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HaydenAsche 10.20.2009 07:39 PM

I feel so strangely fucked up right now. Need advice.
All day I felt like I was twacked out because it's my first 24 hours without a cigarette. Which wasn't too terrible. I am on the patch but it still makes me anxious and sick not smoking. All day my circulation was terrible. Numb fingers and arms.

Anyways, continuing throughout the day I felt alright. Usual quitting smoking things. Headaches, anxiety, etc. Right before my shift ended though I started spinning and was having rapid heartbeats. It was one of the worst anxiety attacks of my life. So, after i got off work I went home and my baby gave me 2 1 mg klonopins to help my anxiety attack. Now, I take 7.5 mg Tranxene for my anxiety but I've been staying away from addicting meds so I haven't filled them in a while. So, 2 mg of clorazepam was nothing for me. I used to eat benzos like candy.

But now, I'm so fucked up. I'm still extremely anxious like rapid heartbeat, dizzy bad. Yet, the klonopin made my head all retarded and I can't see straight. I just don't understand why I'm so fucked up with the only chemicals all day being nicotine and a does of clorazepam less than my prescribed dose. I feel like something may be very wrong.

Has anyone heard anything related to nicotine patches/allergic reactions or something? Or is it all just because all I want to do is smoke a cigarette?

alteredcourse 10.20.2009 08:25 PM

I've never had reactions from quitting smoking like that, nor do I have too much experience with sedatives. But I do have experience with generalized anxiety and panic attacks. It sounds like what could be happening is your central nervous system reacting harshly to the withdrawl. Since your body is so used to medications running the show in your system, its all so sensitive to change. You're in that fight or flight mode, and so you are hyper-aware of every single sensation inside your body and mind, and that only worsens the fight or flight. I'd say you just have to ride it out if you really want to commit to quitting smoking.

I hope you feel alright soon enough.

acousticrock87 10.20.2009 08:36 PM

I can't diagnose you or anything, but all I can say is anxiety attacks are fucking awful, and very hard to pinpoint. Especially if they're prolonged. Fucking awful.

Do what you need to do to get through it, but be careful not to start relying on something else that you'll need to quit. That's like paying back credit with credit.

HaydenAsche 10.20.2009 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by hypertonic
But you said u were on something for anxiety? Withdrawing from that too?

No. I'm just saying that I haven't taken that in several months but I'm well aware of my anxiety problems. I just don't find myself needing them like i did today. I took less than the reccomended dose because I don't want to get addicted to them again.

alteredcourse 10.20.2009 09:40 PM

How are you doing now, mr Asche?

HaydenAsche 10.20.2009 09:43 PM

I've calmed down. I feel like I should smoke a cigarette but I'm not going to. I'm going to sleep it off.

pbradley 10.20.2009 09:48 PM

Too bad you can just duck in for a doctor's opinion without $$$.

alteredcourse 10.20.2009 09:51 PM

Awesome. Tomorrow will be better.

Even then though pb, they'd just give him a few attivans and maybe a perscription for effexor.

jon boy 10.20.2009 11:15 PM

has there ever been a time when you havnt felt all fucked up? that seems to be your main passtime. just go take the massive amounts of drugs your always talking about taking.

Seandi 10.21.2009 12:12 AM

b lah blah blah, take an ativavn, fuck this gir l l on my lap. it could be worse kid.

Seandi 10.21.2009 12:14 AM

trust me it will be much worse.... Shit...

Satan 10.21.2009 12:15 AM

i advise that you smoke a cigarette.

alteredcourse 10.21.2009 12:18 AM


Satan 10.21.2009 12:20 AM

hayden obviously needs a smoke. end this hell.

alteredcourse 10.21.2009 12:22 AM

Today is only one hell.

Satan 10.21.2009 12:22 AM

hell is where you make it.

!@#$%! 10.21.2009 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
All day I felt like I was twacked out because it's my first 24 hours without a cigarette. Which wasn't too terrible. I am on the patch but it still makes me anxious and sick not smoking. All day my circulation was terrible. Numb fingers and arms.

Anyways, continuing throughout the day I felt alright. Usual quitting smoking things. Headaches, anxiety, etc. Right before my shift ended though I started spinning and was having rapid heartbeats. It was one of the worst anxiety attacks of my life. So, after i got off work I went home and my baby gave me 2 1 mg klonopins to help my anxiety attack. Now, I take 7.5 mg Tranxene for my anxiety but I've been staying away from addicting meds so I haven't filled them in a while. So, 2 mg of clorazepam was nothing for me. I used to eat benzos like candy.

