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akprodr 09.10.2008 12:44 PM

WTF Is this country that stupid?
OK, if Mcocoaine wins, I'm leaving. Anybody got any recomendations? I was thinging about Prague... I love Pilsner Irquel.

How fucking stupid do the Republicans think the USAians are? Why does anyone think we care about lipstick on a pig? Alright let's say it WAS a slight toward Palin. Who cares?

✌➬ 09.10.2008 12:47 PM

McCain is going to win. Well who knows, I am have a slight optimism that Obama might win, but I am not getting my hopes up.

floatingslowly 09.10.2008 12:48 PM



Originally Posted by akprodr
Why does anyone think we care about lipstick on a pig?

I prefer BBQ sauce.

ps: yr not that far from Siberia. I hear it's cold, but then again, you'd be use to


Cantankerous 09.10.2008 12:49 PM

i encourage everyone who is 18 or older to please VOTE and VOTE FOR OBAMA. and if we fail...well, i'll see you fuckers on the dark side of the moon.

_slavo_ 09.10.2008 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by akprodr
I was thinging about Prague... I love Pilsner Irquel.

Now that's a reason.

terriblecanyons 09.10.2008 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i encourage everyone who is 18 or older to please VOTE and VOTE FOR OBAMA. and if we fail...well, i'll see you fuckers on the dark side of the moon.

The thing that disappoints me is the fact that our votes have almost nothing to do with who is elected. Fuck the electoral college, something needs to be changed.

Cantankerous 09.10.2008 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by terriblecanyons
The thing that disappoints me is the fact that our votes have almost nothing to do with who is elected. Fuck the electoral college, something needs to be changed.

it does make some difference.
come on guys. vote it up.

floatingslowly 09.10.2008 01:04 PM

I'm trying! I'm trying! ok?

!@#$%! 09.10.2008 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by terriblecanyons
The thing that disappoints me is the fact that our votes have almost nothing to do with who is elected. Fuck the electoral college, something needs to be changed.

not so in your case! you've got a chance to make a big difference in florida!

!@#$%! 09.10.2008 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by akprodr
How fucking stupid do the Republicans think the USAians are? Why does anyone think we care about lipstick on a pig? Alright let's say it WAS a slight toward Palin. Who cares?

they KNOW how stupid most people are and they appeal to that lowest common denominator-- since the days of lee atwater.

gmku 09.10.2008 01:11 PM

It kills me how they say white women are flocking to McCain because of Palin. Don't they know what she stands for!? She's a fucking redneck!

SYRFox 09.10.2008 01:13 PM

It's funny cause on french TV, you almost hear always about Obama, like if he was the obvious winner of that election, where it seems really to be 50-50 actually. I don't watch TV anyway.

But yeah, from my french point of view (so I probably don't know much to this election), I would totally vote for Obama and kick the redneck out

We actually studied texts from Obama's/McCain's websites in english lesson yesterday, and McCain's website seemed soo cliché, like "According to McCain family tradition of serving the country, McCain was a brilliant soldier" or whatever, it was almost funny

gmku 09.10.2008 01:15 PM

No matter what happens, SYRFox, please understand that we Americans are not all alike. Many, many of us Americans despise Bush, McCain, and all the other assholes who have made a mess of everything.

mangajunky 09.10.2008 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
It kills me how they say white women are flocking to McCain because of Palin. Don't they know what she stands for!? She's a fucking redneck!

and she believes in the Rapture, and that praying can "save" gay people, and that the war in Iraq is blessed by God. and she lied over and over again in her speech at the Repub convention. She's a monster. And her personality is just like Dubya.

gmku 09.10.2008 01:17 PM

She IS scary. McCain did this to woo the extremists in his party, and to hoodwink female voters into thinking he's "with it" and on their side.

gmku 09.10.2008 01:18 PM

The really scary thing is that McCain is about a heartbeat away from a heart attack, and Palin would be there to take over. That frightens the hell out of me.

Cantankerous 09.10.2008 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
She IS scary. McCain did this to woo the extremists in his party, and to hoodwink female voters into thinking he's "with it" and on their side.

and this fact only adds fuel to the "americans are stupid as hell" fire

floatingslowly 09.10.2008 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by SYRFox
We actually studied texts from Obama's/McCain's websites

No matter what happens, SYRFox, please understand that we Americans will never study French politician's websites.

