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sonicl 06.17.2006 02:07 AM

Who of you are parents?
Parents will always have my admiration. To take on the responsibility for shaping another life seems an incredibly brave thing to do, and, much as I love kids, the thought of parenthood terrifies me.

If you are a parent, let's have a few details. How many kids? How old? What are their names? Pictures would be cool too.

Pookie 06.17.2006 03:21 AM

I have one daughter age 2 1/2 and another son/daughter due in December. The thought of parenthood is a lot more terrifying than actually doing it, you kinda just do it when you're faced with the reality.

And what's it like? The best thing that's ever happened to me. I'll put a picture on when I'm not at work.

I'm not the only parent here am I?

fishmonkey 06.17.2006 04:42 AM

i'm not a parent but i have a niece Leah and nephew Gary aged 7 and 8 who i'd lay me life down for. i think about them all the time and cant wait to have a buzz with them this weekend. if i hear them upset in anyway it physically kills me, hat off to parents i say, i'll never be one but much respect.

Toilet & Bowels 06.17.2006 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by fishmonkey
i have a niece Leah and nephew Gary aged 7 and 8 who i... cant wait to have a buzz with them this weekend

i'm not sure that getting them high is a good idea.

Who Are Parents?

Some kids do as they please
They don't know what life really means
They don't listen to what the ones who really care have to say
They just go and do things their own way

Who are parents?
Parents are the ones who really care
Who are parents?
Parents are the ones who are always there

Some kids think their parents are cruel
Just because they want them to obey certain rules
They start to lean from the ones who really care
Turning, turning from the ones who will always be there

Who are parents?
Parents are the ones who really care
Who are parents?
Parents are the ones who are always there

Parents do understand, parents do care
We must remember
Parents are the ones who will always understand
Parents are the ones who really care

Parents do understand, parents do care
We must remember
Parents are the ones who will always understand
Parents are the ones who really care

Who are parents?
Parents are the ones who really care
Who are parents?
Parents are the ones who are always there

(repeat chorus twice)

PunkerViolence 06.17.2006 09:11 AM

I dont like my stepmum. Without going into detail shes a dog loving freak who is easily offended. She has 3 fully grown dogs, 3 puppys, one cat, 4 humans and a goldfish all living under her filthy, undersized moving out as soon as i get some money.

fishmonkey 06.17.2006 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
i'm not sure that getting them high is a good idea.

ha ha very funny....NOT.
"buzz" is just a buzz-word i throw around..."thats buzzy" or "thats a buzz"

i know how you thought that though, jesus i can only imagine me niece gone mad! she is offically mad enough!

fishmonkey 06.17.2006 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by PunkerViolence
I dont like my stepmum. Without going into detail shes a dog loving freak who is easily offended. She has 3 fully grown dogs, 3 puppys, one cat, 4 humans and a goldfish all living under her filthy, undersized moving out as soon as i get some money.

not too fond of my dads girlfriend either, its defo a tough one, kinda stuck between a rock and and a very hard place. i feel for ya brother, get some dough and get the hell outa there - i did and never looked back.

Glice 06.17.2006 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
i'm not sure that getting them high is a good idea.

Who Are Parents?

Some kids do as they please
They don't know what life really means
They don't listen to what the ones who really care have to say
They just go and do things their own way

Who are parents?
Parents are the ones who really care
Who are parents?
Parents are the ones who are always there

Some kids think their parents are cruel
Just because they want them to obey certain rules
They start to lean from the ones who really care
Turning, turning from the ones who will always be there

Who are parents?
Parents are the ones who really care
Who are parents?
Parents are the ones who are always there

Parents do understand, parents do care
We must remember
Parents are the ones who will always understand
Parents are the ones who really care

Parents do understand, parents do care
We must remember
Parents are the ones who will always understand
Parents are the ones who really care

Who are parents?
Parents are the ones who really care
Who are parents?
Parents are the ones who are always there

(repeat chorus twice)

Damn you with sticks, I was thinking the exact same thing. That song has one of my favourite drum solos ever.

luxinterior 06.17.2006 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
Damn you with sticks, I was thinking the exact same thing. That song has one of my favourite drum solos ever.

