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Tokolosh 08.24.2006 05:13 AM

The sonic gossip story (Part II) "Sentences"
A sentence is a group of words beginning with a capital letter and ending with a full-stop.

Hip Priest 08.24.2006 05:21 AM

Regrettably, however, standards of grammar have lowered somewhat in recent times.

Tokolosh 08.24.2006 05:25 AM

Kim woke up on a glorious day and walked to the kitchen.

Hip Priest 08.24.2006 05:27 AM

Logging into the Sonic Youth forum via the toaster's built-in computer, she decided that there should probably be a seperate section for games and quizzes.

alyasa 08.24.2006 05:28 AM

Unfortunately, she found this was not so; and thus she was greatly troubled.

Tokolosh 08.24.2006 05:31 AM

She started typing, and to her surprise, she smelled burning toast.

alyasa 08.24.2006 05:32 AM

This troubled her even more; until she could take it no longer and stood up to check her built-in toasting unit in the bathroom.

Hip Priest 08.24.2006 05:39 AM

The aroma of spilt strawberry-scented bubble bath filled the air.

alyasa 08.24.2006 05:43 AM

A haze of grey-black smoke obscured Kim's sight as she groped blindly into the marble-tiled, now strawberry-scented bathroom.

Hip Priest 08.24.2006 05:45 AM

This bad start to the day angered her greatly, for it was only yesterday that she had relaxed on the banks of the nearby river, sipping wine and enjoying freshly-made sandwiches with her good friend Keisha; how she longed to experience that care-free picnic again (this time without the ants and the smell wafting from the abbatoir, or indeed the blazing row - perhaps the pinic had not been as pleasant after all).

alyasa 08.24.2006 05:48 AM

The lingering thoughts of Keisha and picnic ants quickly dissipated as she felt her feet step into something - something that reminded her very strangely of her friend Goo!

sonicl 08.24.2006 05:57 AM

"How many times", she asked herself, "have I told that wretched kid to clear up after himself?"

RdTv 08.24.2006 05:57 AM

Simulatneously, Thurston Moore, Kim's husband and long time cohort awoke to his wife glaring over some burned toast, this of course perturbed him and drove the six-foot seven inch giant to find his local bakery.

sonicl 08.24.2006 05:59 AM

Unfortunately, he had damaged the bakery severely the night before while abusing it in wild improv baking session at a local dive.

RdTv 08.24.2006 06:04 AM

Granted, his unfailing memory had no doubt recalled this to mind, still Thurston Moore thought to himself ''I'm in no mood for a sullen woman and incinerated toast.''

sonicl 08.24.2006 06:06 AM

To delay the inevitable argument that always ensued after his improv baking sessions, Thurston decided to go to the local store to buy a can of pop and the Wall Street Journal.

alyasa 08.24.2006 06:08 AM

Before he did this, however, he made a quick detour to the bathroom, just to see how Kim was doing; quietly, of course.

Hip Priest 08.24.2006 06:11 AM

'Ding Dong'.

jon boy 08.24.2006 06:13 AM

Upon reaching the bathroom he discovered a note written on the toilet paper which read:

alyasa 08.24.2006 06:13 AM

"Arrgggggghh!!!" A blood-curdling, high-pitched scream broke the morning stillness like a crashing dove; Thurston quickly side-stepped out into the sunshine.

alyasa 08.24.2006 06:14 AM

Haha... the great internet cook off :)

Hip Priest 08.24.2006 06:15 AM

'Ding Dong' again.

RdTv 08.24.2006 06:15 AM

The streets were quite this morning, not many souls roaming about, so here exits Thurston Moore, complete with note in hand.

Hip Priest 08.24.2006 06:17 AM

The door unanswered, the visitor left, disappointed.

RdTv 08.24.2006 06:18 AM

Hurridly, Thurston ran to catch this mysterious visitor, as he called out ''hey there'', the visitor continued to walk without answer, swinging his hands slightly and keeping his head down.

Hip Priest 08.24.2006 06:19 AM

'Miserale old punk', thought Thuraston.

RdTv 08.24.2006 06:22 AM

Alas, Thurston caught up with the miserable old punk, with a somewhat tired voice he said ''Yo, answewr me bitch!''

nicfit 08.24.2006 06:23 AM

Steve Buscemi turned and looked big 'ol T with rage.

RdTv 08.24.2006 06:24 AM

''Ah, shit Steve, hey man, what are you doing here?'' asked a bewildered Thurston.

jon boy 08.24.2006 06:25 AM

Thinking it was vince vaughan come to attack him again, buscemi swung the bloody butchers knife he was holding and T's head.

nicfit 08.24.2006 06:25 AM

"damn you,mark E. smith told me you've got something for me."

RdTv 08.24.2006 06:31 AM

''Mark E. Smith, that grizzly old soul owes me $ 12, If anything He should be bringing something to me, fuck 'em, ya come with me Steve, I need some coffee and baked goods''

sonicl 08.24.2006 06:32 AM

"Oh yeah", said Buscemi, checking his clothes for bloodstains, "I nearly forgot", and he handed over an invoice from MES for unpaid royalties on the "Four Tunna Brix" EP.

RdTv 08.24.2006 06:38 AM

''Thanks Steve, by the way, why is Vince Vaughn after you, I mean that joker is ok in my book, but shit man, He's a tall drink of water.''

alyasa 08.24.2006 06:40 AM

Steve grimaced, "Why did you have to bring that up? That Vaughn dude really needs to lighten up, dude."

Hip Priest 08.24.2006 06:41 AM

'Me lighten up-uh, you must be kiddin'-uh', came a voice from beind

alyasa 08.24.2006 06:42 AM

Thurston sniggers, "Actually that was me, dude, Jolie's got one hell of a- Shit, it's Mark!"

RdTv 08.24.2006 06:43 AM

Thurston and Steve, both turning around at the same time, are surpised to see one Vince Vaughn wearing nothing but flip flops and speedo's.

alyasa 08.24.2006 06:44 AM


Hip Priest 08.24.2006 06:44 AM

Suddenly the sky darkened, as if the atmosphere itself could sense the tension.

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