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boy_howdy 09.01.2008 11:53 PM

Sonic Spawn



EMMAh 09.02.2008 12:50 AM

The website is being the biggest bitch.

I'm at the put the box around your face part, and it don't let me move the box ahha.

EDIT: I'm a dumb fuck.

EMMAh 09.02.2008 12:55 AM



Sonic Youth 37 09.02.2008 01:03 AM


!@#$%! 09.02.2008 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by boy_howdy



nice kitty. tabbies rule.

and good cheekbones on your part.

al shabbray 09.02.2008 04:24 AM

I want a cat, I write that down everyday here, maybe I am right

SYRFox 09.02.2008 04:53 AM


al shabbray 09.02.2008 04:54 AM


HECKLER SPRAY 09.02.2008 04:57 AM

You're even prettier without make-up, howdy-girl !!!

MellySingsDoom 09.02.2008 05:12 AM

Very nice pic of you, boy_howdy, and the kitty's a real cutie as well.

boy_howdy 09.02.2008 10:07 AM

why wont you guys make babies with me, jeez

Everyneurotic 09.02.2008 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by boy_howdy
why wont you guys make babies with me, jeez

i would, honey.

you're just too far away.

boy_howdy 09.02.2008 10:26 AM

i mean on the internet, duh

floatingslowly 09.02.2008 10:26 AM

ps: no babies without the goodstuff.


Originally Posted by boy_howdy
why wont you guys make babies with me, jeez

thanks, but I've already got one.

his name is Legion.

Everyneurotic 09.02.2008 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by boy_howdy
i mean on the internet, duh

i know, but if you don't ask you don't get *wink, wink*


█████████ 09.02.2008 11:25 AM


aww, he looks just like his daddy...

floatingslowly 09.02.2008 11:32 AM

^^^ that's a good lookin' kid!

is he really half monkey??

█████████ 09.02.2008 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
is he really half monkey??

stop messing with my fucking lady friend, man!

floatingslowly 09.02.2008 11:41 AM

I'm not! in fact, I like to think that I'm being nice!

I haven't once told her to die in a fire, get fucked or to fuck herself! that's sayin' something.

now, back to the monkey. does he have a sister?

█████████ 09.02.2008 11:55 AM

stop messing around, she's not a monkey! she's my fucking lady friend. i'm just helping her conceive, man!

floatingslowly 09.02.2008 11:59 AM

if you don't watch it, fishsticks, .33333333333% of the male population of this board is going to neg rep you (the other .66666666666666666% is gay).


Originally Posted by █████████
she's my fucking lady friend.

wasn't that a velvet underground song?

█████████ 09.02.2008 01:55 PM

i doubt she needs some internet twat to tell her how beautiful she is.
i was obviously being very serious.

floatingslowly 09.02.2008 02:04 PM

will you be my fucking lady friend?

I am being very serious.

█████████ 09.02.2008 03:18 PM

aww, romantic Italian food...
you're making me all wet...

in my mouth...

ha hum hum hum...

makemebabies tonight.


nicfit 09.02.2008 03:25 PM

ha ha!
I'm in his signature, bait for life!

cars_willkillyou 09.03.2008 12:49 AM

i used to have that shirt...except mine was green, not white. If it wasnt that shirt, it was one very very similar.

Cantankerous 09.03.2008 01:15 AM


i don't think it's possible to make an attractive baby on this website

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 09.03.2008 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by boy_howdy




I think our baby Thurston would be cuter than that.

WTF does it have that color hair? I've never seen a kid with that color hair before. Ever.

Cantankerous 09.03.2008 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by EMMAh



SpectralJulianIsNotDead 09.03.2008 02:04 AM

If anyone wants to have my baby

I'm soooo bored right now. .

this is the cutest baby I've made so far


nicfit 09.03.2008 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead

I think our baby Thurston would be cuter than that.

WTF does it have that color hair? I've never seen a kid with that color hair before. Ever.


SpectralJulianIsNotDead 09.03.2008 02:31 AM


maybe howdy and I are atsonicparks parents (time traveling that is)

EMMAh 09.04.2008 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous

LO fucking L hahahahahahaah

ink. 02.01.2013 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Sonic Youth 37


floatingslowly 02.01.2013 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by █████████
stop messing around, she's not a monkey! she's my fucking lady friend. i'm just helping her conceive, man!

wow, fishsticks.

floatingslowly 02.01.2013 10:15 PM

The baby of my mind's eye approaches.

EVOLghost 02.04.2013 10:23 AM

The definition of a Sonic Spawn.

!@#$%! 02.04.2013 10:28 AM

owwwww.... i miss cankersores :(

floatingslowly 02.04.2013 10:36 AM

As do I, friend.

Do you know that Ms. Howdy was the first board member that I've EVER met?

(the wives don't count - they were brought here).

dead_battery 02.04.2013 07:11 PM

Tila Tequila
All of us different beings who were not originally 100% natural descendants of Humans, & we never forgot who we are, it is our time now to reconcile with each other as different we all may be from different ancient other world descendants. We mustn't continue on this same tired battle over & over & over again. Humans are now part of us as we are also now part of them in the Flesh. So we must learn to reconcile all of our differences. This battle has raged on since the beginning of Creation, and I am sick of battling the same battles in every lifetime. You know who you are as you now know who I am as well. If we wish to continue visiting this beautiful planet we need to reconcile. I am done with this stupid battle. I stand by the Humans for they are the Most beautiful & Resilient beings to have ever existed in this Universe! It is NOT their fault with their current state of turmoil & oppression that they act the way they do! That is the fault of the invaders who broke all Laws of the Universe! So I will continue to play with team HUMANS since I am a cross breed of one so in turn They are my people as well. This is the last chance & you know it. Time to reconcile.
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