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noisereductions 11.03.2010 10:52 AM

say something nice about the poster above you
I'll start randomly

viewtiful has really diverse taste in music for someone so young.

TheFoxBen 11.03.2010 10:57 AM

Nice idea !

noisereductions is a cool guy, I don't know much about him but he loves GBV so that automatically makes him cool. And he also has really diverse taste from what I've seen.

stu666 11.03.2010 11:08 AM

he repped me yesterday for what i was listening to, so he must have good taste too! :)

ploesj 11.03.2010 11:19 AM

he seems to be a genuinely nice person, i've never read a nasty post from him...

floatingslowly 11.03.2010 11:32 AM

I came into this thread with the intention of calling the person above me a cunt.

it turns out that I don't have my glasses on and when viewed in larger font, the person above is actually the nicest one on the board.

it doesn't hurt that she's pretty too.

now, I'll be waiting, like a spider, until some cunt shows up to post.

knox 11.03.2010 11:36 AM

he's a cunt.
that's the nicest thing one can say about him.

and brave? creative? wise? good? all good things.
I wanna read a book written by this cunt it'll be amazing.

has good taste in everything.

hevusa 11.03.2010 11:41 AM

pretty and pretty crazy

Dead-Air 11.03.2010 11:44 AM

he's trying

_slavo_ 11.03.2010 11:47 AM

he's always made interesting distorted pictures of himself.

Glice 11.03.2010 12:19 PM

Like all* the other Europeans, does well to continue not being an utter moron in the face of the twattery of this board. Also, puts most native English-speakers (but not me) to shame.

*I say 'all', obviously there's some dickends from this side of the water. T&B, for instance.

jon boy 11.03.2010 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
Like all* the other Europeans, does well to continue not being an utter moron in the face of the twattery of this board. Also, puts most native English-speakers (but not me) to shame.

*I say 'all', obviously there's some dickends from this side of the water. T&B, for instance.

nice fella, for a southerner.

Glice 11.03.2010 12:47 PM

Very courteous with bread drippings; maintains a good ferretry.

floatingslowly 11.03.2010 12:49 PM

jon boy can smell a sweaty bikeseat from further away than anyone except for glice.

that, and he's a giant flapping cunt.

[edit: this post applies to the above two posters. and by posters, I mean, cunts]

loubarret 11.03.2010 12:52 PM

Seems to have quite a wide taste and interesting posts at times

DeadDiscoDildo 11.03.2010 01:10 PM

^^Seems to stay off the radar enough that I cannot say a bad thing about him.

Obviously a fan of two 60s greats. Reed and Syd.

Cute girls in his sig and avvy too

SONIC GAIL 11.03.2010 01:15 PM

I don't know much about lou but that they like to post a lot of music in the what r u listening to threads. Seems like a very interesting poster to me. What's up lou I'm GAIL.

DDD were insynch....DDD is super awesome and sweet. Extremely helpful and jamns like a murthafucka

Genteel Death 11.03.2010 01:24 PM

Top notch lady in all things she's involved in. And super hot too.

demonrail666 11.03.2010 01:34 PM

He's the only person I know (besides me) who realises that the genius of the Action Swingers' 'I Don't Wanna Be This Way' is in the guitar solo.

floatingslowly 11.03.2010 01:47 PM

he's far better than the rest of you, but too modest to admit it.

definitely not a cunt.

space 11.03.2010 01:54 PM

good with cats. great taste in women. nice avatar.

supreme cunt.

SONIC GAIL 11.03.2010 01:56 PM

obessed with cats. great taste in women. sweet avatar.

Supreme dick face but only sometimes

and lost in space

Glice 11.03.2010 01:58 PM

Such a nice person, she's the only one who could muster saying something nice to space - including space's broad.

knox 11.03.2010 01:59 PM

she's sweet and not a cunt.
seems very focused on career, family and all.

also - i just recently found out that stu666 and demonrail666 are not the same person.

knox 11.03.2010 02:00 PM

and here's glice he HAD to ruin it. fuck off.

