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CHOUT 08.28.2006 12:40 PM

When your 'friends' are more fucked up than you thought...
I was pretty good friends with this guy for years. I knew he had some problems, but I had no idea...I was on the outs with him because he's one of those guys cannot live without weed and he's a pathetic mooch alot of the time. Kinda one of those things where I'm surprised, but not surprised.

From our local paper:

A Crystal man is charged with grabbing a 7-year-old girl's bottom in a Brooklyn Park Target store Tuesday. Bernard C. Schug, 29, touched the girl over her clothes in the Barbie Doll aisle of the store at 7535 W. Broadway, authorities said. He was charged Thursday with second-degree criminal sexual conduct.
The girl's mother was in a nearby aisle at the time, police said. According to police and the criminal complaint: About 8 p.m., her mother alerted store employees, who escorted Schug to the front of the store. He fled into the parking lot and punched a store employee who tried to stop him.
Capt. Greg Roehl said police are investigating whether Schug approached an 11-year-old girl in the cosmetics aisle of the same store on Aug. 14 about 12:45 p.m. and said that she was "looking good." The suspect in that case did not touch the girl and a police report was not filed, Roehl said.
Schug, who is in custody, is not linked to other incidents in Brooklyn Park, police said.

porkmarras 08.28.2006 12:46 PM

That's awful.

gmku 08.28.2006 12:46 PM

What a loser. I go only for the bums of elderly women, meself, wot?

Alex's Trip 08.28.2006 12:50 PM

Wow, thats terrible.

CHOUT 08.28.2006 12:53 PM

I have a dilemma. He let me hold on to a bunch of his records, a few that are worth pretty decent money. I'm really tempted to sell them if he's gonna be locked up. I don't plan on talking to him again.

CHOUT 08.28.2006 01:00 PM

I'd feel shitty selling them, but he's stolen from numerous people, including his mom to 'feed the monkey'. I think he actually stole a vcr out of my mom's basement years ago, but I could never prove it.

porkmarras 08.28.2006 01:03 PM

Yeah sell them.What a sick shit!He doesn't deserve any respect.

Alex's Trip 08.28.2006 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
Don't feel shitty, karma's a bitch. This would be HIS karma for his repulsive actions, and should not affect you at all. He's an addict too right? If you don't sell them he will probably just pawn them later to buy a bag and some kiddie porn. are probably right too.

Alex's Trip 08.28.2006 01:09 PM

Yeah yeah...

*Prank Calls*

Nah, I never found that piece of paper, I'm pretty sure I threw it away.

Toilet & Bowels 08.28.2006 01:11 PM

what are these records you have of his?

CHOUT 08.28.2006 01:28 PM

a mint copy of Walls Have Ears, 1st Neutral EP, couple of Geffen 12"s, SST copy of EVOL, Halloween II 12" and a bunch more.

jon boy 08.28.2006 01:29 PM

keep them. never speak to him again.

HaydenAsche 08.28.2006 01:30 PM

I'll buy the SST copy of EVOL from you.

Alex's Trip 08.28.2006 01:30 PM

I'd keep them, although you probably already have them, CHOUT.

CHOUT 08.28.2006 01:31 PM

Haha just fucking with you guys. He wasn't much of a sy fan. Lotsa Pixies, Frank Black, Elvis Costello, Clash.

Alex's Trip 08.28.2006 01:32 PM


HaydenAsche 08.28.2006 01:33 PM

Ahh. Gross. Give them to me anyways.

porkmarras 08.28.2006 01:34 PM

If you don't have them i'd say keep them and don't make any contact with him.If you already have them sell them with no remorse.He's not worth such emotion.

Toilet & Bowels 08.28.2006 01:38 PM

sell the records and donate the proceeds to a childrens charity

HaydenAsche 08.28.2006 01:38 PM

No. Donate the proceeds to NAMBLA.

DemonBox 08.28.2006 01:39 PM

Oh, I'd pay you good for those Frank Black records:)

hey alex 08.28.2006 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by CHOUT
Haha just fucking with you guys. He wasn't much of a sy fan. Lotsa Pixies, Frank Black, Elvis Costello, Clash.

Any cool costello? Sandinista on vinyl maybe?

ANd on the note of the guy... yea, sounds like if he doesn't get caught he;ll end up on that show where they lead child molestors into a trap house and catch them on natl. TV. Which I think it's good to catch, i don't really agree with putting the people on TV... the only good I see is that it could send a warning shock down some sick-o's spine. But other than that it's not my kosher, I actually felt sympathetic for this one real old man... i'm talking wrinkles and snow cap hair, who lived with his mom and wanted to call her and tell what happened. It jsut seemed strange.

porkmarras 08.28.2006 01:48 PM

If it's those records DONATE them to a children charity then.

