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demonrail666 09.01.2008 05:00 PM

Movie Soundtrack Albums
Before people started treating soundtrack albums merely as hip compilations of cool singles there were some great ones that could be treated as albums in their own right. Bernard Hermann's score for Taxi Driver is an obvious example of this. Anyone think of any more?


MellySingsDoom 09.01.2008 05:04 PM

I'd go for "Easy Rider" - each song fits the film perfectly, and the album stands up in it's own right.

Glice 09.01.2008 05:23 PM

Wasn't one of the Goblin albums a soundtrack? Suspiria maybe?

Paint your Wagon
Calamity Jane
The Sound of Music
Dirty Dancing.

I realise they're all as hokey as the hokey-kokey, but they're also amazing.

MellySingsDoom 09.01.2008 05:25 PM

Glice - "Suspiria, Profondo Rosso, and Tenebrae are all Goblin gold. I'd actually pick Profondo Rosso as my own personal fave.

al shabbray 09.01.2008 05:26 PM

taxi driver . love that piece he puts on the turntable in the film

blade runner .vangelis at its best

king_buzzo 09.01.2008 05:30 PM

Lost In Translation
Death Proof

al shabbray 09.01.2008 05:31 PM

demonlover (of course)

king_buzzo 09.01.2008 05:34 PM

that zidane movie.

blunderbuss 09.01.2008 05:41 PM

Requiem For A Dream.

demonrail666 09.01.2008 05:44 PM



noisereductions 09.01.2008 05:45 PM

My wife has a pretty incredible collection of soundtracks. Especially original scores. The Goblin/Argento ones mentioned above are excellent. Also OPERA. And we have tons of horror film ones from 70's/80's that are amazing in their own right. Plus THE DUNWICH HORROR introduced me to the world of Les Baxter.

SuperCreep 09.01.2008 05:48 PM


Trasher02 09.01.2008 05:57 PM

The soundtrack to The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford is excellent.

MellySingsDoom 09.01.2008 05:58 PM

The Fabio Frizzi soundtrack to "Zomie Flesh Eaters" (aka Zombie) is a firm fave here at Melly Towers.

Trasher02 09.01.2008 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
The Fabio Frizzi soundtrack to "Zomie Flesh Eaters" (aka Zombie) is a firm fave here at Melly Towers.

I've always wondered, who is the Manuel at Melly Towers?

al shabbray 09.01.2008 06:00 PM

I would love to to have a collection of all the beautiful stuff badalamenti did for lynch movies

MellySingsDoom 09.01.2008 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Trasher02
I've always wondered, who is the Manuel at Melly Towers?

I cannot tell a lie.

It's Sarramkrop.

demonrail666 09.01.2008 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
I cannot tell a lie.

It's Sarramkrop.

i laughed like a drain.

demonrail666 09.01.2008 07:23 PM

And I, of course, am the Major.


o'connor 09.01.2008 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by al shabbray
demonlover (of course)

beat me too it ya bastard. one of my favorite SY albums, and one of my favorite soundtrack albums of all time. 2 birds, 1 stone. fucking a.

demonrail666 09.01.2008 07:26 PM

Oh, and there was me thinking al shabbray had a crush on me.

MellySingsDoom 09.01.2008 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
And I, of course, am the Major.


"Hello Fawlty. Those blasted Germans aren't here again, are they? Those Boche...never good in a war, Fawlty!"
"Of course, Major! Let me top up your Scotch and introduce you to our new guest:


atsonicpark 09.01.2008 07:53 PM

All Lynch films
All Cronenberg films
All Tsukamoto films
All Jodorowsky films

Derek 09.02.2008 11:40 AM

Crash soundtrack rules.

noisereductions 09.02.2008 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by al shabbray
I would love to to have a collection of all the beautiful stuff badalamenti did for lynch movies

My wife has most of those. Awesome.

atari 2600 09.02.2008 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Before people started treating soundtrack albums merely as hip compilations of cool singles there were some great ones that could be treated as albums in their own right. Bernard Hermann's score for Taxi Driver is an obvious example of this. Anyone think of any more?


Hermann's work on Psycho is monumental; hard to imagine the movie without it. His score and the soundtrack for Taxi Driver is sorta meh.

How can you guys forget Howard Shore & Ornette Coleman for Naked Lunch?
And heck, I like Peter Gabriel's Passion: Music For The Last Temptation of Christ even moreso.
Oh, and I strongly emphasize a "shame on you" message for no mention of John Williams. Wait, someone said Jaws, oops. I'm sure Wendy Carlos will make an appearance; he/she/it always does.

Agree with the Lynch catch-all. Probably add Tarantino to that short list too.

