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artsygrrl 07.08.2009 11:44 PM

I know, I know....
...this has been asked before, but that was then and this is now.

Have you ever met/hung out with/etc. anyone on this board?
Who on this board would you like to meet?

I've never met anyone here but have talked to Kegmama and Guitarpro via phone.

Dead-Air 07.08.2009 11:47 PM

I've gotten a couple of them to send me money to support my radio show, and I've played a bunch of peoples' music on said show. I talked with flophousefloozie about seeing SY together in Portland, but that was before they scheduled a BC show. I've had better luck getting together with people form the Michael Moorcock board for whatever reason(s).

demonrail666 07.09.2009 04:40 AM

I've met Glice and Sarramkrop for drinks through the board and have known Melly for about 15 years.

In answer to the second question, it'd probably more accurate for me to say that there's nobody here I wouldn't be up for meeting.

terriblecanyons 07.09.2009 04:46 AM

Jade (schitzophrenicroom) and I have been good friends since we were little kids, long before the times of this board.
I moved away and we hadn't talked for about 5 years, then my mom saw her mom at the store one day and we met up again back in 2007 I think.
We didn't even know we both posted on here until like 2008. Pretty weird stuff.

Josh (Sonic Youth 37) and I talk a lot via phone. Melly and I have had numerous phone conversations.

al shabbray 07.09.2009 06:38 AM

no havent met any of them. oh sure I met one at the last SY gig, but only saw him and recognized later that it was one of this board.

but I would really like to meet a bunch of the guys and girls. almost any regular poster would be interesting to meet.
but the whole bunch who wants to get beaten are my favourites of course

pantophobia 07.09.2009 08:24 AM

met, assuming i can remember everyone mix of old and new board

rupert styles stilinski
walter carson
sonic 101 - who saw again last night in richmond old forum goer, but lurked recently
toilet & bowels
magic wheel memory
jon boy
chris lawrence
katys (from milwaukee)
various lurkers certainly

and still quite a lot still need or like to meet

Derek 07.09.2009 08:37 AM

I've not met anyone. I think atsonicpark and I would really get along in real life but it seems there's an ocean and thousands and thousands of miles between us haha.

floatingslowly 07.09.2009 08:52 AM

{this page intentionally left blank}

Danny 07.09.2009 08:52 AM

I've met ScreamingSkull, h8_kurdt, jon boy, racehorse and Bertrand. Oh, and Toilet & Bowels. In London, 2007.

I'd like to hang out with anyone.

stu666 07.09.2009 09:23 AM

I think i've only met Melly briefly at colour out of space last year, i saw greenlight filming there but didn't get to speak to him.

Like to meet:

anyone, but especially nicfit, blunderbuss, al shabbray and now Zombie Robot although i would be scared to meat a real life zombie.

phoenix 07.09.2009 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by artsygrrl
...this has been asked before, but that was then and this is now.

Have you ever met/hung out with/etc. anyone on this board?
Who on this board would you like to meet?

not unless people who'm I've met from other forums also post here and I am not aware..

no one. I much prefer some distance between myself and onlineland

maybe I'd like to meet flots and slavo and astonic, but I'd just lick their faces off and giggle so I'm not sure it'd work too well. I'd also like to meet syrfox if he'd make me lol so much in real life.

I'm going to meet TP if he ever writes back to me.

floatingslowly 07.09.2009 09:33 AM

I've never really understood offline meet 'n greets.

if I wanted to hang out with people, I wouldn't be online in the first place.

ugh...just thinking of all you stinky people makes me want to wretch.

I realize that it's mostly just me. I'm a sociopath who traded out my humanity long ago.

schizophrenicroom 07.09.2009 09:37 AM

terriblecanyons summed it up for me.

i want to finally meet !@#$%!, he's awesome in a lot of ways and i want to thank him. and make him cook stuff.

i also want to meet:

floating slowly
everyneurotic! (wherever he went to)

barnaclelapse 07.09.2009 09:46 AM

The way my life works, I've probably met at least half of you in a drunken stupor over cigarettes and the late-night traffic of whatever city I've somehow staggered into.

MellySingsDoom 07.09.2009 01:58 PM

As demonrail sez, me and him know each other from, uh, back in the day. I'm on good drinking terms wiv sarram, and I've had the pleasure of hanging out with Glice, Toilet and Bowels, This Is Not Here, blunderbuss, stu666 and whorefrost. Me and the 'canyons have put the world to rights over the phone, and I've blabbed to schizogirl too. I'm hoping to catch up with ploesj if she descends on Lahdahn town too, and a mystery person has left me a crazy voicemail message.

Savage Clone 07.09.2009 02:05 PM

There are quite a few people on here I would like to hang out with, but the only one I've met who doesn't live in my town is charlie. Her band was great, too.

