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artsygrrl 09.13.2009 09:19 AM

Name one thing you hate to see someone do in public...

h8kurdt 09.13.2009 09:28 AM

Spitting. Those motherfuckers should be shot on sight.

godsfavoritedog 09.13.2009 09:34 AM

In public as in walking down the street - I agree w/ h8kurdt - hocking up a big loogie is pretty wrong.

In public as in sitting in a restaurant - burping.

Phlegmscope 09.13.2009 09:51 AM

Loud obnoxious twats doing what loud obnoxious twats do. I can ignore lots of stuff but when a drunken acquaintance is being the aforementioned, it can be a bit difficult. like last night.

ploesj 09.13.2009 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Spitting. Those motherfuckers should be shot on sight.

that's the first thing i was thinking of.

alteredcourse 09.13.2009 10:15 AM

Haha, yeah, whenever I see a guy spit I instantly see them as nothing more than big ugly two-legged dogs pissing out of their mouths.

Shouting conversations to others instead of speaking. Throwing garbage on the ground. Insisting on standing by the door of the bus, especially if there is a seat available for them, as the same idiots tend to be completely confused and oblivious when folks are trying to push past them at a stop. FUCK. FUCK !!!!! Get the fuck out of the way !

I guess no one would do that at home. The bus thing really fuckin bugs me, though.

Sonic Youth 37 09.13.2009 10:18 AM

Picking ones nose.

I can agree with spitting in most cases, but sometimes you have a cold/cough and the stuff is better out than in and you can't always duck into a bathroom or find a person who you dislikes face.

the big quasar 09.13.2009 10:21 AM

nut-scratchers and panty-pickers

ploesj 09.13.2009 10:21 AM

i don't really like to see people licking each other's tonsils and grabbing ass or boobs in public. please keep some things private.

artsygrrl 09.13.2009 10:48 AM

I once was in a class where the guy sitting next to me proceeded to trim his fingernails AND his toenails.

ploesj 09.13.2009 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by artsygrrl
I once was in a class where the guy sitting next to me proceeded to trim his fingernails AND his toenails.


did he bite them off?

artsygrrl 09.13.2009 10:56 AM

ha, no. He had this big ol' nail clipper.

Prisstina 09.13.2009 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by alteredcourse

Shouting conversations to others instead of speaking. Throwing garbage on the ground. Insisting on standing by the door of the bus, especially if there is a seat available for them, as the same idiots tend to be completely confused and oblivious when folks are trying to push past them at a stop. FUCK. FUCK !!!!! Get the fuck out of the way !


My school gets their own city buses, and when kids are getting on, they stand right in the front. Never mind the fact that there are empty seats in the back. I usually just plow through and go "MOOOOOOOVE!"

I'm not afraid of black people, so I don't mind going to the back.

SYRFox 09.13.2009 11:46 AM

In the subway, when people stand against the metallic bar you're supposed to put your hand on in order not to fall.

chicka 09.13.2009 11:51 AM

flossin' or pickin at their teeth..

people who interupt. just cain't wait to express their opinion
looking around and talking loud enough so everyone in the room /immediate area knows what you're talkin about

chicka 09.13.2009 11:52 AM

guys that don't get up for women/old people and let them sit..............

demonrail666 09.13.2009 12:04 PM

eating on public transport

Count Mecha 09.13.2009 12:21 PM

If they're in company, texting.

girlgun 09.13.2009 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by chicka
flossin' or pickin at their teeth..

people who interupt. just cain't wait to express their opinion
looking around and talking loud enough so everyone in the room /immediate area knows what you're talkin about

yes... toothpicks! HATE IT!

automatic bzooty 09.13.2009 12:34 PM

bra/wedgie fixing
hardcore nail picking/cutting/cleaning/etc. (one of my friends spent about 50% of district 9 inspecting her nails. ugh.)
nose picking
cracking EVERYTHING all at once. back cracking is the worst.
ball scratchin'. teeth pickin'. zit poppin'.
groping in general.
not throwing yr shit away - just leaving it there. lazy fucks.

gmku 09.13.2009 12:40 PM

Guys who beat off on the street corner. Very bad form.

