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RdTv 07.06.2006 08:34 AM

Great Filmakers Of Our Day Part II
Spectrajulian came at us with his poll, but I feel he discarded some great filmakers, so heres another poll to please.

toxic johnny 07.06.2006 08:52 AM

David Lynch... of course.
Also honorable mentions to Jim Jarmusch and Gus Van Sant.

RdTv 07.06.2006 08:53 AM

Had a feeling you might have picked him.....

toxic johnny 07.06.2006 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by RdTv
Had a feeling you might have picked him.....

Yeah it is as inevitable as the day is long... or the fact that the first Public Image Limited album was so misunderstood... or the fact that Helen Lundeberg is a genius song.

...also am I the only person who enjoyed Guy Ritchie's last movie Revolver?... it's such a cold and empty experience... I love it.

fishmonkey 07.06.2006 09:43 AM

i'm picking Guy Richie, but for all the worng reasons..

jon boy 07.06.2006 09:45 AM

what about vincent gallo? he has not made many films but the ones he has are good.

Rob Instigator 07.06.2006 09:46 AM

where is my favorite? SPIKE LEE??

by the way Guy Ritchie is a hair on a cumstain on the hind end of a three dollar truck stop whore compared to all the other guys you mentioned.


the big quasar 07.06.2006 09:48 AM

Stanley Kubrick

fishmonkey 07.06.2006 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
by the way Guy Ritchie is a hair on a cumstain on the hind end of a three dollar truck stop whore compared to all the other guys you mentioned.

that he may be.... but....

jon boy 07.06.2006 09:50 AM

agree with rob. guy ritchie is really bad at making films. no originality to him at all.

what about tarantino?

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 07.06.2006 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by RdTv
Spectrajulian came at us with his poll, but I feel he discarded some great filmakers, so heres another poll to please.

Yeah I know I did, there are just so many.

porkmarras 07.06.2006 09:52 AM

David Lynch and very easily too.I don't know what Guy Ritchie is doing in that list to be honest.

k-krack 07.06.2006 09:53 AM

other??.. Kevin Smith and Stanley Kubrick + honourable mention to Lynne Ramsay.

swimsuitissue 07.06.2006 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
what about vincent gallo? he has not made many films but the ones he has are good.

YES! I've liked the few films he has made.

h8kurdt 07.06.2006 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
agree with rob. guy ritchie is really bad at making films. no originality to him at all.

what about tarantino?

Yeah cos Tarantino is so original:rolleyes:

h8kurdt 07.06.2006 10:32 AM

I must say i really like Tim Burton. Sure his films sometimes have a mound of cheese on them but his sets are so overblown, in a good way though. Escapism is the word for him.

porkmarras 07.06.2006 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Yeah cos Tarantino is so original:rolleyes:

I'm not particularly into his movies but,for the love of young Jesus,he is exactly 7000000000000000000000 times more original than Guy Rtichie!Shut it sonny or you get a slap too.Ok?

schizophrenicroom 07.06.2006 10:59 AM

David Lynch is overrated.

Rob- I can't give you rep (I gotta spread it around first) but Spike Lee is the effing man.

h8kurdt 07.06.2006 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
I'm not particularly into his movies but,for the love of young Jesus,he is exactly 7000000000000000000000 times more original than Guy Rtichie!Shut it sonny or you get slap too.Ok?

I never said he was crap, in fact I think he's great. But he is in no way original.

jon boy 07.06.2006 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Yeah cos Tarantino is so original:rolleyes:

true he is not original but he still makes some good films. better than guy ritchies anyday.

h8kurdt 07.06.2006 11:08 AM

On that we are agreed on.

afterthefact 07.06.2006 11:14 AM

These are all great in their own right... to pick one over the other almost isn't fair

jon boy 07.06.2006 11:19 AM

thats true, i like them all apart from ritchie who can go back to being mr madonna.

afterthefact 07.06.2006 12:15 PM

I liked lock stock, and snatch... he did Swept Away too though, right? Yeah, he can burn in hell for that; no amount of quality movies should be able to redeem him.

