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StevOK 09.22.2010 10:38 AM

Newspaper Ad Targeting Muslims Causes Concern
This local Teabagger nutjob I work with also happens to be a preacher, and is planning on giving a series of sermons dealing with the evils of Islam.


There's a video in the link, too.


The ad features 5 weeks of sermons lasting throughout the month of October to be ministered by Iowa Park Church Of Christ preacher Bill Lockwood, he feels the need to tell people what he believes the Quran teaches.
"It is a religion of aggressive violence. The Quran itself teaches the beheading of people it teaches to push religious beliefs with the sword," said Lockwood.

I sooo wish that I could organize protests like they did for that nutjob in Florida that wanted to burn the Quran.

hevusa 09.22.2010 10:48 AM

what a fucktard

ann ashtray 09.22.2010 11:05 AM

Faith vs. Faith is some scary, scary, scary shit. Seems as if this sort of bullshit is on the rise, and while I'm disgusted + tired of hearing about it, I can't bring myself to ignore it.

I'm so glad atheist are so seldom extremist.

The texts on both end of the spectrum are so obscenely violent, how these idiots can say "I'm right, you're wrong" is beyond all things Sway.

demonrail666 09.22.2010 11:22 AM

Two wrongs don't make a right but considering the way non-muslim religions are openly and regularly condemned by various muslim leaders, I really couldn't give a shit.

ann ashtray 09.22.2010 11:27 AM

That is one way of looking at it, for damned sure.

SONIC GAIL 09.22.2010 11:41 AM

I wish all these fuckin retards would quit fighting over who is right and practice the love and tolerance of others instead. They are making a mockery of christianity. No fucking wonder its so hard for people to believe in this day and age when you have LEADERs leading their lambs to the slaughter.

Rob Instigator 09.22.2010 11:42 AM


cash rules everything around me

every single religious endeavor seeks $$$$$$$

any competitors must be denounced so as to get more $$$$$$

if you do not believe it look at how the "leaders" of the religions live.

hevusa 09.22.2010 11:48 AM

When will people stop lying about knowing something that cannot be known (God)?

If you claim to know that there is a God YOU ARE THE PROBLEM

SONIC GAIL 09.22.2010 12:11 PM

I donkt claim to know anytrhing. I believe. Its pointless to know. Faith is not based on knowing shit.

space 09.22.2010 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Two wrongs don't make a right

no, but if given the chance, you should check out the movie "Two Wongs Make a White".

it's likely to be found at the back of the video store, behind the horror films and next to "Splatman".

true story.

SONIC GAIL 09.22.2010 12:14 PM

Does anyone remember the southpark episode when Cartman goes into the future to get a wii. They could not have put into better perspective.

hevusa 09.22.2010 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by SONIC GAIL
I donkt claim to know anytrhing. I believe. Its pointless to know. Faith is not based on knowing shit.

Ask most Christians if they know that there is a God and they will say yes. It drives me batshit nuts. What most people don't understand is that the Bible and Alice in Wonderland are on the same level of reality.

space 09.22.2010 12:16 PM

ps: "Teabagger nutjob"

is there another way to do it???

SONIC GAIL 09.23.2010 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by hevusa
Ask most Christians if they know that there is a God and they will say yes. It drives me batshit nuts. What most people don't understand is that the Bible and Alice in Wonderland are on the same level of reality.

“Do 1 not judge, 2 and you will not be judged; 3 do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; forgive, 4 and you will be forgiven."

All god requires is belief. Alot of people are using the word "know" in the sense that they believe in him, feel him, hear him, see him in the world metaphorically speaking. They are not saying that they physically know he exists. At least that is my line of thinking.

If I did not believe I would be dead. What is the point to life if there is nothing in the end? Why bother to work or be nice to people or do anything? Why bother following any moral code if there is no reason in the end? I would kill myself if I did not believe because that would mean that everything is pointless. Morality has been based on "religious" ideas since the beginning of time. I think society would completelty colapse if no one believed. Why endure the pain of life if you can just kill yrself with no consequence?

About long ago was this book written? Did it make as much of an impact on society as any of the spiritual texts? Its a different monster? The bible could be better equated to the Odessy or some of his other writings. All containing bits of fact and bits of fantasy but together the bits form a moral message to live by.

I chose to believe btw I was not forced by my parents. They put me through the whole catholic confirmation and shit, but I flat out told them that I was not ready for that i wanted to find god on my own, not be forced. Eventually after a long trip down the wrong path I did.

I know you don't understand my way of thinking, but that is OK cause I don't understand yours either. I still think yr cool though even though you can be an ass sometimes:) , cause I do not choose who i like by the type of belief system they have.

