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gast30 05.18.2011 06:22 AM

50% of french people believe the arrestation of strauss kahn is conspiracyy
can you believe it

the roomcleaner that got raped was not aware who he was untill the next day

keep on dreaming that 50% of french

SpaceCadetHayden 05.18.2011 10:28 PM


jon boy 05.18.2011 10:48 PM

only a roomcleaner, ba!

tesla69 05.19.2011 10:12 AM

well I have a suspicious mind, and in these times more than ever. The media here reported that the NYPD arrested him on a plane just before takeoff as if he was trying to flee, but I also heard that was his scheduled plane. There is a video of him rushing from the hotel, but he had some appointment he was trying to make. Politically he was supposedly making some changes to the IMF that may not have been what Washington wanted (and look who has taken his place, an US guy), and the current president of France is a neocon ass in DC's pocket, so there is an incentive to make sure he was taken out. Would he have run on the socialist ticket?

Its just weird, a 66 year old running naked out of his room after a maid? I couldn't help think he had been drugged or something. Charlie Sheen he ain't. There are a lot of women coming forward saying he was aggressively sexual, but I don't hear any of them saying he forced himself on them.

But maybe he did - the former president of Israel was sentenced for rape recently. Wouldn't there be video of the hall where he ran after the maid?
Is quite a distraction, the nuke plants in Japan are still spewing crazy amounts of radiation.

floatingslowly 05.19.2011 10:47 AM

'an US guy' > arrestation

you are an tea partier guy by the neofeministic way you raise an right pinkie finger when you take an drink of tea.

don't make me derp at you.

floatingslowly 05.19.2011 11:14 AM

no no no. even an fags can be tea party princess! I mean, hey, moe tucker am big ol' fag. he drank lots of tea!! all the skill take are pinkie and a pip pip it's tiem! big different is them cookie. no biscuit for an US tea party. no biscuit no way.

really an tea party is about NO MORE KINGS (queens are welcome).

now drank them tea one lump or two????????????

knox 05.19.2011 12:18 PM

so many random people are trying to or raping people everyday and everyone's shutting up about it.

floatingslowly 05.19.2011 12:24 PM

good madam, I am intrinsically knowledgeable over 9th degree thelemic sex magick and know of no such invasion of leprechauns nor double rainbows (dude). you might find the scurvey lies lie with limes after working so hard to pour a pint of devil's buttermilk for Herr Majesty who shant sully her upper lip with it's darkened froth. tea is a king's swill. coffee is a man's drink. coffee and beer brewed forth from golden copper urns using German purity specifications that date back to a time when dogs ruled the land. now is not the time for sociopolitical quibbling; now that The End is truly nigh. now is a time for a man's drink. a man named AMERICA. not queen and certainly not blarney cunts who'd rather count clover leaves than rescue a drowning brother. have you no sense of reckoning? have you no desire to return to the trees, naked as primordia, screaming "O Discordia!!" in a sexual display of dominance over lesser males; males who you still wish to mate with?

raise forth thine pinkie and sippeth thou fromst thee tea goblet betwixt yon squire's legs!

floatingslowly 05.19.2011 01:10 PM

have you BEEN to America? have you listened to Texas radio (fuck the big beat)?? have you supped with Disney's gilded puppet while boats of Japanese tourists snap happily away with Nikons whose sole purpose is the photodynamic documention of their purchases; purchases shipped home in a box marked "mouse ears"? have you witnessed the decaying sprawl of deadened highways cutting through the heart of the beast like piano wire wielded by sicilian assassins? dried up gas stations once decorated in space age fashion that promised a new golden age of science seductively advertise petrol at a price that was set when your mother played footsey with uncle sinn, screaming "catch me if you can" (I know you run faster) while her pigtails slowly unravel. no. I suspect that you have not.

don't tell ME about America. not you who have only dilated pupils glued closely to the evening news like it's some grand ellocution whispering the secrets that pharoahs once used to ply their sadistic trade down a river now known as DENIAL.

don't tell me what you think you know about that which you shall never see. don't tell me now that your place on no-fly lists is firmly secured to every electronic data transfer that can be afforded by local, federal and most of all, international police forces

no. don't tell me. I may speak with my thumbs but refuse to listen with my eyes.

tesla69 05.19.2011 01:52 PM

"New York's mayor, Michael Bloomberg, agreed the display of Strauss-Kahn being led by police was humiliating and would be unfair if a defendant was proved to be innocent. "But if you don't want to do the 'perp walk', don't do the crime," he added."

Is it just me, or is Doomberg's statement utterly inane? Hate that fuckiing fascist cunt.

