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SpectralJulianIsNotDead 09.11.2008 06:36 PM

Why is it the small shit that is always the last straw?
Ever notice after maintaining your composure through a series of harrowing events, you snap at something entirely small?

A relative of mine tried to kill themselves 3 times this week, and though I've been very worried and upset, I've maintained my composure and focus.

But I just opened a package that I ordered and they got the order wrong and now I feel completely overwhelmed by everything. I can't think straight. I'm angry, I'm depressed. . .

It's slightly comedic. . .
I feel like I'm having a Steve Martin or a Larry David or a Bill Murray moment or something. Except I'm not physically getting violent or verbally getting violent, the explosions in my head.

My head hurts.

Cantankerous 09.11.2008 06:37 PM

yes i have noticed. my mom was putting up with shit from my grandma for 20 years and what made her snap and alienate the entire family was my aunt calling her to tell her to call someone and say happy birthday.

EMMAh 09.11.2008 06:38 PM

Frig man, I'm sorry that really sucks :(

I'm the same way, it takes a while for me to bust, but when I do it's balls.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 09.11.2008 06:38 PM


it's wonderful how the sad moments are also some of the funniest

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 09.11.2008 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
Frig man, I'm sorry that really sucks :(

I'm the same way, it takes a while for me to bust, but when I do it's balls.

Yeah. . . he's bipolar I believe.

He's 17, and it's hard, because he's really immature and it is really easy to get angry just talking to the kid, the shit he says. He personally hates me, and I know it. He's a person that wants to be appeased and coddled, and I won't have any of that for a second.

I feel really like there is nothing I can do about it. I'm going to write him a letter though. . . I would talk to him in person, but I feel he won't listen to me and let it all go in one ear and out the other.

He's going to be transferred to a different school (he's got girl troubles and friends that are assholes, so I think a different school might help him.) The school also has therapy sessions, it's for troubled kids, so maybe that might help.

But this order that they got wrong, I've got no clue what to do over it. . .

It is crazy, I can't figure out how to relieve a mundane problem.

EMMAh 09.11.2008 06:48 PM

That's sad, he's really young.

I wouldn't really know what to say to someone in that situation. Probably something along the lines of, "Things always get better eventually, if not tomorrow then maybe the next day." but whether or not that would mean anything to him, I dunno.

Everyneurotic 09.11.2008 06:48 PM

i sometimes try to control myself over things that upset me, saying "fuck it/them" but sometimes, things blow out of proportions because of something unrelated but, in the end, it's usually the shit i try not to get to me that gets me.

the only times i ever get drunk is when i get emotionally upset.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 09.11.2008 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
That's sad, he's really young.

I wouldn't really know what to say to someone in that situation. Probably something along the lines of, "Things always get better eventually, if not tomorrow then maybe the next day." but whether or not that would mean anything to him, I dunno.

I'm going to try to suggest to him that happiness comes from the inside and that is where he should look for it.

EMMAh 09.11.2008 06:53 PM

It's true.

I think a lot of the time when people are depressed it's because of their surroundings.

I guess he's bipolar so that might not be the case (but maybe, because of what you mentioned before)

demonrail666 09.11.2008 06:55 PM

At least you didn't step on some lego in your bare feet i suppose.

Trasher02 09.11.2008 07:03 PM

Sucks to hear that man. I hope for you that it's just phase and that he'll snap out of it soon. Eitherway I feel for you.

MellySingsDoom 09.11.2008 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
Ever notice after maintaining your composure through a series of harrowing events, you snap at something entirely small?

A relative of mine tried to kill themselves 3 times this week, and though I've been very worried and upset, I've maintained my composure and focus.

I can totally relate to that, SpectralJulian, for reasons I won't go into here. Keep doing all you can for him, and you have my thoughts and wishes at this what I'm sure is an emotionally draining time for you :)

al shabbray 09.11.2008 07:08 PM

sounds really shitty, and I can definately feel that the little things gonna make you snap in such a situation. unfortunately there is never a masterplan to this. wish you the best and that good times will follow soon

!@#$%! 09.11.2008 07:24 PM

fuckit man, sorry to hear the bad news.

if you're wondering why the little things will send you over the edge, this just happened to me the other day, and while i'm not willing to talk about it on the interwebs, i'll say that the little event had echoes of bigger ones and caught me so unaware that i was suddenly in a flashback of more horrible times: basically a small kinda PTSD situation. so i snapped.

i suppose when you're dealing with big things you brace yourself for the emergency and marshall your inner forces to cope. later, when the emergency is over and your guard is finally down, the shit hits you over the head like a pile of bricks. BLAM!

Cantankerous 09.11.2008 07:32 PM

and it was also something small after an accumulative amount of bullshit that made me snap and cut a bitch up.

ps i forgot to say earlier, i am sorry to hear yr situation because i know from experience that it sucks, but what you have to do is just deal with it.

!@#$%! 09.11.2008 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
made me snap and cut a bitch up.

bitch, youre nuts, regardless!