These people in the news are nuts and are not following what the bible they believe in told them to do. So they are not true christians or they got REALLY lost somewhere along the way.

hevusa 09.23.2010 09:15 AM

The point is there is as much evidence/proof about God as there is the invisible pink elephant that lives in my refrigerator. When I don't have the answer to a tough question I say "I don't know" instead of making up some stupid bullshit. That is what religious people need to do to preserve peace and sanity on earth.

ann ashtray 09.23.2010 09:31 AM

I agree, and wish things were that easy.

tesla69 09.23.2010 09:39 AM

we see god through our assholes in the flashbulb of orgasm - william s burroughs

SONIC GAIL 09.23.2010 09:42 AM

It is true and it would be nice if things were that easy but unfortunatly they are not.

Like I said I don't need proof I don't want proof. Those who have really read the bible and have some understanding of it know that god is not about evidence of his being it's just blind faith.

Now I got to do some work, so I just please don't want people to see me like those fools. I love you both and do not give a fuck what yall believe cause that is yr decision not mine.

I just get so sick of all this crappy publicity and idiotic hypocrytes I just feel like I have to let people know we are not all like that.

hevusa 09.23.2010 09:53 AM

It's blind alright... ;)
Sonic Gail... if you removed God from your life you would be a much more honest person. Think of it this way, if there really is a God and he created you he would know there is no real way for you to know if he even exists. Don't you think God would value your honesty when you say "I don't know" instead of "I believe". Didn't you "believe" in Santa too.

I am far too honest of a person to be religious.

SONIC GAIL 09.23.2010 09:57 AM

believing and knowing are different things alltogether:)

hevusa 09.23.2010 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by SONIC GAIL
believing and knowing are different things alltogether:)

Yeah, believing is fantasy since you need 0% fact. But it REALLY REALLY negatively affects the world.

SONIC GAIL 09.23.2010 10:25 AM

How am I negativly affecting the world by believing? If I did not believe I would do whatever i felt like. I would steal from people to support my drug habit. I would kill people who piss me off. I would ditch my kids and go do whatever I felt like. I would not be compelled to be nice to anyone. I would just take what I want. If I ended up in jail for these tings Id just kill myself. Why not. No consequences.

I know it is hard to see the trees in this forest but people believing in god have done good things in the past and present. Was Johnny Cash a negative affect on the world? Its the stories you do not hear that cause you to see it that way. Yes people have had massive wars over god throughout history, but if they did not have god to fight about they would be fighting about something else.

hevusa 09.23.2010 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by SONIC GAIL
How am I negativly affecting the world by believing? If I did not believe I would do whatever i felt like. I would steal from people to support my drug habit. I would kill people who piss me off. I would ditch my kids and go do whatever I felt like. I would not be compelled to be nice to anyone. I would just take what I want. If I ended up in jail for these tings Id just kill myself. Why not. No consequences.

I know it is hard to see the trees in this forest but people believing in god have done good things in the past and present. Was Johnny Cash a negative affect on the world? Its the stories you do not hear that cause you to see it that way. Yes people have had massive wars over god throughout history, but if they did not have god to fight about they would be fighting about something else.

Contrary to what most believers think, religion and morality have absolutely NOTHING to do with each other. In fact religion only detracts from the purity of morality. A non-theist can't blame anything on or get forgiven by an external source, so they tend to be MORE HONEST AND MORAL in their actions than believers because "the buck stops with them" so to speak.

When your belief system is based around a lie (God) you get fucked up consequences like:
- the invention of things that don't exist: souls, heaven, hell, angels, demons, prophets, talking snakes, virgin births, 72 virgins, the list goes on and on and on and on.
- laws that don't make sense: does liquor affect me differently on Sundays?, homosexuals can't marry each other or adopt, don't ask don't tell, marijuana being illegal, there used to be laws against interracial marriage, etc. etc. etc.
- war: MY lie about God is more correct than YOUR lie about God

Stop fucking contributing to this bullshit. The world needs more honesty, not more God.

SONIC GAIL 09.23.2010 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by hevusa
Contrary to what most believers think, religion and morality have absolutely NOTHING to do with each other. In fact religion only detracts from the purity of morality. A non-theist can't blame anything on or get forgiven by an external source, so they tend to be MORE HONEST AND MORAL in their actions than believers because "the buck stops with them" so to speak.

When your belief system is based around a lie (God) you get fucked up consequences like:
- the invention of things that don't exist: souls, heaven, hell, angels, demons, prophets, talking snakes, virgin births, 72 virgins, the list goes on and on and on and on.
- laws that don't make sense: does liquor affect me differently on Sundays?, homosexuals can't marry each other or adopt, don't ask don't tell, marijuana being illegal, there used to be laws against interracial marriage, etc. etc. etc.
- war: MY lie about God is more correct than YOUR lie about God

Stop fucking contributing to this bullshit. The world needs more honesty, not more God.

What do you think happens to us when we die? Why do you have morals if there is no consequence to not having them? Why even bother to stay alive?

And I did not make up those lies, or contribute to them or even agree with them.

And I don't blame god for anything Or the devil. I don't care about the devil or whatever (he could be a metaphor for humanity for all I know) I make my choices not a diety.

