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notyourfiend 09.02.2009 04:58 PM

Okay, so I know it's silly to ask for advice on a message board but I figured yalz might be able to provide some insight...or at least dark humor....

A friend of mine has a roommate who works at a Pet Shelter and seriously neglects her animals. Never cleans their cat litter, leaves the house randomly without feeding them. She is now about to foster a dog. My friend is too non-confrontational and does not plan on doing anything (even though she was never asked about the prospect of getting another animal) because 1) the papers are already filled out 2) she does not want to rain on their parade since they both seem so excited.

Dogs are pretty high maintenance and if you can't even remember to change the cat box it's dangerous to start fostering one.

I'm seriously tempted to call Animal Services. This will result in my friend's roommate loosing her job. That will inevitably fuck over my friend, who already is barely able to pay her rent as is. If her roommate moves out, she is inevitably going to have to move back Long Island. Reason enough for me to not want to put in living situation in jeopardy.

I've also already threatened this friend a few times in the past months because she keeps on making decisions that could kill her. I don't want to be that person who kills all the fun. But seriously...isn't this animal abuse?

atsonicpark 09.02.2009 05:03 PM

Do it, extreme asshole.

gmku 09.02.2009 05:08 PM

I think you're making a horribly inaccurate assumption. Hot sex often reeks like cat shit and urine, i.e., she's just having hot sex before she comes home, i.e., lighten up and stay out of her private sex life, you meddling bitch.

Just sayin'.

notyourfiend 09.02.2009 05:11 PM

^^^ Living there for a month and a half absolutely killed my sex drive.

It's hard to get aroused when you breathe in poo.

demonrail666 09.02.2009 05:12 PM

ten thousand facesitting fetishists disagree

notyourfiend 09.02.2009 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
ten thousand facesitting fetishists disagree

good point.

pbradley 09.02.2009 05:15 PM

Do you care more for the happiness of the animals more than the happiness of your friend?

gmku 09.02.2009 05:16 PM

I don't think any of us are qualified to dispense sage advice on matters this delicate.

demonrail666 09.02.2009 05:22 PM

i'm not even sure if any of us are qualified to dispense sage.

Glice 09.02.2009 05:34 PM

I take offence at that comment.

Glice 09.02.2009 05:34 PM

In my capacity as herb distributer.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 09.02.2009 05:42 PM

forget about her
she's a heartbreaker
she'll do it everytime
she did the same thing to me!

EVOLghost 09.02.2009 05:53 PM of my dealers apartment smells like cat shit. It's pretty gosh darn awful.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.02.2009 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by notyourfiend


if it is as bad as you say, the hammer of God will come down inevitably.. I say snitching is the absolute WORST thing you could do in this regard.. I mean, if you were as fucked up as those people would you want the cops just running all through your shit (no pun intended ;) )?
let the chips fall where they may.

!@#$%! 09.02.2009 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by notyourfiend
a very long post

yeah, you should never ask advice from the interwebs; then again, i love to dish out patronizing jeremiads.

so--long story short--throw your friend a pity party. it's what she wants.

and don't butt into other people's lives-- no, you're not an asshole for thinking about what you're thinking of doing, but let your friend be the passive dishrag she has chosen to be and learn to be a grownup or end up in the psychiatric ward.

i mean, some people really trip on being total pussies. and i don't mean pussy in the sexy, juicy, bright pink yummy way, no... i mean it here in the way the other people think about it.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.02.2009 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

i mean, some people really trip on being total pussies. and i don't mean pussy in the sexy, juicy, bright pink yummy way, no... i mean it here in the way the other people think about it.

on that note.. what is the legitimate, standard english expression which carries the same connotation as the slang 'pussy' or 'bitch(made)'? Is it coward? I don't know.. some pussies are not necessarily cowards.. I have been trying to figure this out for months now with no luck.. whenever I want to refer to someone as a "pussy" but I am talking to like somebody's grandmother I don't know which term would be most appropriate, though I am sure "pussy" is not quite it..


I also found a graph ;)


!@#$%! 09.02.2009 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous

if it is as bad as you say, the hammer of God will come down inevitably.. I say snitching is the absolute WORST thing you could do in this regard.. I mean, if you were as fucked up as those people would you want the cops just running all through your shit (no pun intended ;) )?
let the chips fall where they may.

the anti-snitch code is a huge load of bullshit. that's the kind of mentality that allows rape, incest, abuse, crime of all manner, to go unfettered and destroy the lives of millions.

call it whistleblowing and take down corporate criminals along with their trigger-happy counterparts in the streets and in government.

a thief is a thief, a murderer a murderer.







SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.02.2009 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
the anti-snitch code is a huge load of bullshit. that's the kind of mentality that allows rape, incest, abuse, crime of all manner, to go unfettered and destroy the lives of millions.

call it whistleblowing and take down corporate criminals along with their trigger-happy counterparts in the streets and in government.

a thief is a thief, a murderer a murderer.







I see I won't be doing any dirt with you ;)

snitching aint cool.. period. If you got a problem solve it. If you are too much a bitch to solve it yourself, leave it! Jesus its a simple philosophy. With this instance.. why call the animal services? Cuz yr too scared to check yr folks about that foul shit they are doing? Either boss up or step down but snitching is for humpty dumpty motherfuckers who sit on the fence.. until something or someone knocks they ass off the wall!

!@#$%! 09.02.2009 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
on that note.. what is the legitimate, standard english expression which carries the same connotation as the slang 'pussy' or 'bitch(made)'? Is it coward? I don't know.. some pussies are not necessarily cowards.. I have been trying to figure this out for months now with no luck.. whenever I want to refer to someone as a "pussy" but I am talking to like somebody's grandmother I don't know which term would be most appropriate, though I am sure "pussy" is not quite it..


I also found a graph ;)


in like the 20s or up to the 40s if movies dont lie people said "yellowbelly" but eh, sexism has won the day.

re: the use of genitalia, it's more potent than standard language. cock, cunt, asshole, have tremendous hallucinatory power (what vivid metaphors!) than standard language lacks.

when i hear "coward" i think "noel".

when someone is a coward it's nicer to say "he shat his pants". you can almost smell the fear in that expression!

!@#$%! 09.02.2009 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I see I won't be doing any dirt with you ;)

snitching aint cool.. period. If you got a problem solve it. If you are too much a bitch to solve it yourself, leave it! Jesus its a simple philosophy. With this instance.. why call the animal services? Cuz yr too scared to check yr folks about that foul shit they are doing? Either boss up or step down but snitching is for humpty dumpty motherfuckers who sit on the fence.. until something or someone knocks they ass off the wall!

is this

your hero?

!@#$%! 09.02.2009 06:30 PM

here a sample of your "no snitching" policy:

gotta go watch a movie w/ the missus-- seeya!

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.02.2009 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
is this


your hero?

nah.. just two things two:

a) I would HATE to be the motherfucker in the county with a bunch of paperwork on him, and this info hits the block very fast, then I could find myself one of those 90th percentile folks who get dealt with ;)

b) on a personal level, I hate snitching, and I have NO desire to do it. I don't call the cops, I don't call yo momma, I don't call no body. I either call my boys or I leave that shit alone. Snitching is for people who have no options, no backbone, or give way too much a shit about something that is not their business in the first place.

Anngella 09.02.2009 06:50 PM

I would ONLY "snitch" on someone if I knew a person/non-person was being abused/neglected, because any person who would abuse/neglect deserves to be "snitched on," in my opinion.

That said, I don't know what to tell you.

notyourfiend 09.02.2009 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by Anngella
I would ONLY "snitch" on someone if I knew a person/non-person was being abused/neglected, because any person who would abuse/neglect deserves to be "snitched on," in my opinion.

That said, I don't know what to tell you.

Yeah, I mean, I never did snitch in the first place. Just clarifying that. I was, however, tempted...

But in regards to Anngella's comment, in this case I'm talking about a person abusing/neglecting an animal. Which is why I think it may be important. Cats and dogs are innocent and usually not at all offensive.

notyourfiend 09.02.2009 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

i mean, some people really trip on being total pussies. and i don't mean pussy in the sexy, juicy, bright pink yummy way, no... i mean it here in the way the other people think about it.

This person really thrives on that.

I still love her.

However, I am not okay with animals being in the equation.

Satan 09.02.2009 08:57 PM

this is no question.

call the fuckin' kitty feds.

notyourfiend 09.02.2009 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by Satan
this is no question.

call the fuckin' kitty feds.

I'm glad to hear you say that. I'm starting to feel like a fucking a-hole for wanting to get those cats/that dog out of their hair....

Satan 09.02.2009 09:08 PM

don't tell them it was you. just do it. think of the cats/dog

!@#$%! 09.02.2009 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by notyourfiend
This person really thrives on that.

I still love her.

However, I am not okay with animals being in the equation.

well, she sure won't lurve ya back after you out her. godspeed!