Let it be said, if he did what they say he did, he should be punished and put in general population like any other perp. BUt there was the lacrosse accuser in NC and most of you probably weren't even born when Tawana Brawley made her accusations that destroyed lives.

floatingslowly 05.19.2011 03:11 PM

Boston is a hellhole, or so it's been told. undermined by public works ran arm-in-arm by drunken agents of the IRA and al Qaeda operatives sent to vacation in a city that would serve as a lynchpin, further entrenching radicalization born of manifestos written by flickering lamplight in caves across countries that end in "istan". you were duped into not believing. you were lied to by socialistic Satan networks whose profiteering starts with child pornography and ends addicted, torn and bleeding in a back alley of Belfast.

how could you know any better? you had your innocence stolen by men who wore surgical masks by day and balaclavas by night. night is when the real wetwork begins. tapping into the signal feed of a hundred million hungry raped monkeys. ambushed in the UHF by VHS and PCP fed to you by IV bags that drip drip drip the drugs straight into your cortex where childhood is slowly stripped like a Russian whore and made to parade down the catwalk - ass to ass with the double-ender; crying only bring smiles to the old men stained yellow by a century of nicotiene stains and liver failure. failure to conceive the thought of it was your only crime. show us on the doll where the bad men touched you. show us you mind laid bare and quiverring like blackened pudding.

how could you know what to do? it's not like there's a government approved training manual.....

Adolfo 05.19.2011 04:06 PM

i believe in crêpes nutella.


floatingslowly 05.19.2011 04:40 PM

you win. in my shame, I'm forced to admit la dolce vita. I'm sorry
for shangri-la. I weep openly for the huddled starving masses denied the milk and honey that I gulp down in supersized containers, belching out a CO2 cloud that rivals the combined flatulence of the gross total bovine output. I choke back tears momentarily, consoled that my fuel-efficient vehicle costs less to power than an average 10-speed bicycle. my moaning lamentation subsides. my deep dark depression is lifted by the backs of starving diamond miners in south Africa. I dare to chuckle, quietly at first so as not to alert the microphones implanted in my coworker's head. the giggles brought on sudden overwashing gratitude and pride. a gift god granted to the lucky few. a graceful bestowment labeled "made in the USofA". I slowly forget the dry ice bombs and mustard gas that seared my life as a teenage terorist with misanthropic rage. those old hateful neurons that used to burn lines spelling out "I hate" have been replaced by friendlier impulses that enunciate "I love" in the seven hundred and seventy-seven names of god. a god that loves me. a god that made me AMERICAN. so have a coke and smile, foreign-born slave. my kind will always reign supreme. we have god on our side. a god that's forgotten his red-headed step children. a god that only has time for ME.

RanaldoNecro 05.19.2011 08:26 PM

I believe that he did it but american sex laws are really strict. In France they really don't care about this kinda stuff.

gast30 05.20.2011 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by knox
so many random people are trying to or raping people everyday and everyone's shutting up about it.

i agree
but not me

i'm not shutting up about it
and if i'm talking about it people are mostly too stupid to understand or give me a listen

like they rather hear childeren stories before going to sleep

i personally find that during my life here on earth that is now 34 years
i am an eyewitness of an explosion of sexual violence
and fysical violence

that you don't know anymore where you are or what is the reality of
"our brothers and sisters worldwide"
who are just the same as me

a real explosion of voilence on the panet
what makes you think when this is going to end

i'm sick from all the bad news in the world for the last 15 years

been so sick
all these wars and genocides and rapes
childsoldiers, humantraffic ....

it's normall that all this makes me sick and angry

all i can do is have understanding for the victims

peace and love to the world

SYRFox 05.20.2011 03:36 AM

well, personally i kinda believe it's a conspiracy. it's just too weird for it to happen right now. if you did not know, socialist primary elections are to take place in not too long - next month, i believe -, and he was to announce he was a candidate soon. and he was the most likely to beat nicolas sarkozy in next year's presidential elections. the timing is just too strange. especially since a member of the youth organisation of UMP (nicolas sarkozy's party) posted about it on his twitter BEFORE it was officially announced - and BEFORE he was even arrested, if I remember well -. and i just don't see dsk doing this RIGHT NOW, when he would know perfectly well it would destroy all his plans. if he was a rapist surely it would have shown before, not a month before the socialist candidate is to be decided.
and the fact that a roommaid would enter a room in an expensive hotel with $3,000 suite without knowing if the client is or not present seems weird to me.

now, whether it is or not a conspiracy does not mean that i should not feel sorry for the girl if she really was raped. if dsk really did rape her, he deserves to be punished - whether it is a conspiracy or not -. and i feel sorry for the girl. but the whole thing just seems weird to me.

may i add that the media coverage of the affair here in france is just disgusting, every single detail is unveiled including those that are totally irrelevant and stupid - what he ate last night (true story, we learned that he ate veal & macaroni, and before that vegetarian chili - for fuck's sake), how much his suite was worth (true story) -, etc. which may, well, disgust people about the whole thing and increase the conspiracy feeling.

