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gualbert 06.09.2009 02:09 PM

The "I love EJSTNS" thread...
...even if others hate it.

It's in my top 3.
After Daydream Nation, and Confusion Is Sex.

afterthefact 06.09.2009 02:12 PM

Others hate it? I wasn't aware of that.

I think it's great, and it's one of the first albums I really got into. If it wasn't for Electric Jet Set, I may not have bothered to delve deeper into SY.

andrei 06.09.2009 02:13 PM

It's not in my top 3 albums, but i quite enjoy it. for sure it's not their worst.

[Sandbag] 06.09.2009 02:16 PM

Yes.. I love it. not even in my top 5 but can't deny it's a masterpiece.

It's a bit like when you paint something awesome and then you throw water on it all all the colours mix and it looks like a mess.

noisereductions 06.09.2009 02:31 PM

Also not my Top 5. But I do love it. Quite a bit. It's probably somewhere right in the juicy middle of my SY album rankings.

jennthebenn 06.09.2009 02:35 PM

Kim's songs are sublime, top to bottom.

noisereductions 06.09.2009 02:39 PM

"Sweet Shine"

jennthebenn 06.09.2009 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
"Sweet Shine"

One of my top 10 SY songs. Bewitching and beautiful.

noisereductions 06.09.2009 02:45 PM

It is awesome.

But seriously. You like "Quest For The Cup?"

jennthebenn 06.09.2009 02:50 PM

Yes. Yes I do. It is so salty free.

joe11121 06.09.2009 03:03 PM

Great album, I agree that the Kim songs are the best on it.

chris2159 06.09.2009 03:14 PM

Bull in the Heather is one of their greats, one of my favorites from last time I saw them live. It made me dig out the album again recently, but I still thought it was a bit hit and miss really (5.5/10).

noisereductions 06.09.2009 03:17 PM

"Androgynous Mind" is far and away my favorite on there. "Screaming Skull" is great too. Forgot about that one.

mil_pl 06.09.2009 03:18 PM

yup, but the rap version rules much better!

greedrex 06.09.2009 03:23 PM

great great LP. gotta love the spontaneous vibe. thumbs up.

gualbert 06.09.2009 03:25 PM

I like "Quest for the cup"!
Even though it's a weird song.

[Sandbag] 06.09.2009 04:13 PM

quest for the cup is amazing..the1st i liked from the album

EVOLghost 06.09.2009 06:49 PM

Starfield Road is where it's at.

EVOLghost 06.09.2009 06:49 PM

In the Mind of the Bourgeois Reader is PIMP too.

Death & the Maiden 06.09.2009 09:53 PM

Out of all their albums from Goo to Washing Machine, this is the only one I enjoy. Skink is probably my favourite on there.

GeneticKiss 06.09.2009 11:48 PM

I actually prefer EJSTNS to Washing Machine...

Sacrelige (sp?), I know.

Tanzende Schauspieler 06.10.2009 02:14 AM

you guys all lost your minds

Bal 06.10.2009 05:09 AM

its all about winners blues!

noisereductions 06.10.2009 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
I actually prefer EJSTNS to Washing Machine...

Sacrelige (sp?), I know.

I sorrt of half-agree.I think they're pretty close really.

screamingskull 06.10.2009 07:46 AM

i have always loved this album, 'Sweet Shine' is probably the best Kim song ever.

cagedbird 06.10.2009 09:06 PM

EJST&NS was the first album by Sonic Youth that I bought new. Fresh from the factory to my petrie dish mind. Ha! It makes me think of Doctor's Orders mostly, though it also says a lot about music in general and the topical nature of Androgynous Mind actually makes me think of SY as a political band in the 1990s identity politics way.

koolthing78 06.11.2009 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
I sorrt of half-agree.I think they're pretty close really.

And I half-agree with that! (See where entropy starts? (though I'm not sure what side I'm on--until you said that, I was confident I enjoyed "Washing Machine" much more; now... eh, it'd be closer))
But seriously, this album will always have a special place, being my first introduction to my favorite band. I think in some senses it's their weirdest, and most like an SYR (think 5, and think Bone). That's what I love about this band--you can get on either side of an opinion about something they do, and make it make sense to yourself. Then come back 10 years later and you could be on the opposite side of the window, still looking at the same thing that you still feel the same way about. I <3 ambiguity!

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