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vulva 02.10.2009 01:43 AM

So Street Fighter 4 comes to consoles next week
Anyone else excited? I've played it a couple of times in an arcade near here but I can't fucking wait to get my greasy paws all over it.

Semi-related awesomeness. The most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in Street Fighter 3

atsonicpark 02.10.2009 01:48 AM

Don't have a 360 (too many red rings of death, don't want to waste my time) or a PS3 (too expensive, no good games on it aside from Disgaea 3 and that strategy game by the people who made Skies of Arcadia and Littlebigplanet), but this would be reason # 33 to consider getting .. uh .. a 360, if I had to choose. I'm a great Street Fighter 2 player with M. Bison, I actually got to the semi-finals in a huge tournament in Florida. Though I really prefer puzzle games (I won a Puzzle Fighter championship at the same convention), Street Fighter 2 is amazing and I've been playing it for a good 15 years now, at least. I've very excited for this, and all my friends will buy it so I'll be playing it with them at least.

atsonicpark 02.10.2009 01:49 AM

Oh, thanks for that video. Super block and then a super!!

deflinus 02.10.2009 01:53 AM

one of the reasons why i bought an xbox 360. im pretty excited for it.

vulva 02.10.2009 01:55 AM

I hope we have some PS3 owners here getting it as well. I'm buying the collector's edition for SF4 on the PS3 and then if I can find a used copy for the 360 later I'll get it.

Toilet & Bowels 02.10.2009 08:39 AM

i've never met anyone who can beat me on street fighter 2

noisereductions 02.10.2009 09:16 AM

I wish this was on PS2.
I want a PS3.
But again I'm waiting for 2 things:
better backwards compatability
and pricedrop.

vulva 02.10.2009 11:30 AM

better BC won't happen with the PS3. If you can hunt down a launch model, then you'll get 100% BC but otherwise they phased that out. As for a price drop, I believe May is the anticipated price drop time for the PS3.

Better_Than_You 02.10.2009 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
i've never met anyone who can beat me on street fighter 2

same. on snes.
and only when i'm the girl.

vulva 02.10.2009 11:47 AM

I've been playing ridiculous amounts of Street Fighter 2 as Chun Li lately. Bitches don't know 'bout my spinning bird kick

Better_Than_You 02.10.2009 11:51 AM

did you know she can do hadouken??? i've only seen her do it like twice.
but she can.
how crazy is that shit.

doesnt she know thats a mans power?

noisereductions 02.10.2009 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by vulva
better BC won't happen with the PS3. If you can hunt down a launch model, then you'll get 100% BC but otherwise they phased that out. As for a price drop, I believe May is the anticipated price drop time for the PS3.

I find it hard to believe they can't perfect this. Launch models weren't 100% but they were close. This is because of Hardware emulators. Newer models use software emulators, which are less reliable.

pbradley 02.10.2009 11:56 AM

I just like that one Street Fighter that had the E. Honda glitch that would inch him forward during his hundred hands slap.


vulva 02.10.2009 12:05 PM

Better Than You -- She sorta has a Hadouken, it's a bit slower though. It's usually charge back, then forward +punch

noisereductions -- They've stopped going for BC. The BC with the launch models was 100% perfect because they built a PS2 in the PS3. They stopped with any BC now because it's too much of a hardware loss for them to justify.

pbradley -- Honda was such a broken character back then haha. I always loved playing as him against my buddies who were much better and just abusing that move to piss them off.

Toilet & Bowels 02.10.2009 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
I just like that one Street Fighter that had the E. Honda glitch that would inch him forward during his hundred hands slap.


That was SFII Turbo, but it wasn't a glitch

noisereductions 02.10.2009 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by vulva

noisereductions -- They've stopped going for BC. The BC with the launch models was 100% perfect because they built a PS2 in the PS3. They stopped with any BC now because it's too much of a hardware loss for them to justify.

I understand that. I'm saying if they spent some time, they could get the software emulation working way better. Or more than likely, some homebrew coders will accomplish this.

vulva 02.10.2009 12:17 PM

Possibly, but as it sits they aren't even bothering with emulation soft apps for the PS3 from an official standpoint. Which pisses me off since there are quite a bit PS2 games I really want to play right now =\

noisereductions 02.10.2009 12:20 PM

PS2 is one of the greatest consoles ever. So I'm not looking to replace it, only to upgrade it.

vulva 02.10.2009 12:23 PM

During the previous gen I was only a Gamecube owner. I've seen acquired an XBox and PS2 but neither of which are at my current place. At my current house I only have the current gen consoles (PSWii60) and my Dreamcast. I really want to play some Metal Gear Solid 2 though =\

Glice 02.10.2009 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
i've never met anyone who can beat me on street fighter 2

Isn't that a bit like saying you don't like blowjobs? I mean, even if it's true, you really shouldn't say it in public.

pbradley 02.10.2009 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
That was SFII Turbo, but it wasn't a glitch

Glitch, not glitch, still unfairly awesome.

vulva 02.10.2009 12:45 PM

also, I wish I could challenge some of you to SF2 now.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.10.2009 12:48 PM


street fighter makes me want to go to the liquor store for a pocket full of jolly ranchers and bubble yum...


chairman of the bored 02.10.2009 02:41 PM

ill be copping it for ps3...and now a token ps3 defense: its cheaper than xbox360...the base model of 360 (with a miniscule hard drive) at $200 + wifi for $100+ batteries or charger for controllers $?, plus 50 a year for online...equals the ps3 paying for itself in under a year...anyways...of course to each his own and the game is gonna be cool no matter what system you get it on

Toilet & Bowels 02.10.2009 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
Glitch, not glitch, still unfairly awesome.

yeah, but from what i can remember i think balrog is the only character who is totally defenseless against it, and who ever uses him?

