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noisereductions 11.18.2010 11:38 AM

help me buy an eReader for a gift...
So obviously the Kindle is the big one that people talk about, but there's also the Nook and the Sony eReader... and many others out there. Are there really major differences from one to the next? What do I need to look for? What do I need to avoid? Do all eBook-stores (amazon, b&n, emusic, etc) offer books compatible with all the eReaders? Give me the "for dummies" version to help me shop. Thanks!

ni'k 11.18.2010 11:41 AM

i've already looked into this.

get a kindle.

the end.

kindle is the best. and is the one that you can buy books from amazon for. its the one that is going to win and become the dominant format. also it can do pdfs. there is ebook format converter software anyway, but just get the kindle.

noisereductions 11.18.2010 11:45 AM

so Nook, Sony, etc cannot use the Amazon format?

ni'k 11.18.2010 11:45 AM

no unless you get some sort of a converter or some sort of crack for them which prob exists already somewhere


i already did all this.

get the new kindle.

the end.

noisereductions 11.18.2010 11:47 AM

haha yes I believe you -- but I'd like to understand WHY I'm buying one item over another. I don't buy things because of their brandname. I'd like to know why I'm spending the money is all. :)

floatingslowly 11.18.2010 11:48 AM

fuck. I want a mobile reader that can do .PDF and .CBR. :(

EVOLghost 11.18.2010 11:49 AM has the most letters in yeh. get a kindle.

ni'k 11.18.2010 11:51 AM

the reason im getting a kindle is cos it can do pdf

dont know about cbr, you could check.

also nr - i looked into it and kindle is just the best there is right now. not cos of brand name, i dont care about that either.

noisereductions 11.18.2010 11:54 AM

I'd say is the selling point. If Nook can't do amazon format then seems meh.

ni'k 11.18.2010 11:57 AM

seriously. im not going to EVER buy one ebook. WTF. thats like paying for mp3s on itunes. you only do it if youre a fucking moron.

i have about maybe a couple of thousand books on my computer downloaded already. mostly in pdf format.

i havent looked into it that much but books will become the same as music soon. it will be pretty much pointless, wasteful and expensive to buy physical copies.

get yourself a good ebook reader. or as they should be called "pdf reader". the kindles the best. the thing can go for up to is it a month or 2 on ONE charge.

also JUST INCASE YOU REALLY ARE RETARDED. amazon will try to sell you a case for the kindle at £50. if you want one, you can get one off ebay, not the official amazon brand of course, for like 15-20 MAX.

just dont buy amazons case for it whatever you do.

noisereductions 11.18.2010 12:06 PM

yr intensity is starting to scare me n'ik.

ni'k 11.18.2010 12:07 PM

because you are imagining it.

noisereductions 11.18.2010 12:08 PM

anyway thanks for the heads up. I'm planning to buy the eReader at BestBuy since I have a BB card. According to their site they now carry Kindles in store, but not online. So I'll have to take a drive down there to actually see teh damn price. Should be the same as thru Amazon though no?

ni'k 11.18.2010 12:10 PM

dont know. not american.

assume it would be similar.

space 11.18.2010 12:51 PM

this thread made me look up apps for iphone that allow me to read pdfs and cbrs!


entire warhammer 40,000 ruleset ALLLL THE TIIIIME!!!!!


Originally Posted by noisereductions
yr intensity is starting to scare me n'ik.

I snorted.

ni'k 11.18.2010 12:58 PM

yeah - it should be noted that you could go to ebay and buy a japanese knock off of an iphone for what i assume would be between $40-70 since thats about how much one costs in £

you can use one of these as a pdf reader. altho the battery life isnt long.

i would still get a kindle tho.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 11.18.2010 01:18 PM

noisereductions 11.18.2010 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson

already have that.

tesla69 11.18.2010 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
yr intensity is starting to scare me n'ik.

holy shit, I totally agree with nikky. that's scaring me.

someone must be using his screen name.