Where does morality come from?

By blaming religious groups for causing bad events you are making yrself as bad they are.

It is still the same argument really

"Your god is wrong mine is right"

"There is no god you're wrong and I am right"

You are still not contributing any peace. If I can be accepting of others thoughts and beliefs than I expect the same courtesy from them. I don't go around knockin on doors and preaching but if it comes up I will say what I believe and if people don't like it i shake the dust from my feet and moveon with my life. It is of no concern to me.

hevusa 09.23.2010 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by SONIC GAIL
What do you think happens to us when we die?

I don't know. There is no way for a human to know.


Originally Posted by SONIC GAIL
Why do you have morals if there is no consequence to not having them? Why even bother to stay alive?

What makes you think there are no consequences if there is no God and afterlife? We possess logic and reasoning, that is what sets us apart from animals, and that is all we need to form morals. No God needed to fuck shit up.


Originally Posted by SONIC GAIL
And I did not make up those lies, or contribute to them or even agree with them.

By being a theist and believing in something that has 0% basis in reality you are directly contributing to these things being in existence.


Originally Posted by SONIC GAIL
Where does morality come from?

Our logical minds. That is the reason morality changes and religion doesn't. Because as we gain more information we change our minds.


Originally Posted by SONIC GAIL

It is still the same argument really
"Your god is wrong mine is right"
"There is no god you're wrong and I am right"

I have no God, and I don't claim that there is no God (there is no way to know that answer and I am not a liar). So no, it is not the same argument.

Try honesty in regards to God and the world will be a better place.

GeneticKiss 09.23.2010 01:03 PM

I don't think SONIC GAIL or those like her are contributing to the world's problems simplying by having a religion or just believing in a God. It's the ones using religion to justify hateful/violent actions who are causing havoc and they're just assholes to begin with. As I'm sure we all know, some people give other people like them a bad name, and the innocent are lumped in with the guilty.

That said, I cannot agree with the idea that humans need to be threatened with some sort of divine punishment in order to stay in line. That tells me you have more faith in God than humanity; i.e. your very flesh and blood, that of your children, lovers, friends, and the basis of everything you know.

SONIC GAIL 09.23.2010 01:05 PM

I'm done with you for the day. I have work to do. You can argue your point to me all day but I will STILL BELIEVE in god. I am not trying to make u believe I just do not like to be generalised into a group of ppl who's actions are not mine and I give no funding to
One of the reasons I post on these thrteads is because no one else except suchfriends seems to give a damn about god and I do! I respect your position but don't pigeon holle me.

hevusa 09.23.2010 01:42 PM

All I can say is I hope you can find the strength to be honest about God one day. *wink*

hevusa 09.23.2010 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
I don't think SONIC GAIL or those like her are contributing to the world's problems simplying by having a religion or just believing in a God.

Believing in something that cannot be known directly affects reality, morality and the world as we know it for believers and non believers alike. When people form their belief system around something that has 0% objective evidence for existing then we are all cast in that dishonest shadow that is created.

TIME FOR THE ERA OF SPIRITUAL HONESTY! The era of "I don't know" when it comes to an omnipresent being existing. An honest era.

SONIC GAIL 09.23.2010 02:19 PM

I think it might turn out to be an honest era

jon boy 09.23.2010 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by StevOK
This local Teabagger nutjob I work with also happens to be a preacher, and is planning on giving a series of sermons dealing with the evils of Islam.


There's a video in the link, too.

I sooo wish that I could organize protests like they did for that nutjob in Florida that wanted to burn the Quran.

what the fuck is the matter with some people?

Lamont Cranston 09.24.2010 04:48 AM

their name includes cock spelt backwards

space 09.24.2010 01:38 PM

cock rap AWOL.

ann ashtray 09.24.2010 01:41 PM

The issue isn't with religious people that choose to keep their beliefs to themselves, it's with the larger majority that feels the need to "save the world" and want to work their beliefs into public school systems, science, politics, and other places things that can't be proven (sometimes bordering on utter fairy tale) don't belong.

If ya believe Jesus died for yr sins, great. Until ya can prove it keep that stuff away from me and possibly any future kids.

I live in America, I've already heard yr version of why I'm here + that "Jesus loves me" a million times. A million + one will not make a difference.

tesla69 09.24.2010 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by SONIC GAIL
All god requires is belief. .

I think the difference between individual spiritual consciousness and the death-bureacuracies of organized religion are opposed to each other. the organized religions don't require belief, they require SUBMISSION.

If you ask me if I believe in God who is basically santa-claus in a white robe (old white man with a big beard) then I don't believe.

But if you ask me if I think there is the potential for a larger universal consciousness than the little specks of dust called humans that flash into and out of existence in galactic time so quickly as to almost not exist then I'd say yes, because I tend to think consciousness came before form. Rudy Rucker discusses the math of multiple dimensions and we are stuck in 3 (sometimes I think we get peeks into the 4th) at the bottom of a gravity well.

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