SONIC GAIL 11.03.2010 02:15 PM

I love you Knox. You are really caring about others and seem very ambitous. You are the only person (besides Ryan) that can trip me uo in a debate:)

ploesj 11.03.2010 02:23 PM

a very sweet lady, glad to know her!

Glice 11.03.2010 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by knox
and here's glice he HAD to ruin it. fuck off.

Fuck you, twatchops.

jennthebenn 11.03.2010 02:27 PM

Just gave me a new word to insult my friends/foes with. Thanks.

demonrail666 11.03.2010 02:36 PM

SY's unofficial fifth member, and I suspect she's a lot more entertaining than the other four.

DeadDiscoDildo 11.03.2010 02:54 PM

^^Very cool cat, and kind enough to listen to my new music and critique it and give tips and not be a cunt about it haha!

wealth of knowledge

loubarret 11.03.2010 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by DeadDiscoDildo
^^Seems to stay off the radar enough that I cannot say a bad thing about him.

Obviously a fan of two 60s greats. Reed and Syd.

Cute girls in his sig and avvy too

Hah, nah not the Lou Reed fan that you think I am, make Lou Barlow out of it and your kinda right. And I like being off the radar a bit, it makes me this ghost like poster.

Originally Posted by SONIC GAIL
I don't know much about lou but that they like to post a lot of music in the what r u listening to threads. Seems like a very interesting poster to me. What's up lou I'm GAIL.

Yeah I should go out of that thread sometimes, a thanks but i'm quite the sterotypical boring music only talker most of the time.

Demonrial seems cool but haven't seen him around that much here to be honest.

SONIC GAIL 11.03.2010 05:08 PM

@lou I should post more on the music threads. I mostly scan through and check some of the shit out everyone else posts to broaden my horizons. I just like sy and talking a lot so I think that's why I post more in non sonics. There is not much interesting conversation goin on in Bryceville:)

SONIC GAIL 11.03.2010 05:23 PM

I'm sayin somethin nice bout everyone on syg. I love u all. I love your different personalities and ideas. Even the dickwads bitches and trolls everyone makes this a great site to be a part of.

ploesj 11.03.2010 06:24 PM

he sent me a cool present once.

knox 11.03.2010 10:49 PM

she's lovely, nice, sensitive and talented.

in other words, not a bitch.

i'm gonna keep posting here so people say nice stuff about me.

DeadDiscoDildo 11.03.2010 11:05 PM

Sassy little thing who has a nice voice and will hold to her convictions in a debate of any sort.

Murmer99 11.03.2010 11:24 PM

is skilled at songwriting and fucking apparently.

DeadDiscoDildo 11.03.2010 11:54 PM

LOL, true enough. But definitley not math or anything important to society.

Murmer, you are an ambitious and talented cat whether you believe so or not yet...

If you feel alienated like you sometimes post, get out of your city! There are weirdos everywhere, this board is a testement to that. You're just young. When I was your age I was just as insecure about myself, we all have fears but it's not because we are talentless or not skilled, it's because we havent learned how to tap into our unique talents yet.

If you hunger for it, you will reach whatever goals in life you want.

Keep at it and stay positive, even when it's impossible to.


oh, and dark sense of humor, if life fails you, just start writing and be the next vonnegaut

floatingslowly 11.04.2010 12:52 AM

is not a cunt.

deserves to make music and fuck for money.

ps: anytime I've ever tried to make a "let's play nice" thread, it's died miserably. which is exactly why I aim to make this one go down in flames.

cunts. the lot of of you. (except for knox, ploesj, GAIL, DR666 and DDD...but certainly glice...glice, that rancid fishbucket of a poster).

jennthebenn 11.04.2010 01:16 AM

A better freestyle rapper than fisherman. A++

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