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top 100 albums of the 00's
i can't wait to be honest even after a decade of shitty list culture. will be interesting to read other people's from this board to see what i've missed. also to see what stylistic shifts and trends become noticable in retrospect, how much utter shit i was listening to back at the start of the decade. at the moment hairdryer peace, wigmaker and physicalities of ingrediential stairways are in my top 5. i don't know if its just having nothing to do till the end of the year that is exciting me about this or what. anyone else thinking about this?
the most important thing to remember tho is the point of doin lists is NOT to reach some sort of consensus among other people, or else you are just manufacturing genericism. |
This has been such an epic, amazing 10 years for music. At the top of my list would be secret chiefs 3 - book of horizons, boredoms - vision creation newsun, number girl - numheavymetallic, rhys chatham - a crimson grail, suishou no fune - prayer for chibi... and shitloads more. Yeah.
This is what people thought last year:
http://www.sonicyouth.com/gossip/sho...ghlight=albums For me at least though, over half of my votes would have been different now. |
Philip Jeck - Stoke
Kaffe Matthews - cd dd Dizzee Rascal - Boy in Da Corner Pink Reason - Cleaning The Mirror Mr Lif - I Phantom Six Organs of Admittance - Dark Noontide Birchville Cat Motel - Astro Catastrophies/With Maples Ablaze Times New Viking - Present The Paisley Reich US Girls - Introducing/Gravel Days Broadcast - Tender Buttons Graham Lambkin - Salmon Run Anti Pop Consortium - Tragic Epilogue Ashtray Navigations - New Fashions in Toilet Training/ Live at Wolf Central/ Four More Raga Moods Sensational - Get on My Page/Sensational meets Kouhei Whiteout with Jim O'Rourke- Drunken Little Mass The Hospitals - Hairdryer Peace Lamborghini Crystal - 1992 Cool Runnings Neptune - Gong Lake Eve - Scorpion Los Llamarada - Take The Sky Alastair Galbraith - Orb Drunkdriver - Born Pregnant Drunkdriver/Mattin - List of Profound Insecurities Akitsa - Goetie/La Grande Infamie Subhead - Neon Rocha Jake Mandell - Love Songs For Machines Wolf Eyes - Burned Mind The Hunches - Exit Dreams Merzbow & Russell Haswell - Satanstornade Circuit Des Yeux - Symphone Hue Blanc's Joyless Ones - Arriere-Garde Sonic Youth - Murray Street/NYC Ghosts & Flowers/The Eternal Circle - Katapult/Miljard The Goslings - Grandeur of Hair Paul Flaherty/ Chris Corsano - Slow Blind Avalanche Psychedelic Horseshit - Shitgaze Anthems Mouth of The Architect/Kenoma - Split The For Carnation - The For Carnation I will amend it later. |
It's been a lackadaisical decade for music. The best album of the decade is Turn on the Bright Lights by Interpol. Best band of the decade is tied between British Sea Power and Fleet Foxes.
there are no wrong answers... but british sea power is the wrong answer
I honestly have no idea what I'd have in my list, but original pirate material is a shockingly good call. |
let's keep this thread civil and not besmirch it with tawdry nme indie lifestyle hair gel accessory music.
radiohead = no. one of the weakest polly harvey albums = wtf? yyy's? only one good song on the album which is y control arcade fire = overrated shit that was perhaps worth 1 listen. the top four don't even deserve to be typed. but anyway, the nme is like cancer, if you don't worry about it and just be healthy it will not ruin your life (taste in music). it will ruin your ability to write analogies tho, because it is too shit to work with. as for the streets, k punk said it best: "Surely even Skinner’s most loyal supporters must be given pause by the readiness with which he is championed by the post-Loaded beery, leery LLAD lobby. That co-option is no surprise, since the Streets specialize in that warmhearted fuzzy sentimentality beloved of wifebeaters , thug-drunks and other hot irrationalists everywhere, coz underneath y’know they are really sensitive (ask Gazza). Skinner is like the worst kind of pub bore, the amateur psychologist who imagines that his pitifully limited observations of ‘birds’ qualifies him to sidle up to you and proffer his facile homilies. Been dumped? ‘Plenty more fish in the sea, mate, get em in.’ But at least most other bar bores don’t back up their words of wisdom with cack-handed, Quo-tidian, quasi-Casio, sub-ska, pub-‘Garage’ that allows indie-windies to whine, “I do like SOME dance music…’ I know it might have been a novelty a few years ago to hear about chip shops on a ‘Dance’ track but, after Dizzee and Grime, there is no possible case to be made for Skinner’s pious and pompous know all-isms . It’s bad enough having to walk past boozombies lurching out of a KFC, I don’t want to listen to one in my own home, thanks." |
I've never seen what the big deal is with Skinner's lyrics.
