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astral projection
is it possible?
im talking about obe's and the whole astral projection thing were you are supposed to be able to go whereever you like and you can see your body from across the room. later i will finish this post with links and quotes and shit. |
i met a guy who described some process he did outside that sounded like what the internet says it is. altho i met this guy in a mental hospital and he was up against a vatican/illumaniti conspiracy network. so yeah... |
I know a guy who tried to get me to project with him, and he was the most ridiculous and insane person I've ever met. He said one night he projected into my room and recorded a song with me.
Apparently, his whole method was rubbing some weird vapor cream shit on your forehead and breathing weirdly. |
It's just like any other mumbo-jumbo. Those who want to believe will and everybody else will do something more productive with their time.
It amazes me what some people are able to accept
so is it basically going to imagination land? or dreaming when you are awake?
i imagine if you sat all mediatory like for enough time some sort of hallucinatory stuff would start happening... it's not like i run the risk of going even more crazy so i might give it a shot. if i reach the 5th dolphin crystal dimension i will bring you guys back a dead dolphin. |
your relegion? |
everything is possible within the confines of the multiverse. EVERYTHING is simply a matter of converging probabilities.
that said, I would shy away from discorporating. you never know what might find you. thought transmission is much easier and not all that different from sending electrons down a copper wire. plus, it carries less risk of potential aetherial contamination. I suppose my 15000 posts of bullshit negate any authority I might convey, so, please take my advice as you wish. Quote:
whatever you think to be impossible, will be, to you. yr pal, floatslow |
dude when you said that thing about impossibility my mind went like this -
![]() now i can harness my chakra strength and ride the crystal dolphin into the dimensional vortex of edward's new age panther emporium thus accessing transmissions of spherical vibratory space composed from space of images lack of physical existance reflecting boner angel cathedral's hallowed vision avatar allowing paraphysical material to be captured as slurpy pizza boner peyote space albatross LP with james ferraro |
That's funny, my went like this:
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Having a stroke can be a fucking trip.
Let's just hope that you can still remember how to talk once you return to your body from the spectral plane. |
It is possible
I will refrain from further discussion on this topic as it involves hard science and an impossibility of typing it all out on my tiny keyboard.
that said, the particles that make up the particles that make you, are constantly popping "in and out" of "reality". this is scientifically observable. you kids have fun and be careful. |
You don't know anything about my religion or rather spirituality. you could not resist huh? I laid the bait. |
I don't think it's not possible dear sir. All things are possible to he that believeth. yr friend, sonic gail:) |
and what's this you've caught with your bait? why it's a huge pointless internet argument that i don't want to have.
me either yr just kinda fun to fuck with. don't be so defensive all the time man. Just chill.;) |
in an infinite uni(multi)verse, all possibilities will come to fruition. in fact, if you were to start walking into a wall, there is a very small (but possible) chance that yr atoms and the atoms of the wall will phase into alignment and allow you to pass THROUGH the wall. once infinity is added to the equation, probability and possibility become matters of "when" and not "if". no rly. I'm gonna work now. |
i don't mind that your mind is narrow, however you seem so sure of yourself. i might have opposing opinions but at least i admit i have no idea if they're true or not. |
Ni'k, I always kind of assumed that when people used astral projection, that what they were possibly doing was using that space in between sleep and awakeness that we both sometimes get, and pretty much just having hypnagogic hallucinations (which floaty defined so well).
No. |
it's quantum physics 101. |
I had a dream I was in this huge mansion flying low inside it and carrying Steve Martin by the shoulders. I said to him "I wonder if ghosts are just people dreaming, like we are now?" Then I woke up.
