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jon boy 06.16.2006 11:53 AM

country life or city life?
which do you prefer?

i like the site of the country but i am much more at home in the city. i just need to feel that things are going on around me even if it is noisy and dirty. i find it inspiring.

LittlePuppetBoy 06.16.2006 11:53 AM

country life

porkmarras 06.16.2006 11:55 AM

The city.I come from a dump where nothing ever happened.Never liked it and never will.

Danny Himself 06.16.2006 11:56 AM

The city. Of course.

nomadicfollower 06.16.2006 12:01 PM

Country life. Less noise, filth, people. More inspiring in my eyes.

!@#$%! 06.16.2006 12:01 PM

ive had both & CITIES RULE. however i'm making a lot more money in the sticks. of course every time i save some dough i travel-- to a city of course. the country is boring as fuck but it can be good for work-- business competition is next to nil so you can make a killing. and then save up and... move to a city of course.. ha ha ha.

screamingskull 06.16.2006 12:21 PM

City life. definately.

fishmonkey 06.16.2006 12:36 PM

city for me too, love to go to a new city and totally get lost in it, love the buzz of a city, country life bores the fuck outa me

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 06.16.2006 12:43 PM

I love the city, but when I get old I'd like to live in a log cabin out in the woods.

luxinterior 06.16.2006 12:56 PM

I'll always be most comfortable in the suburbs, no matter how much I hate it sometimes.

I'd probably be more comfortable in the country as opposed to the city. But I'm still moving to the city, because it seems like something I should do. After college, who knows. When I'm a bit older I'll probably want to move back to my hometown. I'm already missing it and I'm not even gone yet.

!@#$%! 06.16.2006 12:59 PM

cities forever, baby.

i've been forced into a strategical retreat into the sticks. not for long. with dc going the way of so many gentrified dumps, i just need to find a place trashy enough to love again.

i hate suburbs by the way. they are neither here not there. i say raze them over & plant corn in their place.

m^a(t)h 06.16.2006 01:30 PM

country life sucks... nothing ever happens...

alyasa 06.16.2006 01:37 PM

City life, once you've slept on a sidewalk, passed out; you can never go back...

!@#$%! 06.16.2006 01:39 PM

what about goat love though?

now much of that in cities

and once you try lamb, you can never go back...

alyasa 06.16.2006 01:41 PM

Oh baby, lamb...

Trasher02 06.16.2006 01:42 PM

City life.
The smell of toxic-gasses and ugly prostitutes yey!

king_buzzo 06.16.2006 01:44 PM


qprogeny79 06.16.2006 03:28 PM

la ciudad.

whenever i see footage of some place like west virginia or kentucky or something i have to feel sorry for the people who live there . . . they look so, so . . . uneducated.

nothing like a little stereotype and bigotry to spice up yr life.

krastian 06.16.2006 03:39 PM

That's a tuff one. They are pretty much even to me. I've lived in both, but I think I kind of prefer the country. I want to have my own property where I can do whatever I want like have big parties with bon fires and hit golf balls with baseball bats. Plus I love the mountains, baby.

o o o 06.16.2006 04:54 PM

city life, definitely... my father comes from a very small village, and when i used to go there, it wasn't long before i felt some sort of anguish and wanted to go back fast to a city... i actually also feel uncomfortable in small or smallish cities...

jon boy 06.16.2006 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by o o o
city life, definitely... my father comes from a very small village, and when i used to go there, it wasn't long before i felt some sort of anguish and wanted to go back fast to a city... i actually feel uncomfortable in small or smallish cities...

yeah thats me as well. whenever i am in someplace small i start to look for the road outta there.

atari 2600 06.16.2006 05:01 PM

i prefer in-between

... a college town



PAULYBEE2656 06.16.2006 05:12 PM

country... just moved a couple of weeks ago out of urbanisation for the first time since 1994. its fucking the bomb!!!!

city has its handinessess but you cant beat the quietness and the lack of handiness as well plus the fact im only 5 miles from town as well but you wouldnt think it

PAULYBEE2656 06.16.2006 05:14 PM

this is just round the corner from me


Glice 06.16.2006 06:22 PM

I'm a country boy... the city is a vacation. I like the Westcountry too much to make a big deal of the city.

