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drrrtyboots 06.15.2006 07:57 AM

Philly Show Setlist + Pictures + mini overview
Although I wish they played more older songs, they still fucking killed. Considering it was only the second night of the tour, they're still learning to play most of the new stuff live and want to get it down first before they go back into the old catalogue more. But I was a little bummed about the Expressway thing too, yet Lee's guitar skills on Or were quite a sight (check the pics!!). For me though, it was such a great night. Drove 2 hours to philly, waited for 2 hours and saw Coco and a bunch of her friends hanging out! She looks like Thurston so much it's ridiculous. And Be Your Own Pet was a lot of fucking fun (pics) and just like blasted through their set. The girl was real cute too. And just hearing Kim wittingly say, since some people were asking for some really old songs they obviously wouldn't be played, that "this song is so fucking old it's older than all of you" made the night. And PCH, holy shit amazing. As far as my first sonic experience goes, quite a good night.

Here we go evry'body:

What A Waste
Pattern Recognition
Do You Believe In Rapture
Sleepin' Around
Turquoise Boy
Jams Run Free
Lights Out
Pink Steam

The Neutral
Shaking Hell


And some wonderful pics:





uploading about like 100 more pics as we speak, here's my photobucket link . Sorry about the size on the kim one, it's the only size that does the pick justice! __________________

sonicl 06.15.2006 07:58 AM

Thanks drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrty

soniknirve 06.15.2006 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by drrrtyboots
hearing Kim wittingly say, since some people were asking for some really old songs they obviously wouldn't be played, that "this song is so fucking old it's older than all of you" made the night.

she said something like that before they played the old stuff @ CB's too. she often repeats herself. guess she figures it's a different audience...

drrrtyboots 06.15.2006 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by soniknirve
she said something like that before they played the old stuff @ CB's too. she often repeats herself. guess she figures it's a different audience...

I remember her saying "this song so old, it's new" at the paris radio show but the context she used it in, just to make fun of the fans, was hilarious.

mineral 06.15.2006 08:32 AM

I clearly remember her saying "This song's so fucking old, it was made before you were born".

drrrtyboots 06.15.2006 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by mineral
I clearly remember her saying "This song's so fucking old, it was made before you were born".

Thanks, I couldn't remember exactly.

marleypumpkin 06.15.2006 08:55 AM

Thanks for the review. Yr first SY concert experience is similar to mine.
When they played "PCH" I couldn't tell what song it was, then when I realised what song it was, I went nuts.
Can't wait to see them again this Saturday.

drrrtyboots 06.15.2006 08:59 AM

I've got almost all the pictures up now, the view of everyone (except thurston, he was a little far) was so awesome, even with my 15-55mm lens.

baltimorestreets 06.15.2006 09:08 AM

So the official word is lots of noise and feedback, everyone? I just want to check before I take my friend who doesn't like the new album, but is crazy about extended noise jams.

logcabinrecluse 06.15.2006 09:22 AM

not really a lot of noise and feedback. some, yes. pattern recognition, yes. nowhere near the crazy shit on the shows i saw last year. thurston did almost stick his guitar in the ceiling fan though.

mineral 06.15.2006 09:29 AM

I was right next to Thurston, I will be posting these pics soon.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 06.15.2006 09:44 AM

Did you get a good glimpse at their pedal boards? Lee's board looks like it has a frequency analyzer on it, but I couldn't tell because it was a rather artistic shot.

You did take pics!


I see a moog (he got a better expression pedal too), a microsynth (which must have been Kim's), a blue box, a tube factor, an ibanez delay, and a digitech delay. the Line 6 is gone. What is that silver box with gray knobs?

Nope, no frequency analyzer on Lee's board, maybe Kim's or Thurstons?


Kims board- Oh wait, that is a Hot Tubes. So tuner, vol, hot tubes, octave fuzz, TS-9, turbo rat?, some wierd silver pedal, and a mutron wah/vol that she must have stolen from thurston. I don't see her moog delay, maybe it was Jim's?

