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gast30 06.13.2011 05:54 PM

what you think of royalpower?
i think power and terretory belong to the animal kingdom
something like positioning in 'internal made up' rank

i would say to them: 'look where are all the same like animals, no need for positioning, stop this medieval circus and live in the future'

have some pictures from 1498 (that is king arthur + 1000 years, can you imagine in the 3000 there are still royals?? lol )
these are eposes of reinaert the fox
sort of medieval underground against royalpower/ domination
all powerstructures are represented by animals
the fox 'reinaert is the lowest in hierarchy and has no rights



so no animalpositioning
thank you

gast30 06.13.2011 06:13 PM

who sez you are modern?
how much did you use your brainmachine?
anyway don't think you can get much attention coming here to break my balls with your clichés
if you want attention >> sexcamsite
or break someelses balls (your boring me)

anyway that was kin

gast30 06.13.2011 06:22 PM

an oldschool shield for pioneers
the sun the flower of opening up
the crow the oak
die in wisdom


gast30 06.13.2011 06:24 PM

don't get lost in time
remember once you are in the future
you can't go back

floatingslowly 06.13.2011 06:59 PM

I cut off my genitals and all I got were these lousy Nikes.

floatingslowly 06.13.2011 07:00 PM

ps: I'm post apocalyptic.

truncated 06.14.2011 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
ps: I'm post apocalyptic.

I got eunuch from that.

Savage Clone 06.14.2011 08:25 AM

I met those Heaven's Gate people on their tour through the USA looking for converts before it all went down. I thought I was going to a UFO lecture. It was pretty obvious they were a cult from the start. Left at intermission.

gast30 06.14.2011 08:53 AM

i didn't say something is going to change in evolution
first of all i think there is no balance in animallife
you eat what you can eat
that's all there is in evolution
organisms that eat each other

it is not somewhere written what animals should do on planet earth
there is only one specie that is making up things, things that are not there
a specie that is in the same evolution made as all other species organisms
of evolution, the basic
there is no direction or plan to follow
the big bang theory and the never stopping expanding of spacedust
that's where the brainmachine of the sapien is moving in
doesn't mean there is stability for the animal

what new is, like information about life evolution, the universe
where the old pioneers dreamd of is coming true
people in the past not even could dream of the modern information
it's an event within the humanworld
in the reality of beeing in the universe is not going to change much

it is just information
and hopefully used for the good of everthing

EVOLghost 06.14.2011 11:39 AM

Hey gast. what do you think of......flower power.

gast30 06.14.2011 12:35 PM

i like flowerpowergirls <333

gast30 06.14.2011 12:49 PM

what happend? is

big bang > forming goldilock zone > meteorites water > bacteria > organisme in evolution > you

everyone can understand this

the good thing is that we are there with modern technology helping us understand everthing

this doesn't mean that there is something

we can be the only specie in the universe that is understanding life in that way
and that is the big picture of humans in the universe exploring the edges

this picture is the formula to find goldilock zones planets


truncated 06.14.2011 01:01 PM

This is quite possibly one of the most retarded philosophical debates I have ever witnessed.

floatingslowly 06.14.2011 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by truncated
I got eunuch from that.

test tubes not testicles, that's MY motto.

ps: Darwin is an outdated and overhyped posterchild for genetic rationality.

gast30 06.14.2011 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by truncated
This is quite possibly one of the most retarded philosophical debates I have ever witnessed.

i just had a question of your thought of royalpower
i know, i know that some people can be difficult and struggeling
that you see a philosophical debate in front of your eyes
while i just asks your thought about powerstructures in humanlife something

you want to talk about ? eyewitness of the most retarded phil. debate

if it doesn't interest anyone so be it :)
keep sleeping the future away
7 billion people who got nothing to say

gast30 06.14.2011 02:09 PM

the answer to the universe is ...

floatingslowly 06.14.2011 02:17 PM

gast, you KNOW I'm on your side, buddy, but the godawful truth here is, you WILL lose in a battle of the wits with truncy.

she has superpowers. no, really.

