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pantophobia 07.14.2009 10:23 AM

SY Gossip Facebook Group
i swear there is a post on here about it but i don't think it ever got it's own thread

anyway here it is

and mine for good measure

ALIEN ANAL 07.14.2009 10:24 AM

bla bla facebook is personal bla bla

i am Nostradamus!!

jennthebenn 07.14.2009 10:31 AM

Facebook is personal, except when it's not.

notyourfiend 07.14.2009 12:07 PM

I joined (even though I'm relatively new to these message boards)

!@#$%! 07.14.2009 12:08 PM

fuck it! the end of anonymity!


(that's the "royal we", if you're wondering)

pantophobia 07.14.2009 12:30 PM

well maybe you are doomed, I KNOW WHO YOU ARE, AND I KNOW WHERE YOU GET YOUR PASTRIES!!! atleast in Rockville, where you don't live now

i am honestly not a fan of anonymity in a lot of cases, i mean it's great for getting confidential sources and rumors out there, but i prefer when people can share their opinions and not hide behind the curtain, especially if they are douchebags

amerikangod 07.14.2009 12:36 PM

I'm only cool with this if it lets me meet hot girls in my area. And sleep with them.

floatingslowly 07.14.2009 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by pantophobia
i prefer when people can share their opinions and not hide behind the curtain, especially if they are douchebags

the way that's worded makes it seem as if you like douchebags.

I'm more than happy to allow them to remain behind the curtain.

so far, I've been adamant in not creating a facebook. I'm a firm believer in keeping my social circles separate.

also, if I were to make a facebook, my minion would find out. it would be rude to not include her, but then I'd risk exposing her to my "friends". she's a nice girl who doesn't deserve that at all.

jennthebenn 07.14.2009 12:41 PM

I like douchebags only when they are overt douchebags.

Satan 07.14.2009 12:42 PM

y'all ain't getting my fuckbook

SYRFox 07.14.2009 12:43 PM

my facebook:

!@#$%! 07.14.2009 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by pantophobia
well maybe you are doomed, I KNOW WHO YOU ARE, AND I KNOW WHERE YOU GET YOUR PASTRIES!!! atleast in Rockville, where you don't live now


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I'm a firm believer in keeping my social circles separate.

and i'm a firm practitioner


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
also, if I were to make a facebook, my minion would find out. it would be rude to not include her, but then I'd risk exposing her to my "friends". she's a nice girl who doesn't deserve that at all.

ok, who the fuck is your "minion"? this can't possibly be girlgun-- she's neither a "nice girl" nor your minion-- more like you are hers.

you're talking about a corporate slave girl, right?

amerikangod 07.14.2009 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Satan
y'all ain't getting my fuckbook

Exactly, Facebook should just be used to network for sex. So unless we're having a board orgy, I don't know if there's a point in me joining.

Also nice Cowboy Bebop reference dude. Or lady, I'd assume.

amerikangod 07.14.2009 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ok, who the fuck is your "minion"?

you're talking about a corporate slave girl, right?

Duh, THE Minion I'd assume:

floatingslowly 07.14.2009 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ok, who the fuck is your "minion"?


you're talking about a corporate slave girl, right?

although I have more than one, the minion in question is hardly a slave. she's free to leave anytime she wishes!

what do you take me for? austrian??


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
this can't possibly be girlgun-- she's neither a "nice girl" nor your minion-- more like you are hers.

I could NEVER work with/for girlgun. she's too fucking bossy and I don't take orders very well at all.

that said: GG has a facebook and I'm SURE she would LOVE to have all of you as friends.

pantophobia 07.14.2009 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
the way that's worded makes it seem as if you like douchebags.

I'm more than happy to allow them to remain behind the curtain.

this is why i had to turn down Jenn's offer to write a paragraph promoting her book, it would have sounded like some sort of hackey attempt of literacy

and i only like douchebags for their intended purpose, keeping it clean and minty fresh

joe11121 07.14.2009 01:09 PM

Joined it...

everyone feel free to add as a friend

amerikangod 07.14.2009 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by pantophobia
and i only like douchebags for their intended purpose, keeping it clean and minty fresh

I don't know, a minty vag might be offputting to me, like I expect to be in flavor country when I go down there but I expect a very specific flavor. Detecting a hint of spearmint or wintergreen would be incongruous to say the least. Like exiting the airport in France and seeing nothing but Mexicans everywhere.

Danny 07.14.2009 01:18 PM

I'm a member of group, here I am personally anyways.

sarramkrop 07.14.2009 01:24 PM

I prefer interacting with some of the posters from here on facebook than the forum. It's more relaxed and friendly. And there are quite a few on there.

amerikangod 07.14.2009 01:36 PM

Facebook has pretty much replaced MySpace for me, thereby making it my only consistently used social networking site. I don't normally add people I don't know to it, given that I have personal information on there. I also try not to add family, excluding an open-minded cousin or two. Because man, I don't want my moms knowing what I think about things, or my little sister seeing what a giant pervert I am.

