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sonicpixie 08.30.2009 02:53 PM

films that just dont get better
u know when u watch a film and u realise immediately that its gonna be shit but u keep watching anyway cos u think it MUST get better but it just doesnt and thats 2 hours of yr life yr never gonna get back? eg. mullholland drive, that was so wank i nearly cried, and also

demonrail666 08.30.2009 02:54 PM

anything by joe d'amato

sonicpixie 08.30.2009 02:55 PM

(woops hadnt finished) and also 'in the name of the king' has anyone seen that? what the fuck happened there? i used to trust implicitly anything with statham in it but he let me down, what was the deal with that film why did it have so many cool actors in it and still manage to be unbelievable shit???

demonrail666 08.30.2009 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by sonicpixie
i used to trust implicitly anything with statham in

here was your first mistake

sonicpixie 08.30.2009 02:59 PM

but he's awesome i refuse to admit my mistake :|

Green_mind 08.30.2009 03:19 PM

I saw a terrible one a few weeks ago and it was so bad that I can't even the title to warn you not to waste any precious time watching it. :o

EVOLghost 08.30.2009 03:34 PM


automatic bzooty 08.30.2009 04:07 PM

blood and chocolate
the collector
tropic thunder
role models
30 days of night

et cetera
et cetera

pbradley 08.30.2009 04:23 PM

I avoid these kinds of movies like the plague. I guess I'm successful enough because I can't think of any right now.

TheFoxBen 08.30.2009 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by sonicpixie
u know when u watch a film and u realise immediately that its gonna be shit but u keep watching anyway cos u think it MUST get better but it just doesnt and thats 2 hours of yr life yr never gonna get back? eg. mullholland drive, that was so wank i nearly cried, and also

WTF ? Mulholland Dr. is a masterpiece, Lynch is one of the greatest directors ever.

atsonicpark 08.30.2009 05:19 PM

Most films.

Also, Mulholland Drive is easily in the top 10 best films ever.

gualbert 08.30.2009 05:43 PM

I think MD is a good movie (or it could have been), but the actors are SO bad, I can't watch it again.
They would fit in The Young and the Restless.

demonrail666 08.30.2009 05:45 PM

godfather III

atsonicpark 08.30.2009 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by gualbert
I think MD is a good movie (or it could have been), but the actors are SO bad, I can't watch it again.
They would fit in The Young and the Restless.


Just curious, have you seen any of Lynch's other films? He has them act that way in most of his films... probably to accentuate the more surreal qualities of the film.

gualbert 08.30.2009 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark

Just curious, have you seen any of Lynch's other films? He has them act that way in most of his films... probably to accentuate the more surreal qualities of the film.

Yes: Eraserhead, Elephant Man, and Dune.
I did enjoy EM and Dune.
But the actors in these movies are good to me (especially Kyle McLachlan), it's not the question whether they're superstar or not.

terriblecanyons 08.30.2009 06:25 PM

Let's see. Broken Flowers. Though I kind of liked the ending, I was really disappointed.

Also, Black Dahlia. Fuck that movie.

demonrail666 08.30.2009 06:25 PM

the bit in mullholand dr with the woman singing 'crying' is one of the most brilliant things i've seen in a film

DeadDiscoDildo 08.30.2009 06:33 PM

That new sci fi remake, I forget, was it the day the earth stood still? Keanu Reeves was in it. Saw it with my folks. I figured it would be shit, and then, it got so shitty I thought this has to be a joke, and then it got even shittier...

notyourfiend 08.30.2009 06:53 PM

napoleon dynamite sucks every time.

deflinus 08.30.2009 06:59 PM

the departed

atsonicpark 08.30.2009 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by gualbert
Yes: Eraserhead, Elephant Man, and Dune.
I did enjoy EM and Dune.
But the actors in these movies are good to me (especially Kyle McLachlan), it's not the question whether they're superstar or not.

Heh. Well, Dune and Elephant Man are his worst and least Lynch-like films. But to each their own!

TheDom 08.30.2009 08:10 PM

Pineapple Express
Death Proof

atsonicpark 08.30.2009 08:16 PM

^^^ Two of the worst films I've ever seen in theaters.

