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afterthefact 07.26.2006 05:21 PM

Blink 182 or shite out of a gas station bathroom toilet?

Toilet & Bowels 07.26.2006 05:24 PM

welcome to the olden days!

afterthefact 07.26.2006 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
welcome to the olden days!

I... have no idea what you mean...

Toilet & Bowels 07.26.2006 05:34 PM

welcome to an obvious & redundant arguement from the year 2000!

afterthefact 07.26.2006 05:35 PM

well, I figured with all the "food or band" polls, I'd make one that was a much easier choice...

m^a(t)h 07.26.2006 05:40 PM

if you think about it, 4 years ago blink 182 was the thing, i find them much more bearable on the radio than emo shit on the radio, atleast it was poppy, melodic, and whimsical. I dont like their music but atleast the kids of the day were listening to something that was happy and poppy.

Pookie 07.26.2006 05:41 PM

I know the name, but I don't really know who Blink 182 are.

Toilet & Bowels 07.26.2006 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by m^a(t)h
if you think about it, 4 years ago blink 182 was the thing, i find them much more bearable on the radio than emo shit on the radio, atleast it was poppy, melodic, and whimsical. I dont like their music but atleast the kids of the day were listening to something that was happy and poppy.

oh wow, is it already time to start cultivating an ironic appreciation for the ouevre of blink 182?

afterthefact 07.26.2006 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by m^a(t)h
if you think about it, 4 years ago blink 182 was the thing, i find them much more bearable on the radio than emo shit on the radio, atleast it was poppy, melodic, and whimsical. I dont like their music but atleast the kids of the day were listening to something that was happy and poppy.

true, I guess... it does seem that every era of music seems to make the one before it seem better. especially with rap. I thought Master P and his entourage were as bad as you could get, and then Juvenile came along, causing ones to long for the day of Master P :)

m^a(t)h 07.26.2006 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
oh wow, is it already time to start cultivating an ironic appreciation for the ouevre of blink 182?

ironic indeed

afterthefact 07.26.2006 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by m^a(t)h
ironic indeed

**sung in an overly dramatic voice** Irony!

Savage Clone 07.26.2006 05:51 PM

Teenagers should be encouraged to listen to music that is plodding, depressing and cold. I have no problem with this. It agrees with their state of mind. I know I preferred Joy Division to the Descendents in the mid 80s, though I listened to them both as a teen.

afterthefact 07.26.2006 05:53 PM

I grew up on the pop, it was all I knew until I discovered the good stuff...

Toilet & Bowels 07.26.2006 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Teenagers should be encouraged to listen to music that is plodding, depressing and cold. I have no problem with this. It agrees with their state of mind. I know I preferred Joy Division to the Descendents in the mid 80s, though I listened to them both as a teen.

what should people in their mid 20s be encouraged to listen to, uncle clone?

i know i was mad keen on depressing music as a teenager, smog, low, arab strap, i suckled on the teet of melancholy & depression.... who knows what was going through my mind?

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 07.26.2006 06:08 PM

I chose Blink-182. I don't listen to them, but I have friend's that like them. I'd much rather put up with my friend's music than eat shit.

Savage Clone 07.26.2006 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
what should people in their mid 20s be encouraged to listen to, uncle clone?

i know i was mad keen on depressing music as a teenager, smog, low, arab strap, i suckled on the teet of melancholy & depression.... who knows what was going through my mind?

I don't know.
I am in an arrested state of teen-dom.
In my mid 20s I was obsessed with Legendary Pink Dots, krautrock, NWW, Bevis Frond, heavy rock and drone. I have always liked the depressing music though. Mid 20s was also a time of massive genre expansion for me I guess; I was delving back through history and exploring a few genres I had not really gotten into as much in the past.

afterthefact 07.26.2006 06:11 PM

in retrospect, I should have used a different band. or maybe not even started this poll at all. the idea came to me for a second, and I just did it. oh well, live and learn...

Toilet & Bowels 07.26.2006 06:12 PM

so what's the difference between mid 20s and mid 30s?

Savage Clone 07.26.2006 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
so what's the difference between mid 20s and mid 30s?

About 15 pounds, as far as I can tell.

afterthefact 07.26.2006 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
so what's the difference between mid 20s and mid 30s?

about 10 years. HAHAHAHA
eh, that wasn't funny, I'm just a dork.

Savage Clone 07.26.2006 06:16 PM

I went for a variation on the same dumb joke, afterthefact, so you are not alone.

I guess by mid-30s I have come to be even more extreme in my tastes, with a far greater range of sounds I find appealing or interesting. I have burned out on some interests, rediscovered others from times past and found still more entirely new things that interest me.

afterthefact 07.26.2006 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I went for a variation on the same dumb joke, afterthefact, so you are not alone.

I guess by mid-30s I have come to be even more extreme in my tastes, with a far greater range of sounds I find appealing or interesting. I have burned out on some interests, rediscovered others from times past and found still more entirely new things that interest me.

I used to listen to anything and be like "eh, it's cool." Now I am so bloody picky that it's rediculous.

acousticrock87 07.26.2006 09:50 PM

I can actually stand Blink 182. I've only heard about 3 full songs while paying attention, though.

afterthefact 07.26.2006 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by acousticrock87
I can actually stand Blink 182. I've only heard about 3 full songs while paying attention, though.

they aren't as bad as some, that's fore sure. plus, I have memories of them before I was awakened to better stuff of listening to them on a regular basis. I was just bored when I made this, that's all :)

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