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notyourfiend 09.20.2009 01:22 PM

shana tova
to any and all who are celebrating rosh hashanah.

amerikangod 09.20.2009 01:38 PM

Is this a clever ruse to out the Jewish boardies?

amerikangod 09.20.2009 01:44 PM


floatingslowly 09.20.2009 02:06 PM

westboro baptist was down the street the other day.

apparently they had signs that said "Jesus killed the Jews".

they had a permit.

why is Nazi shit like that legal?

amerikangod 09.20.2009 02:46 PM

Same reason why people are allowed to rave about Obama and shit on Bush, feminazis are allowed to burn their bras and hate on men, Weird Al is allowed to make music, and Indian people are allowed to say anything at all.

Freedom of speech is a slippery slope. I'd rather take it all than let anyone start picking and choosing.

Besides, a great way to delegitimize a stupid belief system held by a group of people is to let them parade it around for all to see. Look at Scientology.

And by all of the above I actually meant: penis penis penis penis.

Glice 09.20.2009 03:28 PM

I know it's protected in your constitution, but do any of you ever stop to notice that the majority of the world thinks that America talks nothing but shite all the time precisely because any fuckhat can spout off small-minded twattery and no-one goes, "Oh, do shut up you insufferable cunt"?

Freedom of speech is a nice idea, but it's a bit like bass solos - not really worth the effort of listening to the endless sqawking of the fucking bassists of society.

Glice 09.20.2009 03:28 PM


SuperCreep 09.20.2009 04:29 PM

l'shana tovah tikatevu. :7)

amerikangod 09.20.2009 04:45 PM

When anyone feels free to say anything at any time, they quickly lose their filters. It creates a situation in which it's exceedingly easy to discern the jackasses from the slightly-less stupid.

And I am a huge fan of cunts being told to shut their flapping cunt lips.

In a free-for-all, only the strong come out ahead, their words and ideas sharpened from practice.

Glice 09.20.2009 05:21 PM

I know what you're saying, but I can also think of more Iranian writers I like than I can American ones. That doesn't prove much, but it does say something.

floatingslowly 09.20.2009 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
Freedom of speech is a slippery slope. I'd rather take it all than let anyone start picking and choosing.

I know yr right. and they DO simply bring shame back upon themselves.

and I suppose if there was a law, the next thing to go would be the internet. & fuuuuuck that.

I guess I should look on the bright side. it gives me a chance to shit on the nazis.

happy rosh hashanah na na, my jewish friends. if the nazis come back, you can stay in my attic.


gmku 09.20.2009 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
westboro baptist was down the street the other day.

apparently they had signs that said "Jesus killed the Jews".

they had a permit.

why is Nazi shit like that legal?

Jesus killed the Jews? Doesn't that make Jesus the bad guy? I don't get it.

amerikangod 09.20.2009 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
I can also think of more Iranian writers I like than I can American ones. That doesn't prove much, but it does say something.

I believe it's more so a matter of taste. It says that you have desert fever. I don't see culture as something that spawns or limits genius and creativity, but as an environment/context that shapes it.

amerikangod 09.20.2009 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
if the nazis come back, you can stay in my attic

Don't forget to drill the glory holes into the wardrobes and other furniture they'll be hiding in. That way they can sustain themselves through my manly drip-feed. I'll be like a hamster cage water bottle, with a sausage for a nozzle and all filled up with creamy Jew food.

amerikangod 09.20.2009 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Jesus killed the Jews? Doesn't that make Jesus the bad guy? I don't get it.

Nah, it wasn't actually Jesus, Ozymandias just made it look like his energy signature so he'd take the blame. At least that's how it was in the movie. In the Bible Jesus is actually just a big squid monster.

floatingslowly 09.20.2009 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Jesus killed the Jews? Doesn't that make Jesus the bad guy? I don't get it.

they love a wrathful, fag killin', jew hatin', shotgun totin' Jesus.

they especially hate gay people.

gmku 09.20.2009 07:08 PM

Quite odd, even coming from them. I would think that would work against them. Besides, I don't believe there's anything in the Bible that could be even remotely construed as Jesus killing Jews. After all, he was one himself.

Usually I see the bigots saying "Jews killed Jesus" to generate hate against Jews. Have never seen or heard this.

amerikangod 09.20.2009 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
I don't believe there's anything in the Bible that could be even remotely construed as Jesus killing Jews.

You mean aside from the New Testament? He killed their entire religion!

floatingslowly 09.21.2009 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by gmku
Quite odd, even coming from them.

you've obviously never heard of westboro baptist before.

this was somewhat tamer than them standing outside of a soldier's funeral shouting "GOD KILLED HIM BECAUSE YOU LET GAYS IN THE MILITARY".


Originally Posted by gmku
I would think that would work against them.

it does. that doesn't mean that their ready to shut their fucking pieholes yet.


Glice 09.21.2009 08:40 AM

Are they the same ones who caused a furore outside an Amish funeral a few years ago? They really do need a whole heap of smiting.

floatingslowly 09.21.2009 08:48 AM

I'm not sure about the Amish, but that wouldn't be outside their realm. I don't think that anyone else could stoop so low.

they're big on funerals.

MellySingsDoom 09.21.2009 08:51 AM

One hopes that there's a special hell for Fred Phelps and co, where they get bummed into madness by priapic giraffes.

And happy Jewish holidays, by the way. Mazel Tov!

SONIC GAIL 09.21.2009 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
You mean aside from the New Testament? He killed their entire religion!

The new testiment means nothing without the old testiment to refrence. How could he have killed thier religion? He only built upon it's foundation.

And jew haters that call themselves christians are morons. The Jews created christianity by killing Jesus. No one would have remembered him if he lived.

It's all in this book

floatingslowly 09.21.2009 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by SONIC GAIL
The new testiment means nothing without the old testiment to refrence. How could he have killed thier religion? He only built upon it's foundation.

right now, yr falling for their tricks. there's no rationale that works.

they carry signs that say JESUS KILLED THE JEWS mostly because it matches the signs that say JESUS KILLED THE FAGS.

KILLED is a long word and it helps to have it already written down.

SONIC GAIL 09.21.2009 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
right now, yr falling for their tricks. there's no rationale that works.

they carry signs that say JESUS KILLED THE JEWS mostly because it matches the signs that say JESUS KILLED THE FAGS.

KILLED is a long word and it helps to have it already written down.

Any one that hates others is just a dumb fuck period. Have you heard the word is love?

gmku 09.21.2009 09:12 AM

So Jesus disobeyed a commandment. That makes a lot of sense. I'd really like to see a law against hate speech in this country.

Satan 09.21.2009 09:13 AM

shomer fucking shabbos

Glice 09.21.2009 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I'm not sure about the Amish, but that wouldn't be outside their realm. I don't think that anyone else could stoop so low.

they're big on funerals.


SONIC GAIL 09.21.2009 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by gmku
So Jesus disobeyed a commandment. That makes a lot of sense. I'd really like to see a law against hate speech in this country.

In hebrew the commandment is translated: "Thou shall not murder" not kill.
There is a big difference between those two words.

Just a little trivia for yallllll

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