But now, I'm so fucked up. I'm still extremely anxious like rapid heartbeat, dizzy bad. Yet, the klonopin made my head all retarded and I can't see straight. I just don't understand why I'm so fucked up with the only chemicals all day being nicotine and a does of clorazepam less than my prescribed dose. I feel like something may be very wrong.

Has anyone heard anything related to nicotine patches/allergic reactions or something? Or is it all just because all I want to do is smoke a cigarette?

maybe the patch is too strong & making you ill (heartbeat shit). try a lesser strength?

for the oral fixation: smoke some cock instead. it will make you happy and it's nicotine-free. plus, nutritious.

i know nothing of your meds, on the other hand. you sound like a walking pharmacy. call up your shrink & don't get advice from the interwebs. we suck and make people OD all the time.

alteredcourse 10.21.2009 12:26 AM

True, and so far so good. Also, the grass is always greener.

Genteel Death 10.21.2009 02:17 AM

What a wimp.

Alex's Trip 10.21.2009 04:30 AM

stay strong, baby. thats all I got to say.

SONIC GAIL 10.21.2009 08:28 AM

all i know is that smoking supposedly increases the release of certain tranquilizers into yr system. maybe the pills are reacting in yr body differently because the nicotine is being absorbed though yr skin. actually i really don't know i just read it in some medical book.

quitting smoking is brutal though. good luck

Rupert 'Stiles' Stilinski 10.21.2009 10:18 AM

Eeek. Some terrible advice.

Don't use the patch! You'll never get over your nicotine addiction if you keep pumping it into your body. Force yourself to go three weeks (20+ days without it) and you'll be so proud of yourself that you won't want to smoke. Also, try to jog. You'll get a natural high, even if you only run for five minutes (not sure the kind of shape you're in). It'll also make you proud and you won't want to smoke.

Have you ever considered the fact that you don't need all that shit to make you normal? Like, someone/something is creating your feelings, not yourself? Force the change in yourself, so that you don't live on a see saw. And when you feel like you want to take something, just have a jog or take a walk instead.

Seandi 10.21.2009 11:41 AM

If you can last three days things get a lot better

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.21.2009 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
. So, after i got off work I went home and my baby gave me 2 1 mg klonopins to help my anxiety attack.
But now, I'm so fucked up. I'm still extremely anxious like rapid heartbeat, dizzy bad. Yet, the klonopin made my head all retarded and I can't see straight. I just don't understand why I'm so fucked up with the only chemicals all day being nicotine and a does of clorazepam less than my prescribed dose. I feel like something may be very wrong.

Has anyone heard anything related to nicotine patches/allergic reactions or something? Or is it all just because all I want to do is smoke a cigarette?

dude, are you fe real? your blaming the cigarettes when yr having unexplainable reactions after dropping dangerous pharmaceuticals?

Side-effects of Clonazepam

  • Drowsiness
  • Impairment of cognition, judgment, or memory
  • Irritability and aggression[19]
  • Psychomotor agitation[20]
  • Lack of motivation[21]
  • Loss of libido
  • Impaired motor function
    • Impaired coordination
    • Impaired balance
    • Dizziness
  • Cognitive Impairments
    • Increased Sleepwalking (If used in treatment of sleepwalking)
    • Auditory Hallucinations
    • Short-term memory loss
    • Anterograde amnesia (common with higher doses)
  • Some users report hangover-like symptoms of being drowsy, having a headache, being sluggish, and being irritable after waking up if the medication is taken before sleep. This is likely the result of the medication's long half-life, which continues to affect the user after waking up, as well as its disruption of the REM cycle.
OccasionalRareLong term effects The long term effects of clonazepam can include; depression, disinhibition and sexual dysfunction.[39]
  • Anxiety, irritability, insomnia
  • Panic attacks, tremor
  • Seizures[40] similar to delirium tremens (with long-term use of excessive doses)

HaydenAsche 10.21.2009 04:54 PM

I can't stop crying. I think I'm having a nervous breakdown.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.21.2009 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I can't stop crying. I think I'm having a nervous breakdown.

