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joe11121 04.30.2009 05:05 PM

Favourite intro to a SY song.
Couldn't find this on the search. So, what is your favourite intro to a sonic youth song?

summer 04.30.2009 05:07 PM

Burning Spear since it's their first song. It's a true... intro. 8)

atsonicpark 04.30.2009 05:12 PM



SpectralJulianIsNotDead 04.30.2009 05:19 PM

Lots of great intros in Sonic past. Off the top of my head I really like the intro to Walkin Blue and the intro to Brave Men Run.

joe11121 04.30.2009 06:53 PM

Personally anything from DDN starts out great

evolove 04.30.2009 06:55 PM

Does the intro to Bad moon rising count, or is that just the intro to brave men run?

cdollaz 04.30.2009 06:59 PM

The Diamond Sea. The instrumental part at the beginning leading into the vocals is perfect.

Count Mecha 04.30.2009 06:59 PM

Stereo Sanctity
Inhuman, yeah, this one is probably my favorite.

joe11121 04.30.2009 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by evolove
Does the intro to Bad moon rising count, or is that just the intro to brave men run?

yeah it counts

cdollaz 04.30.2009 07:49 PM

Stones is also great.

Magic Wheel Memory 04.30.2009 08:00 PM

A few I can think of:

Stones - The intro is the best part of the song.

Marilyn Moore - Vintage Thurston screaming.

Starpower - That simple chord progression comes as close as anything to encapsulating what mystifies me about this band.

Cotton Crown - Beautiful. Sounds like a cross between a wild unknown beast and old, rusty factory noise.

Teenage Riot - I think this song is a little overrated, but if they had just stretched that intro out for two or three minutes, I wouldn't have minded. It actually sounds like a daydream.

Candle - Sounds like waking up from a daydream and contentedly realizing you just don't need this stupid job anymore. (Of course, you'll come to regret it, but that doesn't happen until Doctor's Orders, three records later.)

So many others...

samuel 04.30.2009 08:06 PM

Secret Girl may have my favorite intro. That or Free City Rhymes.

Danny Himself 04.30.2009 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark




TheMadcapLaughs 04.30.2009 08:34 PM

the no queen blues is great

Kuwa_Slayne 04.30.2009 08:40 PM

'Cross the Breeze
Dirty Boots

canabero 04.30.2009 08:50 PM

mmm, i think Candle,Stones or Starfiel Road

Kuwa_Slayne 04.30.2009 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by canabero
mmm, i think Candle,Stones or Starfiel Road

How could I forget Starfield Road? Great intro.

duderanchnurse 04.30.2009 08:57 PM



Death & the Maiden 04.30.2009 09:04 PM

Stereo Sanctity
'Cross the Breeze
Eric's Trip

sl1ck 04.30.2009 09:06 PM

"Candle," hands down.

canabero 04.30.2009 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by TheMadcapLaughs
the no queen blues is great

Yeah, this is one of my favourite songs, sadly sy don't like to play it live :(

illegalblues 04.30.2009 09:51 PM

Junkie's Promise is pure rock n' roll

muttlegs 04.30.2009 10:00 PM

Wish Fulfillment for me...

Peterpuff 04.30.2009 10:12 PM

Nice calls on Starfield Road and No Queen Blues...

A few of mine would be Cinderella's Big Score, Burning Spear, Bull In the Heather, Rain on Tin, and I certainly gained a whole new appreciation for Shaking Hell's start after seeing it done live.

And a few others, although probably not officially "intros" since they are part of the song structure, but Unwind, Shoot, and Theresa's Sound World get me going.

And of course, the opening chords of Karen Koltrane give me goosebumps every time.

Cajunjoe 04.30.2009 11:29 PM

Pink Steam up until the vocals (dont know if that counts)
Love the way Wish Fullfilment starts
No Queen blues is awesome
100% (GREAT feedback)
pretty standard but Incinerate always had a good feel to it when it starts
Come to think of it Sonic Youth sure knows how to start a song!

pop punk will eat itself 04.30.2009 11:34 PM

Cinderella's Big Score

ybag_girl 04.30.2009 11:40 PM

nervermind is good

exploding plastic candle 04.30.2009 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark


Easily. Or Expressway.

Rob Instigator 05.01.2009 08:47 AM

the skronky buit at the beggining of DISSAPEARER

I love it. it makes me glad to be alive

EVOLghost 05.01.2009 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by canabero
Starfiel Road


EVOLghost 05.01.2009 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
the skronky buit at the beggining of DISSAPEARER

I love it. it makes me glad to be alive


Torn Curtain 05.01.2009 03:40 PM

Trilogy (the wonder). But SY have tons of great intros.

deflinus 05.01.2009 04:07 PM

intro from bad moon rising.

more than perfect intro for the whole godamn album

diskaholic-anonymous 05.01.2009 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by deflinus
intro from bad moon rising.

more than perfect intro for the whole godamn album

yeah intro of Bad M....i agree ...100%, schizophrenia, stereo sanctity , she's in a bad mood, green light, free city rhymes...

Rob Instigator 05.01.2009 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost


joe11121 05.01.2009 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by deflinus
intro from bad moon rising.

more than perfect intro for the whole godamn album


Kannibal 05.02.2009 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by deflinus
intro from bad moon rising.

more than perfect intro for the whole godamn album

i'm insane (live versions)

SYRFox 05.02.2009 06:21 PM

I can't believe no one has mentionned I Love You Golden Blue??

Besides that:

Ghost Bitch
Shadow Of A Doubt
Sacred Trickster (those chords!)
I Dreamed I Dream
Protect Me You

frades 05.02.2009 10:08 PM

hits of sunshine

Dead-Air 05.02.2009 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by deflinus
intro from bad moon rising.

more than perfect intro for the whole godamn album

Yes, they really nailed it with that one. That to me encapsulates the essence of the Sonic Youth guitar sound as well as any other moment I can think of and better than many. It makes you want to listen to the whole damn record through too, as an "Intro" should.

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