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atsonicpark 07.28.2009 09:08 PM

if you found out a good friend was a rapist/murderer/etc would you still be friends?
I have known this dude for a long time who recently admitted to me that he tried to rape a girl once and she fought him off. He said he felt really bad about it, though he still wants to rape women sometimes but he controls himself. This really kinda disturbed me and I just replied with, "uh, that's fucked up." I mean, what else could I say? He didn't confide in me, he was telling a bunch of people about it. He certainly didn't seem remorseful though again this was like 8 years ago, apparently.

Still, it made me stop and think... I don't want to hold people's past "sins " against them, and we all probably have some fucked up shit in our past. Also, along the same lines here, we don't ever REALLY know anybody... what people think, all that they've done and so on...

Anyway, I won't treat him too differently but I gotta admit that it was just really fucked up and I dunno if I want to be around him for a while because he just seems like a completely different person than the guy I "knew"...


My question for you is: If you had a friend who was a rapist or you found out they killed somebody or did something else really fucked up, would you still be their friend? Has this happened to anyone else?... Obviously, that's kind of a broad question and it probably depends on the circumstances, but I dunno.. I just don't know how I could ever look at this person the same way again. He wasn't really my friend but he was definitely a good acquaintance of mine.

Sonic Youth 37 07.28.2009 09:11 PM

Rapist: no. I find sex crimes to be the foulest of all.
Murder: I'd have no problem being friends with a person that killed someone is self-defense or something. But no 1st degree.

amerikangod 07.28.2009 09:16 PM

Well, let me ask you this... how do you all feel about me?

Satan 07.28.2009 09:23 PM

rape: no excuse. no.
murder: honestly i'm fine with that as long as they had a good reason.

Anngella 07.28.2009 09:24 PM

Probably not. I also would stop being friends with someone if I found out they tortured animals.

schizophrenicroom 07.28.2009 09:24 PM

if the killing is justifiable then sure, but any kind of sex crime: no.

Anngella 07.28.2009 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
if the killing is justifiable then sure, but any kind of sex crime: no.

Statutory rape when guy is 19 and girl is 16 and it was consensual but the girl's parents found out and got mad? Gogogo.

atsonicpark 07.28.2009 09:33 PM

Yeeeeeeah. I just think, in general, I'm going to probably avoid him for a while. I'm just creeped out.

amerikangod 07.28.2009 09:42 PM

Statutory rape ain't rape.

Shifty Prophet 07.28.2009 09:44 PM

This question hits home to me.

coming up I had a friend who's older brother always talked about ''rapin' this bitch, or that bitch'' and not in the joking manner either. He was an asshole and in the end did rape at least one girl, his story was that she wanted him and he didn't really wanna hit it, but did because ''pussy is pussy'' and then he ran his mouth so she said he raped her. I might could believe this from somebody else I knew, but it hit too close to home with that guy. He was convicted and chewed his peanut butter like a man.

Rapist, I would not want to be friends with, unless they really understood how much they fucked up and were willing to pay the consequences and change whatever the hell in them they needed to.

Killers. All the killers I know had reasons they did what they did, and for the most part I can see where they were coming from. Put in the same situation as some of my friends, a lot of self-righteous, uber moral snobs would pull the fucking trigger without thinking twice.

Satan 07.28.2009 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
Statutory rape ain't rape.

thank you.

dirty bunny 07.28.2009 09:47 PM

It's interesting that a lot of people can't forgive rape, but are ok with killing. On the other hand, you can't rape in self-defense.

And to answer the central question, I guess honestly it would depend on the person, how removed it was from the time they did it, and only if they had changed.

Rob Instigator 07.28.2009 09:49 PM

tough question. probably not.

amerikangod 07.28.2009 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Satan
thank you.

All of my usual joking aside, I completely hate how as a society we pretend we're not attracted to our sexually developed youth, as if having sex with them is unthinkable a day before their 18th birthday but totally squaresies the day after it.

If a 15 year-old girl is incredibly hot, I will want to do all kinds of things to her. Will I? Well, that depends on her maturity level. If she knew what she was getting into, could handle sex emotionally, and was of clear mind, I'd go for it. The only thing that'd really hold me back in that case would be the legality of it.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.28.2009 10:33 PM


Fuck rapists and murderers.

Shifty Prophet 07.28.2009 10:48 PM

A lot of people who were acting in self defense are lumped into the category of murderers, so you should think twice about that shit.

pbradley 07.28.2009 10:56 PM

A friend of mine molested another friend of mine. They were both really drunk, though, and he was mortified and confessed to me. He also begged her to forgive him. She hasn't and probably never will, despite being one of the most vocal Christians I know, but I'm still friends with him considering the length of our friendship having been quite spotless and the sincerity of his remorse.

However, I don't think this situation is comparable to actual rape.

atsonicpark 07.28.2009 11:02 PM

"Murder" is the unlawful killing of another person. Acting in self-defense (aka "a self defense killing", aka "not MURDER") goes without saying, since it's basically legal.

girl! 07.28.2009 11:03 PM

If they were accused? Don't know. Depends on how well I know the person.

If they did it and admitted to it. Nope. Sorry, that is no longer a friend of mine. I have no desire to be friends with a rapist or murderer, no matter how great a friend they were before that. Hell, even if it were family. No.

Of course, the exception of self-defense on the murder thing.

Shifty Prophet 07.28.2009 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
"Murder" is the unlawful killing of another person. Acting in self-defense (aka "a self defense killing", aka "not MURDER") goes without saying, since it's basically legal.