Side-effects of Clonazepam

  • Impairment of cognition, judgment, or memory
  • Irritability and aggression[19]

  • Lack of motivation[21]
  • Cognitive Impairments

!@#$%! 10.21.2009 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I can't stop crying. I think I'm having a nervous breakdown.

i'll spare you the wikipedia quotes & recommend you call your headshrinker? they used to have pagers, those people, now they hide behind secretaries and voice mails but you can always check yourself in if need be.

Inhuman 10.21.2009 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Seandi
If you can last three days things get a lot better

This was the opposite for me. I went 4 days just now then treated myself to some drum.

I want to stop because the cyanide in cigarettes absorbs all the B12, and since I'm more vegan than ever, I need it. Plus once B12 is present, it lasts up to 6 years in the system :).

Good luck with everything Hayden, you should go talk to a shrink about it. I took Effexor for a bit and a few times it gave me nasty anxiety attacks.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.21.2009 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i'll spare you the wikipedia quotes & recommend you call your headshrinker? they used to have pagers, those people, now they hide behind secretaries and voice mails but you can always check yourself in if need be.

(from WebMD ;) )
Clonazepam Oral

Back to Drug Overview
Does this medication have side effects?
The following side effects are associated with Clonazepam Oral:
Common side effects:

DrowsinessLess SevereDizzyLess SevereSlurred SpeechLess SevereInfrequent side effects:

DepressionSevereMuscle WeaknessSevereConfusedSevereLow EnergyLess SevereUncoordinatedLess SevereFeeling WeakLess SevereRare side effects:

Problem BehaviorSevereExtrapyramidal ReactionSevereYellowing of Skin or Eyes from Liver ProblemsSevereAbnormally Low Blood PressureSevereSignificant Decrease in Lung FunctionSevereLiver ProblemsSevereItchingSevereCannot Focus ThoughtsSevereLoss of MemorySevereSeizuresSevereRashSeverePeriods of Not BreathingSevereCannot Empty BladderSevereLife Threatening Allergic ReactionSevereGiant HivesSevereReaction due to an AllergySevereSyndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone SecretionSevereAnemiaSevereDecreased Blood PlateletsSevereDeficiency of Granulocytes a Type of White Blood CellSevereDecreased White Blood CellsSevereDecreased Neutrophils a Type of White Blood CellSevereBlood DisorderSevereHaving Thoughts of SuicideSevereTaking Habit Forming DrugsLess SevereBlurred VisionLess SevereProblems with EyesightLess SeverePerform Complex Natural behaviors while AsleepLess SevereAn Increase in the Secretions of the LungsLess SevereIncreased Production of SalivaLess SevereDry MouthLess SevereIrritation of the Stomach or IntestinesLess SevereIncomplete or Infrequent Bowel MovementsLess SevereMuscle SpasmLess SevereSensation of Spinning or WhirlingLess SevereInvoluntary QuiveringLess SevereExcessive ThirstLess SevereHead PainLess SevereDifficulty SpeakingLess SevereFast HeartbeatLess SevereFeel Like Throwing UpLess SevereThrowing UpLess SevereDiarrheaLess SevereDifficult or Painful UrinationLess SevereStomach CrampsLess SevereNervousLess SevereEasily Angered or AnnoyedLess SevereFalse Sense of Well-BeingLess SevereAltered Interest in Having Sexual IntercourseLess Severe

diggers 10.21.2009 07:21 PM

its the gay disease reacting with your ginger gene. in short yr fucked.

HaydenAsche 10.21.2009 07:28 PM

I used to eat Kpins like candy.

jon boy 10.21.2009 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I used to eat Kpins like candy.

well go do that then and stop being such a drama queen.

looking glass spectacle 10.22.2009 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by alteredcourse
True, and so far so good. Also, the grass is always greener.

yes. and you should just quit the cigarettes and smoke the grass instead...

davenotdead 10.22.2009 03:45 AM

maybe you should eat some raw greens/veggies and drink some water for a change?

HaydenAsche 10.28.2009 04:39 PM

Nah. I'm fine now. It seemed to be a reaction due to some other medications that was making my psychotic and it was pronounced by the nicotine withdrawal. 8 days without a cigarette.

artsygrrl 10.28.2009 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I can't stop crying. I think I'm having a nervous breakdown.

Hayden doesn't strike me as a whiner or a pussy. Usually real boardies who ask for advise usually NEED your advice.
This isn't charleswebsterwhatever asking for advice because his dick isn't hard.
Most of you have cared enough to respond intelligently. The other smartasses (even if you were just kidding) must be fucking perfect. Maybe you've never had to deal with issues like this.

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