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Brunetti 04.27.2009 03:44 PM

Top 5 Albums Of Sonic Youth

Jeremy 04.27.2009 03:46 PM

We're already doing that in the Rather Ripped thread though....


summer 04.28.2009 01:11 AM

Well this guy gets straight to the point doesn't he

Neongod 04.28.2009 01:56 AM

Daydream Nation
Washing Machine
A Thousand Leaves

That's just today...I'm not feeling very new-SY at the moment. Bad timing with the new album coming out and all. Oh well

repeater 04.28.2009 02:19 AM

Top five, in no particular order;
Confusion is sex
Bad Moon Rising
Daydream Nation


pbradley 04.28.2009 02:26 AM

Daydream Nation
Bad Moon Rising
NYC Ghosts & Flowers
Confusion Is Sex

in no particular order

summer 04.28.2009 02:30 AM

Already posted this obviously but..

1. A Thousand Leaves
2. Sonic Nurse
3. Goo
4. Rather Ripped
5. Daydream Nation

atsonicpark 04.28.2009 02:36 AM

confusion is sex
a thousand leaves
silver sessions
nyc ghosts and flowers

Schizophrenia 04.28.2009 03:45 AM

For today, I guess it's something like:

Daydream Nation
Murray Street
Washing Machine
A Thousand Leaves/NYC Ghosts and Flowers - I can't choose

_slavo_ 04.28.2009 03:48 AM

1. Evol
2. Washing Machine
3. Murray Street
4. Bad Moon Rising
5. NYC Ghosts and Flowers or Daydream Nation

erikvoid 04.28.2009 03:49 AM

no order..
bad moon rising
sonic nurse
a thousand leaves

Moshe 04.28.2009 03:53 AM

1. DDN
2. Washing Machine
3. Murray Street
4. Sister
5. NYC Ghosts and Flowers

Schizophrenia 04.28.2009 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by Moshe
1. DDN
2. Washing Machine
3. Murray Street
4. Sister
5. NYC Ghosts and Flowers

I actually enjoy your top :p

Moshe 04.28.2009 04:03 AM

you will enjoy me better without my top. :)

_slavo_ 04.28.2009 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by Moshe
you will enjoy me better without my top. :)

you funky dude, you :D

Theremin 04.28.2009 05:33 AM

This is so exciting.

1. DDN
2. Sonic Nurse
4. Washing Machine
5. NYC Ghosts & Flowers or Sister

diskaholic-anonymous 04.28.2009 06:10 AM

some electricity:

sonic death
confusion is sex
destroyed room
bad moon
syr4 - goodbye 20th century

radarmaker 04.28.2009 06:12 AM

Walls Have Ears
Bad Moon Rising
Murray Street
Confusion Is Sex

duderanchnurse 04.28.2009 06:56 AM

1. DDN
3. Dirty
4. A Thousand Leaves
5. Nurse (i wish it wasn't called Sonic Nurse meeeeeeeh)

mil_pl 04.28.2009 06:58 AM

Yesterday, 02:43 PM #50
expwy. to yr skull

Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: pl.
Posts: 1,822
oh, probably not, because my top 5 looks like this:

1. sonic nurse
2. a thousand leaves
3. evol
4. dirty
5. daydream nation


ps. am I the only guy with sonic nurse... (?)
no signature community.

modestmarc 04.28.2009 07:32 AM

My faves:

1) Sister
2) Daydream Nation
3) Dirty
4) Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star
5) A thousand leaves (or Sonic nurse) --> hard choice ;-)

Toxa 04.28.2009 07:59 AM

1. bmr
2. nurse
3. goo
4. sister
5. wm/atl/murray st. - I can't choose here

atsonicpark 04.28.2009 08:10 AM


The writers were aiming to have artists that represented several genres: hip hop (Cypress Hill), alternative rock and grunge (Sonic Youth, Smashing Pumpkins) and a classic rock singer. Originally, Bob Dylan was sought for this role, but he was replaced by Peter Frampton.[7] Neil Young and Pearl Jam[8] were also sought for the episode but turned down the offer.
Originally, Courtney Love and Hole were wanted for this episode, but they declined.[9] According to the DVD commentary an unnamed group had said that if Courtney Love was in the episode, they would not be. An Entertainment Weekly article revealed that the group was Sonic Youth.

ilich 04.28.2009 08:36 AM

1 ddn
2 goo
3 wm
4 ms
5 sn

Eli Renfro 04.28.2009 11:34 AM

This is what I said yesterday, I'll put it here for posterity...