!@#$%! 07.06.2006 01:29 PM

my favorite of those 2 are jarmusch & david lynch

i would pick woody allen but he belongs to another generation really.

it is unfair to compare such great people. almost an insult.

where is thread #1 anyway? i bet a lot of people were left out, think

**the coen brothers**
francois ozon
sofia coppola
wes anderson
richard linklater
robert rodriguez
vincent gallo
& more & more & more & more...

afterthefact 07.06.2006 03:04 PM

don't foget Albert and Charles Band, directors of the great "Prehysteria!"

krastian 07.06.2006 03:19 PM

Tim Burton for personal reasons.....childhood memories and all that.

HaydenAsche 07.06.2006 05:21 PM

Wes Anderson

acousticrock87 07.06.2006 05:34 PM

Chris Nolan, Kubrik, Aronofsky, and Tarantino are my favorite directors.

People who whine about how unoriginal Tarantino is are the same people that look for similarities in music. If you blatantly rip off relatively unknown brilliance and bring it into pop-culture, you are unorignal. But you're an unoriginal genius. However, the main reason I like him is because I've never seen an interview or behind-the-scenes footage of him that wasn't embarassingly hilarious or inspiring. Or both. How can you not like a guy who said he kissed a muppet because he forgot they were fake?

LifeDistortion 07.06.2006 07:24 PM

Where's Scorcese? Where's Milos Foreman?! (One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Amadeus, Man on the Moon, People Vs. Larry Flynt)

RdTv 07.06.2006 07:51 PM

In response to the lack of directors: they are on the other poll (anderson, coppola, kubrick, forman etc..) and these directors that were originally left off the old poll. In response to Guy Ritchie being up there: well I saw lock, stock the other day for the 20th time and it must have mustered up some nostalgia for an unknown emotion. Looking back at his other work, I can see why so many have a avid hatred for him.

On a personal note I picked Jarmusch. What can I say, the man makes my type of film. The silence during the scenes, the great dialoque, the actors, the everything. I love his style. Burton, Lynch are also great and I wasn't comparing them against each other, I was trying to see who you folks dug more. Everyone has a favorite something.

!@#$%! 07.07.2006 01:12 PM

oh i didn't know the other poll. i remember it but i dont know who was in it.

anyway yeah burton made planet of the apes and that is a great stain working against him so i'd pick jarmusch as well. but what coppola was in that poll? sofia or francis? or roman? anyway...

i just watched WATTSTAX again last night-- fuck-- great, great little film

Rob Instigator 07.07.2006 01:57 PM

WATTSTAX! I cream, literally cream my pants the moment the Bar Kays shout

Jarmusch is a great director.I read a story once where Jim Jarmusch was hanging out with Roberto Begnini in Italia, and everywhere they went the people would be "Roberto! Roberto!" and adoring him and asking him to take pictures and just praising the actor, and that noone recognized Jim Jarmusch, and Roberto Begninin (a hilarious motherfucker) said "Jeeeem, Jeeeem, let me take you somewhere." and they walked out fairly late at night to an old plaza where a bunch of kids were doing their skatepunk thing, skating and blasting black flag and they saw Roberto and Jim come by and mobbed Jim Jarmusch and Roberto begnini said "Jeeem, see? seee? These are your people!"

I find great joy in that story.

My favorite directors are

Clint Eastwood
(Unforgiven and Million Dollar Baby are fucking masterpieces, FUCKING MASTERPIECES)
Spike Lee
(Do The Right Thing is my all time fave movie, and I love all his other stuff I have seen. I ahve not seen Jungle Fever though and Crooklyn was a bit slow. bamboozled was great, Clockers was great, malcolm X was fantastic, get on the bus was great.)
Joel or Ethan Coen (whichever directs)
(lebowski, Fargo, raising arizona, blood simple, Barton Fink, MILLERS CROSSING, all amazing rich films.)
Wes Anderson
(all his movies are so personally stylized and dense. I love them)

TheMadcapLaughs 07.07.2006 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Saturnine
that footage of courtney love in larry flynt was all just home movies.

hahahaha, seriously, i remember when everyone was giving her so much credit for the acting job she did in that movie. I bet she had to reach real hard to the depths of her soul to pull out the junkie in her.

!@#$%! 07.10.2006 07:52 PM

more movies! less suckdom! post your movie love...

i just watched visconti's 'le notti bianche" (white nights)

okay, visconti is not a contemporary director but oooh.... maestro!

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