Savage Clone 06.14.2011 02:21 PM

You have to admit that witnessing a "debate" between nik and gast is highly entertaining in a headscratching kind of way.

gast30 06.14.2011 02:32 PM

don't care flowz
the thing is even superpowers can't beat the endless nothing
i find life intersting but after some piont
the reisue is a system that needs oxygen water and food
for the rest nothing is happening
there is the endless nothing
it can be difficult to accept

but i do, that is what i think of the big picture

if you explain things in a normal way everyone can understand you
like the universalsate the baby's have lol
you understand?

floatingslowly 06.14.2011 02:35 PM

like most organisms, these debates have exhibited variable genetic expressions in accordance with their environment.

gast no longer claims to NOT be aloverabiopillow9000 and nik no longer simply replies "kill yourself".

Savage Clone 06.14.2011 02:38 PM

That was some good cut-up poetry there.

floatingslowly 06.14.2011 02:54 PM

few people realize that on his home planet of Flugkrbuster VI, gast30 holds the coveted Triple Kluxbrænger in megascience, religiostic flashminding and artismic seances (fifth degree UV belt).

....few people, but me. I know.

truncated 06.14.2011 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
gast, you KNOW I'm on your side, buddy, but the godawful truth here is, you WILL lose in a battle of the wits with truncy.

she has superpowers. no, really.

Well aren't you sweet.

I will deny that I am always the victor in a battle of wits. But the superpowers thing is entirely true. I typically use them for evil.

Gast, I am not judging your debate skills, merely the wisdom or lack thereof that made you engage nik in the first place. Nik spouts utter cerebral nonsense in response to any comment regardless of subject, often laced with debatable academic references, and frankly these responses are far too long and tedious to hold anyone's attention.

And I believe English is not your first language, correct? So, no offense, but your points can be somewhat difficult to discern at times. Just sayin'.

Basically, this is a poor pairing for such an issue. Get yourself a Rosetta Stone and this bitch is on.

floatingslowly 06.14.2011 04:14 PM

not sweet...I just call it like I see it.

that said, I'm a fan of cerebral nonsense; albeit I'd be loathe to cite any references other than my own (obviously highly superior to academia) versions thereof.

unless, of course, I can be baited by a conversation over quantum particle theory, in which case, I'd be willing to partake until such a point that the feeble-mindedness of my correspondents wearied me to a point of languid response.

gast30 06.14.2011 05:01 PM

flowz you make me laugh from out of my reptilebrain

well if there are here people with überbrainpower
a job at nasa is waiting for you

gast30 06.14.2011 05:10 PM

the joke of the day

no, that is not an earthquake, that is my mother waking up


knox 06.14.2011 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by kinnikpasswordforgetter
that the universe is an expanse of infinite space?

When I asked my teacher how could something infinite expand he told me to shut up.

floatingslowly 06.14.2011 08:37 PM

the atom isn't the smallest thing. in fact, I'm don't believe there is such a thing as "the smallest thing". it keeps on going, winding downward, fractally, until it starts all over again.

the circadian rhythms of a sleeping god. ouroboros stylee.

floatingslowly 06.14.2011 08:44 PM

what I really mean is: the internet is for porn. everybody shut up and DANCE!!!!!!!!

SONIC GAIL 06.14.2011 09:02 PM

Hey flotz:)

floatingslowly 06.14.2011 10:05 PM

hey Gail. hope all is well, down in your gator infested neck of the swamp. <3!

SONIC GAIL 06.14.2011 10:16 PM

Gettin better I think. I am exercising again. Tryin my very best to get back my old motivation. I have been working on my book I started 6 years ago. Ryan is drivin me crazy though. I feel like we are already old retired ppl;) doin my art shit again too. This has been one hell of a year so far. <3 and <3ink too. Enjoy that Texas dry heat I will soak up the swamp's humidity

floatingslowly 06.14.2011 10:55 PM

lady, my part of Texas ain't dry heat. it's wetter than a glice's panties at a lolicon.con down here...

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