ni'k 11.18.2010 02:32 PM

i dont understand all 3 of the references to me in this thread

noisereductions 11.18.2010 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k
i dont understand all 3 of the references to me in this thread

that's why you

floatingslowly 11.18.2010 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
that's why you

that's why he

noisereductions 11.18.2010 03:09 PM

I know

ni'k 11.18.2010 03:19 PM

yeah but it felt good when i did it, besides you got to ______________ in the ____________________ or else that bitch won't ______________________ and if she doesn't ____________________ of course it's best to dump it at night because ________________________ cops can't trace you to the dna if they __________________________ but at the same time if you clean up the mess it becomes too obvious that you _______________________ so my method is always to _______________ until there's just nothing left in the anus.

floatingslowly 11.18.2010 04:11 PM

my ereader is giving me errors with the above post. :(

Glice 11.18.2010 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
my ereader is giving me errors with the above post. :(

He said you're a cunt. And I for one agree.

ni'k 11.19.2010 11:04 AM

To be fair, what I actually said was "glice is a raging pederast".

noisereductions 11.19.2010 11:16 AM

I feel like we could all use some group therapy.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 11.19.2010 12:29 PM

STFU pussy

noisereductions 11.19.2010 12:36 PM

u like varil laveen gie

Dr. Eugene Felikson 11.19.2010 12:50 PM

Whats yr point? She's punk. Punk music is not for pussies NR.

noisereductions 11.19.2010 12:55 PM


y ur RS sticky Joe???

Dr. Eugene Felikson 11.19.2010 01:00 PM

I heard she was on the cover of the new issue of Maxim. I gotta get it! No doubt about it.

noisereductions 11.19.2010 01:01 PM

you ddint see it? its good

Dr. Eugene Felikson 11.19.2010 04:05 PM

Just picked it up. I had to go to 6 different stores, since everyone already replaced it with the new December issue. But I finally found it at a gas station. What a great shoot! She's looking damn good, I especially enjoy the new "FUCK" tattoo on the side of her rib cage. That's fucking hotter than hell!



Oh, and she has a new album coming out! I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT!!!

Derek 11.19.2010 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by n'ik
i havent looked into it that much but books will become the same as music soon. it will be pretty much pointless, wasteful and expensive to buy physical copies.

I definitely don't agree with that. Books are a flawless format that are in no need for an 'update'.

ni'k 11.19.2010 04:50 PM

books do need updated. an e reader at the moment is a book that can hold thousands of books in one.

one e reader = 160 quid. i already have thousands of books for it.

the likes of me simply can't afford to buy those books.

what you're saying is that its somehow better for a book to be made out of paper and cardboard and only contain one book in it, that isn't changeable or updatable. that's madness. and i don't care if its like classic or you have some ludditte fetish for it or whatever. it still needs updated.

hypothetically take the technology to its peak. think about it. when eventually the descendant of todays e reader works on renewable energy and is made out of one or two pages of a film like sheet that you can roll up and put in your pocket, and you no longer have to pay for any books you can just get them all for free instantly. are you going to be saying then that "this is shit. i want my book printed on thousands of pieces of paper in ink, then i want it bound in cardboard."

that would make no sense.

i can't afford to pay up to a tenner for 1 book. who the hell can afford that anymore?

ni'k 11.19.2010 05:00 PM

really the whole point is to just gas everybody and buy me a kindle. that's all im asking.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 11.19.2010 05:09 PM

I can definitely see your point ni'k. I mean, why not have as many books as you want at once on one device? It was only a matter of time before these pocket .pdf readers came out. Some people read more than one book at once, and a gadget like this is absolutely perfect for their means.

BUT, there is something undeniably romantic about physically holding a book in your hands, and manually flipping the pages. That old book (or new book) smell... no eReader could ever truly replicate that.

It's the same reason why I still track down the original cartridges of my favorite SNES games, even though I have a laptop with an emulator, access to more ROMs than I could ever want, and even a USB SNES controller replica. It's still just not the same.

The same argument applies to why I buy DVD versions of films I already have on my hard drive, or why so many users on here insist that vinyl will never truly be replaced.

ni'k 11.19.2010 05:14 PM

i knew someone was gonna say that crap haha.

however - e readers are lighter than most books - at least the new ones are. also they have their own smell. also i don't want to replicate anything about old books. i don't have the time. too much to read.

but yes, i do get what you're saying, as long as people who think that get that the rest of us can't afford to pay for your romantic ludditism and we need cheap small light efficient e readers. of course they can't replicate certain aspects of a book, but then who needs to. the book experience as we know it now is just one that will be lost in time. no point holding onto it now.

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