It's back arse of nowhere or London or nothing for me.

Phlegmscope 06.16.2006 06:57 PM

As a little kid I spent the summers in the town my grandparents live in. I was however born and raised in a city (not a really big one, the population is about 80,000). So I'm definitely a city dweller, for me the countryside doesn't really offer anything. I'd probably miss the noises of the city if I had to move out and reside in a smaller town.
Actually I feel the current city I live in is too small for me and I'd like to get out of here and live in a place that's more vibrant.

Pablitzen 06.16.2006 07:07 PM

city life...

qprogeny79 06.16.2006 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by PAULYBEE2656
this is just round the corner from me


a palmetto? in ireland? seriously, you're kidding.

i have to admit i wouldn't mind there.

Toilet & Bowels 06.17.2006 08:21 AM

both, i want both at the same time.

RdTv 06.17.2006 08:54 AM

I prefer the city, but could also do the country, just don't give me the suburbs.

afterthefact 06.17.2006 09:17 AM

They both have their advantages. At least in the country you can play music as loud as you want without the cops coming. But I prefer the city just cause everything is at your fingertips. Also, that's where you find out about cool stuff. They don't typically hang flyers on the telephone poles in the country. Plus, I enjoy having a lot of people around me, I don't like being too secluded. Even though I tend to be a bit of an introvert and not talk to people much in public, I just like having them there. As put by Smoosh from Mr. Show, "It's my security blanket, isn't it?" But, you have to be careful in the city. Like RdTv alluded to, some of the scariest people can be found in the city: suburbanites. They tend to kill any creative or artistic influence they get near, so you have to keep your distance. Other than that though, the city is great.

Alex's Trip 06.17.2006 09:34 AM

City...Hate the country...

toxic johnny 06.17.2006 09:44 AM

I love city life... but I also love traveling to the middle of nowhere... preferably a desert... camping for a few days and then returning to the city.

But I will probably end my days on the coast somewhere staring at the sea.

PAULYBEE2656 06.17.2006 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by qprogeny79
a palmetto? in ireland? seriously, you're kidding.

i have to admit i wouldn't mind there.

hey, theres more to us than potatoes bono and men with cheek eyebrows yknow!!!

afterthefact 06.17.2006 10:26 AM

yes, there is also a lot of drinking! my kind of place!

Gulasch Noir 06.17.2006 11:01 AM


xpressway2yrskull 06.17.2006 12:44 PM

I perfer city, but worst of all is where I am.. negatives of countryside (disconnected from anything entertaining) + the negatives of the city (lots of people - the majority of which are in excess of 70 years old).

nomadicfollower 06.17.2006 12:52 PM

I don't get the draw of the city. In fairness, I've only visited New York once, my only trip into a city and I had a good time.
The city has what's been seen over and over again in cities everywhere. Buildings, people, filth, concrete, bad smells, rudeness, have all been experinced before and reasserted in cities for as long as they've existed.
In the country, it's quite the opposite. Nothings quite the same. New things are meant to be discovered. Inspiration lies everywhere, beauty, seclusion, silence, calm, serenity.

daytripper 06.18.2006 04:01 AM

Why waist your health in a noisy city with polluted air?
Move to the country, tune your guitar in a hot tuning and turn your marshall stack to full blast!

Iain 06.18.2006 04:23 AM

I don't really know on this one but I think I prefer the city at this stage in my life at least.

Also, about the whole city/rudeness, country/niceness thing that seems to be the popular opinion. I find that to be total nonsense on the whole. You get cunts wherever you go....generally I find small towns/villages a lot less welcoming than cities to be honest.

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