I'm presently drawing a series of self portraits in which I am getting it on with catgirls. They will become very graphic. Why my family gotta see a catgirl slobbing my knob even in drawing form, or know that I'd draw that, or even have the desire to draw it?

Man that site is a slippery slope.

pantophobia 07.14.2009 01:40 PM

i used to use myspace exclusively for years, but eventually their interface changed, made it harder to navigate, and then all the bands, for better and worse start asking to add them in droves ugh

Satan 07.14.2009 01:41 PM

myspace is so gay

floatingslowly 07.14.2009 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
I'm presently drawing a series of self portraits in which I am getting it on with catgirls. They will become very graphic. Why my family gotta see a catgirl slobbing my knob even in drawing form, or know that I'd draw that, or even have the desire to draw it?

do I have to log-in to view? if so, can you post them here as well?

thanks in advance.

amerikangod 07.14.2009 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
do I have to log-in to view? if so, can you post them here as well?

thanks in advance.

Ha ha, I only have one finished so far, and it'll surely be the worst of the bunch. I just got a tablet and Photoshop (never had it my whole life, I was an MS Paint dude) so I drew it directly into Photoshop using the tablet. In many ways it was just a learning experience, for the hardware and the software.

Also, I've realized the color looks decent on my monitor, but totally off and shitty on every other monitor I've seen it on.

Looking for the link now...

amerikangod 07.14.2009 01:50 PM

Ok, here we go. Yeah, on my screen the colors are infinitely lighter and much more differentiated, versus darker and very close in tone on pretty much every other monitor I've seen it on. As a dude that doesn't actually know shit about drawing, and that never draws, I can't say I'm entirely unhappy.

The one I just started involves some nudity. This starter picture was the 'sweet' one. Kind of wanted to make them get progressively more pornographic and dark. The last one might be straight up guro.


sarramkrop 07.14.2009 02:18 PM

I like that.

floatingslowly 07.14.2009 02:39 PM

how disappointing. :(

yr only kissing her...

post the hardcore shit, you fucking furry.

greedrex 07.14.2009 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
board orgy


schizophrenicroom 07.14.2009 03:23 PM

amerikangod 07.14.2009 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
I like that.

Thanks dude!


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
how disappointing. :(

yr only kissing her...

post the hardcore shit, you fucking furry.

I'll probably be finished with the next one (which will be softcore with nudity, the hardcore stuff starts after that) maybe around or after the weekend. I have a couple of dates lined up this week, I'm working on building my bike, and I work every day until Monday, so I might not get to it for a few.

And a catgirl is VERY different from a furry. A catgirl is essentially a human female, but with cat ears and a tail. Otherwise there is no fur. Sometimes there are two pointy cat teeth. In rare occassions big-ass paws are in place of hands and feet, but even that is rarely acceptable to me. I am not down with yiffing. That said, I'd totally plow a catgirl and hate that they do not exist. I am keeping my eyes on geneticists of the world and praying. Come on Japan!

amerikangod 07.14.2009 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by greedrex

I'll host if you guys don't mind traveling. My roommate is in jail until Friday, so I even have the place to myself.

floatingslowly 07.14.2009 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
And a catgirl is VERY different from a furry.

I know. I was just trolling. :o

also: despite the fact that I'm still waiting on the smut, yr pretty good at that.

any chance at getting you to draw a picture of me getting it on with a catgirl?

it doesn't even have to be the same catgirl (although I'm not adverse to sharing).

amerikangod 07.14.2009 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I know. I was just trolling. :o

also: despite the fact that I'm still waiting on the smut, yr pretty good at that.

any chance at getting you to draw a picture of me getting it on with a catgirl?

it doesn't even have to be the same catgirl (although I'm not adverse to sharing).

I know, but my distaste for furries is strong enough to feel the need to make the distinction anyway.


And I totally need to hunker down and actually draw. That said, I wouldn't be against the idea of drawing other dudes with catgirls. Maybe can we be double-teaming her? I'd need some pictures of you for reference, and a couple of angles of your face. You know, so it actually looks like you.

Any female boardies want to be the catgirl in question?

SuperCreep 07.14.2009 11:06 PM


sonik lyf.

davenotdead 07.14.2009 11:12 PM

well i only clicked on this thread to get cantanky's facebook url.

phoenix 07.15.2009 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
my distaste for furries is strong enough to feel the need to make the distinction anyway.

I think yr phobic because you are one.

baby, dont hide yr love away.

you know you want to get yr freak on animal style whilst wearing a fancy tail and mittens.

I'd be a black fox.


or a panther.


none of this cat biz.

I got yelled at by my parents for drawing porno cartoons when I was like, 7. :(

vulva 07.15.2009 02:39 AM

I don't have facebook. I have msn though. Anyone wanna talk? I'm bored =(

phoenix 07.15.2009 02:41 AM

facebook sucks btw. there is no way I want any of you on my facebook. it is already pointless enough with real life friends on it.

Moshe 07.15.2009 02:43 AM


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