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phoenix 02.28.2010 11:23 PM

dream interpretation
The other night I had a dream where I was sitting in the bath.. and a girl I knew was sitting in the bathroom too. She was wearing a big poofy dress. Then she took theh dress off and jumped in the bath too. Then I had to decorate our windows with fairy lights (because something was happening or someone was coming over.. )

what does this mean.

non serious thread.

DeadDiscoDildo 02.28.2010 11:41 PM

It means this type writer I found in my new house brings the stories I write to life!!!!!!!!!

DeadDiscoDildo 02.28.2010 11:42 PM

AYAOTD reference, squares

DeadDiscoDildo 02.28.2010 11:45 PM

I was trying to hard to be clever as usual, Im gonna go ahead and call my mistake there.

Unless this really happened, I fucked up, the type writer made events happen in real life, not in dreams.

Now you know.

pbradley 03.01.2010 12:07 AM

It meanz you vant to replace your mahza az your fahza's mate, ja.

Genteel Death 03.01.2010 12:09 AM

So, the forum police produces masterpieces like these?

phoenix 03.01.2010 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by DeadDiscoDildo
I fucked up, the type writer made events happen in real life, not in dreams.

it's a start...

phoenix 03.01.2010 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley
I meanz you vant to replace your mahza az your fahza's mate, ja.

how did I ever live online without you.

pbradley 03.01.2010 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by phoenix
how did I ever live online without you.

DeadDiscoDildo 03.01.2010 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by phoenix
it's a start...

to what?

phoenix 03.01.2010 02:25 AM

(I get it) but.. to influencing real life. no? I would think that dreams would come first. Keep trying!!!!!!

ni'k 03.01.2010 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by phoenix
The other night I had a dream where I was sitting in the bath.. and a girl I knew was sitting in the bathroom too. She was wearing a big poofy dress. Then she took theh dress off and jumped in the bath too. Then I had to decorate our windows with fairy lights (because something was happening or someone was coming over.. )

what does this mean.

non serious thread.

it means you use housework/decoration to distract and crush your lesbionic tendencies.

the original pincho 03.01.2010 10:06 PM

I think it means you are lonely and the big poofy dress made it easier to be her friend. Once you were friends you did fun things together, like paint on the window. But why a girl?

EVOLghost 03.02.2010 01:00 AM

I tihnk it means you need to buy a big poofy dress.

phoenix 03.02.2010 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by the original pincho
I think it means you are lonely and the big poofy dress made it easier to be her friend. Once you were friends you did fun things together, like paint on the window. But why a girl?

we were already friends, but I actually haven't spoken to this girl in at least a year.. hmm we didn't ruin the windows?

I dunno why a girl. I was born that way. I like both flavours. She's hot, does that make a difference?

phoenix 03.02.2010 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by ni'k
it means you use housework/decoration to distract and crush your lesbionic tendencies.

tee hee.:o

the ikara cult 03.02.2010 07:34 AM

well, the Freudian checklist reveals the following

Baths are a symbol for the period just prior to birth
girls you know are your mother
Big poofy dresses are a symbol for vaginas
Fairy lights are a smbol for semen

So essentially, you want to be born, immediately accessing your mothers vagina, and spraying jizz all over the place

Sleep well

the original pincho 03.02.2010 03:49 PM

Yes it makes a difference if she is hot.

Rob Instigator 03.02.2010 03:57 PM

If it means anything and all, and I personally feel that dreams mean nothing, and are there as "tabula rasa" for us to insert whatever meaning we see fit in light of day, then it means that you miss an old playmate.

the big poofy dress is symbiolic of children's clothes, and the fact that you were bathing is symblic of childhood as well.

SYRFox 03.02.2010 04:48 PM

Unrelated but the other day I dreamed I had a bear as a pet. Like, a real bear. He ran around the house and my brother fought with it. Then I woke up and was like "what the hell". Later the same night I dreamed somebody got inside my house jumping from the wall window and I heard my mother and brother screaming, then I woke up breathing heavily. Less funny stuff.

Oh, and I mean that type of bears:


not those


phoenix 03.02.2010 05:24 PM

scary dreams still really get to me for the rest of the night after i've woken up.. Syr that sounds completely horrid. Perhaps you had a bear ghost :p

EVOLghost 02.20.2012 11:19 PM

I recently had a dream taht I got my nipple pierced and it hurt....a lot.

Nefeli 03.14.2013 03:30 AM

i had really great dreams last night.
too busy and boring to describe.
the highlights:
poo and toilets and getting dirty with other people's poo was involved.
as they say, poo means money, which is hilarious in my case.
a donkey was involved too, that took the place of 'my' car, but that was ok too, because it was a really smart donkey and it could almost speak as well!
and lastly, thurston was in it.
but with thurston, it was the kind of dream, when you see water running and you wake up and you wanna go pee? we started to talk and we had many things to talk about, so he stopped and said, can you bring me some filter coffee? i run, and we hadnt any -had to make some.
i woke up and i made my coffee and i loiter now the net.

dale_gribble 03.14.2013 02:13 PM

haha, that's awesome. you need to put your dreams on here more often. unfortunately i haven't been remembering mine so good lately...i did have one not long ago in which i was shaving my dog.

ink. 04.11.2013 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by phoenix
The other night I had a dream where I was sitting in the bath.. and a girl I knew was sitting in the bathroom too. She was wearing a big poofy dress. Then she took theh dress off and jumped in the bath too. Then I had to decorate our windows with fairy lights (because something was happening or someone was coming over.. )

what does this mean.

non serious thread.

