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atsonicpark 02.26.2010 09:03 PM

chatroulette is the scariest site on the net

floatingslowly 02.26.2010 09:29 PM

another guessing thread?

I'm going with "racist pedos text-rape random toddlers".

jon boy 02.26.2010 09:31 PM

no this is:

girl! 02.26.2010 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy

"i pray to kurt when i go to bed. i pray to kurt when im in a bad situation. kurt is my idol and people think i am mad but im not. kurt rocks. go NIRVANA"


floatingslowly 02.26.2010 09:42 PM

yes, nirvana should go.

pbradley 02.26.2010 10:00 PM

Chatroulette is the internet for people who don't like the internet. Same with Twitter.

Anngella 02.26.2010 10:49 PM

I was on it yesterday in a cat mask and it was pretty boring.

davenotdead 02.26.2010 11:44 PM

i've met some of the best people ever on chatrou

atsonicpark 02.26.2010 11:55 PM

Angella, where can I chat with you while you're wearing a cat mask?

I just saw some guy play "eruption" by van halen in its entirety on here..

automatic bzooty 02.27.2010 12:19 AM

all i ever see on there is dicks.
and incredibly bored looking hot chicks.
but i don't use it enough to hit anything interesting or really freaky.

davenotdead 02.27.2010 01:26 AM

some of my adventures:

this woman was real.



got this thing again

atsonicpark 02.27.2010 01:27 AM


davenotdead 02.27.2010 01:28 AM

chick on the left was hella fine. def wanted to chat but some black dude was with them and was like ' that guy is a creeper, discconnect' and dumb blonde girl disconnected

then some chick just showed her face and then left it on, in a house full of girls, and didn't tell her roommates. i sat there for like 15 minutes hearing the most inane convos about cooking pasta and doing laundry and other stuff girl roommates argue about. but i didn't disconnect because i'm a voyeur. then one chick came and closed the window/browser i think [don't even think she noticed me, as it wasn't the same girl who opened the chat]

atsonicpark 02.27.2010 01:28 AM

dave, you ever start chatting with yourself?

That happened to me, it was weird as fuck, there was like a delay in the top screen...

atsonicpark 02.27.2010 01:30 AM

I think cat man will have a book deal by the end of the week.

davenotdead 02.27.2010 01:30 AM

hmm, no. i have heard some wicked delayed stuff though. sounded like the other people were trying to talk to me while their dimension was being vacuumed into a vortex.

ps- if any of you guys find that chick on the left in my previous post, tell her i love her.

davenotdead 02.27.2010 01:32 AM

btw, i haven't been on this in months... all my adventures happened in this 2-night span in december where i spent like 8 hours on this.

afraid to get back on... for fear of addiction.

ps- 7k posts. yippee

atsonicpark 02.27.2010 01:36 AM


some HOT HOT HOT bitch saw my shirt said "wHAT IS WITH THE SKULL N BONES TONIGHT?" (I'm wearing an evil dead 2 shirt) in the most annoying voice I've ever heard.

davenotdead 02.27.2010 01:45 AM

hmmm, this sounds like its getting way more popular with chicks now than it was when i was on it.... sometimes it would go hours without finding a chick...

atsonicpark 02.27.2010 01:46 AM

I've seen tons of hot chicks but only one talked to me for very long. In 3 minutes I saw two guys beating off though.

davenotdead 02.27.2010 02:06 AM

man, the connecting rates are so slow now...

and lol at how many users there are now... it was usually 800-1200 back in december. now its just "users>20000" .... lol

Inhuman 02.27.2010 02:24 AM

I tried it out a couple of days ago and it mentally disturbed me... not only by the amount of man gristle, but the way people will sink so primitively to sexual instinct that evolution had been furtherly confirmed in my mind. Amidst people caressing their manhoods, as I sought the appeal of the site I came across what I thought could be a joker or a 'goon' from SomethingAwful displaying an interesting fluffy girl manga puppet with a giant penis that was hard to make out. After one word of engaging in conversation her primitive needs were outspoken with "Thats my toy. It's to stick in".

What obese losers dwell in front of cameras instead of bringing their asses to the gym to experience a non-virtualized non-simulation world where they can meet people of their desired sex without having to be subjected to 19 penises before finding their perfect victim to release the starting points of their future brainless scum children.

Oh, and great short doc on Chatroulette:

Anngella 02.27.2010 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Angella, where can I chat with you while you're wearing a cat mask?

I just saw some guy play "eruption" by van halen in its entirety on here..

Stickam, duh.

ni'k 02.27.2010 06:32 AM

i went thru about 50 dudes/d/cs, 1 chick, 6 cocks, 5 empty screens until i finally found something worthwhile. a dude j/oing in black laced panties. truly, internet, you are the king of internet.

Genteel Death 02.27.2010 06:46 AM

The internet is only scary for nick. ha.

ni'k 02.27.2010 06:55 AM

what? it wasn't scary, i told him what he wanted to hear and later had a shower.

Genteel Death 02.27.2010 07:03 AM

The internet that is. Don't get too overwhelmed by it, take the stress pill, chillax madame.

ni'k 02.27.2010 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
The internet that is. Don't get too overwhelmed by it, take the stress pill, chillax madame.

i don't need pills anymore. the dream machine does a better job with no side effects, in fact it seems to enhance cognition rather than blunt it.

Genteel Death 02.27.2010 07:14 AM

Genteel Death likes the dream machine.

ni'k 02.27.2010 07:23 AM

i wish i could do it now but its not dark enough.

floatingslowly 02.27.2010 06:53 PM

I'm still blissfully unaware as to what the fuck chatroulette is. I can guess by this thead, but I have no interest in chatting with the dregs of the internet.


Originally Posted by ni'k
i wish i could do it now but its not dark enough.

you can rarely go wrong with that statement.

loubarret 02.28.2010 07:59 AM

It gives me flashbacks to 1984, I find it a great site.

ni'k 02.28.2010 08:06 AM

EDIT - i was totally projecting with that post

HaydenAsche 02.28.2010 04:08 PM

Greatest site ever. I wish the internet I was stealing was faster right now.

akprodr 03.05.2010 10:18 AM

VERY funny bit on Daily Show March 4

HaydenAsche 03.06.2010 05:29 PM

I just saw 4 dicks in a row. Oh, yeah. It's like Pornhub on permanent shuffle, with chatting!

pokkeherrie 03.16.2010 10:17 AM

this is brilliant

ploesj 03.16.2010 10:28 AM

that was great!

Derek 03.16.2010 10:45 AM

Hahaha excellent.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 03.16.2010 05:13 PM

In Logan's Run don't they have something that is just like chatroulette, except with a teleporter, so you can fuck them?

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