Originally Posted by Satan
don't tell them it was you. just do it. think of the cats/dog

i wasn't aware that the animals were suffering-- if they are, then fucking rat out the insane fuckers already.

i thought that the complaint was that the cats shat everywhere and the house stank bla bla bla-- in which case, it's the humans being abused by the animals cuz maybe they like to be shat on or sumthin.

but if they are abusive-- pick up that battleaxe phone of yours. i mean, imagine what that cuntwag shelter employee is doing in his job. fucking shit!

some people dont get animals cuz they love them-- they get animals so they can act out their sick sick issues and make the animals pay.

and now that i think about it, cats can get UTIs from filthy litterboxes-- especially male cats, they fill up and ASSPLODE.

anyway, if you feel strongly about it, go for the fucking kill. kill'em all.

lucyrulesok 09.02.2009 10:01 PM

pussy = wuss???

artsygrrl 09.02.2009 10:08 PM

Ummm.....this is not a case of snitching. There is genuine animal abuse going on here. I KNOW you can call this in anonomously. This may cost her a job, but can you seriously stand by and do nothing? ALSO...your friend sounds clinically depressed and may need some help, fast. How to get her to get help? I don't know. You can't just drag her into a mental health clinic but for shit's sake, she must smell like a fucking skankbag. Do her other friends or family notice?

notyourfiend 09.02.2009 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
well, she sure won't lurve ya back after you out her. godspeed!

i wasn't aware that the animals were suffering-- if they are, then fucking rat out the insane fuckers already.

i thought that the complaint was that the cats shat everywhere and the house stank bla bla bla-- in which case, it's the humans being abused by the animals cuz maybe they like to be shat on or sumthin.

but if they are abusive-- pick up that battleaxe phone of yours. i mean, imagine what that cuntwag shelter employee is doing in his job. fucking shit!

some people dont get animals cuz they love them-- they get animals so they can act out their sick sick issues and make the animals pay.

and now that i think about it, cats can get UTIs from filthy litterboxes-- especially male cats, they fill up and ASSPLODE.

anyway, if you feel strongly about it, go for the fucking kill. kill'em all.

yeah, the whole fucking point is that animals are suffering.

I'm not ratting out my friend, I'm ratting out her roommate who neglects her animals and is about to get another one.

But inevitably, if her roommate looses her job at an animal shelter, my friend will not be able to afford her rent.

however, my friend is not doing anything about the situation because she doesn't want to start a confrontation....

Satan 09.02.2009 11:29 PM

yeah you for sure need to call animal control or whatevs

notyourfiend 09.02.2009 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by artsygrrl
Ummm.....this is not a case of snitching. There is genuine animal abuse going on here. I KNOW you can call this in anonomously. This may cost her a job, but can you seriously stand by and do nothing? ALSO...your friend sounds clinically depressed and may need some help, fast. How to get her to get help? I don't know. You can't just drag her into a mental health clinic but for shit's sake, she must smell like a fucking skankbag. Do her other friends or family notice?

Yeah, my friend is ridiculously depressed. As in, not functioning. But that's a whole other story. I love her to death, and I've been sticking by her. However, it's not okay if she doesn't take the initiative to have a real confrontation about the way that her roommate is neglecting the animals.

her roommate is the really messed up one. i lived with her. it was a terrible experience.

atsonicpark 09.02.2009 11:37 PM

did I see a young wesley willis in this thread?!

!@#$%! 09.02.2009 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by notyourfiend

however, my friend is not doing anything about the situation because she doesn't want to start a confrontation....

i got that.

by "outing her" meant to her sucky roommies.

throw the bitch out in the street i say! ha!

well, no. you're shoving her into a confrontation that she can't handle. good! maybe she'll grow some ovaries.

by the way, i find spineless people like that utterly repugnant. like human slugs. they give me the willies.

so rat them out anonymously. call pretending to be a neighbor, or the UPS man, or something.

don't they have a landlord? fucking shit...

!@#$%! 09.02.2009 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by lucyrulesok
pussy = wuss???

yes, but it's kinda weak. it's like-- seinfeld episodes feature the word "wuss".

"QUIT BEING SUCH A FUCKING PUSSY!", on the other hand, just has an incomparable sound to it.

pbradley 09.03.2009 12:18 AM

Using female genitalia as a pejorative is just as fair as using male genitalia as a pejorative, you prick/cunt.

Not addressing this to anyone particularly. Just saying.

lucyrulesok 09.03.2009 12:20 AM

oh i have no objection to the use of the word pussy - but as a polite alternative, one might use wuss. wasn;t someone asking that? in case they were in front of a friends grandma?

alteredcourse 09.03.2009 12:29 AM

Put some pressure on her. Dont tip toe around the subject, and say something, even if its snide half-ass passive agressive bullshit. Just something to make it aware that her incompetence is being noticed. If its not how you are to be so near to confrontation, then change how you are for this occasion. Otherwise you gotta zip it, right? But you care, so...choose one.

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