I don't remember.

Nefeli 07.08.2013 02:32 AM

last night's it was weird and scary and a complete story dream, where at the end i killed the bad cab driver.

i was saying from the start, we shouldnt get in, in the first place! somehow we ended at his apartment and he was to kill us, so i dont feel bad i killed him. when i killed him, he turned to a muppet? probably that means i m not some underground murderer- well, his head was a doll's head. i sort of decapitated him; i grabbed him by his feet and spinned him around and he hit the wall.
my 2 friends who were with me, dissappeared when the threat got serious and while i fought with him and reappeared when it was gone. thanks guys.

Toilet & Bowels 07.08.2013 03:37 AM

What did it feel like to kill a man?

Normally I have boring dreams about mild anxiety, in the last 4 nights I've had 2 dreams about the apocalypse, one about being trapped in a void, one that I where I discovered I was living in a computer generated vacuum (to much time on this board maybe?) one about crippled girls making gross porn, one about a plane crash, and one other not fun perv dream that I can't remember clearly other than it was not fun.

Nefeli 07.08.2013 01:32 PM

well it was a half doll half smth else thing when it died, so i didnt feel guilty (when i woke up, neither in the dream). i was surprised at how easy it was, because he was very intimidating alive.
after, i had this 'oh shit i have to cover my tracks' anxiety, as if it was human, but dunno if i pulled it off, cuz i probably woke up.

i just had one of those silly 'ah thats why i dreamt this last night' thing and i m bit upset. about what i think i found out/realized irl.

your dreams sound cool and not fun at all.

floatingslowly 07.10.2013 01:33 PM

I have been hired as a street samurai to protect the interests of a global PharmLab who specializes in injecting young mexican test-subjects with hyperluminescent plant DNA, that causes their torso to scintillate is a chromotechnic display of light. Despite our large arsenal, the inflatable balloon pants of our director, or the fact that my hands and feet are registered as deadly weapons, my team was not prepared for the insurgency of a crack counter-ninja kick-squad. I caved under interrogation atop a giant flower, that rose above the city to stratospheric heights.

I awoke at full-mast.

EVOLghost 07.11.2013 08:21 AM

I'd rather not interpret my dreams.

Rob Instigator 07.11.2013 08:29 AM

dreams don't mean shit.

any meaning inferred into a dream is done so willfully by the person inferring it.

dale_gribble 07.15.2013 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
dreams don't mean shit..

of course not, but they can be very fun. i enjoy dreams more than "reality".

SonikJesus 07.15.2013 11:36 PM

when I smoked a shitload of pot everyday and then suddenly stopped I got the weirdest trippiest dreams ever for a couple weeks. they had dragons and shit

EVOLghost 08.01.2013 08:50 AM

Last week? I had a dream that gve me an idea on how to fix the stapler I broke two days earlier(not a dream). I went in to work grabbed the d the spring is missing :/

Nefeli 08.03.2013 08:48 AM

i saw the other night that Lee was flirty with me and it was one of the most disturbing dreams ever.

anyway, started taking some pills -herbal thing- to help me with my troubled sleep and THEY DO NOT WORK.
i ll try for some longer and then i ll stop and def take some vitamin B after next month.

EVOLghost 09.29.2013 06:16 AM

I had a dream. I don't konw what was happening...but I was asking someone to play a heavy bag over my head so I can die. When he did, I felt burning in my chest. So I signaled him to stop. When he took off the bag, I asked him if he can just immediately shoot me in the face once I have the bag over my face. He said, "Yeah....sure". The process started all over again...but everything seemed to have frozen once he pointed the gun to my face. I laid there, not being able to breathe, feel my chest collapsing on itself....and simply watched this person not pull the trigger.

floatingslowly 10.06.2013 08:01 PM

O'shea Jackson was more than happy to provide me with his autograph, having full confidence that he was in the presence of a Real 'G. It takes a man to take on Boba Fett, and win.


Nefeli 10.14.2013 02:36 AM

rather vivid dream about world coming to its end.
we didnt know exactly what it would cause it; earthquake and tzunami or smth like earth exploding, and at the end i was telling my parents arent we gonna open the telly?

Genteel Death 01.18.2014 06:48 AM

I've had a dream last night about taking restaurant reservations and then checking on the booking list to realise that I wrote a note for all the customers who reserved a table at 6pm to say they were attending a Dead Meadow concert. No idea what this could mean because I've never heard this band's music before, I think. Can you help?

Cunt 01.18.2014 08:26 AM

These three women in nylons were giving me a ashiatsu massage, trampling on my chest and gagging me with their feet.

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