Are either of you a member of their fan club?

PAULYBEE2656 06.17.2006 01:59 PM

i am parenting right now!

amy is 5 years and josh is 1 and a bit...

they are cool and so is their dad! (and mum!)

Glice 06.17.2006 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
Are either of you a member of their fan club?

Sadly not. There aren't any other bands I would even consider being in the fan club for. But then, the Shaggs are the greatest band ever.

luxinterior 06.17.2006 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
Sadly not. There aren't any other bands I would even consider being in the fan club for. But then, the Shaggs are the greatest band ever.

I think it costs $20, and they send you things in return. I haven't found anyone who is a member yet, but I want to make sure the club is still active before I send money to no one in particular.

Amaranth 06.17.2006 04:02 PM

I am a parent to a 10 and 1/2 MONTH old girl. I have posted pictures before. She is awesome and I am greatful to have her. I definately recomentwaiting as long as possiable for having kids, but thats just me. I am 28, and want another baby, but will wait a couple years.

these are older pictures i have posted before, our camera is being fixed right now.



krastian 06.17.2006 04:29 PM

He he....babies can't drink Diet Coke;)

Pookie 06.17.2006 05:22 PM

The original pookie


That's cat's whiskers on her face, not dirt.

Toilet & Bowels 06.17.2006 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
Sadly not. There aren't any other bands I would even consider being in the fan club for. But then, the Shaggs are the greatest band ever.

i'd join the heliocentric world of sun ra or the dark order of saint keiji haino

how do you sign up to the shaggs fanclub?

Amaranth 06.17.2006 08:43 PM

Cute original Pookie!

luxinterior 06.17.2006 08:48 PM

It won't give a direct link because all of the information is on the homepage. You'll just have to scroll down a tad. There is a membership form you have to fill out & etc.

HaydenAsche 06.17.2006 08:51 PM

Mother Nature is pregnant for the third time.

Inhuman 06.17.2006 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by PunkerViolence
I dont like my stepmum. Without going into detail shes a dog loving freak who is easily offended. She has 3 fully grown dogs, 3 puppys, one cat, 4 humans and a goldfish all living under her filthy, undersized moving out as soon as i get some money.

Hahaha, I actually laughed. Enough pets? My stepdad hates it when I refer to him as "stepdad" and he wants me to call him "dad", but I find it really disrespectful since my dad passed away and it's as if I'm surpassing the fact that he's my real dad. Although he's a pretty good guy in general.

As for parenting, I plan to adopt when I get older. I don't see why I should bring another child into the world when there are plenty needing parents.

luxinterior 06.17.2006 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Inhuman
Hahaha, I actually laughed. Enough pets? My stepdad hates it when I refer to him as "stepdad" and he wants me to call him "dad", but I find it really disrespectful since my dad passed away and it's as if I'm surpassing the fact that he's my real dad. Although he's a pretty good guy in general.

As for parenting, I plan to adopt when I get older. I don't see why I should bring another child into the world when there are plenty needing parents.

I would want to adopt because I'm not cruel enough to want to give someone my particular genes.

youthoftomorrow 06.18.2006 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
Mother Nature is pregnant for the third time.

for y'all have knocked her up.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 06.18.2006 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Parents will always have my admiration. To take on the responsibility for shaping another life seems an incredibly brave thing to do, and, much as I love kids, the thought of parenthood terrifies me.

If you are a parent, let's have a few details. How many kids? How old? What are their names? Pictures would be cool too.

You know, getting married seems much more frightening to me than having children. I'm really good with children. It is much harder to sever the tie betwen parent and child than husband and wife. The idea of undying romantic love seems like a fairy tale to me. Uncondition love for one's children is much more tangible. I think having a child can save a relationship. I'd have a lot of respect for a woman who would mother my children.

finding nobody 06.18.2006 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by Inhuman
As for parenting, I plan to adopt when I get older. I don't see why I should bring another child into the world when there are plenty needing parents.

i like that outlook. but i still dont want to adopt

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 06.18.2006 01:20 AM

Anybody else look at a woman and wonder if she has a good genetic structure of not?

