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atari 2600 09.28.2008 06:34 PM

So, The Simpsons season premiere is tonight. Who's watchin'?

ni'k 09.28.2008 06:42 PM

me when its on the net of course.

here's the thing - while it has obviously gone done hill the entire of season 16 was fuckin great!

hopefully we can get another one like that

deflinus 09.28.2008 06:48 PM

the show sucks now

pantophobia 09.28.2008 06:50 PM

well lst season started a little slow, and i actually stopped watching and missed a few episodes, however the second half of last season really picked up in quality, like the episode with jim jarmusch and lisa's indie film, so there is certainly high hopes for much better episodes this season

atari 2600 09.28.2008 06:52 PM

Well, I'm going to tear myself away from a little bit of the first quarter of Eagles at Bears to tune in. And yeah, I'm sure it won't provoke too many huge laughs, but hey, it's The Simpsons and it's new.

atari 2600 09.28.2008 06:59 PM

Let's all rate it afterwards. Feel like playing a little rating game?

What should we use? Scale of 1 to 100? 1 to 10? A four star system? Whatcha think?

atari 2600 09.28.2008 07:01 PM


I give the couch gag a 99/100!

atari 2600 09.28.2008 07:17 PM


kinda dumb
considering that I woould imagine that most cakes like that are made with molds.

maybe i missed something

ha, yes
Eddie Grant's Electric Avenue

ni'k 09.28.2008 07:18 PM

hey - i know that fox puts these episodes up to watch after they air but you haveto be in the US to be ableto view them. isnt there someway you can get around this using a proxy or something? could someone explain how i could do this?

atari 2600 09.28.2008 07:31 PM

Man, that was a particularly not very good episode. I can't say it was bad, but it was mostly bad.


pantophobia 09.28.2008 07:33 PM

a little too wacky yeah, don't care for when they do that stuff

gmku 09.28.2008 07:37 PM

I'm more interested in watching Mad Men.

atari 2600 09.28.2008 07:41 PM

They're trying more and more to be a little more cinematic with some the shots like the movie...when Flanders and Homer were on the girder..,i dont have specific problems with that, just the episode wasn't very good

EMMAh 09.28.2008 07:42 PM

I don't really care to watch.

I'm sure I'll see the episode at some point in time.

atari 2600 09.28.2008 07:46 PM

Kinda dark King of the HIll, but this premiere is much better than the new The Simpsons.

atsonicpark 09.28.2008 08:16 PM

the Simpsons have sucked for 10 years besides a few decent episodes here or there.

I'm saying that as a huge fan of the show....

atari 2600 09.28.2008 08:25 PM

I know, it's sad. Sometimes they (the ones from the last several years) get better when you watch them again later, but often they don't.

atsonicpark 09.28.2008 08:34 PM

There was an episode a few seasons back, the fat and the furriest or something like that.. It had a bear and a big candy ball and some other stuff. It was brilliant, I laughed so hard.

atari 2600 09.28.2008 08:49 PM

The best one from last year (se 19) was That 90s Show, and the best from the year before (18) that was 24 Minutes. 17's best is Were on A Road to D'ohwhere. There are a few good ones in season 16, and season 15 has some good ones (bad ones too).

ni'k 09.28.2008 08:54 PM

so far its one of the worst episodes ive ever seen. i dont mind anyone ripping on my country but its all so stupid and unrealistic, even for a parody.

but i feel bad sayin that, its like slagging off yr grandma whose given you the best christmas and birthday presents yr whole life and then forgets one year.

atari 2600 09.28.2008 09:00 PM

I think The Italian Bob from Season 17 might be my pick for
Worst. Episode. Ever.

atari 2600 09.28.2008 09:10 PM

Okay, Bruce Springsteen and the E. Street Band are playing the next Superbowl XLIII halftime.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 09.29.2008 09:45 AM

I was at a pizza place last night when it aired. Apparently it was playing in the bar section, but the restaurant section was a bit below it, and we were sitting right next to the drop. My 2 year old nephew climbed up and was standing on the wood shelf by the row of plants looking through the space beneath the frosted glass for some reason. When I stood up, I realized he was watching the Simpsons, because it was on in the bar.

Silent Dan Speaks 09.30.2008 01:34 PM

The beginning was pretty slow, but I ended up really liking the episode. I loved the Flanders/Homer chase scene.

atsonicpark 09.30.2008 01:44 PM

Yeah, but a slow beginning to a show that's only like 20 minutes long is pretty bad :(

viewtiful_alan 09.30.2008 09:50 PM

Man.. I keep onw anting to love this show but just cant anymore.
I enjoy watching it, but I know it isnt anywhere near its glory.

I'm kind of confused as to why the writers feel they are incapable of anything but movie sendups.
Springfield doesn't feel like an even semi-consistent setting anymore, but even more of a joke vehicile than ever a la.. dare I say it... family guy.

viewtiful_alan 09.30.2008 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
Okay, Bruce Springsteen and the E. Street Band are playing the next Superbowl XLIII halftime.


atari 2600 09.30.2008 10:08 PM

The video for The Simpsons season premiere is up at imdb video.

Just go under "New TV Episodes" and press the arrow to the right to scroll to it.

atari 2600 10.05.2008 07:35 PM

Tonight's new one, "Lost Verizon," was a good episode.

Silent Dan Speaks 10.05.2008 08:09 PM

Eh, I liked last weeks better. This one was alright though.

viewtiful_alan 10.05.2008 08:44 PM

I really liked tonight's. It was really entertaining and pretty funny, if not classically good, but I have determined that the Simpsons classic episode capability has dried up.

atari 2600 10.05.2008 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by viewtiful_alan
I really liked tonight's. It was really entertaining and pretty funny, if not classically good, but I have determined that the Simpsons classic episode capability has dried up.

Yeah, that's it. Well-expressed.

viewtiful_alan 10.05.2008 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
Yeah, that's it. Well-expressed.

Thanks. Yeah its kind of how most new simpsons are: Fun to watch, with some laughs throughout, but rarely too memorable or classic.
Unlike other shows though, the simpsons can actually be entertaining on episodes that aren't so funny, unlike say.. South Park where an unfunny episode is just hell.

EyeballGrowth 10.06.2008 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
I think The Italian Bob from Season 17 might be my pick for
Worst. Episode. Ever.

Are you crazy??

I did not like the premiere at all but this sunday's episode with Dennis Leary was great Simpsons stuff.

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