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phoenix 02.08.2010 06:00 AM

had a quick look but couldn't find a thread.. Thought i had made it before though.

Do any of yot regularly or semi regularly create your own zines comics or the like?

floatingslowly 02.08.2010 09:12 AM

do Korean dramas count?

tw2113 02.08.2010 10:43 AM

I have ideas for a vector graphics based online magazine but have yet to completely follow through with it.

phoenix 02.08.2010 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
do Korean dramas count?

only once they're actually published.

phoenix 02.08.2010 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by tw2113
I have ideas for a vector graphics based online magazine but have yet to completely follow through with it.

as above.

really, no one?? :(

Silent Dan Speaks 02.08.2010 10:58 PM

No, but I'm trying to get money to do zine research over summer. I could post my proposal if anybody was really interested.

jon boy 02.08.2010 10:59 PM

i did back in leeds it was called the false niceties but as with most of these things it takes so much effort to do we just ran out of steam.

phoenix 02.08.2010 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by Silent Dan Speaks
No, but I'm trying to get money to do zine research over summer. I could post my proposal if anybody was really interested.

go for it.

phoenix 02.08.2010 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy
i did back in leeds it was called the false niceties but as with most of these things it takes so much effort to do we just ran out of steam.

do you have any bits and pieces scanned or?

floatingslowly 02.08.2010 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by phoenix
only once they're actually published.

I'm having problems with the translation. hip colloquialisms sound anything but if not done properly.

I still feel that the asian market is a vast untapped pool in need of writers for good (read: AMERICAN) sitcoms and television dramas.

hell, I'll even write for North Korea.

Jong-il, if yr listening, have yr people call my people. we'll do lunch, babe.

jon boy 02.08.2010 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by phoenix
do you have any bits and pieces scanned or?

no it was so many years ago and we didnt do that many. i remember it was fun but hard work.

floatingslowly 02.09.2010 12:02 AM

The K-Team

5 ultra-elite commandos of the DPRK's ultra-secret RED SEPTEMBER ultra-elite commando squad infiltrate the Americanpigdog's MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL FAST-FOOD drive-thru at a time.

dialog in inconsequential because it will be 95% explosions and 3d ninja-stars.

phoenix 02.09.2010 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I'm having problems with the translation. hip colloquialisms sound anything but if not done properly.

I still feel that the asian market is a vast untapped pool in need of writers for good (read: AMERICAN) sitcoms and television dramas.

hell, I'll even write for North Korea.

Jong-il, if yr listening, have yr people call my people. we'll do lunch, babe.

I'm learning auslan at the moment, if you give me a story board, I'm happy to do it as a side signed performance piece at my first exhibit opening. I think it will go well. Will sell copies for you. 55%.

phoenix 02.09.2010 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
no it was so many years ago and we didnt do that many. i remember it was fun but hard work.

I'm so torn with the zine culture in my city. There are a lot of elitist wankers who are the epitome of everything the zine is supposed to be against, in my eyes. So I just would love to see more from people in other countries. There are some sites online that offer connections to some people who do publish, but they are often difficult to find..

floatingslowly 02.09.2010 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by phoenix
I'm learning auslan at the moment, if you give me a story board, I'm happy to do it as a side signed performance piece at my first exhibit opening. I think it will go well. Will sell copies for you. 55%.

oh, the story board is done (inside of my head)! and honestly, I think my south korean drama is better anyways. at least, Uyen likes it (and she's an expert).

I hear that it's cold in north korea. :(

alteredcourse 02.09.2010 12:34 AM

I was thinking of giving up my addictions and jumping over to WoW. Can we have a WOW meet? Discuss things? Make things feel important ?

floatingslowly 02.09.2010 12:39 AM

are you teasing me? please don't tease me like that!

if yr being serious, we're on the Laughing Skull server, horde side. my character's name is Promethea.

I'll give you lots of goldsssssss

alteredcourse 02.09.2010 12:43 AM

Thats a girls name

besides, I want on phoenix's guild.

floatingslowly 02.09.2010 12:48 AM

it is a girl's name! besides being The Best Damned WoW Player This Side of the Ring of Fire®, I'm smoking hot.

besides making a female character because they are smoking hot, I've found that the general population of the internet is demoralized at the thought of being beaten by a girl (gnomes work too).

we will raise you high in our ranks (high, but not so high as to compromise my precious secret bank-tabs).


alteredcourse 02.09.2010 12:50 AM

I was more thinking of being a rogue sort of character that stayed the hell away from furry bastards like yourself. No? I could help you with battles, but ultimately, you'd try to use me.

PS you need a master lockpick skill to get to the point where I love being used.

