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SpectralJulianIsNotDead 08.08.2006 04:17 PM

What a waste of 1 hour, 21 minutes, and 50 seconds
I just watched Loose Change.

That kid's voice and inflection is so irritating.

lunberg 08.08.2006 04:35 PM

That happens to me once in a while.

I watched Magnolia (3 hour long movie) last Sunday and ... I didin't even finish it.
2 hours after I was like... WTF is this about ???

Hip Priest 08.08.2006 04:37 PM

That's a very good thread title, but I've never heard of 'Loose Change'. I assume it's a film though. Have you seen 'The Mummy Returns' or 'Get Shorty'? They really are a waste of time, in my humble.

Weird, seeing my post in a signiature. Strange.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 08.08.2006 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Hip Priest
That's a very good thread title, but I've never heard of 'Loose Change'. I assume it's a film though. Have you seen 'The Mummy Returns' or 'Get Shorty'? They really are a waste of time, in my humble.

Weird, seeing my post in a signiature. Strange.


Ummm, Loose Change is this "documentary" made my some lame-ass college kid. It is a conspiracy theory that the events of 9/11 were orchestrated by the Bush administration. This kid narrates the whole thing and has this dumb spooky techno/ trip hop music in the background to make his points more spine tingling or some shit. After he makes a point, he asks in this dumb-ass voice "Coincidence?" but he tries to do it in a cool documentarian voice, making himself just sound like a dumbass. Or he would say "Do you still think that X really happened like you saw on TV?"

There are also a lot of 2+2=5 moments where he takes some assumptions.

Tokolosh 08.09.2006 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by lunberg
That happens to me once in a while.

I watched Magnolia (3 hour long movie) last Sunday and ... I didin't even finish it.
2 hours after I was like... WTF is this about ???

Stacked with an ensemble cast (including nine alumnists from Boogie Nights, the director's last film), this drama follows six different interweaving stories set in the San Fernando Valley within the general themes of family relationships and bonds that have been broken and need to be mended in one day. Essentially, it's the story of a Father, the Young Wife, his Lost Son, the Caretaker, the Boy Genius, his Father, the Game Show Host, the Daughter, the Mother, the Ex-Boy Genius, and the Police Officer in Love.

Touching film with a clever script. I'd like to know what you consider a good movie?

Tokolosh 08.09.2006 03:04 AM

I'd like to see Loose Change.
From what I've heard and read, it's pretty interesting and a good initiative by Dylan Avery. I'm sure american viewers are more critical about it for reasons we europeans will never understand.

This link is an interesting read.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 08.09.2006 03:38 AM

You can watch it for free on google video.

Now, I'm against Bush and everything Tokolosh, but this kid just seems like he's been hitting the crackpipe a little too hard and he's really discrediting everyone who has any anti-bush sentiment.

If the government really wanted to fake an attack to merit them going to war, they could do it without risking any american lives, without risking the US economy, and with a much lower risk of leaking the shit ton of classified information that would result.

And if 9/11 was planned as an excuse to invade Afghanistan, wouldn't they have used something similar for Iraq instead of lying about WMD?

Tokolosh 08.09.2006 04:04 AM

I'm not a sucker for conspiracy theories, but there are many strange unanswered questions about the 9/11 incident. Bombs going off on the ground floor of the WTC minutes before the first tower collapsed (there's video footage of a cloud of smoke and a couple of load bangs from across the Hudson river to prove it), important artwork and paperwork being moved days before the attacks, etc.

Bush doesn't give a shit about his fellow countrymen and their safety. Going to war in Iraq is in itself putting american lives at risk.
Death toll 911 = 2752
Death toll Iraq = over 2500 and counting

truncated 08.09.2006 04:59 AM

If I ever hear the phrase 9/11 again, I will puncture my own eardrums.

Do I support Bush's international policies post-9/11? No. However, I don't think a less confrontational approach would have, at the time, satisfied the majority of constituents. We are a reactionary nation; we want blood for blood, and, more often, blood for nothing.

One thing to keep in mind is that Bush's stance was in response to the mindset of his electing body. How can we technically blame Bush for simply giving the public what it wanted?

We're AMERICANS, goddammit! Ain't no towel-heads gonna trespass on our land! Git! *Nicely punctuated by a stream of tobacco juice between gapped front teeth*

Conspiracy theory my ass. Liberals trying to look clever. Michael Moore deserves to be shot. Just like, insofar as it's possible in the realm of humanity, the U.S. very much 'deserved' 9/11. I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner.

I don't like Bush, but I dislike radical, self-important leftists even more.

Tokolosh 08.09.2006 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by truncated
I don't like Bush, but I dislike radical, self-important leftists even more.

