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atsonicpark 07.22.2010 05:49 PM

andrew wk = steev mike
I've been reading this weird shit all day, about how Andrew WK is this manufactured pop star and shit. It's really insane. He "confessed" it a few years ago at a live show, talking about how he wasn't really Andrew WK, it was all an act, and then he was quickly on TV saying how his words were out of context.

Here's the only bulb records page with references to Steev Mike: ... who knew WK stood for "WOMEN KUM"?!

Here is the best writing on everything, though:

This is absolutely fascinating stuff, an insider's look..

atsonicpark 07.22.2010 05:55 PM

In December 2009, a lecture recorded at Madame Jojo's in London in September 2008[44] was published online. In it Andrew W.K. claimed that the Andrew W.K. persona was created by a committee including himself, his father, and other individuals, and that he was the "next person playing Andrew W.K." Claiming, "I'm not the guy you've seen from the I Get Wet album... I'm not that same person. I don't just mean that in a philosophical or conceptual way. It's not the same person at all." Andrew W.K. later went on to clarify that he believed that he, as well as his fans that have followed him since the original album, have become "different people."[45]
He went further on to say: "Andrew W.K. was created by a large group of people. They met, and I was there, and we talked about how we could come up with something that would move people. It was done in the spirit of commerce. It was done in the spirit of entertainment, which usually goes hand in hand with commerce. I was auditioned, along side many other people, to fill this role of a 'great frontman', 'a great performer'. On the one hand it may be a little scary to admit this to you all, that I may not be exactly who you thought I was, and that the guy who was, in fact, first hired as Andrew W.K. is a different person than the guy sitting here on the stage tonight. I'm the next person who is playing Andrew W.K."[45]
Finally, in an interview before the performance he said, "I thought it would be more interesting if my secret history was revealed after the fact rather than as a precursor".[46]
On January 3, 2010, apparently in response to criticism to his previous statements, Andrew W.K. published a article on his official website declaring, "I am a real person who thinks for himself and am not the victim of anyone or group of people trying to influence my career or life. I take responsibility for everything in my life, including who I work for and what happens to me because of it. Just because a person has mentors or advisers doesn't mean they don't have their own brain and soul. And just because I work with other people who advise me doesn't mean that I am a puppet for an evil cult or have some sort of master plan."[36]

atsonicpark 07.22.2010 05:57 PM

Glice 07.22.2010 05:59 PM

I didn't realise he still existed. Good for him.

Derek 07.22.2010 06:03 PM

Yeah I read that awhile ago... weird.
Here's a story about when he wrote a creepy song for a girl he had a crush on and earned a restraining order through it.

What a creepy picture:

atsonicpark 07.22.2010 06:15 PM

actually, glice, he's HUGE in japan.

atsonicpark 07.22.2010 06:23 PM

Careening into a metaphor, W.K. asked the audience to imagine him as a juggler, flailing around with balls and chainsaws in the air. The end.

atsonicpark 07.22.2010 06:34 PM


atsonicpark 07.22.2010 06:42 PM




atsonicpark 07.22.2010 06:51 PM

Dear Andrew W.K.,

To start with, let me say that I respect you and your fans very much. You know how much I believe in you and all that you stand for, because I stood for it first. You know how much I love your music, because I created it. You know that I love the way you look and act and talk and sing and dance because it was born in my brain.

Hopefully, by now you’ve noticed that I’ve hacked into the websites. Maybe you haven’t seen everything, but your fans have. In fact, your fans are well on their way to knowing the truth. I’ve been giving them bits and pieces, hoping that you’d come to your senses and stop trying to squeeze me out. Well, you haven’t responded to my initial requests and you’ve forced me to make threats. When you act unprofessional, so will I. Now I have no choice but to let the facts speak for themselves.

I never wanted it to come to this, but I can no longer wait in the background and ignore your complete disrespect. You’ve exploited the automatic disadvantage our agreement puts me in. Our choice to let you enjoy the spotlight, while I create the magic, leaves me almost helpless. You will not force me to expose myself until I expose you first.

I know that your quick rise to fame had clouded your memory concerning our partnership. I was willing to forgive your cruel and ignorant choices because you’re a young star. However, your recent efforts to exclude me from the 3rd album material will not be tolerated. I did not work for the last year on these new songs in order to have you break promises.

Your fans deserve to know the truth. Your fans are smart. That’s why I’ve put this same letter up on one of the many websites I’ve been creating in your name. By the time you read this, your fans will have already read it too. Don’t worry, I’ve made it very hard for all but the most dedicated A.W.K. fans to find, but know this: more and more people will find out the real story UNLESS you stop trying to sabotage our agreement.

