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EMMAh 10.05.2008 04:37 PM

Okay, where else do you post? Tell me...

al shabbray 10.05.2008 04:43 PM

Ive used to post on the watmm boards, but its was kinda aggressive and boring

atsonicpark 10.05.2008 04:47 PM

Electrical Audio boards are great. You can randomly start posts about Omoide Hatoba or Mong Hang and get 500 replies. Everyone there is a musical expert. On the other hand, the board doesn't seem to have a lot of the playfulness of this board and it seems like some of the things we talk about (movies and shit) aren't discussed... also, most of the people posting seem to mainly be interested in talking about their bands or recording equipment. So, I don't post there very often, but I do lurk a lot and it's usually great! Better than this place from what I can tell though mainly if you're a Steve Albini fan.

I post to the noisefanatics boards. I don't even post to the main NOISE section because it's just people advertising their tapes or their record label's tapes, though I do lurk that section. The MOVIES/MISC/MISC MUSIC sections are golden, though. Lots of knowledgable, great people. Everyone there is really nice and really intelligent and really FUNNY. But, again, I don't post to the NOISE section because it's mainly people jerking each other off. "OHH NICE TAPES MAN!"

My favorite message board as of late has just been different boards.

acousticrock87 10.05.2008 04:56 PM

Now? I hardly have time to check my e-mail. So, nowhere. Not even here.

StevOK 10.05.2008 05:14 PM

The other forums I post on:

cryptowonderdruginvogue 10.05.2008 05:19 PM

SuperCreep 10.05.2008 05:24 PM

AtEase (only in the Music section, though) and another forum called Subterraneans with a few friends of mine. I used to have my own board called Applesauce Records, but it was hacked. :7(

Dead-Air 10.05.2008 05:41 PM

My answers are for the most part in my signature (not necessarily in order, since Flickr would be #1 then). That and the Michael Moorcock board which is really cool since one of my favorite authors actually actively interacts with his readers there.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.05.2008 05:48 PM


atari 2600 10.05.2008 06:04 PM

al shabbray 10.05.2008 06:20 PM

you wanna leave? or just one extra?

samuel 10.05.2008 06:22 PM

I've gone to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs forum once before only because you can use your old log in name from our old board. I've posted once or twice.

SynthethicalY 10.05.2008 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
That's right.


Dead-Air 10.05.2008 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
Ehhhh, I'm tyring to find a new forum and you guys aren't helping.

Well, the forums one goes to are usually based on one's interests. So seeking that from somebody else is not likely to work.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 10.05.2008 07:03 PM

I used to post on the nirvana forum that got pulled a while ago.
I've got a few posts on
And I post sometimes on and it's various pages.

davenotdead 10.05.2008 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue

yep... and sometimes atease... and i used to post on the interpol board, but i had less than 100 posts there... those guys are hilarious tho. i mean, all they do is post on the picture thread and wank on each other. and then a fashion board... and some sports ones

StevOK 10.05.2008 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
Ehhhh, I'm tyring to find a new forum and you guys aren't helping.

Give nirvana2 a try. Nobody there likes Nirvana anymore, except for new users.

terriblecanyons 10.05.2008 08:04 PM

This is the only place I post.
I used to post at queenzone, but it's full of 13 year old girls now. Ugh.

This place is like an oasis in the middle of an ocean of shit.

atsonicpark 10.05.2008 08:05 PM

This board is... alright. It seems like everyone's leaving or looking for alternatives at least.

I'm going to randomly leave and not say goodbye someday. I'm not going to make it a dramatic thing.


terriblecanyons 10.05.2008 08:06 PM

Don't leave. :(
You're awesome.

atsonicpark 10.05.2008 08:09 PM

Hee. Thanks. I just.... well...

I dunno, there's some shit going on in my life, a lot of shit I'd rather not talk about, and my posts have been more dickish than usual lately. Which I don't like. I don't want to be an asshole. Even when I know I'm being an asshole, I reeeeeaaaaaally try to make it clear I'm not trying to be. I just feel like maybe I should take a break. It's just a message board, you know? but it still eats up part of my time every day, so it must mean something in the overall scheme of things in my life. Who knows.


akprodr 10.05.2008 08:37 PM

At the moment, I only read and post here and At other times, I have fora for my Chalet trailer, Toyota Tacoma and video production.