Anything radical and self-important is never good, but I'll take any sort of lefty before I give my vote to the Republican Party (US).
I'd be interested to know where you stand when it comes to voting. Nice hair colour by the way.

truncated 08.09.2006 08:47 AM

I'm not entirely against the Reps. In the last election, I voted Libertarian. Relatively loose constructionists, but still uphold the idea of personal accountability, something the policies in this country completely discard. What would you have voted?

Oh and thanks, but really, it looks awful. Trust me.

Toilet & Bowels 08.09.2006 09:01 AM

i've been wondering recently when the term 9/11 will become obsolete, i mean in 30 years if you went and talked to kids or whatever about 9/11 it would probably be meaningless to them, they're going to have to make up a new name for it.

Tokolosh 08.09.2006 09:38 AM


I'm not american but I would probably vote demo.
All those green parties are good for the environment but not realistic.

You're so modest about the way you look trunc.

lunberg 08.09.2006 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
Stacked with an ensemble cast (including nine alumnists from Boogie Nights, the director's last film), this drama follows six different interweaving stories set in the San Fernando Valley within the general themes of family relationships and bonds that have been broken and need to be mended in one day. Essentially, it's the story of a Father, the Young Wife, his Lost Son, the Caretaker, the Boy Genius, his Father, the Game Show Host, the Daughter, the Mother, the Ex-Boy Genius, and the Police Officer in Love.

Touching film with a clever script. I'd like to know what you consider a good movie?

In fact I didn't totally dismiss the movie. I started watching it kinda seriously and then one hour later, I started getting bored and began writing a long letter. so I wasn't really paying much attention to the movie (hence my confusion on the plot), but I got a say I CANNOT stand W.H.Macy's face (don't ask my why, it's in my genes), that alone ruined the movie a bit.

Tokolosh 08.09.2006 10:15 AM

Well, that's a matter of taste and I can understand that.
I personally think he was great in Pleasantville, Boogie Nights and fargo.

lunberg 08.09.2006 12:11 PM

I dig Fargo. Steve Buscemi rules.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 08.09.2006 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
Bush doesn't give a shit about his fellow countrymen and their safety. Going to war in Iraq is in itself putting american lives at risk.
Death toll 911 = 2752
Death toll Iraq = over 2500 and counting

Not to mention civilian casualties.

I think there is a huge difference in the mindset between someone that will send troops off to die in an unjust war and plan a faked terrorist attack on US soil. Even if Bush was evil enough to plan something out, don't you think someone would have said "hey, there are going to be a crapload of people who know too much, I think we can stage something a bit more clever with less people in the know to make a possible leak.

Anyways- about the democrats. The biggest thing the democrats have going for them is that they are not republicans. The democrats are heavily divided, and many of them are pretty clueless about how to actually bring peace to the middle east, revive the economy, solve the energy crisis, and in general dig us out of the shithole that the Republicans have got us into. That, and a lot of democrats are stupid. I've been to a democrat rally where Kerry spoke, and a lot of these people are the same sort of mindless sheep that a lot of liberals complain about.

The dumbasses in the democratic party nominated Kerry, someone more uncharismatic and more uninspiring than Al Gore. Kerry tried to catch the swing so much that he just looked like a wishy washy piece of crap without any ideas. For a politician of the common man's party, having 5 houses, botox, and voting for an unjust war really isn't going to make you look very good. Oh, he said he believed the CIA reports that Iraq had WMD. Well we know Korea has WMD, why didn't he advocate going to war with them?

We need a man that can really speak to the people and to the house and senate, like Theodore Roosevelt. A man who breaths flames and is a catalyst for change. Not a luke-warm wishy washy politician whose ploy is to "get the current administration out. anything but." The anything but Bush strategy didn't fricking work. The democrats need to put out a politician who people want to vote FOR, not rely on GWB's dumbassery to get people to vote against him.

"A great attempt is glorious even in failure"- the fortune cookie from the dinner I just ate.

Tokolosh 08.10.2006 03:03 AM

I'm not to mad about Kerry either. After all, he's masonic.

harris 08.15.2006 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by lunberg
That happens to me once in a while.

I watched Magnolia (3 hour long movie) last Sunday and ... I didin't even finish it.
2 hours after I was like... WTF is this about ???

woah dude magnolia is one of the best films ever made
im sure alot of people here can back me up
pt anderson is a genius
you gotta finish it man
i beg of you

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 08.15.2006 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
I'm not to mad about Kerry either. After all, he's masonic.

I'm not 100% on this, but I think every US president has been a mason of some sort.

Tokolosh 08.15.2006 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
I'm not 100% on this, but I think every US president has been a mason of some sort.

If I'm not mistaken, there were three or four that weren't masonic.
One being Clinton.
Maybe someone can elaborate on this?

whorefrost 09.18.2006 08:59 AM

just discovered this Loose Change film... makes some interesting points... anyone else seen it?

Tokolosh 09.18.2006 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by whorefrost
just discovered this Loose Change film... makes some interesting points... anyone else seen it?

