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Anyone else have Reoccuring dreams?
I won't bore you with the details, but the one reoccuring dream I always have is that I haven't graduated highschool yet. Though I graduated 10 years ago, in my dreams it is present day, and I still am in high school with this nagging feeling that I have to work hard and finally finish school, though there is no real end in sight.
Last night I had another, but this time it was present day, and it became mandatory that everyone my age (late 20's) must completely redo high school all over again. I woke up seriously thinking I had to get up for school! Anyone else have fucked up rerun dreams? |
wow that's weird
i have high school dreams alot too, especially in the past year....that i'm skipping class or trying in vain to get laid or whatever, and then they sometimes meld into my college time, like a weird hybrid...and also sometimes they are zombies and shit (i'm not being facetious, it's my wonderful reoccuring zombies in highschool obvious metaphor dreams i get all the time....i wish i ahd some crazy ass fellini dreams that i had to write down in the morning and figure out sometimes) |
that's funny, i sometimes have EXACTLY the same dream. not often though, but i've had it a few times over a number of years. i wonder what it could mean. |
I don't remember my dreams usually, but I know a lot of people who dream about being in high school or college. I think Conan O'Brien and Jeff Goldblum had a discussion about it once. If that doesn't prove you're normal, nothing does...
Yeah. i have a reoccuring dream where I'm walking around somewhere on this planet and it's in a state of war and ragnarök.
It's not a pretty site to see earth on fire! I always land up waking to the sound of my own yelp. |
A couple.I have this recurring dream that involves leftovers of humanity trying to survive a cosmic winter and my ususal one where i get thrown off a plane.A nice recurring dream involves being somewhere tropically exotic with a permanent smile stamped on my face.
when i was younger i had a re-occuring dream where i was in a Monastary trying to run away from a monk but he always catches me and takes his hood down to reveal he's magled face thats all ikky and loads of stiches in a line and he starts screaming into my face and thats when i wake up.
nowadays i have this re-occuring dream where i meet a old friend of mine (we had an argument years ago and never spoke again) and we make amends again, but we meet in all these mad places, i.e a festival, shopping center, mardi gras! just in mad places and we make friends again, i have this dream at least every month, i think they will stop when i speak to him again but he lives in Austraila these days so it might not be for a while yet. |
had one involving running a lot through car parks. very strange, i can remember the colour of the bricks and what the weather was like and everything. all very strange.
i only remember the very good or very bad dreams that i have. |
Did you by any chance watch " The Name of the Rose" when you were a kid? Your parents did warn you! |
I shouldn't have smoked that j before coming to work this morning.:confused: The beauty of the edit button. |
ha ha! i do that also, then i'm in work like....aww fuckin hell - while a granny is trying to figure out why this toaster is €20 and this other one is €50, i always regret it, no i never say that film, i did see "the deer hunter" at an early age but that just made me tie a white scarf around my head and go around the house shouthing " mow MOW CHIKKI MOW!" even to this day i'm pure terrified of Monks. ![]() one's like these....horrible horrible BASTARDS! |
How's this for a creepy 19th century Italian Monk in funeral attire.
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now he is one freaky lookin fucker.. ewwww.... i cant look. |
When I was younger, we lived in these apartments in southern Cal. Anywho, I had this one dream (reoccurring of course) where my friends and I would be playing and all of a sudden I ended up on the roof of the complex. I'd fall for what seemed like minutes and just as I was about to hit the ground, I'd wake up... sweating and shit. It was quite vivid. Kept having it for years.
Sweating and shit.? What do you mean? Like crapping in your pants? :D |
I think this is what is referred to as a "wet dream." Hott. |
Yes, that is exactly what I meant. Poo nuggets and everything. |
Really? I always thought they were called 'cum enducing thoughts'? |
??? wet dream ??? heh ??? what the f*** ??? |
my recurring dream for 20 years or so..
i lose my teeth.. they drop - the same ones each time - as i touch them.. probably means something, but i'm pretty freaked out by it.. ps--> recurring dreams are one of the many symptoms of schizophrenia.. they don't mean anything by themselves, but there you go.. |
I have this one, and from what I've heard it's pretty common: It's the last day or so of classes in college, and I suddenly realize there are like one or two classes I've forgotten to attend all semester. There's no way I can drop the class at this late date, and there's a final that I suddenly find myself in with no clue about anything it covers. I always wake up in a cold sweat.
Plague doctors. That'll get your nightmares going.
![]() Anyway, I have lots of reoccuring dreams- BUT I never remember what the dreams are until I've had them again. I'll keep you posted. |
That just reminded me - I've had many reoccuring dreams about my teeth. They're always rotted or broken and fucked up. I haven't been to a dentist in 10 years... |
They are not always the same but I do have quite a few dreams about being naked or being in high school. Flying dreams are not all that uncommon. I've had several movie theater related dreams recently.
I used to have reourring dreams of missing the bus, then I would wake up (still in my dream) and miss it again, then it would repeat several times
anyone ever had dreams in which you knew you were asleep?
I had one of those a few days ago, I was dreaming, yet I could feel my body rolling over on the bed, thus I was completely confused as to whether or not I was actually asleep |
I had a dream where I sorta knew I was asleep. I was more trying to figure out if I was, asking a whole bunch of people I knew that randomly showed up on the street. It was a long time ago. I don't like those. They're confusing as hell. |
I do. I used to have this one once a year around christmas, except I didn't have it this year (or maybe I wasn't aware that I had it). I can't tell you anything about the dream, I can't really remember any of it. I don't remember any visuals at all. But I was like counting or sorting something, and I had to stop at a certain point. I kept going anyway and eventually there is a big explosion. And for some reason I think it is a contest. That is the best I can explain it. Very strange. I hate that dream.
Oh and I hardly remember my dreams. I wish I could remember them more. The last dream that I can kind of remember was seeing my 7th grade math/science teacher and he flipped me off (in a playful manner). I can't remember where I was, who else was there, what happened. It was strange.
I hate dreams that are really vague like that. Most of mine are, too.
That reminds me though. Has anyone had a dream where you couldn't remember when you had it? One day I was thinking about a dream a I remembered I had years and years ago, but then all of a sudden it hit me that I just had the dream last night. And then I thought, that can't be, I know I had it a long time ago...I know it wasn't recurring, it was just really bizarre. I was never able to decide whether it was an old dream or a new one. |
Yeah I mentioned my weird "bloody teeth falling out of my skull" dreams on some other thread. I have one every few years it seems. Again, I blame Freddy.
http://www.dreammoods.com/cgibin/tee...h= teethintro
Apparently it means pretty much everything imaginable. |
Reoccuring Dream is a Crowded House record.
... and thats all I have to say on this matter. |
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