miracle ticket !
:: Posted by kc6674 on August 03, 2008

Great things come to those who have no expectations. I was hanging out at the front of the Belcourt last night when I heard someone say, "Give it to the guy on the bicycle". I was astonished when a gentleman gave me a ticket to the sold-out show. I had a ticket already for tonight’s performance, but missed out on purchasing for the first night. I didn’t even have to hold my finger up in the ’hoping for a miracle posture !!!’. So to whoever it was with such generosity..THANK YOU MUCHLY !!!

The show was fantastic. Adrian is such a great frontman. He engaged with the audience a bit less than I thought he might, having attended other ’warmup’ gigs here in Nashville. At one point he made a (sorta) ’Zappa’ reference.He mentioned while putting on his beige moccasins,(paraphrasing) "You can’t play rock and roll with brown shoes". I wanted to yell out "Brown Shoes Don’t Make It !", but contained myself. I got a good laugh anyway. Even Robert had been more talkative and animated in past initiating shows. I sat in the 10th row center and the sound was excellent. My view of Robert was mostly obstructed as he was behind his rack, as pointed out, but I could still see his fretwork and occasional glimpses of his face. Tony played like he never missed a beat or had been out of the lineup for 10 years, and Pat and newcomer Gavin Harrison were MONSTERS on their drums. What a sonic blast from all of them !!

The biggest surprise for me was them playing The Talking Drum/Lark’s Tongues Pt. 2. It took me back to my first KC show in Ft. Worth, Texas in June of 1974. They did an exciting rendition. I have to admit, my favorite more recent tune was also played, Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream. The setlist was much of Discipline (Elephant Talk, Frame by Frame, Thela Hun Gingeet, and Indiscipline), Thrak/Vrooom (One Time, Vrooom and SSEDD). The Construction of Light started the show, after a percussive intro of which there were 2 or 3 drumming duets interspersed in the set. The rearragements of many of the tunes was a fresh offering since there really wasn’t any new material played. Gavin added the new element with much gusto and technical precision.

Wow, I just can’t wait till tonight for Belcourt warmup Part 2. I’m still buzzing from the show last night and maybe someone will give a more critiqued post of the tunes themselves.

take care, and thank you Robert and KC for coming back together again and doing these ridiculously inexpensive shows for us ’hometown’ folks at a great, intimate venue !!

SuperCreep 08.06.2008 08:23 AM

I'd really love to see King Crimson, but $60 is just way too out of my price range for a set that's going to compromised of mostly new material (which I do like, but yeah, not for $60.) $25-$35 would be more reasonable.

As for SY, I've only seen them once this past July 4th. I might be seeing them at McCarren, but I'm not sure about that one yet. Hopefully I'll get to see them forty more times.

reginald 08.06.2008 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by SuperCreep
I'd really love to see King Crimson, but $60 is just way too out of my price range for a set that's going to compromised of mostly new material (which I do like, but yeah, not for $60.) $25-$35 would be more reasonable.

As for SY, I've only seen them once this past July 4th. I might be seeing them at McCarren, but I'm not sure about that one yet. Hopefully I'll get to see them forty more times.

They played NO new material. They had a new drummer from Porcupine Tree that added new zest to the newfangled arrangements of established tunes. And if you look closely, you'll see the tix prices for their 'warmups' were only $25 !! PRIMO !! :D

And since I was lucky with a freebie for the first night, I saw two shows for $13.25, added fees included....:p

Sonic Youth 37 08.06.2008 10:22 AM


stu666 08.06.2008 10:42 AM

yoof = 1

thurston = 1 but soon to be 2 if i got to Brighton in September

tesla69 08.06.2008 11:03 AM

Providence RI summer 1986 (corrected)
Knitting Factory, New York City 17 Jun 88
Palladium, Worcester 6 Jun 98
Bowery Ballroom, NYC 7 Oct 01
Summerstage", Central Park, NYC 11 Aug 02
Anthology Film Archive, NYC 12 Apr 03
La Oveja Negra, Astoria, Queens, NYC 10 Apr 05
Maxwells, NJ was it 2007?
Battery Park, July 2008

I've seen about 50 not SY sets by the SYers...and I recorded most of them...

tesla69 08.06.2008 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by jennthebenn
so Mccarren will be my 39th

that is awesome!

the ikara cult 08.06.2008 11:13 AM

Just the once at Camden last September, but i wish id got my arse in gear and seen them in 2004 when they were doing Nurse in London, or the ATPs.

pbradley 08.06.2008 11:34 AM

0 times, unfortunately. And there really is no excuse given my access.

Rob Instigator 08.06.2008 11:48 AM

I have seen sonic youth perform 6 times.

dirty tour was my first!

diskaholic-anonymous 08.06.2008 12:24 PM

...just only four unforgettable times...but i hope to see them one hundred times, cause a gipsy lady told me i'm gonna live until 145 years old and S.Y will play more or less until then!! (she was very serious about that!)

Scars4Eyes 08.06.2008 12:33 PM

Nine times since 1996. It could (and should) have been more...

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