I see thurston's board- blue box, phase 90, octave fuzz, turbo rat or black muff?, wierd silver thing, and a volume pedal.

What is it with SY and wierd silver boxes?

drrrtyboots 06.15.2006 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
Did you get a good glimpse at their pedal boards? Lee's board looks like it has a frequency analyzer on it, but I couldn't tell because it was a rather artistic shot.

You did take pics!

I see a moog (he got a better expression pedal too), a microsynth (which must have been Kim's), a blue box, a tube factor, an ibanez delay, and a digitech delay. the Line 6 is gone. What is that silver box with gray knobs?

Nope, no frequency analyzer on Lee's board, maybe Kim's or Thurstons?

Someone else who was closer to Kim and Thurston probably got a better shot of their pedal boards, I was a little too far away to get a good one. But I had a perfect angle for Lee's.

Bal 06.15.2006 10:16 AM

always happy to read these rewievs mate! keep em coming!
as we here in europe wont have much chance to see sy this year...

tscaw 06.15.2006 10:20 AM

thanks for the philly reportage and the pics. i didn't see any BYOP pics in your photobucket, but i got a kick out of the implication that yo la tengo and dinosaur jr were on the bill last night by their inclusion.

drrrtyboots 06.15.2006 10:27 AM

Haha, yeah surprise guests!! No, those were from last year. But I just put the BYOP pics up.

tscaw 06.15.2006 10:37 AM

nice. nice Germs reference on the t-shirt, too. seeing/hearing BYOP live is like mainlining pixie stix.

mineral 06.15.2006 10:40 AM

Here is pics of Thurston going nuts and leaning on top of me:





mineral 06.15.2006 10:41 AM

Hitting the fan:


drrrtyboots 06.15.2006 10:45 AM

Those are awesome mineral. Oh Thurston, that madman.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 06.15.2006 10:55 AM

Is it ok if I post those pics on an effects board forum to try and figure out what all the effects on their boards are? I'm a nerd like that.

drrrtyboots 06.15.2006 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
Is it ok if I post those pics on an effects board forum to try and figure out what all the effects on their boards are? I'm a nerd like that.

Cool with me man.

pantophobia 06.15.2006 10:57 AM

excellent pics, you must have been to my left a few people over

i took about 200 pics of both bands, but i don't have time til saturday at the earliest to upload them, and jennthebenn will have an extensive classic review up at some point for all the shows

mineral 06.15.2006 10:59 AM

Heres the best pedal pic frm the other side that I have (sorry its probably not much of a help):


nomadicfollower 06.15.2006 11:30 AM

Wow, really great pics.
That was a really good setlist as well.

drrrtyboots 06.15.2006 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by nomadicfollower
Wow, really great pics.
That was a really good setlist as well.

Thanks, and it was pretty good. I just hope by the time I see them again in august, they play few more older songs. But for this leg of the tour, they're still learning them anyway so it's fine with me.

FruitLoop 06.15.2006 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by mineral
Here is pics of Thurston going nuts and leaning on top of me:


Cool!! you've got a pic of Thurston's sweaty armpits :D Must have been a pretty intense show!!!

cloudermilk 06.15.2006 12:02 PM

Nice CBGB strap.

noisemachine 06.15.2006 12:45 PM

Yeah, Im kinda surprised they only played 2 older songs. I was hoping they would do a few from the EP since they just rereleased it. I would love to see the Burning Spear or I Dreamed I Dream live! But Shaking Hell would be cool and PCH always rocks.

mineral 06.15.2006 03:22 PM


drrrtyboots 06.15.2006 03:27 PM

Damn, I wish they played expressway.

greenlight 06.15.2006 05:59 PM

thank you all for awesome pics and nice reviews!
keep em coming!

LittlePuppetBoy 06.15.2006 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by mineral
Heres the best pedal pic frm the other side that I have (sorry its probably not much of a help):


that guy in the that Mark Ibold, I was wondering where he was.

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