EVOLghost 05.20.2011 03:46 AM

he should've asked for a cleaner room ;)

gast30 05.20.2011 04:01 AM

seen another woman yesterday on tv and she said he started to touch her and then she asked to stop and almost ended with a fysical fight
because he didn't want to listen

another thing when he rushed away he forget his mobilephone /black berry

+ there are other woman saying stuff about him

+ his look in his face, doesn't shine much angellight at the moment

maybe a 25-30 years jailtime
bye bye IMF boss / future president of france

SYRFox 05.20.2011 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by gast30
seen another woman yesterday on tv and she said he started to touch her and then she asked to stop and almost ended with a fysical fight
because he didn't want to listen

another thing when he rushed away he forget his mobilephone /black berry

+ there are other woman saying stuff about him

+ his look in his face, doesn't shine much angellight at the moment

maybe a 25-30 years jailtime
bye bye IMF boss / future president of france

those sure are striking, precise and convincing arguments.

please let me say that i am in no way a partisan of mr. strauss-kahn. i would probably have not voted for him for socialist candidate, nor would i have voted for him in the first round of the presidential elections (against sarkozy or le pen in the second round, obviously, i would have voted for him). but this is just too weird, and he's no stupid.

demonrail666 05.20.2011 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by gast30
seen another woman yesterday on tv and she said he started to touch her and then she asked to stop and almost ended with a fysical fight
because he didn't want to listen

another thing when he rushed away he forget his mobilephone /black berry

+ there are other woman saying stuff about him

+ his look in his face, doesn't shine much angellight at the moment

maybe a 25-30 years jailtime
bye bye IMF boss / future president of france

You're saying all this as though he did it, which he may well have done but right now he's only been accused. As Tesla says, the way the situation has been reported mitigates against Kahn getting any kind of fair trial - something I'm sure his lawyers are making a lot of right now and which may end up standing in the way of actual justice being done. You're in danger of falling for the very games the media are playing with this one. Let's wait and see what comes out in the trial, ah? Rather than base a man's guilt on the position adopted by the news media, or the fact that his face doesn't shine with much angellight right now.

knox 05.20.2011 05:17 AM

"nice timing"

floatingslowly 05.20.2011 08:39 AM

powermad politician polishes penis perfunctorily - persues private pussy prolifically.

more news at 11.

floatingslowly 05.20.2011 10:17 AM

how can he? how can she???????????????????????????????????????????????

floatingslowly 05.20.2011 10:41 AM


floatingslowly 05.20.2011 10:58 AM

god kills children: and ode
to odor / seven ways to rape a maid or pardon my french

floatingslowly 05.20.2011 11:08 AM

fuck your butler cuz your butler fucks you.

gast30 05.20.2011 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
You're saying all this as though he did it, which he may well have done but right now he's only been accused. As Tesla says, the way the situation has been reported mitigates against Kahn getting any kind of fair trial - something I'm sure his lawyers are making a lot of right now and which may end up standing in the way of actual justice being done. You're in danger of falling for the very games the media are playing with this one. Let's wait and see what comes out in the trial, ah? Rather than base a man's guilt on the position adopted by the news media, or the fact that his face doesn't shine with much angellight right now.

yes that is good thought, to not get cought in mediagames
i find the us has the biggest mediagames in the world
like the fox vs obama thing ( or i'm a mistaken the tvchannel)

won't take long to findout what really happend

EVOLghost 05.20.2011 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly

What. The. Fuck.

Bertrand 05.20.2011 05:40 PM

I was stunned.
Now Bin Laden is dead, they need someone new (does the Godwin law apply to my statement?)...
And poor Dom looked a bit like Sid Vicious at the Chelsea hotel.

Except the Sofitel is expensive, and DSK a socialist.
Now, a couple of days before the arrest, our magnificent leader's devoted party pointed to DSK getting in an expensive car. Meaning : look at him, he says he understands the poor and the middle class, but he ain't, he's got plenty of money. Except it wasn't his car. Some people even said he had a house in Washington, meaning he could have slept there; as both cities are in the same country, they must be pretty close to one another. Oh geography...
Same here, our far-right in command can't care less about an African woman in the US who says she's been raped (think Hortefeux, minister of the interior, condemned for racism - he remained in power till he got condemned for shitting on justice). All their attention is focused on smearing DSK (and hence the socilaist party) with what a majority of French people do not appreciate in their president : the love of money.
Our president is a right-wing man, it is normal that he craves big big money.
Our president has been married thrice, he loves women, but as a normal, kind person.
Guess what? His lady is said to be pregnant.
Isn't he lovely compared to DSK?
Our brave president will be so moving during the campaign with his newborn. I think his third kid is living in the US with his mother. He used him too to get elected. And didn't raise him. Neither did he raise the elder.