Toilet & Bowels 02.10.2009 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
Isn't that a bit like saying you don't like blowjobs? I mean, even if it's true, you really shouldn't say it in public.

blowjobs are alright, but over rated in my opinion.

EVOLghost 02.10.2009 09:08 PM


EVOLghost 02.10.2009 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by vulva
also, I wish I could challenge some of you to SF2 now.

on PS3? I"m thinkni' of bying it.

EVOLghost 02.10.2009 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by vulva

Semi-related awesomeness. The most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in Street Fighter 3

That right there is fucking ridiculous!

vulva 02.10.2009 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by chairman of the bored
ill be copping it for ps3...and now a token ps3 defense: its cheaper than xbox360...the base model of 360 (with a miniscule hard drive) at $200 + wifi for $100+ batteries or charger for controllers $?, plus 50 a year for online...equals the ps3 paying for itself in under a year...anyways...of course to each his own and the game is gonna be cool no matter what system you get it on

When you get it on PS3 send me a message if you want a new challenger to approach : o

EVOLghost 02.12.2009 12:04 PM

Can I join in on some SF4 fights! I gots me a PS3

vulva 02.13.2009 04:31 AM

yeah man, I can't wait! add me to your psn: tiimmay

On a side note. I was having a pretty rough day today, so my friend rachel drew this for me to cheer me up. It's far too sweet of her to do for me, but it did put a massive smile on my face. To avoid confusion, my first name is Chris.

phoenix 02.13.2009 07:28 AM

my friend is probably peeing his pants right now in anticipation of this moment.

chairman of the bored 02.13.2009 09:42 PM

my psn is: MikeWatt
ill try and add you guys later but im drinking so i apologize in advance

SonikJesus 02.14.2009 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by chairman of the bored
ill be copping it for ps3...and now a token ps3 defense: its cheaper than xbox360...the base model of 360 (with a miniscule hard drive) at $200 + wifi for $100+ batteries or charger for controllers $?, plus 50 a year for online...equals the ps3 paying for itself in under a year...anyways...of course to each his own and the game is gonna be cool no matter what system you get it on

PS3 is still $500. You know why xboxlive is so great? Because people pay for it. PSN is shitty because it's free. There's no reason for SONY to provides updates. Besides, you don't have to pay for it if you don't want to. Wifi and wireless controllers are also not essential. 360 also has way more exclusives and multi-platform games are generally almost always better on 360 due to them being developed on 360 first then ported to ps3.

But on topic, I'm not really looking forward to SF4. I don't know why. I guess the 3d graphics turn me off a bit. I'm not against 3d graphics or anything but something about them is weird for this game. I think it should have stayed with 2d graphics. The new King of Fighters and BlazBlue (they have either just come out or are coming out soon) have 2d graphics and look amazing. 2d graphics have the potential to look amazing with today's consoles. Besides, I'm really enjoying HD Remix. I was more pumped for that game than SF4. SSFT turbo is still awesome.

chairman of the bored 02.14.2009 10:39 AM

$400 for an 80 gig...psn works fine for me, never had a single problem, though i dont spend much time sitting around playing online live offers nothing that i see worth paying for...more exclusives doesnt mean better exclusives...that multi-platform port business is no longer true...there were some shitty ports in the beginning, but the quality gap has pretty much been equalled. i was just clearing up a common misconception, not trying to start some tit for tat. the initial cost of a ps3 is less than the cost of a 360 in under a year, a little research proves this. unless you want a miniscule hard drive/no internet or wireless controls to play kung-fu panda on. with that broke ass d pad.

vulva 02.14.2009 03:37 PM

SonikJesus -- PSN is a fine service in itself, the problem isn't with it but rather the demand from XBL. Developers are pushed to develop with the netcoding for XBL as a top priority from the studios due to the need for payment. If XBL didn't cost money, they'd put equal effort in to the netcoding for both of them. Fact is that publishers are more concerned about getting the product out fast, and not wanting to alienate the customers who payed extra for their online service. Don't blame the PSN, it's the publishers who are demanding less in regards to netcoding quality for the PSN.

Also, you mentioned BlazBlue. That's probably my favourite new fighter I've played in recent times. I regularily go to an arcade that's about 40 minutes from my house just to play it. I much prefer it to the new SF.

All of that aside, I spent 5 hours a friend's house playing SF4 on his modded 360 (game leaked, if any of you have a modded console) and the default control scheme fucking sucks. Right bumper for fierce punch and right trigger for fierce kick? You can adjust it... but it sucked when we took turns playing through arcade mode fights to unlock more characters. I couldn't get used to it at all.

chairman of the bored, you forgot to mention the best feature of the PS3. Full USB gamepad support. I'm probably going to mostly playing SF4 on a USB Sega Saturn controller, with the DPAD OF THE GODS.

vulva 02.15.2009 11:39 AM

Tournament starts in two hours, wish me luck!

chairman of the bored 02.15.2009 01:14 PM

throw a fireball for shelley

EVOLghost 02.15.2009 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by vulva

All of that aside, I spent 5 hours a friend's house playing SF4 on his modded 360 (game leaked, if any of you have a modded console) and the default control scheme fucking sucks. Right bumper for fierce punch and right trigger for fierce kick? You can adjust it... but it sucked when we took turns playing through arcade mode fights to unlock more characters. I couldn't get used to it at all.

My cousin got the leaked version. I haven't played it but, he was tellin' me that the arcade mode was a bit underdeveloped. The dialogue got weird at times.

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