Now, this place has the traffic of most of those combined and most of it is on topic. RRforums is nice because it has a no politics/religion/swearing policy. I enjoy this place because it is open to all discussions. Variety is good.

viewtiful_alan 10.05.2008 08:45 PM

I used to post on a pretty awful, and drama filled Ramones message board..

And I used to troll Gaia online.
Check it out if you are ever bored out of your ass, the people on that website are in serious need of an asskicking.

Sonic Youth 37 10.05.2008 08:47 PM

I only post here. It's the only place i've ever had more than 20 posts.

schizophrenicroom 10.05.2008 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by samuel
I've gone to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs forum once before only because you can use your old log in name from our old board. I've posted once or twice.

yeah, i've gone on a few times.

and this is a super old probably-not-that-funny-anymore joke with everyneurotic, but i used to post a ton at THE GAME's message board.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 10.05.2008 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
yeah, i've gone on a few times.

and this is a super old probably-not-that-funny-anymore joke with everyneurotic, but i used to post a ton at THE GAME's message board.

Haha, I remember going on there a few times, or was that Eminem?

schizophrenicroom 10.05.2008 09:07 PM

haha, it was both! i remember on the eminem board there was this thread about guns or something that i posted on, talking like random homie.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 10.05.2008 09:09 PM

Oh man. Those were great internet times.

schizophrenicroom 10.05.2008 09:16 PM

the internet's changed too much for me. i miss the old internet. where the rapper the game had an active forum.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 10.05.2008 09:17 PM

It's not messy enough any more.

Dead-Air 10.05.2008 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Sheriff Rhys Chatham
I've got a few posts on

Oh yeah, that's another one I go to in the current incarnation. But I almost entirely stay in the Pacific NW forum, as that's full of people I really know in real life (even Crank Sturgeon comes over there to post fairly frequently despite being in Maine.)

terriblecanyons 10.05.2008 09:50 PM

I've lost the game thanks to this thread.

deflinus 10.05.2008 10:12 PM

this board is just like every other board out there on the internet. just different names

pbradley 10.05.2008 10:42 PM

Different boards, different identities.

I can not reveal my shadowy internet secrets.

Dead-Air 10.05.2008 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by deflinus
this board is just like every other board out there on the internet. just different names

I don't know that that's true.

I post on a friend's board, mostly because of him, where most of the people are older than me and really into classic rock and general aging hippie concerns. I get kind of a kick out of challenging them with the sort of stuff I'm into, and actually many of them are nice folks. It is nothing like this board whatsoever, though. The politics had to be removed to a separate forum from the main board there too, because there are just as many right wing extremists as leftist and their arguments get really nasty (though they still go see Neil Young together and have barbeques, it's mostly a Seattle crowd).

My wife posted for quite a while on a "March Expecting" board when she was pregnant and some time after. Not a lot like this one from what I heard her talking about.

The Science Fiction board I admin at has 3-5 regulars who have gotten to know each other really well, and then a steady influx of people who don't really stick around. Unlike this board, there isn't much off topic conversation, though there are quite a few sub-forums for specific areas of SF. Virtually no trolling, even when we have been written about in Boing Boing.

uhler 10.06.2008 12:46 AM

i used to post on florida hardcore board, but it pretty much sucked as you would expect.

Death & the Maiden 10.06.2008 01:00 AM

This is the only place I post. I was going to join The Verlaines' forum, but they get less than one post per month now, so I decided to join here.

Pookie 10.06.2008 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I'm going to randomly leave and not say goodbye someday. I'm not going to make it a dramatic thing.

You just did, nitwit.

Toilet & Bowels 10.06.2008 04:33 AM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
Hahaha, I realize that. I was just hoping someone would come up with something interesting.

I looked through all that were listed here:

terminal boredom is good if you like punk music

SYRFox 10.06.2008 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue


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