What hubris you have to declare something impossible! For everything that scientists know about our universe, there are infinitely more things that they don't know! Not to mention the possibility of other universes, a corporeal and ethereal world, etc. I'm not saying I necessarily believe everything, just that I don't believe I know enough to outright dismiss them. |
I once had a vivid dream of me playing catch the ball with Julia Roberts. The ball was coloured a very bright red. I haven't yet read a media report of someone spotting two ghosts, one of them looking remarkably like Julia Roberts, playing catch the ball. |
You sound like H.P.Lovecraft. |
I am cool with "astrl projection/OBE's" as a personal experience, as a means to explain what one's mind does sometimes, but I have yet to hear/read/see any actual real-world use of this that was not either a hoax, a delusion, a hallucination, etc.
if there is a divine "spirit" permeating the multi-verse, and if we are all ofshoots of this "spirit" then maybe astral projections and OBE's are just people describing their contact with the divine. it's like how Uri Geller can conveniently bend metal when he feels like it, but cannot do so when the need arises for him to be a superhero or something, you know? "people's bad vibes are throwing off my power" and all that nonsense. |
it is not our physical particles that pop in and out of existance. it is in empty space, where there are no partricles, that virtual particles pop into existance and then pop back out of it faster than the Planck Time limit.
I'll take that as a compliment. |
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yes, i guess it's probably possible to recreate a mental illusion of astral projection.
that's what i think it is, sensory illusion. so, no i don't believe in it. |
a) you guys really misunderstand hallucinations. There is absolutely NO way to distinguish between a "hallucination" and mental perception of so-called "reality"
If you can not see this, then you have never truly hallucinated before, because hallucinations and visions are as real if not realer then so-called reality, and it is literally impossible to distinguish between the two. That is why you are hallucinating in the first place, if not you would simply be daydreaming. Visions are powerful, they rely on the EXACT same neurochemistry as sensory perception, therefore in your brain, there is no difference between the two. Your thoughts, insights, memories, ARE hallucinations, and there is no objectivity to this. Your entire existence is SUBJECTIVE. that being said, how could you discredit anything as being not real because it seems to be a hallucination? How do you know that your so-called real life isn't the hallucination and the vision a glimpse of so-called reality? Me, I do not try to distinguish between them, I simply exist and try to feel and experience ALL aspects of my perception, and I put no limits. of course astral projection is real, not just because of the obvious laws of mechanics which Floating has posted, but because your entire existence is not real in the first place, so why try to argue over what is real and not? Its literally ALL IN YOUR HEAD! The entire universe exists only in your mind's eye, so why couldn't you project your consciousness into other places? You project your consciousness onto the place you call "here" and your "body" so why not others? b) Quote:
that is so fucking funny I think I shit myself laughing! Pure genius! this is why I keep coming back to SYG Quote:
no, that would be yr imagination running wild, and there is clearly a difference. Quote:
I wish folks would hear you on this, I have been saying this kind of shit for years. It is why I believe in theology, if the physical universe if infinite, then it is unlimited, there are no limits, and it is all simply a matter of when, not if, as you already explained. But people fail to understand the true conception of Infinite, this is why they personify such a limited God(s) who is supposed to be as infinite as the universe which science observes as being such. |
I can dig it suchfriends.
I have truly HALUCINATED before and there is no real difference in my mind between that, dreams, and thios world we choose to call "REAL" but it would be better if, instead of a hallucination or a dream, I really did have Nigella Lawson sitting on my face |
"You have faith.. anything is possible to him who believes.." Mark 9:23 ;) Nigella is only a product of your imagination, your hallucination of the so-called real world, she only exists subjectively, and she is only not sitting on yr face because you believe it not to be possible, so this otherwise imaginary vixen is sitting on some other chap's face who believes with an 'amen' and 'alleluia' ;) It is because of my experiences with 'hallucinations' that I truly believe in God(s) because when I existed in realms where I did not exist, where no conception of "me" was in control and there was no recognizable pattern of 'real' the only familiarity remaining was the positive and assertive touch of God(s) whose name was repeated as a feeling in what was left of my being and this unspeakable name of the hebrews is a Universal reminder, "I exist because I exist" I learned from those experiences that NOTHING is real. Of course, I equally learned this principle in High School Physics, which is why I wonder why some of the rather intelligent folks on SYG have their fingers all up their asses in regards to science, when mechanics is more mystical than theology. |
i like how you just completely ignore physical reality, suchfriends.
lol. i need some sleep. bye. |
I once knew a man who hallucinated that he was dead. No amount of persuasion from his family could convince him that he was actually still alive.
He finally agreed to go and since a doctor. The doctor got him to agree that dead men don't bleed. He then pricked the end of my friend's finger which of course started to bleed. The doctor said, "There, what does that tell you?" My friend replied, "My God, dead men do bleed!" |
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