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Rob Instigator 02.25.2010 12:02 PM

What The Hell Is Mike Patton Doing? (Brisbane Edition NSFW)


Glice 02.25.2010 12:05 PM

The answer to this question is always "being a cunt".

floatingslowly 02.25.2010 12:07 PM

he appears to be screaming about his tiny peepee.

Rob Instigator 02.25.2010 12:41 PM

is this an Australian thang?

floatingslowly 02.25.2010 12:48 PM

yes, australia is full of beautiful women and men with tiny peepees.

it's a shame, really. they want it all, but they can't have it. :(

Rob Instigator 02.25.2010 12:53 PM

maybe Kylie Minogue can help him out?

floatingslowly 02.25.2010 12:56 PM

you posted the picture, and surely you've seen that he has it stretched as far as it will go. :(

Rob Instigator 02.25.2010 12:57 PM


davenotdead 02.25.2010 01:05 PM

is kylie over 40 yet? why is she still so hot?

atsonicpark 02.25.2010 01:22 PM

Sucking -- like he always does.

also see: Ruining everything.

Rob Instigator 02.25.2010 01:24 PM

doin' the locomotion keeps her lotion flowin like magic potion

Rob Instigator 02.25.2010 01:24 PM


floatingslowly 02.25.2010 01:36 PM

her ass is fantastic, but honestly, there's better looking women on this board.

davenotdead 02.25.2010 01:38 PM

is that mike patton ^^ ?

Rob Instigator 02.25.2010 02:37 PM

this is mike patton

Pookie 02.25.2010 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
The answer to this question is always "being a cunt".

Almost identical to what I was going to say. But I would have used the word "tosser".

Rob Instigator 02.25.2010 03:12 PM

is a "tosser" one who reams out assholes?

atsonicpark 02.25.2010 03:43 PM

this man has to be one of the worst people alive.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 02.25.2010 03:49 PM

Obviously being the best person to ever do anything ever. As usual.

Toilet & Bowels 02.25.2010 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
is a "tosser" one who reams out assholes?

a tosser is the same as a wanker, but it's less rude

davenotdead 02.25.2010 04:04 PM

so would it be correct usage to say that I 'tossed' to kylie minogue's ass last night?

TheFoxBen 02.25.2010 04:07 PM

Guys, I really like Mr. Bungle

Rob Instigator 02.25.2010 04:31 PM

i love the first two Bungle LP's. LOVE. the sonic insanity makes me happy

thevideo for travolta is fucking cool and psychedelic

RanaldoNecro 02.25.2010 04:56 PM

His penis looks sort of small from that angle. I expect all rock stars penis' to be big.

Maybe my penis isn't so bad after all.

Rob Instigator 02.25.2010 05:01 PM

what was it that Martin said in his stand-up?

"yeah, my dick is small....when it's SOFT."

davenotdead 02.25.2010 05:02 PM

yeah, he's flaccid, and stretching it out

atsonicpark 02.25.2010 05:06 PM

Yeah, Mr. Bungle rules, especially Disco and California, but Trey and Trevor wrote 99% of their songs. Patton is the worst part of that band. Patton can't do anything right, he SUCKS.

Rob Instigator 02.25.2010 05:07 PM

but the Girls of Porn want more

pbradley 02.25.2010 05:07 PM


Pookie 02.25.2010 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by davenotdead
so would it be correct usage to say that I 'tossed' to kylie minogue's ass last night?

It would be correct but not right.

floatingslowly 02.25.2010 07:27 PM

why did her ass make you throw-up, Dave?

perhaps you've been to one too many fashion shows...

davenotdead 02.25.2010 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
why did her ass make you throw-up, Dave?

perhaps you've been to one too many fashion shows...

i can't win. i was trying to 'bond' with our fellow gossipers across the pond. trying to bring them into my world, as i use their native language.

-ps- thx for the assurance pookie

floatingslowly 02.25.2010 07:34 PM

trust me, they LOVE your quaint american accent.

if you insist, stick with adding extra 'u's to words.

like...colour and flavour. they won't even notice that you're "taking the piss", ol' chap.

note: if speaking, always remember R=A and A=R.

Pookie 02.25.2010 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
...ol' chap.

Nobody who would say "old chap" would miss the d off you tosspot.

floatingslowly 02.25.2010 07:38 PM

way to fucking ruin my fun. do you think that HE knows that?? :mad:

davenotdead 02.25.2010 07:39 PM

floutingslouwly is courrect, i wouldn't hauve nouticed that, Poukie.

Pookie 02.25.2010 07:42 PM

Sorry for rining yor fn:o.

(I'm speaking 'Merican y'all. Ass.)

floatingslowly 02.25.2010 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by davenotdead
floutingslouwly is courrect, i wouldn't hauve nouticed that, Poukie.

I reppeud, yuou haurd, m8.

floatingslowly 02.25.2010 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Pookie
(I'm speaking 'Merican y'all. Ass.)

whou leaurned yuou to speauk, ol' bean?

tw2113 02.25.2010 09:33 PM

I've heard he does that with fake dicks before, chances are he has again

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