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artsygrrl 06.30.2009 03:01 PM

What is the story...
...behind your current username? Why did you choose it?

Rob Instigator 06.30.2009 03:03 PM

My name is Roberto. I am an Instigator.

noisereductions 06.30.2009 03:05 PM

back in the day I made IDM or whatever it was called. Noise Reductions was the name I chose. Because I was ironic. Or unoriginal. Or something.

Derek 06.30.2009 03:09 PM

Derek.... hmm... WHY did I choose it?

schizophrenicroom 06.30.2009 03:15 PM

i have no idea.

floatingslowly 06.30.2009 03:16 PM

random words captured from NASA regarding a killer space rock.

I'm big on epoch-enders and creeping doom.

terriblecanyons 06.30.2009 03:17 PM

I was on a GY!BE kick a few years ago and it stuck.

Glice 06.30.2009 03:19 PM

I like how it sounds. It's redolent of a few things without being directly representative and shit.

SuperCreep 06.30.2009 03:23 PM

It's from "Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)" by David Bowie. I used it on a shitload of message boards since '05 when I was going through a huge Bowie phase and it's pretty much e-stuck with me since.

jennthebenn 06.30.2009 03:23 PM

My old, offline nickname was "Jenn Benn", up until the unholy union of
Affleck and Lopez ruined it. I added "the" in the middle on a lark, but since
I have decided it can stand for "jennthebeneficent", just add an extra "n".

Glice 06.30.2009 03:29 PM

Can I ask you to consider 'Jenn the Benedictator?' You're losing an 'n', but gaining a play on 'bene' and 'dictator'.

Glice 06.30.2009 03:30 PM

Hmm. You're also losing the symmetry of the 'nn's.

jennthebenn 06.30.2009 03:33 PM

Losing that symmetry would rend my soul.

Glice 06.30.2009 03:38 PM

Rend it very might!

Anngella 06.30.2009 03:41 PM

I just felt like adding 2 extra, unnecessary letters to my name. I'm pretty boring.

Zombie Robot 06.30.2009 03:45 PM

i am dead on the inside. i am robotic in routine. i often smell of metallic polyethelene yamumoride, not of rotting snatch as !@#$%!symbolguy thinks, and i like me some braaiiins.

davenotdead 06.30.2009 03:46 PM

i'm not dead

Zombie Robot 06.30.2009 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by davenotdead
i'm not dead

if u were id luv u more tho.

davenotdead 06.30.2009 03:51 PM


godsfavoritedog 06.30.2009 03:54 PM

Stole it from this Touch and Go compilation.

floatingslowly 06.30.2009 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by davenotdead
i'm not dead

the lack of a "'s" has always bothered me.

so far, I got by assuming that you were correcting someone over yr name (ie: dave, not dead).

however, now I just picture a neanderthal (ie: dave not dead. he alive).


Zombie Robot 06.30.2009 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly

im still saddened by the fact that ur names not a WOW reference.

were u slawek's muse? this piece is named after you:

floatingslowly 06.30.2009 04:12 PM

I've seen that before while googling my name!

and sorry, no WoW reference. I've been using this name for much longer than WoW's been around.

I'm too much a creature of habbit to be able to change. because that makes it hard to troll "anonymously", I made up my mind long ago to just go ahead and ruin this one.

maybe someday I'll go back to spacerock.

floatingslowly 06.30.2009 04:15 PM

gawd this thread is so disappointing. :(

you should have gone with "my name is pronounced swa-vagina".

(y) <=====8 etc

HECKLER SPRAY 06.30.2009 04:18 PM

It's a secret. I can't tell you.

davenotdead 06.30.2009 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
the lack of a "'s" has always bothered me.

so far, I got by assuming that you were correcting someone over yr name (ie: dave, not dead).

however, now I just picture a neanderthal (ie: dave not dead. he alive).



my brow doesn't protrude

Bertrand 06.30.2009 04:28 PM

On the very old board, I named myself ulmer's detour because of Edgar Ulmer's Detour, a film I very much liked - only cause someone had already taken gossamer which sounds particularly good to my ears.
But then noone calls me gossamer or detour, so I put my first name, assuming I was the one and only, which is probably not true.
I apologize to all Bertrands.

EVOLghost 06.30.2009 04:47 PM

fave album is EVOL....and I am a ghost....simply that.

Satan 06.30.2009 04:48 PM

i'm the fucking devil

dirty bunny 06.30.2009 04:52 PM

Because I'm a bunny from outer space who got a little dirty.

youthoftomorrow 06.30.2009 05:10 PM

when i decided on a name for the old board, i wanted to be in a band (still do). i thought about what kind of a band i wanted to be in and decided that the kind of band i wanted to be in would pretty much emulate Sonic Youth.

so, i wanted to be in the Sonic Youth...of tomorrow.

Seandi 06.30.2009 05:16 PM

There already was a sean so i added my first and last initials becuz i'm creative and shit.

ploesj 06.30.2009 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
because its my real name. pronounced "sway", but spelled "swa. sorta long story as to why my parents chose to name me this.

swa is actually a dialect way of writing he short version of the name 'françois' (which is shortened to çois and written swa phonetically)

my own username is an old nickname, referring to the fact that my hair is rather fluffy.

SYRFox 06.30.2009 05:43 PM

When I first got on the Internet like around 11 or so, I created a website and then a forum for it and so I had to choose a nickname for it, and as I was really into StarFox videogames back then I had chosen Fox McCloud. Then, as I was growing up, I realized it was a bit lame, so I decided to shorten it to Fox (most people were already shortening it to that anyway). Then I began making music, automatically put my nick on my tracks, but as I scrobbled them on I realized I wasn't the first artist named Fox, so I thought, well, let's just add something to it, and as I was really SYRs at the time, well I added Syr. I think SyrFox sounds kinda cool. But it might sound lame, I don't really know.
Anyway, that was the beautiful story of my nick. Thanks.

Kegmama 06.30.2009 05:51 PM

Besides being a hot mess at keg parties back in the day... My name is now more reflective of me being a mama to Kellian & Evan the G is for our last name...

G ****'s

Ya dig?!

floatingslowly 06.30.2009 06:00 PM

^^^ that's a lot cooler than beer-party queen imo.


Originally Posted by ploesj
swa is actually a dialect way of writing he short version of the name 'françois'.

HA HA HA! swa(y) has a sissy FRENCH name!



davenotdead 06.30.2009 06:01 PM

ha ha ha

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.30.2009 06:08 PM

when I was going through names for band I was in awhile back, the excuse 17 album was playing and I just said, "suchfriendsaredangerous" I like that.. so i suggested it and everyone else liked it too.. so it became the name of the project. After it dissolved and became a solo thing, SFAD became my musical pseudonym, and I originally created this message board account to shamelessly self-promote that project (which I did if y'all remember ;) )

after years it has sort of stuck, and I still like it today. Plus, for people who don't know the excuse 17 connections, I think it is rather mysterious, people want to know who or what friends are dangerous that I speak of? Also, at times, when people/friends become a problem, they also become referenced as the "such friends (who) are dangerous"

it sticks as a warning to one and all to really know your peoplez and keep an eye on them.


ploesj 06.30.2009 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
^^^ that's a lot cooler than beer-party queen imo.

HA HA HA! swa(y) has a sissy FRENCH name!




character from a popular flemish soap, he's called swa but of course they spell it cois... damn

automatic bzooty 06.30.2009 06:12 PM

automatic bzooty/zero to tutti frutti

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