Cantankerous 09.11.2008 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
bitch, youre nuts, regardless!

why, because i had to take care of some shit?

!@#$%! 09.11.2008 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
why, because i had to take care of some shit?

ive never had to CUT anyone in my life. just saying.

but maybe i dont know, you own in a sailor bar.

Cantankerous 09.11.2008 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ive never had to CUT anyone in my life. just saying.

but maybe i dont know, you own in a sailor bar.

i didn't have to, but it was the way i chose to go about it because if i'm going to teach someone a lesson, they're going to know that i'm not fucking around one way or another.

!@#$%! 09.11.2008 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i didn't have to, but it was the way i chose to go about it because if i'm going to teach someone a lesson, they're going to know that i'm not fucking around one way or another.

ok, ms. soprano!

EMMAh 09.11.2008 07:46 PM

I would puke if I stabbed someone. Large amount of blood is my weakness.

Cantankerous 09.11.2008 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ok, ms. soprano!

do you think the cunt is ever going to dare fuck with me again?

for the record i didn't stab ANYONE.

demonrail666 09.11.2008 07:49 PM

I had a cab driver once who took the whole journey to tell me the best way to dispose of a body. Apparently you stab them in the stomach before dumping them in a deep river, so they don't float. So now you know.

floatingslowly 09.11.2008 07:49 PM

it usually takes something VERY BIG to really make me snap, but when I do, it's never pretty.

I never sweat the small stuff.

that said, I'm bat-shit crazy.

it's zen.

!@#$%! 09.11.2008 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
do you think the cunt is ever going to dare fuck with me again?

for the record i didn't stab ANYONE.

did you leave her looking like bette davis?


EMMAh 09.11.2008 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous

for the record i didn't stab ANYONE.

I hear cut and think stab.

Cantankerous 09.11.2008 07:52 PM

you know, i have never seen that movie.
does she get cut up?

This Is Not Here 09.11.2008 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
Ever notice after maintaining your composure through a series of harrowing events, you snap at something entirely small?

A relative of mine tried to kill themselves 3 times this week, and though I've been very worried and upset, I've maintained my composure and focus.

But I just opened a package that I ordered and they got the order wrong and now I feel completely overwhelmed by everything. I can't think straight. I'm angry, I'm depressed. . .

It's slightly comedic. . .
I feel like I'm having a Steve Martin or a Larry David or a Bill Murray moment or something. Except I'm not physically getting violent or verbally getting violent, the explosions in my head.

My head hurts.

It's fucking easy to get angry or upset at the little things like this, mainly because they don't often have someone there to get upset or angry back. Don't start thinking your emotionally cold or anything, naturally we have an emotional bumper of numbness when the really heavy shit hits like it has here.

!@#$%! 09.11.2008 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
you know, i have never seen that movie.
does she get cut up?

yep, they fuck her up for speaking against the mob.

demonrail666 09.11.2008 07:54 PM

If I wanted to kill someone, I'd definitely stab them. Shooting them is too cold and impersonal. A good stabbing though, that's well intimate.

atari 2600 09.11.2008 07:55 PM

Because one gets beat down so far psychologically that one figures they might as well become who they feel they think everyone thinks they are.

I wouldn't conclude that it's "always" the last straw, although you're right, something in a cooled-off reflective moment later deemed rather inconsequential by comparison is often, if not usually, what sets one off.

EMMAh 09.11.2008 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
If I wanted to kill someone, I'd definitely stab them. Shooting them is too cold and impersonal. A good stabbing though, that's well intimate.

I would poison them.

They wouldn't see it coming and I could watch them foam at the mouth.

Cantankerous 09.11.2008 07:58 PM

i'd just shoot them. easy.

This Is Not Here 09.11.2008 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
They wouldn't see it coming and I could watch them foam at the mouth.

Like in Kill Bill!!

Cantankerous 09.11.2008 07:59 PM

actually speaking of kill bill
if i was just going to kill one person i would shoot them
but if i had to kill, say, 100 people i would chop them all up with a sword

EMMAh 09.11.2008 08:00 PM

Kinda, yeah haha. Man that scene was good.

I'd probably put it in their food though. Or somehow incorporate it into one of their daily activities.

!@#$%! 09.11.2008 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i'd just shoot them. easy.

i find that bludgeoning would be more my style.

that or a sawed-off shotgun.

then again, for certain people, hanging from a meathook = teh win

This Is Not Here 09.11.2008 08:01 PM

Face it. No matter how good your life gets people, you'll never have a god damned Lightsaber.

demonrail666 09.11.2008 08:01 PM

I get the feeling that poisoning might be a bit difficult. Don't you need a degree in chemistry to do that? Stabbing is ace because you can be as thick as shit and it doesn't matter (as the spate of mini-brained yoofs stabbing one another in the UK right now sort of proves)

EMMAh 09.11.2008 08:02 PM

Forcing someone to hang themselves would be cool too. I already know how to make a proper noose.

Actually, I made one today out of a blade of grass.

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