I've done a "Top 100 Albums of the Decade" list but I don't know if it's interesting for you:
http://rateyourmusic.com/list/TheFox...ade__2000_2009 |
I no order:
Boris - Flood Radiohead - Kid A Talib Kweli - Train Of Thought Deltron 3030 - s/t Endless Summer - Fennesz Jay-Z - Blueprint, Black Album and American Gangster Sonic Youth - Murray Street Beck - Sea Change Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot and especially A Ghost is Born King Geedorah - Take Me To Your Leader Arcade Fire - Funeral Madvillainy J Dilla - Donuts Kanye West - Late Registration Omar Souleyman - Highway to Hassake Deerhunter - Cryptograms and Microcastle Atlas Sound - Let The Blind Lead... TV On The Radio - Dear Science Birchville Cat Motel - Gunpowder Temple Of Heaven DOOM - Born Like This I may try and order those at some point, but they're main albums which will be fighting to be on the list. I'm sure there's ton of stuff I forgot though. I need to properly take stock of the noise/drone stuff to list up. Hip-hop is kind of the top genre for me this decade it seems. Also, note that I didn't count Vision Creation Newsun, because it came out in 99. If that was 2000s it would be WAY up there. |
I actually like parts of original pirate material, that song about legalizing weed is pretty brilliant. The Strokes - Is This It, surprisingly great album.
The rest of that list is terrible. Yeah Yeah Yeahs are embrassing. |
This was a weird decade. I don't think I can even begin to make a list. There has been so much music made in the last 10 years that I'll still be discovering things from the 00's many years from now.
This decade was the worst so far for treating music as a commodity business rather than as a inspirational art form. Music festivals of the past decade have been a testament to that fact. |
This has been by far the best period for underground music. An overwhelming amount of great albums released daily on tons of microlabels. Just insane.
I'll compile a list together after the year is done. I still haven't heard Embryonic yet, which could possibly make it.
But yeah, my list will probably have shitloads of Boris, Microphones/Mount Eerie, and Okkervil River, that's for sure. |
er okay. checking my rateyoumusic i've bought more music from the 2000s than any other decade which surprised me - you forget how many albums were from this decade - also they're rated the lowest. It's difficult to pick lists and it changes but i'll give it a go.
1. Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 - Bob Dinners and Larry Noodles Present Tubby Turdner's Celebrity Avalanche 2. Unwound - Leaves Turn Inside you 3. NumberGirl - Num-Heavymetallic 4. Sonic Youth - Murray Street 5. Sir Richard Bishop - Freak of the Araby 6. Shellac - 1000 Hurts 7. Interpol - Turn on the Bright lights (I think they're a crappy band overall but this record is really good.) 8. Cerberus Shoal - The Land We All Believe In 9. Thurston Moore - Trees Outside the Academy 10. No Neck Blues Band - Qvaris from the top of my head. theres still shit loads to check out from this decade though and probably plenty i've overlooked.or mistook. i was struggling at the end. Theres some local or not so big bands that ive probably enjoyed EPs more which i may have considered. |
excellent list auto aim
cerberus fuckin shoal! |
I've really enjoyed:
Shellac- 1000 Hurts Fugazi- The Argument Unwound- Leaves Turn Inside You TFUL282- Tubby Turdner's Sonic Youth- Murray Street, NYCG+F, Sonic Nurse, The Eternal, and even RR Mission of Burma- The Obliterati, ONoffON, The Sound The Speed The Light The Streets- A Grand Don't Come For Free Deerhoof- Milkman, Halfbird, Reveille, Apple-O, Runners Four Gary Wilson- Mary Had Brown Hair Polysics- Karate House, We Ate The Machine Hot Snakes- Automatic Midnight, Suicide Invoice, Audit in Progress other stuff, but I can't think right now |
Other bands and artists I enjoyed listening to over the past decade:
Douglas Heart eX-Girl Weird War The Depreciation Guild Yeah Yeah Yeahs Black Rebel Motorcycle Club The Black Keys Robin Guthrie Engineers The Radio Dept Chain and The Gang Jessie Evans Daniel Land and The Modern Painters The Kills Ladytron Au Revoir Simone |
fushitsusha - i saw it! that which before i could only sense
charalambides - increase charalambides - dead/lve & live/dead windy & carl - conciousness quasimoto - the unseen polyrhythm addicts - rhyme related cannibal ox - cold vein mf doom - mm food king ghidra - take me to your leader flavour flav - hollywood infesticons - gun hill road mike ladd - welcome to the afterfuture anti-pop consortium - tragic epilogue mr lif - emergency rations pink reason - cleaning the mirror psychedelic horseshit - magic flowers droned tara jane o'neil - peregrine, & you sound reflect ghostface - supreme clientele fursaxa - madrigals in duos zaimph - zaimph double leopards - halve maen ditc - ditc prefuse 73 - vocal studies & uprock narratives broadcast - the noises made by people, & tender buttons apani b fly - story 2 tell robert pollard - from a compund eye merzbow - yoshinotsune merzbow & richard pinhas -keio line striborg - trepidation monster island czars - escape from monster island acid mothers temple - troubadours from another heavenly world pole - 3 teenage panzerkorps - everything they've put out i'm sure i've forgotten lots of favourites too |
Why thank you sir. I know I do my fair share of lurking around here but i think i have you to thank for a couple of artistes on that list. certainly thinking fellers and i'm pretty sure the first time i heard of cerberus was after you commented on them on a thread. |
Good lists Nefeli and T&B.