SYRFox 09.10.2008 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
No matter what happens, SYRFox, please understand that we Americans are not all alike. Many, many of us Americans despise Bush, McCain, and all the other assholes who have made a mess of everything.

Haha don't worry, I understand that - it's the same kinda thing in France, all french do not like Sarkozy (and that's for the best) - I still feel ashamed having him as a president

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 09.10.2008 01:20 PM

I'm still voting for Ron Paul.

gmku 09.10.2008 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
and this fact only adds fuel to the "americans are stupid as hell" fire

Well, from all appearances, a good 50 percent of us are dumb as shit.

Cantankerous 09.10.2008 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Well, from all appearances, a good 50 percent of us are dumb as shit.

yes we are. i tend to agree with anyone who hates americans.

PAULYBEE2656 09.10.2008 01:20 PM

ive never been as happy to have this man as our government leader....

gmku 09.10.2008 01:21 PM

Yeah, same here. I'm an un-American American.

akprodr 09.10.2008 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
No matter what happens, SYRFox, please understand that we Americans will never study French politician's websites.

What do you call someone who speaks a lot of languages? Polyglot
What do you call someone who speaks two languages? Bilingual
What do you can somoene who speaks one language? American

Rob Instigator 09.10.2008 01:29 PM

I am fluent in both e nglish and spanish (native spanish s;peaker) and let me tells ya, it is far far easier to be eb funny in english than in spanish.

Cantankerous 09.10.2008 01:31 PM

i am a polyglot!

akprodr 09.10.2008 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
ps: yr not that far from Siberia. I hear it's cold, but then again, you'd be use to

No, I moved back to NJ--one of the reasons was all the disgusting politics that goes on in AK. What a laugh that was compared to NJ! But the main reason was the weather, so Siberia is out. Actually, after two months of NJ summer, I'm ready to move back to AK. Humidity, yuck!

To her credit, Palin was doing remarkably well at a) actually getting things done and b) de-corrupting Juneau--most of her Alaskan detractors are the still-in-office 'old boy network' types.

As long as I'm praising her, she did put a pretty good dig about the VECO politicians. They had hats with CDB on it (Corrupt Dirty Bastards) and Palin mentioned them as the 'Good Old Boy' club. I did like that part.

I didn't vote for her but I certainy respected her.

But, OMG, what the hell has she become? Dangle a fish in front of her and she followed it down the sewer.

gmku 09.10.2008 01:40 PM

November. Could be dark. One consolation--the release of Quantum of Solace to a theater near you.

Rob Instigator 09.10.2008 01:44 PM

McCain and Palin managed to bump themselves up as high as they are gonna go and they barely managed to get even with Obama/Biden


they will whither like the old feeb he is.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.10.2008 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by akprodr
OK, if Mcocoaine wins, I'm leaving. Anybody got any recomendations? I was thinging about Prague... I love Pilsner Irquel.

How fucking stupid do the Republicans think the USAians are? Why does anyone think we care about lipstick on a pig? Alright let's say it WAS a slight toward Palin. Who cares?

well. you can bet on staying however, I still recommend leaving, I myself am on the Ethiopia tip, though I have noticed over the years, when I first came on this board in 2004 I was one of the few people every saying such things in exasperation, where as now, I see these kinds of threads pop up on a monthly basis. it only validates my own lifelong desire to take flight...

"All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own.If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. 16Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. "

Cantankerous 09.10.2008 03:59 PM

there is absolutely no reason to vote for mcfuckface unless you're a part of the wealthiest ONE PERCENT of americans. and i can say with some certainty that no one on this board is included in that demographic.

MellySingsDoom 09.10.2008 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by mangajunky
and she believes in the Rapture, and that praying can "save" gay people, and that the war in Iraq is blessed by God. and she lied over and over again in her speech at the Repub convention. She's a monster. And her personality is just like Dubya.

For all that, she needs to die. Seriously.