Trasher02 09.13.2009 12:54 PM

I hate it when people turn on their music on their cell-phone. I DON'T WANNA HEAR YOUR SHITTY MUSIC.

joe11121 09.13.2009 01:36 PM

the music on cells, nose picking, cutting fingernails, picking ears, spitting, texting when people are talking to them, just farting out of no where, shouting on their phones, public drunkenness can be annoying but not always.

There's probably a lot more I could say, but that's all I can think of right now.

Anngella 09.13.2009 01:50 PM

Start small talk with me.

dale_gribble 09.13.2009 02:20 PM

driving cars, i'd say a good 98% of americans own cars and about 30% of them actually know how to drive.

loubarret 09.13.2009 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Trasher02
I hate it when people turn on their music on their cell-phone. I DON'T WANNA HEAR YOUR SHITTY MUSIC.

Kid, you're destorying my mood with your shitty R&B.

Even my revenge was quite sweet, the last week I went to school I putted two small boxes in my backpack and was blasting Chrome all the time.

Eat that miserable fucks.

Aaaadrpk 09.13.2009 02:56 PM

1. normal people, boring
2. people shopping looking and walking like a roboots.
3. people who say 'I love you' like 'good morning'
4. people walking slowly after film output
5. i hate, when i hate.

SYRFox 09.13.2009 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Aaaadrpk
1. normal people, boring
2. people shopping looking and walking like a roboots.
3. people who say 'I love you' like 'good morning'
4. people walking slowly after film output
5. i hate, when i hate.

I love your signature!!

automatic bzooty 09.13.2009 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by Trasher02
I hate it when people turn on their music on their cell-phone. I DON'T WANNA HEAR YOUR SHITTY MUSIC.


not only is it (most always) shitty music to start with, but out of a cell speaker it's like... super tinny/flat sounding. and it's not s'posed to be. unless it's ringtone rap.

Aaaadrpk 09.13.2009 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by SYRFox
I love your signature!!

hhaheha >>>
3. people who say 'I love you' like ...


TheFoxBen 09.13.2009 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Trasher02
I hate it when people turn on their music on their cell-phone. I DON'T WANNA HEAR YOUR SHITTY MUSIC.

Fuckin' repped, I FUCKING HATE THEM !

SYRFox 09.13.2009 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Aaaadrpk
hhaheha >>>
3. people who say 'I love you' like ...


ahahah, well done :D

Aaaadrpk 09.13.2009 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by SYRFox
ahah! I didn't really said "you" but rather "your" though :D's okay, ironic jokes :)

pbradley 09.13.2009 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Guys who beat off on the street corner. Very bad form.

"If only I could soothe my hunger by rubbing my belly."

pbradley 09.13.2009 03:46 PM

Saw a homeless crazy guy in San Francisco piss by the side of a very busy street while I was eating lunch at a restaurant on the adjacent side.

I actually didn't mind so much but the people driving sure did.

Satan 09.13.2009 04:18 PM

fat tourists who don't get the fuck out of my way on the subway and stand around in their northface jackets pointing at buildings

ploesj 09.13.2009 05:02 PM

oh god yes people stop playing music on your phone. especially you, three teenagers all playing a different 'song' on one bus.

and people, look at other people when you're walking around. if i'm on my bike and you can see me coming from miles away, don't suddenly step in front of me and get mad when i hit your bag. also, when i'm just walking, don't look right through me so i have to zigzag all the time if i don't want to touch your fat tourist bodies.

automatic bzooty 09.13.2009 05:17 PM

wearing pajama pants/sweats to class. especially heinous when sloppily tucked into uggs.

just... no. i don't care how comfortable it is.

atsonicpark 09.13.2009 05:37 PM

Watching people kiss on the mouth grosses me out. So, that. Er, if it's in a romantic context, I mean. You know. A quick little peck is okay, but seeing people, like, slobber on each other is disgusting.

Diesel 09.13.2009 05:39 PM

If I need to pull a booger i'll pull it. If I need to fart i'll fart. If I need to eat i'll eat. You shouldn't be looking/listening/getting offended anyway ya miserable little tykes.

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