some of my favourite bands of the last 10 years have been live bands (e.g. melt banana, no necks) or bands whose overall body of work i love without really being able a particular record to put on a list (mouthus, prurient)
also, i'm working on my list myself, but here is a rough sketch of what would be my top 100 (there will probably be some changes till 2010...):
100. Giuseppe Ielasi - Aix 99. The Focus Group - We Are All Pan's People 98. Yppah - They Know What Ghost Know 97. Psychic Ills - Dins 96. Excepter - Throne 95. Errors - It's Not Something But It Is Like Whatever 94. Electrelane - Axes 93. These Are Powers - Terrific Seasons 92. Yellow Swans - At All Ends 91. Cheveu - Cheveu 90. Dragons Of Zynth - Coronation Thieves 89. Mogwai - Happy Songs For Happy People 88. Oneida - Secret Wars 87. Deltron 3030 - Deltron 3030 86. Jackie-O Motherfucker / Vibracathedral Orchestra - Jackie-O Motherfucker / Vibracathedral Orchestra 85. No Age - Weirdo Rippers 84. Abe Vigoda - Skeleton 83. Xiu Xiu - La Forêt 82. Girls Against Boys - You Can't Fight What You Can't See 81. Fuck Buttons - Street Horrrsing 80. Panda Bear - Person Pitch 79. HEALTH - Get Color 78. LCD Soundsystem - LCD Soundsystem 77. Sonic Youth - Murray Street 76. Neptune - Gong Lake 75. Liars - They Were Wrong, So We Drowned 74. Rubin Steiner - Lo-Fi Nu Jaz Vol.2 73. Esbjörn Svensson Trio - Leucocyte 72. Hot Chip - The Warning 71. Animal Collective - Sung Tongs 70. Prefuse 73 - One Word Extinguisher 69. Eric Copeland - Hermaphrodite 68. Converge - Jane Doe 67. Mouthus - The Long Salt 66. Manitoba - Start Breaking My Heart 65. Sightings - Through The Panama 64. Sonic Youth - SYR6: Koncertas Stan Brakhage Prisiminimui 63. Micachu - Jewellery 62. Mahjongg - Kontpab 61. Dizzee Rascal - Showtime 60. Ex Models - Chrome Panthers 59. Prefuse 73 - Everything She Touched Turned Ampexian 58. Dälek - Absence 57. The Present - World I See 56. !!! - Louden Up Now 55. A Silver Mt Zion - Born Into Trouble As The Sparks Fly Upward 54. The Knife - Silent Shout 53. Deerhoof - Friend Opportunity 52. Animal Collective - Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished 51. Flying Lotus - Los Angeles 50. High Places - High Places 49. M.I.A. - Kala 48. Women - Women 47. Sigur Ros - () 46. Mise En Abyme - Jesquibel 45. Wzt Hearts - Threads Rope Spell Making Your Bones 44. Out Hud - S.T.R.E.E.T. D.A.D. 43. Nosaj Thing - Drift 42. Simian Mobile Disco - Attack Decay Sustain Release 41. Yo La Tengo - And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside-Out 40. Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam 39. Oneida - Preteen Weaponry 38. Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Yanqui U.X.O. 37. Excepter - Debt Dept. 36. Tim Hecker - Harmony In Ultraviolet 35. Bibio - Ambivalence Avenue 34. Aphex Twin - Drukqs 33. Tortoise - It's All Around You 32. Clark - Body Riddle 31. Out Hud - Let Us Never Speak Of It Again 30. Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Lift Yr Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven! 29. Madvillain - Madvillainy 28. Sonic Youth - Sonic Nurse 27. Deerhunter - Cryptograms 26. J Dilla - Donuts 25. Battles - Mirrored 24. Gang Gang Dance - Saint Dymphna 23. Rubin Steiner - Drum Major! 22. Primal Scream - XTRMNTR 21. To Kill A Petty Bourgeoisie - The Patron 20. Fly Pan Am - N'Ecoutez Pas 19. Ex Models - Zoo Psychology 18. Autechre - Untilted 17. 10-20 - 10-20 16. Clark - Turning Dragon 15. ES - A Love Cycle 14. Broadcast - Tender Buttons 13. Dorian Concept - When Planets Explode 12. Pantha Du Prince - This Bliss 11. Gang Gang Dance - God's Money 10. Cannibal Ox - The Cold Vein 09. Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion 08. Black Dice - Load Blown 07. Clark - Totems Flare 06. Sonic Youth - NYC Ghosts & Flowers 05. Boards Of Canada - Geogaddi 04. Liars - Drum's Not Dead 03. Autechre - Confield 02. Animal Collective - Feels 01. Double Leopards - Halve Maen |
I know a lot of crap was released, hence the reason I liked less new bands this decade than any other. I also posted a list of the other bands I liked. |
