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jon boy 02.10.2009 09:30 PM

can you send an anonamous email?
or can that email be traced back to the source and the person who sent it?

Better_Than_You 02.10.2009 09:51 PM


pbradley 02.10.2009 09:53 PM


!@#$%! 02.10.2009 09:53 PM

Alex's Trip 02.10.2009 09:55 PM

If you must, you could try to make an email account at a library computer and send it from there.

Better_Than_You 02.10.2009 09:55 PM

but i juzt want to get muh post cunt up asldkfjalsjkd!! i need to be at ze neztt levelll on da sonicyout h berdz so i cna ahve infnite IN-D PUNTS.

!@#$%! 02.10.2009 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
If you must, you could try to make an email account at a library computer and send it from there.


Alex's Trip 02.10.2009 10:02 PM


!@#$%! 02.10.2009 10:03 PM

ha ha never mind-- i was just looking for an excuse to post that in this thread.

vulva 02.10.2009 10:17 PM


blunderbuss 02.11.2009 01:21 AM

Just send a card and a bunch of roses like everyone else!

pbradley 02.11.2009 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ha ha never mind-- i was just looking for an excuse to post that in this thread.


ZEROpumpkins 02.11.2009 02:07 AM

Use one of those temporary email addresses.

Sonic Youth 37 02.11.2009 02:20 AM


whorefrost 02.11.2009 05:39 AM

really depraved pornography, more than likely

demonrail666 02.11.2009 06:44 AM

send a letter

pokkeherrie 02.11.2009 08:24 PM
will hide your email and IP address... but it's not unlikely that your message ends up in the receiver's spam folder.

floatingslowly 02.12.2009 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Sonic Youth 37

proxies don't help when it's all in the footer. just sayin'.

floatingslowly 02.12.2009 09:54 AM

^^^ hello lil' girl, would you like a ride in my van? I know yr mother. she said it's ok.


MellySingsDoom 02.12.2009 10:31 AM



Dear robotperson

I am a representative from the International Bank of Sumatra (IBS), and am pleased to inform you that you have been chosen to receive the proceeds of one of our most dedicated Surharto Bonds, the being of which has matured in recently years.

The totals values of this Surharto Bond has been estimated to the value of 1,190,476,190 Indonesian Rupiah (Rp). We would willing be advising to you that this bond is ready to mature, and the proceeds are avaiable to your disposal.

In order to effectuate such transfers, we would be requiring the details of your bank account, health insurance policies, notices of any allergies (cheese, rabies, life expetancies), so that we then have the authorisations to transfer the funds within the bonds to you.

With most urgent expectations.


floatingslowly 02.12.2009 11:33 AM

in the last mail you were ethiopian, and a prince. :(

MellySingsDoom 02.12.2009 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
in the last mail you were ethiopian, and a prince. :(

Tis true, but I've changed my tack, as I realise that SuchFriendsAreDangerous has the Hailie Selassie market covered from all angles. I'm all about diversifying my interests.

█████████ 02.12.2009 03:52 PM

right now, i'm connected to a public wi-fi hotspot, if i was a cowardspamcocksucker, i could have turned on a mac adress spoofing tool and got connected to something like tor in order to encrypt and prevent my traffic from being monitored locally.
that would've made my machine relativly anonymous.
then all i would need to do is to determine the mx records of the receiver's email adress and use telnet to connect to the servers and send the mail (preferably using an address known by the receiver)
and that would be it.
would i be untraceable? obviously not, though probably by the time (if) i got tracked down it would be useless.

!@#$%! 02.12.2009 05:03 PM

what about a mamonimous email?

that'd be a nameless email sent by a mamón.

(that urbandictionary link is not really good but nothing else works for eeengleeesh speakers)

jon boy 04.01.2009 03:55 PM

sending this week. you will find out the outcome no doubt.

terminal pharmacy 04.01.2009 04:03 PM

yes you can if you can find a school or university with a backdoor into their mail server, you can make it appear it came from there. you need to do it via telnet though. just search the web and you will find some instructions.

Toilet & Bowels 04.01.2009 07:03 PM

and if you went to an internet cafe, opened a new yahoo account under a false name and sent an email, how would they ever trace it back to anything more than an ip address? the possibility of cctv cameras not withstanding

floatingslowly 04.01.2009 07:12 PM

^^^ fuck the technicalities of doing it at home; go with advice from someone with obvious experience in the manner.

ps: a fake moustache might help.

pbradley 04.01.2009 07:15 PM

Type "noclip" into the console.

afterthefact 04.02.2009 11:56 AM

Yes, all you have to do is put "hide origin" in the subject line of your email, and nobody can trace it.

Just do what I say.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.02.2009 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
in the last mail you were ethiopian, and a prince. :(


His Imperial Highness Prince Ermias Sahle Selassie

coincidently I already sent money through an email to an Ethiopian prince, but it is totally legit, we are fundraising to take care of some medical costs for HIH mother (not Ermias, a secret prince who shall remain nameless)

The Imperial House of David in Ethiopia today

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