1. Thousand Leaves
2. Murray Street
3. Daydream Nation
4. Sister
5. Destroyed Room

Honorable mention to Washing Machine, NYC Ghosts, Evol, and Thurston's Trees Outside the Academy (but I might be the only person who likes that one).

Schizophrenia 04.28.2009 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Eli Renfro
This is what I said yesterday, I'll put it here for posterity...

1. Thousand Leaves
2. Murray Street
3. Daydream Nation
4. Sister
5. Destroyed Room

Honorable mention to Washing Machine, NYC Ghosts, Evol, and Thurston's Trees Outside the Academy (but I might be the only person who likes that one).

I also like Thurston's, but I prefer Psychic Hearts to that one :)

Rob Instigator 04.28.2009 01:59 PM

top SY albums

100. Experimenta jet set trash and no star

[Sandbag] 04.28.2009 02:28 PM

1. Daydream nation
2. Evol
3. Confusion is sex
4. Sonic nurse
5. Bad moon rising

joe11121 04.28.2009 04:38 PM

1. DDN
3. Sister
4. CIS
5. The Eternal

Edited it.. But yeah, that is the current.

Dead-Air 04.28.2009 08:58 PM

1. Bad Moon Rising
2. Evol
3. Confusion is Sex
4. Washing Machine
5. Daydream Nation

Very Close Runner-Ups: Sonic Youth (to me more a short album than an e.p.), Sister, Invito Al Cielo, NYC Ghosts & Flowers, Nurse

2-5 are really pretty much interchangeable for me too. BMR is my favorite album by anyone ever.

This Is Not Here 04.28.2009 09:36 PM

1) Daydream
2) CIS
3) Murray St.
4) Bad Moon Rising
5) NYC G&F

Death & the Maiden 04.28.2009 10:31 PM

In the order in which it is written:
1. Bad Moon Rising/Daydream Nation
3. Confusion is Sex
5. Sister

Honourable mention: Self Titled reissue, if only for Cosmopolitan Girl.

MARKJONES 05.28.2009 03:42 PM

1. EVOL (Because it has a coherent sound to it, and it's the album on which all their albums are built upon)

2. Sonic Nurse (Although not as coherent, it has a fresh sound, lots of fun and interesting songs, and a lot of favorites)

3. Daydream Nation (no explanation needed)

4. NYC Ghosts & Flowers (their most unique and creative album, also has a coherent atmosphere throughout, also has great experimentation)

5. Murray Street (not coherent, but has some very sweet songs on it; not one song on that album is bad)

Screaming Skull 05.28.2009 04:17 PM

It's good to see the 'Dirty' fans come out of the wood-work! People are afraid to name it as one of their favs and, for some reason, feel compelled to list 'NYCG&F' on these types of lists. 'Dirty' DESTROYS 'NYCG&F' - period. Here goes...

1. Daydream Nation
2. Sister
3. Dirty
4. Washing Machine

DeadDiscoDildo 05.28.2009 04:27 PM

After reading this thread I realized there are quite a few SY records I've never heard...fuck...

3.Daydream Nation
4. Bad Moon Rising
5. Goo

noisereductions 05.28.2009 04:30 PM

1. Evol
2. Murray Street
3. Confusion Is Sex
4. Dirty
5. The Destroyed Room

samuel 05.28.2009 04:35 PM

1. A Thousand Leaves
2. Sonic Nurse
3. Sister
4. NYC Ghosts & Flowers

I would have put The Eternal at #4, but it's a little too early to tell.

perverzion 05.28.2009 09:33 PM

1. Sonic Nurse
2. Sister
3. Washing Machine
4. Daydream Nation
5. A Thousand Leaves

Although, It's so hard to choose... Ahh..

negative8ball 05.28.2009 09:41 PM

(Not in order)
Washing Machine
Daydream Nation (A recent climb into the Top 5)
Experimental Jet Set
Murray Street

Do I lose cred for liking Experimental Jet Set? Seems unpopular here (I had no idea)... hrm...

And I agree with it being too early to tell on Eternal, but it could well make my top 5 - I'm loving this album.

canabero 05.28.2009 09:45 PM

A thousand leaves
Confusion is sex/kill yr idols
Washing Machine

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