loads of crap were released in the previouses decades too. because there is crap does not mean there is no briliance. the internet precisely allows you to ditch all the crap if you want too and to find the briliance yourself.. just look a bit deeper.
I didn't say it wasn't. I said this decade was the worst for it, especially when you consider there were far less music festivals in the 80s and 90s compared to this decade. All the new music festivals that sprung up this decade were clearly callous money-spinners. |
Naturally, but not as much crap as this decade. |
it will take time to sift through and find the gems
the fact is, with the internet, we are litteraly flooded with new music all the time. i'd say the proportion of good/bad is quite the same as in the previouses decades, it's just that we've got more music. but really, i wouldn't judge a decade on the crap it produces but rather the amount of actual good music. which is huge in the 00s |
I'm happy for you that you personally feel it was a good decade for music. I wish I felt the same way. Maybe I didn't get to hear as many new bands as you did. Plus this decade was the most popular so far for record companies to reissue digital remasters of albums from previous decades. I bought heaps of them. |
Perhaps it's precisely because people like you (I don't blame you in particular) kept on complaining that there were no good music being made (without actually looking for that good music) that pushed labels to release those "digital remasters of albms from pervious decades", that you bought, and so on and so on?
Also, this decade witnessed a meteoric rise in music snobbery. Thanks in large part to the likes of Pitchfork, and Wire magazine. I love this definition of "music snob":
An especially irritating breed of tool, the music snob is a self described authority on what is or is not "good" music. The genre is irrelavant, as music snobs somehow confuse their subjective opinions with objective concrete facts across all genres of music. The music snob is quick to write off your taste in music, and often spout proudly a large number of "better" unknown and/or less "commercial" bands that if you had as good of taste as they did, you would already know about and love. The music snob can be found at low budget local record stores, probably arguing with a clerk about how no good bands cds are for sale. The music snob often prides themselves on their, again, self described "non-conformist" interests, and everyone else is merely a braindead product of MTV. The music snob fails to realize the definition of the word opinion: 1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty. 2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal., and instead dilludes themselves into thinking that their opinions are more valid than those of anyone whos differ. |
ahah i knew this would come. You'll notice how Primal Scream (which is also in the NME's top 10), M.I.A., Dizzee Rascal, etc, were in my list above. I also love The Kills and have seen Au Revoir Simone and Jessie Evans live and enjoyed their shows. But to call them the only good bands of the decade is a stupidity.
everytime I read album/band lists on this site I feel like I must work at Spin magazine or something, because I have never heard of ANY of it! These lists might as well be written in Serbian because I haven't the slightest idea who any of them are! I feel so mainstream and yet I haven't even listened to the radio in years! I don't watch mtv.. I don't read music magazines, how is it that you guys are so damned underground? Did I miss Hariet Tubman roll through the SYG?
Anyway, I've noticed that people that are nostalgic from the previous decades will use any silly argument instead of just saying "i just can't get into new bands because i only like 70s/80s/90s bands". I've known a Siouxsie fan who hated everything that was knew and tried to prove everywhere that everything was basically a Siouxsie ripoff. Including Santogold. Also, a 80s band that complained that there were no defined musical styles in the 00s - while he probably had complained before on how "music was stuck in labels made by journalists blahblahblah". etc.
I'm tired of this endless debate |
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