I'm not going to jump on the "all US-ians are dumb fucks" bandwagon, because a) it is boring, b) the "left" here puke up the "US=EVIL" line so much, it's almost enough to make me want to listen to Ted Nugent in retaliation. Almost, and c) you should see how many brainless fuckheads live over in the UK. Trust me, we have no right to make sneering judgements at other countries...we voted in that slimeball Tony Blair THREE times. Unfuggingbelievable.

floatingslowly 09.10.2008 04:07 PM


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.10.2008 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
there is absolutely no reason to vote for mcfuckface unless you're a part of the wealthiest ONE PERCENT of americans. and i can say with some certainty that no one on this board is included in that demographic.

of course, voting for Obama is still voting for the same bullshit fuckers, its all a name game, its the same shit all around. There is no difference, whats all this change they are talking about? What the fuck will change? nothing. its all just to divide and conquer the masses. I say unite, but unite AGAINST THIS!

don't unite to vote, unite to unite! voting is division, unity is strength. fuck voting, it is for helpless losers who are too scared to actually take power into their own hands. unity is strength, and voting is a myth.

democracy is a myth perpetrated to deceive the people into believing they have some power, which they will not want to give up, and so they will remain divided as long as it keeps them in power, democrats will divide against republicans in fear that the republicans challenge their own authority in their own lives [ie, if someone who is not a democrat is in power, then the democrat believes his power has been robbed from him] and visa verca, the truth is we have no power under a supposed demcracy, because we invested it all in the representatives. power is the ability to enact change directly in your own life and surroundings, and americans in particular are living in constant fear, ever since its conception as a nation, that some other person will come take away their power, and so the live defensively and xenophobically against all strangers, be it foreigners from across the globe or neighbors from across town... it is all division, i say unite and that will show em!

germans supported Nazism because the Nazis had convinced the germans that Nazism empowered them, and that any threat to nazism was a threat to their own individual and personal power, and further that all the untermeinchen posed a threat to this power base..

MellySingsDoom 09.10.2008 04:11 PM

SuchFriends - short of there being a massive, violent revolution in the US (which isn't going to happen), voting is the only option left for the people. As much as I loathe politics, I would, if I was a US citizen, vote for Obama too. Apathy will simply left in another 8 years of hard-core Republicanism. And although you may be emigrating, what about the rest of the US population? Don't you think about voting for them, if nothing else?

Cantankerous 09.10.2008 04:14 PM


you're not going to change my mind with your hippie theories.

!@#$%! 09.10.2008 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous

you're not going to change my mind with your hippie theories.

i love it that 2 weeks ago you were like "fuck voting" and now you're all up in arms for obama (or agains mcsame)

well done, fiend.

Cantankerous 09.10.2008 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i love it that 2 weeks ago you were like "fuck voting" and now you're all up in arms for obama (or agains mcsame)

well done, fiend.

you're welcome.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.10.2008 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
SuchFriends - short of there being a massive, violent revolution in the US (which isn't going to happen), voting is the only option left for the people. As much as I loathe politics, I would, if I was a US citizen, vote for Obama too. Apathy will simply left in another 8 years of hard-core Republicanism. And although you may be emigrating, what about the rest of the US population? Don't you think about voting for them, if nothing else?

thats not true, I am not talking about taking over govt, if we did that, we would just become the same corrupted assholes that run it now ["the subverts became politicians, and finally got the upper hand.. but meanwhile back in subvert city, someone's writing on the wall, fuck yr government.."]

what I am talking about is social revolution towards unity. Voting is precisely the opposite of this. And further, I am talking about organizing to to real good and take real power back. This was the true success of the 1960s, because openly and honestly people did not even have the options of voting, and so they did what they could themselves because they had NOT FAITH in the BRUTALLY CORRUPT AMERICAN GOVERNMENT. Well my friends, it is the SAME GOVERNMENT TODAY as back then...

Not voting, I want people to become involved in all the problems directly, not vote for some other dude to take care of them. WE OURSELVES need to go into the volunteering, go to the hospitals, the schools, and parks, the malls, the old-folks homes, the homless shelters, the refugee settlement agencies, the welfare/social security offices, we need to all organize together and each one pick up the slack, rather then continue on with four more years of "i'm sure that someone I voted for will take care of all this shit everywhere, instead of me actually doing it..."

voting is a myth, you actually have to go out there and do something!

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