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king_buzzo 06.13.2006 11:50 AM

woman found dead after 3 years of watchin tv
Corpse lay next to TV for 3 years
Heating was still on in apartment where woman was found dead
Friday, April 14, 2006; Posted: 7:04 a.m. EDT (11:04 GMT)

LONDON, England -- The skeleton of a British woman has been discovered in her apartment nearly three years after she is believed to have died.

The woman, named as Joyce Vincent, was found lying on her back surrounded by unopened Christmas presents and the television and heating were still on, the UK's Press Association reported Thursday.

Her body was so decomposed that the only way to identify her was using dental records, a coroner's court was told.

Police believe the 40-year-old probably died of natural causes in early 2003 and was only found in January this year when local government housing officials visited the apartment in north-east London to collect thousands of pounds of rent arrears.

A spokesman for the coroner -- who recorded an open verdict -- said on Thursday that Vincent had apparently been placed in the women's refuge accommodation as a victim of domestic violence, PA reported.

When representatives from London's Metropolitan Housing Trust arrived at the property In January, they drilled the door open and discovered stacks of unopened post.

Some mail was marked February 2003. Medication and food had February 2003 expiry dates, a Trust spokesman said.

Pathologist Dr Simon Poole told the inquest -- attended by Vincent's relatives -- he had been unable to establish cause of death because the remains were "largely skeletal," but police do not regard the circumstances as suspicious, PA said

screamingskull 06.13.2006 11:52 AM

thats not true, the tv couldent have been still on, you haveto pay yr tv lisence every year and you heating every month, and theres no way she could have done that if she was dead.

Trasher02 06.13.2006 11:53 AM

I already knew this one.
Funny though

Trasher02 06.13.2006 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by screamingskull
thats not true, the tv couldent have been still on, you haveto pay yr tv lisence every year and you heating every month, and theres no way she could have done that if she was dead.

Good point...

king_buzzo 06.13.2006 11:54 AM

maybe the tv wasnt on, it was on when she died but then it turned off maybe???

fishmonkey 06.13.2006 01:37 PM

maybe she died outa bordem from watchin the thing.
death by Desperate Housewives

PAULYBEE2656 06.13.2006 01:47 PM

maybe she started watchin 24 and took it too seriously

jon boy 06.13.2006 01:50 PM

there was a guy in birmingham undiscovered for six years. imagine that. it was a council flat as well.

Danny Himself 06.13.2006 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy
there was a guy in birmingham undiscovered for six years. imagine that. it was a council flat as well.

Many horrors lie in council flats that are worse than that.

schizophrenicroom 06.13.2006 02:15 PM

that's sad.

Inhuman 06.13.2006 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by screamingskull
thats not true, the tv couldent have been still on, you haveto pay yr tv lisence every year and you heating every month, and theres no way she could have done that if she was dead.

A lot of people pay bills online and it's possible to set it up so it takes the money directly from your account. There was a story about a man who died and had this, and it drained his whole retirement savings since nobody did anything about his money :(

DemonBox 06.13.2006 02:27 PM

Ouch, that's not good

jon boy 06.13.2006 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
Many horrors lie in council flats that are worse than that.

i know. i had to clean some flats in leeds. not agood start to the day when you have to scrub some junkies blood of the wall and then get threatened by a needle waving scum bag only to get rocks thrown at me on the way home by a bunch of crack dealers. all true i am afraid.

king_buzzo 06.13.2006 02:47 PM

tv is stupid

king_buzzo 06.13.2006 02:48 PM

oh yeah!!!!!! 8 rep things !!! thanks to everyone who gave them to me!!

atari 2600 06.14.2006 12:46 AM

One lesson is clear:

Don't bother making rent any kind of priority if you live in a housing project in London...good grief.

porkmarras 06.14.2006 04:08 AM

This thread reminded me of an ex's friend who has this habit of buying a tv and leaving it switched on for years.He asks all the people who go round to his house to never switch it off.The odd thing is that the he also refuses to explain why he doesn't turn it off.

jon boy 06.14.2006 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
This thread reminded me of an ex's friend who has this habit of buying a tv and leaving it switched on for years.He asks all the people who go round to his house to never switch it off.The odd thing is that the he also refuses to explain why he doesn't turn it off.

that reminds me of slackers. there is that guy with a tv strapped to his back and about 10 of them in the room all showing the shuttle disaster. one of them he claims has been on non stop for 8 years three months or something like that.

porkmarras 06.14.2006 05:14 AM

Apparently the last tv that he had died during a party.He was so pissed off that he chucked everyone out.

Phlegmscope 06.14.2006 05:19 AM

God, do you live in the twilight zone or something?

Tokolosh 06.14.2006 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
This thread reminded me of an ex's friend who has this habit of buying a tv and leaving it switched on for years.He asks all the people who go round to his house to never switch it off.The odd thing is that the he also refuses to explain why he doesn't turn it off.

It sounds like this guy's lonely and the tv gives him company. He might have a problem with silence which has become a compulsion. Wierd?!?

porkmarras 06.14.2006 05:29 AM

No he isn't lonely.He has a patner,friends and all that.He's just a tad eccentric.Another one of his habits is to make wonderful clocks out of bread.

whorefrost 06.14.2006 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Apparently the last tv that he had died during a party.He was so pissed off that he chucked everyone out.

that's aweseome!

Tokolosh 06.14.2006 05:44 AM

Carving clock's out of bread or using mold as a reference to time?

porkmarras 06.14.2006 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
Carving clock's out of bread or using mold as a reference to time?

Who knows?

porkmarras 06.14.2006 05:52 AM

He made a gorgeous one shaped like a cross and gave it to my ex as a present.They fell out big time,though so i don't know if he still has it or he chucked it into the bin.

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