I found out that my 19 year old ex-girlfriend had back surgery and that her mom has MS and my thought was "good thing I broke up with her, that family has bad genes."

finding nobody 06.18.2006 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
Anybody else look at a woman and wonder if she has a good genetic structure of not?

I found out that my 19 year old ex-girlfriend had back surgery and that her mom has MS and my thought was "good thing I broke up with her, that family has bad genes."

no, i dont really think like that. but your statement reminds me of this big great dicussion we had in history class

luxinterior 06.18.2006 01:46 AM

When I was a child, my dad always forced me to participate in activities that I had no interest in (and hated, like baseball) just because he enjoyed and excelled in them, and figured that any child of his own would as well. Now he has four kids, and I can tell he'll always be disappointed in each of us for not following in his footsteps. I don't want to be that parent. It would not be especially important for me to see my influence in regard to the child's hobbies and interests. It's much more worthwhile to teach politeness, respect, patience, empathy, and so many other things that often fall by the wayside just because a parent wants his or her kid to be the best player on the Little League team. Besides, I don't need another "me" running around, and neither does the rest of the world.

finding nobody 06.18.2006 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
When I was a child, my dad always forced me to participate in activities that I had no interest in (and hated, like baseball) just because he enjoyed and excelled in them, and figured that any child of his own would as well. Now he has four kids, and I can tell he'll always be disappointed in each of us for not following in his footsteps. I don't want to be that parent. It would not be especially important for me to see my influence in regard to the child's hobbies and interests. It's much more worthwhile to teach politeness, respect, patience, empathy, and so many other things that often fall by the wayside just because a parent wants his or her kid to be the best player on the Little League team. Besides, I don't need another "me" running around, and neither does the rest of the world.


porkmarras 06.18.2006 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by Saturnine
i would be but i can't stop the crack so the feti get discharged.

You bet crackwhore!

atsonicpark 06.18.2006 07:37 AM

Ever taken a shit in a pre clogged toilet? Tell me that is not the worst. You sit down to poop, and start thinking, "Hey is the toilet clogged?" Then after you try to flush, it makes a weird noise and you know youre fucked. You cant plunge it because youll get poop all over the plunger, and you are in no mood to clean poop up. So what do you do? You leave it and blame it on the family pet. Works everytime.

sonic sphere 06.18.2006 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Parents will always have my admiration. To take on the responsibility for shaping another life seems an incredibly brave thing to do, and, much as I love kids, the thought of parenthood terrifies me.

If you are a parent, let's have a few details. How many kids? How old? What are their names? Pictures would be cool too.

not me. well at least to the best of my knowledge anyway!

alyasa 06.18.2006 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Amaranth
I am a parent to a 10 and 1/2 year old girl. I have posted pictures before. She is awesome and I am greatful to have her. I definately recomentwaiting as long as possiable for having kids, but thats just me. I am 28, and want another baby, but will wait a couple years.

these are older pictures i have posted before, our camera is being fixed right now.



Beautiful family...

EMMAh 06.18.2006 11:53 AM

If I ever decide I want kids I'm going to adopt them. There are so many little babies in need of loving homes :) I would also hate to have my kid turn out like me, just because my family has a strong history of depression and drug abuse.

Here's my little man

He thinks of me as his mom.

Amaranth 06.18.2006 01:05 PM

I think it is respectable that so many want to adopt, there are lots of kids who need good parents.

HaydenAsche 06.18.2006 01:06 PM

Amaranth, that child doesn't look 10 and a half years old.

alyasa 06.18.2006 01:08 PM

Those are older pictures, man. And cute hamster EMMAh, or is that a mouse? Rat?

Amaranth 06.18.2006 01:09 PM

here is my baby's daddy, its another old picture, I need to get some new pics




Trasher02 06.18.2006 01:09 PM

I don't think i ever would have children.
I would be very irresponsible.

Amaranth 06.18.2006 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
Amaranth, that child doesn't look 10 and a half years old.

oops, you are RIGHT! I just edited my first post.

alyasa 06.18.2006 01:11 PM

Irresponsible? Me too...

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