Oh wait! I also met max, whose band was also great.

static-harmony 07.09.2009 02:18 PM

Melly, Savage, !@#$%!, Porky, Satan, Schizo, Everyneurotic, ASP. I'm forgetting others.

sarramkrop 07.09.2009 02:22 PM

This Is Not Here
Toilet & Bowels
Toxic Johnny

Glice 07.09.2009 02:43 PM

Toilet & Bowels

And I know a few lurkers/ low-posters. I've MSNed a few people, but MSN's the same cack.

I quite often think I've met Herr Neurotic, but I haven't, at all.

I'd quite like to marry Nefeli, if she's not doing anything with the remainder of her days.

MellySingsDoom 07.10.2009 09:08 AM

I've just realised that I forgot to mention jimbrim too - oops! (Sorry JB)

floatingslowly 07.10.2009 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
I've just realised that I forgot to mention jimbrim too - oops! (Sorry JB)

this, despite my insistence that "I just hate people" is the real reason why I have problems with favorite-poster list-threads, in my experience, these only seem to result in hurt feelings.

my posting choices were:
  • ignore (yeah right).
  • diplomatic non-specification.
  • scorched earth.
I went with the latter, but just for glice, here's my non-IRLphobic response:

I love you all and would like nothing more than to make sexy-love-time inside each and every one of you (or maybe just a few beers).

verme (prevaricator) 07.10.2009 09:52 AM

i'm surprised people have met !"#$"!#%.
i always thought that he was a recluse evading from the police or some mafioso.

Glice 07.10.2009 10:26 AM

Or just an onerous cunt.

jennthebenn 07.10.2009 08:08 PM

rupert styles stilinski
walter carson
sonic 101
toilet & bowels
magic wheel memory
jon boy
chris lawrence
katys (from milwaukee)

Have been around but not spoken to: Whorefrost, Swa(y), GreenLight

There's a shitload of you I'd like to meet, believe it or don't.

Danny 07.10.2009 08:10 PM

I hope to meet many of you at ATP this year.

blunderbuss 07.19.2009 02:53 PM

I have met quite a ridiculous number of inhabitants of this den of iniquity in my time, and it has always been a pleasure.

As to the future, I know that I shall share room space with _slavo_ and Greenlight at the MBV ATP later this year.

And I very much hope that I shall share room space with SYG people at the Master Musicians of Bukkake show in London this Wednesday.

And I'm sure that Stu666's and my paths will cross sooner or later.

dirty bunny 07.19.2009 03:51 PM

I thought this was the michael jackson joke thread, instead it's the forum virtual handjob thread.

Just ignore me, I'm in a bad mood.

fugazifan 07.19.2009 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
I'm hoping to catch up with ploesj if she descends on Lahdahn town too,.

ahem, ahem...
i have only met one person on this board, but he is the most important,yup thats right- MOSHE!
at three different gigs i think

MellySingsDoom 07.19.2009 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by fugazifan
ahem, ahem...
i have only met one person on this board, but he is the most important,yup thats right- MOSHE!
at three different gigs i think

Worry not, my friend, I haven't forgotten about us meeting in August, honest guv.

fugazifan 07.19.2009 04:09 PM

oh thats just splendid!

SYRFox 07.19.2009 06:18 PM

Never met anyone from the board
For some odd reason no one's from Lille on there.

ploesj 07.19.2009 06:29 PM

haven't met anyone yet, but as he said already, melly will be showing me and my brother around london a bit..

you all live too far away.

Sonic Youth 37 07.19.2009 06:31 PM

I've met 4 or 5 boardies and regularly talk to 2 others away from the board.

pbradley 07.19.2009 06:40 PM

I've never met nor conversed over the phone with anybody I've met over the internet, which is quite a few actually.

Don't know who I would like to meet from here through since I've probably pissed off the most established members one way or another. An evening out with floating and girlgun sounds enjoyable, though.

chrome noise tape 07.19.2009 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by ploesj
you all live too far away.

i never met someone from this board, and i think i'll never met...( maybe one day i can change my body to megabytes of virtual energy and can go to your pc's in 3...2...1...seconds)

pbradley 07.19.2009 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by dirty bunny
I thought this was the michael jackson joke thread, instead it's the forum virtual handjob thread.

Just ignore me, I'm in a bad mood.

Care to meet up for an IRL handjob?? ;)

dirty bunny 07.19.2009 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
Care to meet up for an IRL handjob?? ;)

LOL that just made me laugh and I think I got spittle on my monitor. If that doesn't deserve a repping I don't know what does.

Yeah, just a shame you're allllll the way over there and I'm alllllll the way over here. ;)

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