Choice : Marine Le Pen, far-right, daddy got rich through the legacy of a rich nitwit... nope
Choice : a socialist candidate, whose friend will have been a money-loving rapist... neither
Choice : Nicolas Sarkozy, a brand new father with a loving wife, discovering that he has changed for the humpteenth time, a devoted caring husband... why, my, of course...

But I am drifting.
Rumour : DSK telling a friend he feared a vicious tackle by the Russians and the French.
The IMF is more important than France; were there a plot, it could be everyone's.

Rumours : Sarkozy got back to his position as minister of the interior to short-circuit plots made against him by his "friends".

Rumours : Sarkozy buying the support of a brave centriste (a centriste is right-wing bloke who ain't that far on the right and who may accept to work for the left, making both camps willing to use him, sporadically, giving him an enjoyable position with not much to do) by some blackmail : "so you like young men, brave bald André? Do you think your electors will understand?"

I drifted again.

DSK phoning the hotel to say he forgot his telephone in the room he raped a girl. Can you believe it?
A president taking a plane, it's a guy fleeing. Especially when he's in is position.
Reconsider the situation of every country's leaders (don't think Lybia)...

Contradictions everywhere, people pointing to other contradictions : Tristane Banon's mother wants to be elected as French president... Tristane Banon said she'd seek revenge on DSK when he asked her to chop off bits in her book... where's the truth? Tristane Banon is a journalist and writer who said in 2007 that five years earlier DSK had tried to screw her.
Truth is he is a piece of shit with women... Said Piroska N. No doubt about her appreciation. I have none.

Rumour : his wife is a lesbian, she doesn't care if he flirts around

Well, I am sure he didn't consider his act as rape. Which doesn't mean it was not. Sometimes, men's brains take a pause when their, our, whadyacallit pops up and don't listen. But there's a gap between not listening and rushing naked on a gril from the bathroom, thinking she'll enjoy it... That version is unbelievable if you stick to it.

But who knows? Bin Laden was in a block of Pakistanese well trained high ranked soldiers, wasn't he?

gast30 05.22.2011 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
you win. in my shame, I'm forced to admit la dolce vita. I'm sorry
for shangri-la. I weep openly for the huddled starving masses denied the milk and honey that I gulp down in supersized containers, belching out a CO2 cloud that rivals the combined flatulence of the gross total bovine output. I choke back tears momentarily, consoled that my fuel-efficient vehicle costs less to power than an average 10-speed bicycle. my moaning lamentation subsides. my deep dark depression is lifted by the backs of starving diamond miners in south Africa. I dare to chuckle, quietly at first so as not to alert the microphones implanted in my coworker's head. the giggles brought on sudden overwashing gratitude and pride. a gift god granted to the lucky few. a graceful bestowment labeled "made in the USofA". I slowly forget the dry ice bombs and mustard gas that seared my life as a teenage terorist with misanthropic rage. those old hateful neurons that used to burn lines spelling out "I hate" have been replaced by friendlier impulses that enunciate "I love" in the seven hundred and seventy-seven names of god. a god that loves me. a god that made me AMERICAN. so have a coke and smile, foreign-born slave. my kind will always reign supreme. we have god on our side. a god that's forgotten his red-headed step children. a god that only has time for ME.

and for ex-sovjet scientist making dildo's with the stamp made in USSR, to survive between the oilbarons of the north*
solarrechargable + universalrecharger

god love is great

*oilbarons of the north, see episode 1 of invasion of the northpole 2015

tesla69 12.09.2011 09:55 AM

Two Sofitel Hotel workers got boogie fever — dancing and even hugging as if they’d just won the lottery — moments after calling cops on behalf of the chambermaid who accused Dominique Strauss-Kahn of sexually assaulting her, surveillance video shows.

And the images — made public yesterday — of the two burly men bumping and grinding fanned the flames of conspiracy theorists who believe the then-International Monetary Fund chief was set up in order to destroy his bid for the French presidency.
“We are extremely troubled that the two hotel personnel were caught on film embracing and dancing immediately after a 911 call was made to the New York City police,” DSK’s lawyer, William Taylor, said yesterday.

The odd, 13-second pas de deux by chief Sofitel engineer Brian Yearwood and an unidentified hotel security official comes at the end of the video, aired by a French television network.

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