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raging_nelly 05.15.2009 10:47 AM

this angered me...

look at her tshirt.


but im getting over it.

nicfit 05.15.2009 11:04 AM


noisereductions 05.15.2009 11:06 AM

I dont want to get Rick-Rolled. Why don't you just tell me who it is and what t-shirt she's wearing.

stu666 05.15.2009 11:15 AM

Cyrus Youth.

greedrex 05.15.2009 11:16 AM

why were you watching a Miley interview in the first place?

barnaclelapse 05.15.2009 11:18 AM

Who in the holy hell cares?

floatingslowly 05.15.2009 12:34 PM


sonic youth is OURS alone to love!

we cannot let their precious sounds fall into the hands of a pop icon!

good lawd, they might even influence her, and then what's next??!

not-so-tuff gnarl?

dirty cowboy boots?

somebody make her take that shirt off!! I allowed to say that??

Rob Instigator 05.15.2009 01:10 PM

took the shirt off, it was mine. sucked her titties, put the shirt back on. this was in japan of course.

floatingslowly 05.15.2009 01:38 PM

^^^ just because you hung up a sign saying so, it doesn't mean yr basement is really "japan".

ps: I wish she would post on this board. she seems a lot less pretentious than most of the twats here.

Trasher02 05.15.2009 01:44 PM

I can't see it. But I suppose it's a SY shirt?

Rob Instigator 05.15.2009 01:44 PM

she does post. her username is deezpantieslie

Rob Instigator 05.15.2009 01:45 PM

it's the sonic youth "angry, very angry" shirt. I have it in brown


hers is black

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.15.2009 01:45 PM

Sonic Youth probably love her. Maybe they'll right a song about her, or do an album as Cyrus Youth.

Rob Instigator 05.15.2009 01:47 PM

tyhe black girls T is at Urban Outfitters exclusively.

does not mean she like sosnic youth, just trying to look cool.

Rob Instigator 05.15.2009 01:48 PM


Trasher02 05.15.2009 02:03 PM

Dear god now I REALLY want to make sweet love to her.

RanaldoNecro 05.15.2009 02:36 PM

She is actually sonic YOUTH as in young. Shes young and shes sonic. Knowing SY's fixation with bubblegum pop it makes perfect sense.

joe11121 05.15.2009 03:08 PM

Mylie listens to good music? Woah. I thought she would only listen to other pop-stars.

Danny Himself 05.15.2009 03:39 PM

Bitch got the shirt at UO like every other posing muhfukka.

Derek 05.15.2009 03:41 PM

Imagine if Miley just exclusively listened to fucked up skronk noise rock.

Danny Himself 05.15.2009 03:44 PM

She's a scary money-making robot.

Rob Instigator 05.15.2009 03:49 PM

Blame the parents of little kids who let thjem watch nickelodeon and disney channel 24/7 since age 1 for the Jonas bros and miley cyrus and their ilk. the parents buy them all that shit. let's kick THEIR asses

just cuz your kids want something does not mean it is what they NEED

Derek 05.15.2009 03:53 PM

I'm going to see the Hannah Montana movie on monday. Am I a skronk sell-out?

Danny Himself 05.15.2009 03:55 PM

Go and see Coraline, man! It's way better.


Derek 05.15.2009 03:59 PM

But the Hannah Montana movie seems so much fun!

Besides I said to the girl I'm going with, "we have to do this. THERE IS NO TURNING BACK!"


Danny Himself 05.15.2009 04:02 PM

I don't get it. You're going with a girl though?!


atsonicpark 05.15.2009 04:15 PM

So, Miley has seen Juno and likes Starbucks. Cool!

Oh, and the Hannah Montana show is actually surprisingly entertaining.

Danny Himself 05.15.2009 04:15 PM


they are unaccustomed to such satanic imagery

Derek 05.15.2009 04:24 PM

Yeah the Hannah Montana show is great haha. I don't see what people have against Miley Cyrus when they leave people like Hilary Duff alone..

The Earl Of Slander 05.15.2009 05:55 PM

I'm almost tempted to see the Hannah Montana movie, because the director, Peter Chelsom, started out as an indie guy in the UK, and made flat out one of my favourite films ever, "Funny Bones". Following that he's made progressively shittier looking films, including "Shall We Dance?", all of which I've avoiding out of respect for the man's work. But to have ended up making the Hannah Montana movie is such an epic fall from grace that I kind of feel like I have to see it...

Diesel 05.15.2009 06:16 PM

my aky beaky heary will fuck all! try tto connect#! gan on! dare!

EVOLghost 05.15.2009 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Blame the parents of little kids who let thjem watch nickelodeon and disney channel 24/7 since age 1 for the Jonas bros and miley cyrus and their ilk. the parents buy them all that shit. let's kick THEIR asses

just cuz your kids want something does not mean it is what they NEED

YOu should have a serious talk with my sister in law.

StevOK 05.15.2009 07:54 PM

She should collaborate with Coco.

pbradley 05.15.2009 08:05 PM

Sick shirt.

Death & the Maiden 05.15.2009 09:35 PM

I don't think it'd be that strange for someone like her to like certain SY things. Incinerate, 100%, Kool Thing, those songs aren't exactly avant garde experimental noise.

noisereductions 05.15.2009 09:42 PM

what fucking ever. Miley is an annoying little girl. This is true. BUT her music is pretty great pop. Who gives a crap? Not I.

Jasónico 05.15.2009 11:16 PM

Sonic Youth live, with a special guest: Hanna Montana!

demonrail666 05.16.2009 01:29 AM

she's 16 right?

Christ, she gives me the horn.

dionysusundone 05.16.2009 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
she's 16 right?

Christ, she gives me the horn.

I thought she was 17 but maybe I'm wrong

deflinus 05.16.2009 05:19 PM

miley cyrus is the new anti-miley cyrus, fuckers

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