TheDom 08.30.2009 08:24 PM

I thought Pineapple Express was ok but I heard so much damn hype & it was meh

Death Proof is totally unforgivable though. I do not want to watch 30 minutes of 4 girls talking to each other in a car.

atsonicpark 08.30.2009 08:29 PM

Yeah, I read a recent Tarantino article where even he admitted the film "didn't work", though I kinda think he only said that because it didn't make any money and he didn't want people to think that's the direction he was going in for his new movies.

FreshChops 08.30.2009 10:09 PM

• Mr. & Mrs. Smith
• Death Race 2000
• Burn After Reading
• Death Proof
• Fun With Dick & Jane

.... and most of the recent comedy and horror movies!

dirty bunny 08.30.2009 10:14 PM

The fifteen-minute mark of any film seems to be at the point I decide whether it's too dull to continue or keep watching. So I don't usually reach the point that I think it's going to get better. I turned off After Hours, though, after a very short time because it turned us all off.

lucyrulesok 08.30.2009 10:31 PM


oh my god i was really willing that film to get better. it didn't.

atsonicpark 08.31.2009 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by dirty bunny
The fifteen-minute mark of any film seems to be at the point I decide whether it's too dull to continue or keep watching. So I don't usually reach the point that I think it's going to get better. I turned off After Hours, though, after a very short time because it turned us all off.


After Hours rules, btw.

Tokolosh 08.31.2009 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Mulholland Drive is easily in the top 10 best films ever.

As much as I adore Lynch and know where you're coming from, I disagree.

Mulholland Drive was supposed to have been a tv series,
but got turned down by the big boys when Lynch showed them a mockup.
Diehard Lynch fans were quite disappointed when it eventually came out as a feature film.
Not surprising, the film is so incomplete, it hurts.

I'd also like to add that Lost Highway has the worst actors Lynch ever used.
They just don't suit his films - and by 'they' I mean Bill Pullman and Patricia Arquette.
Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE in Wild at Heart, blows them both away.

sonicpixie 08.31.2009 05:10 AM

eraserhead was really good, but no mullholland drive i think i made it to within 15 mins of the end and had to stop.
and the departed is a good film!!!!
what about blood diamond, thats the only film ive thought dicaprio was any good in but many people slap me when i say that

Tokolosh 08.31.2009 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by sonicpixie
what about blood diamond, thats the only film ive thought dicaprio was any good in but many people slap me when i say that

Have you seen What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
In my opinion, that's his best performance to date.

gmku 08.31.2009 07:16 AM

This isn't something I dwell on much, so I can't really participate in this thread. Sorry.

SONIC GAIL 08.31.2009 08:10 AM

Oh Brother Where Art Thou?

Stranger Than Fiction

I Heart Huckabees

THe Ballad of Ricky Bobby

What Just Happened

No Country For Old Men

atsonicpark 09.02.2009 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by gualbert
Yes: Eraserhead, Elephant Man, and Dune.
I did enjoy EM and Dune.
But the actors in these movies are good to me (especially Kyle McLachlan), it's not the question whether they're superstar or not.

Something else I'd like to point out is that there are very rarely "actors" in Lynch's films. In fact, it's probably more accurate to call them "reactors"... they react to bizarre situations.

atsonicpark 09.02.2009 11:48 PM

Rewatched Eraserhead for the hundredth time today btw.


jerf 09.03.2009 03:17 PM

The Island.

Actually, you can add "all movies by Michael Bay" into this thread. Except maybe Armageddon.

atsonicpark 09.03.2009 03:22 PM

No, DEFINITELY add Armageddon. That has to be the stupidest film I've ever seen.

TheFoxBen 09.03.2009 03:28 PM

Michael Bay ? Who is Michael Bay ? Oh sorry I'm living in a world where bad directors don't exist.

demonrail666 09.03.2009 03:40 PM

I actually like Armageddon. Maybe it's because I went to see it expecting to loathe it and I still can't honestly think of anything particularly good about it. I suppose Michael Bay is just one of those filmmakers that I dislike in principal but usually find myself quite enjoying.

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