I’ve chosen not to go to the press with this… yet. I do value our relationship, and I want to continue towards all that we initially planned, however if you refuse to comply, I will have no choice but to let the world know that you’re a backstabbing fraud.

Now it’s up to you.

Yours truly,
Steev Mike

atsonicpark 07.22.2010 06:53 PM


radarmaker 07.22.2010 07:07 PM

Read about this a while back, made my head hurt. It's the post-millennial Paul Is Dead.

noisereductions 07.22.2010 07:43 PM

oh yeah, I've been reading about this lately too oddly enough. I spent a few hours on it this month. haha. Weird right?

atsonicpark 07.22.2010 07:45 PM

Well... he's relevant, in a really really weird way, for the first time in a loooooooooong time..

noisereductions 07.22.2010 08:30 PM

I don't know. I've sort of really started to like him. I bought his jazz album last year. It was good. I forget what it was called. IT was recorded with a guitarist's group.

noisereductions 07.22.2010 08:52 PM

it's weird, but I find him really really interesting. All of this shit adds to it. ANd if it was all pop-made, who cares? So were the Sex Pistsols. So was Britney. So was way more people than we know. ONLY he did it himself. I mean, he wa s a cog in the machine. He was ok with it. It was an expereiment. He was equal parts Iron Maiden and Wolf Eyes an d THelonious. It's interesting. I need shit like this nowadays. Very little musicians hold miy interest ianymore. I need this.

space 07.22.2010 08:57 PM

he hosts a show for kids on Cartoon Network. next thing yr going to try to tell me is that Space Ghost isn't real.


SpaceCadetHayden 07.22.2010 09:06 PM

Space Horse Course to Course

automatic bzooty 07.23.2010 12:40 AM




Derek 07.23.2010 06:37 AM

After reading his twitter he does seem a bit like a total gimmick:

But that sort of makes him great in my eyes!

noisereductions 07.23.2010 07:06 AM

there's a distinction between "corporate rock" where a label creates a character, and an experiment where the artist creates a character. How is Steev Mike = Andrew WK any different than say Daniel Dumile = MF Doom? Or David Bowie = Ziggy Stardust? (or Garth Brooks = Chris Gaines?)

radarmaker 07.23.2010 10:06 AM

'cos Bowie was whacked out of his gourd on coke and didn't know who he was himself half the time ;)

atsonicpark 07.23.2010 01:26 PM

Because W.K. didn't create his character; that's the whole point. He even admitted in an interview that he's an actor playing the part, that he replaced the original W.K. That much is true, it was on but then later he was like THAT WAS ALL OUT OF CONTEXT blah blah blah...

Just woke up from a bad nightmare. I dreamed partying didn't exist and so I didn't exist either. 12:07 AM Jul 20th via txt

noisereductions 07.23.2010 01:46 PM

yeah but he said he was part of it. There was like a group of people, including his dad who's a professor who created the character. He was actively part of the creation.

Derek 07.23.2010 01:48 PM

"Party Tip of the Day: When the going gets tough, the tough get a party going."

noisereductions 07.23.2010 01:49 PM

hey guys, Bud Light or Coors Light? I keep flipflopping lately. I like the Coors cans better. They seem to stay colder longer. But Bud is even more drinkable (since it seems more watered down).

Glice 07.23.2010 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
I don't know. I've sort of really started to like him. I bought his jazz album last year. It was good. I forget what it was called. IT was recorded with a guitarist's group.

Oh, I remember hearing a bit of that on the radio actually, and if my ears could've done a double-take, they would've.

batreleaser 07.23.2010 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
hey guys, Bud Light or Coors Light? I keep flipflopping lately. I like the Coors cans better. They seem to stay colder longer. But Bud is even more drinkable (since it seems more watered down).

Bud has more alcohol in it.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.23.2010 02:30 PM

Coors Light all the way. You can't go wrong with the silver bullets.

noisereductions 07.23.2010 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by batreleaser
Bud has more alcohol in it.

is this a fact? I feel like it should be the other way?

noisereductions 07.23.2010 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
Oh, I remember hearing a bit of that on the radio actually, and if my ears could've done a double-take, they would've.

yeah um the Piazelli Group or something like that? I think the disc is called Session One ? Anyway it's good. He also did a disc of piano solos.

batreleaser 07.24.2010 11:47 AM

Nope, they're the same, don't know why I always thought that.

noisereductions 07.24.2010 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by batreleaser
Nope, they're the same, don't know why I always thought that.


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