PS2 screw you and tie you up, bioshock 2 comes out at 10am tomorrow. disappear.

floatingslowly 02.09.2010 12:51 AM

I have to sleep now...but I don't know if I'll be able.


floatingslowly 02.09.2010 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by alteredcourse
I was more thinking of being a rogue sort of character that stayed the hell away from furry bastards like yourself. No? I could help you with battles, but ultimately, you'd try to use me.

I'm no furry. I'm 100% dead-sexy blood elf.

rogues are fun because you can sneak, however, so can druids in cat form. druids can also heal or tank if you want to later. a rogue will be melee-combat all the time. that said, if you like stabby, go rogue!

blood elves have a nice racial that silences casters and gives you you'll be sexy. druids horde-side are cows.

although...we could use a priest/healer with tailoring skill. :D

floatingslowly 02.09.2010 12:55 AM

fuck my wow geekery has ruined another one of phoenix' threads.

I'm sorry. don't hate me please. you know I lurve you bad.

alteredcourse 02.09.2010 12:56 AM

you are 100% dead-sexy dried-off brain-fetus. If you ever felt like crackin eggs, now would be the time.

I think I'm going to hold off that tiny bit more, and prepare for diablo 3, which is what this really all is about.

gualbert 02.09.2010 01:41 AM

Zines are now called blogs.

phoenix 02.09.2010 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by alteredcourse
Thats a girls name

besides, I want on phoenix's guild.

so play. free 10 day trial. and if we refer you, we get free game time. Seriuosly, let me refer you before you sign up. Im poor.

wow can kind of pull you in, if you are a daydreamer, enjoy pretty fantasy worlds, collecting *things*, etc....

seriously, play horde on laughing skull and add me too. Shastra. I'll buy you a kitty.

I think I semi fall into 'furry' category. Not completely. I kind of like dress ups. They don't rule my life though and I don't attend *FuzCon's* etc.

phoenix 02.09.2010 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by gualbert
Zines are now called blogs.

I disagree. Perhaps mildly related but not the same thing at all.

EVOLghost 02.09.2010 01:58 AM

Ha..."collecting things" on wow wasprobably my biggest time waster. Fucking pets....fukkerz

phoenix 02.09.2010 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
Ha..."collecting things" on wow wasprobably my biggest time waster. Fucking pets....fukkerz

I loveeeeeeeeee companion pets on wow. I only wish I were allowed more out at once. I'd like three, that would be nice.

EVOLghost 02.09.2010 02:03 AM

yeah they were sweet. I was trying for the achievement of 50 pets for the...I wanna say skunk? or was it the fawn? I wwas pretty close too..I had like 40 something pets...

best one though....Little Reindeer.

EDIT: AND! the best part was that they no longer took up bag space!

phoenix 02.09.2010 02:07 AM

50 pets is the skunk, 75 is the fawn yeh. I dont like the reindeer that much? he is too small, I think..

EVOLghost 02.09.2010 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by phoenix
he is too small, I think..

That was my favorite part about it...I found it hilarious.

phoenix 02.09.2010 02:18 AM

The whelplings, sprite darter, and batling are my favourites. :D

floatingslowly 02.09.2010 09:12 AM

forget D3! (Ill play that too).

we want you in wow, now. :(

ps: [core hound pup]

EVOLghost 02.09.2010 02:27 PM

^ YOu don't have a core hound you?

cause that would be the best pet....

floatingslowly 02.09.2010 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
^ YOu don't have a core hound you?

cause that would be the best pet....

why, yes I do and yes it is!

it sits, rolls over and fights between it's two heads over a bone.

the baby beholder is my favorite though.

besides the unending amount of amusing emotes involving "Willy", he shoots laser beams at critters.

the baby proto-drake is nice too, it sings like the baby murloc.

me? I'm not as into pets as I am mounts. is it gay of me to change my hair to match my drake? feels like it. oh well.

EVOLghost 02.09.2010 04:01 PM

It's not ghey cause j00's a chick.

floatingslowly 02.09.2010 04:31 PM

can u gief me guld 4 cybersechs?

goldhsire inn / rp server of yr choice = 6,000g

of note: do you know the story of the "5000g whore" and "why I had to pay money to change my priest's name"?

good times

EVOLghost 02.09.2010 04:55 PM

lol no. do tell

floatingslowly 02.09.2010 05:17 PM

well, one day, I started getting whispers from people I didn't know asking why I was so pathetic as to pay someone (in wow gold) for sex.

my name at that time was Djiin (Djinn was
taken) so I added an extra I.

I should have known better. the person who had the name Djinn was later
found to be this girl's benefactor:

long story short: in the future, always go with a new name.

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