I think it's one of the worst 9/11 documentaries I've seen to date.
Countless mistakes, and the music doesn't suit it at all.
It lacks depth and I get the feeling that a those kids googled most of the information. I fell asleep which says a lot.

whorefrost 09.18.2006 09:19 AM

fair enough... the main thing i found interesting was about the pentagon attack and the absence of debris from an aircraft... also, reports of smelling cordite in the air...

whorefrost 09.18.2006 09:23 AM

admittedly, the film does get a tad boring after that.... man, i should change my avatar, i must look like some sorta nut

Tokolosh 09.18.2006 09:23 AM

Well, if a plane didn't hit it....... what did.
This whole incident keeps getting more absurd by the day.
What will they think of next?

whorefrost 09.18.2006 09:25 AM

a missile

whorefrost 09.18.2006 09:25 AM

did you even watch it?

Tokolosh 09.18.2006 09:30 AM

You must've seen more than I did, 'cause that footage from the security camera,
shows sweet bugger all, except for a blur and the fireball caused by the impact.

HaydenAsche 09.18.2006 09:31 AM

I can't be bothered to watch such trash. I'm sorry you wasted time out of you precious life, Julian, but you should have just not been a moron and not watched a shitty documentary.

whorefrost 09.18.2006 09:31 AM

the footage certainly does not show a plane. and why were all the other nearby security tapes confiscated by the FBI?

Tokolosh 09.18.2006 09:35 AM


"Because we told them to". :rolleyes:

atari 2600 09.18.2006 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
I'm not to mad about Kerry either. After all, he's masonic.

Kerry may have went to Yale and have been a Skull & Bones frat member, but Kerry also infamously spoke out against some of our methodology in Vietnam.

Even more of a convincing argument for Kerry's merit is that as a freshman senator, he was the first (along with Iowa senator Tom Harkin) to uncover the Iran-Contra scandal and address it.

Of course, despite their courage, nothing really ever came of the hearings. The illegal cocaine importation was purposely overlooked & Reagan just said he "couldn't remember." Mena, Arkansas was the spot where the coke planes landed stateside, and of course after Reagan and Bush, Sr. left office, Clinton was installed by succesfully duping voters for both of his terms.

People that think 9/11 wasn't a staged event are very dangerous to the security and future of this great nation and the world.

Tokolosh 09.18.2006 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
People that think 9/11 wasn't a staged event are very dangerous to the security and future of this great nation and the world.

Come again???

atari 2600 09.18.2006 10:47 AM


hey alex 09.18.2006 11:05 AM

i haven't seen this and in many regarda don't care. (italics ho!) Fuck if we start turning super evil like nazi germany I'll take a plane out. Otherwise I'll refuse war without reason I believe and probably take to being knowledgable this coming election... even though we'll probably be democratic just because we've been througgh 8 years if bush hell. Why not go republic! I mean, a third party will never win.... hopefully, or hopefully, hillary won;t run... hopefully- people will not a woman as president. Hopefully not - feminists and bush fuckin us over.

But anyways.,... I could really care less for 9/11. It is awful that a lot of people died, but it's mindwarped many people negatively. They either went to war or started getting mad at the govenrment... and not doing anything useful at all. I'm going to make documentary! Yay! everyone will know! And no one will do anything with that knowledge. (though it's probably wrong to begin with. A plane hit a building. Palnned by bush? Who fuckin cares that's actually doing something about it)

atari 2600 09.18.2006 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by hey alex

But anyways.,... I could really care less for 9/11.

You also couldn't have cared less to even get "couldn't care less" correct.

Besides being too ignorant and/or too brainwashed, people are just flat-out too lazy to uncover the truth. They are too placated. Most people think everything will be just fine for them, their children & their children's children. Writing about it & talking about it is doing something about it. Climbing fuel prices are starting to wake up even the most backwards Americans. People are learning that not only can they not trust our leaders, which is something that's been common wisdom since Nixon, but also that they cannot trust their preacher to know the facts.

The clock is still running as to how much of a waste of time this thread will be.

hey alex 09.18.2006 11:13 AM

i suppose that's true. I don't think we'll be in long run trouble. I mean I don't really see myself walking down hallways in chains for a peice of toast anytime. I'd expected america to split into seperate nations before that... and I won't see that either probably. 9/11 just seemed to get everyone pumped up and crazy and 5 years on, who cares? There's been enough public display to get the nation against it, mostly... I just didn't really care from get go.

also, atari, is that sig a simpsons quote?

hey alex 09.18.2006 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
The clock is still running as to how much of a waste of time this thread will be.

I think that already happened

h8kurdt 09.18.2006 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
[quote=hey alex]

But anyways.,... I could really care less for 9/11. [/quote]

You also couldn't care less to even get "couldn't care less" correct.


I never understood people who say they "could care less". It's like all the people who say it misheard the line. Here have a hearing aid they work.

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