There's the definition, there's what actually happened and there's what the judge wants to presume and deduce from the enviroment surrounding you.

I'm just saying, I know KNOW people in jail for murder that were defending themselves. Don't be naive, this can be a fucked world.

LifeDistortion 07.28.2009 11:07 PM

Its difficult to say, "You're a sick fuck and I want nothing to do with you ever again." I agree, a man who rapes a woman, or makes a serious attempt at it is incredibly repulsive to me. If this had been a one time thing and he said, "Yeah, I was stupid or going through some bad shit at that time in my life." I'd do my best to be understanding and say, well I'm glad that he was unable to actually succed in the rape. Because while the fact that he attempted it to begin with is fucked up, it would be thousands of times worse if he actually succeeded in it. Then he says he still has those types of thoughts. I'd ask if he is going to any kind of therpy to keep those desires in check. I guess there are potential child molesters who have those thoughts through some kind of chemical and or enviromental reactions within them, but they recognize it for the atrocious act that it is and try to get help with it before they act on it. To give someone credit who is able to say, "I have these desires but I can not and will not act on them" needs support from thier family and friends, because without someone there to remind them that its wrong, thier impulses could overtake thier ablitiy to recognize just how wrong they are. Same thing goes for murderers, its often the loners and the ones who's friends and family turn thier back on them who act out on these impulses rather then getting help for them.

EVOLghost 07.29.2009 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by dirty bunny
you can't rape in self-defense.

says you.

amerikangod 07.29.2009 02:29 AM

Seconded. Watch 'Terror Firmer.' Or 'Terrorfirmer.' No time to Google it myself.

ALIEN ANAL 07.29.2009 02:56 AM

Is he a murderer that got caught?

Because i think you would just be made to no longer be his friend by him being in jail

You would just sit home going "i cant believe Jarrod killed 18 people!"
And then going over all the bad things that Jarrod had ever done until you just have constant bad thoughts about the guy.

So i guess not...but that all depends on if he had been caught as was in jail.

phoenix 07.29.2009 07:22 AM

contex pls.

rape no. I dont think there is any circumstance, that I can think of?

If my friend killed someone who was about to kill me, then sure..

It'd be hard to deal with, but alive would be a perk.

atsonicpark 07.29.2009 07:41 AM

I may have discussed this elsewhere, but I met a dude last year who was the creepiest fucker ever. I had to work with him. And he was telling people on a break one night about this dude he knew.. I guess it was his best friend actually.. and this guy killed his girlfriend and stayed with her rotting body for a week and eventually turned himself in and went to prison.

Anyway, this creepy fucker writes and visits this killer all the time. And he's like "Yeah, I can see why he did what he did, she was a bitch." ...And everyone, obviously, got real freaked out by this creepy fucker. One night he threatened to bring a gun to work and shoot the boss. He was eventually fired...

wellcharge 07.29.2009 08:32 AM

i guess i would go along with the no to rape, and yes to murderer thing because....

my homies roomate was in jail for attempted rape, but he told everybody he was in jail for stabbing a guy he knew who tried to rape someone(and he was always going on and on about how horrible rape is, to the point where it was creepy,like you're talking about hockey and he starts going on about rape) anyways he tried to rape again and is in jail now, i guess he was never actually my friend and it's physically impossible to be friends with him now, i didn't really care about him stabbing people but now think he's a dick knowing the truth.

the second attempted rape was in the same place as the first, you'd figure if you fail and get arrested the first time you would learn yr lesson but nope he's just that dumb

THAT SAID i feel if you are murdering someone who truly deserves it, i don't really care if you torture or rape them first.

floatingslowly 07.29.2009 08:49 AM

well, my first question would be, do they have a nice bike?

reginald 07.29.2009 09:17 AM

Killin' and murdering ain't the same thing,

neither is illicit fuckin' and raping.

To be called a rapist because someone is on the shy side of 18 is unjust. Now if they were a real child, little kid, prepubescent...yeah that would constitute going WAY over the line.

Killing for protection isn't murder. I'd hate to have to do it, but fucking that shy side of 18 would be alright.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.29.2009 09:21 AM

I raped a friend once, and we're still bros!

People are just too sensitive these days.

reginald 07.29.2009 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
I raped a friend once, and we're still bros!

People are just too sensitive these days.

Did you use Rohipnahl ? :p I spelled it like it sounds.

barnaclelapse 07.29.2009 09:31 AM

It would honestly depend on the person, whether they truly seem remorseful and stuff like that. I've known murderers, I've known rapists, and I can say I've been able to carry on conversations with them and the like. I've even managed friendships in cases where it was obviously a mistake that was clearly continuing to haunt them.

Like I said it depends on the person.

looking glass spectacle 07.29.2009 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
I raped a friend once, and we're still bros!

haha... bro rape

hey, you wanna get some natty ice and chill some time?

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.29.2009 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by looking glass spectacle
hey, you wanna get some natty ice and chill some time?


sarramkrop 07.29.2009 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue

Fuck rapists and murderers.

I find your reply amusing because the pictures you post often remind me of what could be some rape scene.

joe11121 07.29.2009 01:26 PM

I don't think I could still be friends with them..

Jeremy 07.29.2009 01:36 PM

Rape: Never ever ever. I'd purposely try to stop talking to them.
Murder: Yes, self defense no.


exploding plastic candle 07.29.2009 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by reginald
Did you use Rohipnahl ? :p I spelled it like it sounds.

No need for roofies bro! just introduce them to your two bros Jack Daniels and Jack Johnson.

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