Other notables include 2001, Saturday Night Fever, The Harder They Come, Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid, The Graduate, The Godfather, Grease, Xanadu, Purple Rain, Home of the Brave, Roger & Me, Stop Making Sense, A Hard Day's Night, Help!, and Rocky Horror. Full Metal Jacket has a nice soundtrack, but it works so great with the scenes, I'd rather watch the movie than just listen to the audio recording.

In recent fare, I like the soundtrack to The Departed.

atsonicpark 09.02.2008 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
How can you guys forget Horward Shore & Ornette Coleman for Naked Lunch?

I didn't.

atsonicpark 09.02.2008 12:17 PM

I should add all the Takeshi Kitano films I've seen to that list. Also, most Dario Argento and Lucio Fulci films (love Goblin and LOVE Fabio Frizzi). Most Leone movies. Most Carpenter movies.


...I wonder why very few directors are interested in background music anymore... It's odd, like I was watching Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer last night, and that film's not even THAT old (22 years) but it just seems so, SO far removed from any film that comes out today (and I know it's not the most mainstream film ever for me to mention, but it did make over 6 times what it cost to make when it came out, was a minor mainstream success, and almost everyone ever has at least heard of it... so I'm just using it as a lack of a better example right now).


Films from 10 years ago seem like art films compared to most major films that come out today. It's not just that the soundtracks are usually just whatever popular songs of today or yesterday... the directing, the pacing... all these films are solely concerned with carrying the plot to whatever point they're supposed to end up at with nothing in between.

I like movies that have scenes that have nothing to do with the plot, movies with scenes of loneliness and quietness, every film nowadays is almost in constant crescendo from beginning to end. It sucks.

Sorry, I got a little off-topic, but yeah.

atari 2600 09.02.2008 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I didn't.

all Cronenberg films, had to think a lot for that...brain must be sore, eh?
Not all of them are all that good, sorry.

Henry is the most frightening movie I've ever seen, btw.

noisereductions 09.02.2008 12:26 PM

I'd say the bulk of our sndtrks collection is 70s/80s horror scores. Horror sndtrks are the best.

demonrail666 09.02.2008 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark


That's a great call. Has it even been officially released?

Another two worth mentioning that I think so far have not are Vangelis' Chariots of Fire and Giorgio Moroder's Midnight Express.



atsonicpark 09.02.2008 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
all Cronenberg films, had to think a lot for that...brain must be sore, eh?
Not all of them are all that good, sorry.

Um, okay, do you want me to list my favorite Cronenberg film soundtracks from least to worst? Would that make my contribution more satisfying? I didn't realize I had to strain my brain in order to make my posts noteworthy.


My favorite is the haunting score to Crash and the amazing, dark, Badalemti-like Videodrome score... Oh, and the scores to the Dead Zone and Dead Ringers are fucking unbelievable. But yeah, I like all of them. I guess the last few films have had more forgettable soundtracks but yeah.

demonrail666 09.02.2008 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
Hermann's work on Psycho is monumental; hard to imagine the movie without it. His score and the soundtrack for Taxi Driver is sorta meh.

I'd personally rate Taxi Driver somewhat higher than a 'meh'. With regards Psycho though, yes, absolutely. Arguably the greatest of them all.

atsonicpark 09.02.2008 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
That's a great call. Has it even been officially released?

I think it was released on vinyl at some point.

Actually, Wolf Eyes were distributing horror movie soundtracks on casette tapes a few years back in editions of 100... and this was one of them that they were selling. Pretty wild.

Anyway, here it is for d/l:

atsonicpark 09.02.2008 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I'd personally rate Taxi Driver somewhat higher than a 'meh'. With regards Psycho though, yes, absolutely. Arguably the greatest of them all.

Taxi Driver soundtrack is probably my favorite soundtrack ever that Ennio Morricone had nothing to do with.

demonrail666 09.02.2008 12:39 PM

Stating the obvious somewhat with this one, but come on:


Rob Instigator 09.02.2008 12:40 PM

Rob Instigator's Fave Soundtracks


by Neil Young


curtis mayfield


love this soundtrack

atsonicpark 09.02.2008 12:41 PM

REPO MAN rules!

demonrail666 09.02.2008 12:44 PM

I just found this, which some of you might find interesting.

atsonicpark 09.02.2008 12:48 PM

17. Trainspotting (1996) - Various

Eh? Just for the heroin overdose scene probably.

37. Chinatown (1974) - Jerry Goldsmith


76. A Clockwork Orange (1971) - Walter Carlos

Yes!!!!!!!!! The theme song to that is my favorite.

98. Beetlejuice (1988) - Danny Elfman

Actually, even though I'm not a Tim Burton fan, most of his films have great music.. thanks to Danny Elfman.

Also, has anyone mentioned FORBIDDEN ZONE yet? Great soundtrack!!

Also, I loved the music in the film Attic Expeditions.. it had Naked City on it actually.

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