!@#$%! 08.28.2006 04:14 PM

you know your "friend" is a sick fuck. now here's a plan.

take him out for a drink. give him some weed to smoke. when he's sick from weed and drunkenness hit him with a sock full of pennies. then cut his balls off and stuff them into his mouth.

now if you can't do that i suggest you take his crap and dump it at his doorstep or he'll have a grudge against you and when he comes out of the can schooled in the use of shanks he'll want to collect.

though stealing from a thief is partially justified, if you want to erase ALL links to this motherfucker just give him back his stuff. you heard me. you want to give him no excuses to seek you out later.

atari 2600 08.28.2006 04:38 PM

I can't live without weed either. I don't mooch, but I do get mooched off of quite a bit. I would sooner shoot myself than grab the ass of a 7-year old. I would also shoot myself if those were the kinds of things I thought about doing.

If I were the judge presiding over the case I would give him 10 years with the opportunity for parole in 3-5 depending on progress with a mental health professional. Thing is, I bet this guy only gets six months or even less & he is obviously someone that should be removed from society.

Unfortunately, prisons aren't very rehabilitative though, & there is a strong likelihood he'll only get more fucked up in prison.

Hip Priest 08.28.2006 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by CHOUT
I have a dilemma. He let me hold on to a bunch of his records, a few that are worth pretty decent money. I'm really tempted to sell them if he's gonna be locked up. I don't plan on talking to him again.

If you are (understandably) determined to break all ties with this loathsome cad, then it might be wise to return the records; so long as you have them, or if you sell them, then he has a reason to get in touch with you demandng their return/his reimbursement.

It's nice to think you could keep them or sell them as a way to show him your disgust at his actions, but it might lead to him plaguing you with calls etc. Just a thought.

!@#$%! 08.28.2006 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Hip Priest
If you are (understandably) determined to break all ties with this loathsome cad, then it might be wise to return the records; so long as you have them, or if you sell them, then he has a reason to get in touch with you demandng their return/his reimbursement.

It's nice to think you could keep them or sell them as a way to show him your disgust at his actions, but it might lead to him plaguing you with calls etc. Just a thought.

^^^ see??? exactly!

wax 08.28.2006 04:46 PM

erm, dont get me wrong, if he did do that, then fuck him, he deserves what he gets.
but why are you believing a newspaper?
why is everyone always so quick to decide someones bad just from word of mouth? so many times ive seen it happen. ive seen good people lose all of their friends because some fuck has spread a rumour, and people, even friends will believe it if its a fkd up enough story.
i dont know, maybe he did it, but you say yourself that you had no idea he could be like that, so maybe he didnt.
it might be worth finding out a little more before you cut him off, sell his records and tell everyone in cyberspace and in real life that he's some criminal nonce.

atari 2600 08.28.2006 04:50 PM

Well, the whole escape thing & assault kind of points to his likely guilt, but you are correct, wax, about the newspapers. They often embellish or even make up shit in the police blotter.

I agree with Hip Priest. You can't bind yourself to him over these records which don't sound like they are worth much anyway.

nomadicfollower 08.28.2006 04:55 PM

That's sick.

But to more serious matters, concerning you more immediate problem; the records. Selling them would obviously be wrong, you shouldn't make a profit off something like this. Instead, I suggest a record giveaway for the SY boardies. A claim it and it's yours type giveaway.

touch me i'm sick 08.28.2006 11:16 PM

good grief

Toilet & Bowels 08.28.2006 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by nomadicfollower
That's sick.

But to more serious matters, concerning you more immediate problem; the records. Selling them would obviously be wrong, you shouldn't make a profit off something like this. Instead, I suggest a record giveaway for the SY boardies. A claim it and it's yours type giveaway.

So it's wrong for CHOUT to profit from this but not for the people who get a free record?

golden child 08.28.2006 11:25 PM

i used to go to skate palace (a skating arena) and grab girls butts, i was like 11 though, and i have no idea how old the girls were.... but i like em mature.

Norma J 08.28.2006 11:36 PM

I wouldn't even want that dudes belongings. whether good vinyl or not.

acousticrock87 08.29.2006 12:11 AM

Neither would I. Who knows what they've been in the same room as. I'd either give them back or trash them, regardless of the value. But I don't think it would actualy be wrong to keep/sell them.

atari 2600 08.29.2006 12:39 AM

Not wrong necessarily, just unwise. Refer to Hip Priest's post.

Tokolosh 08.29.2006 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by wax
erm, dont get me wrong, if he did do that, then fuck him, he deserves what he gets.
but why are you believing a newspaper?
why is everyone always so quick to decide someones bad just from word of mouth? so many times ive seen it happen. ive seen good people lose all of their friends because some fuck has spread a rumour, and people, even friends will believe it if its a fkd up enough story.
i dont know, maybe he did it, but you say yourself that you had no idea he could be like that, so maybe he didnt.
it might be worth finding out a little more before you cut him off, sell his records and tell everyone in cyberspace and in real life that he's some criminal nonce.

I agree.
Everyone deserves a fair trial and you're innocent till proven guilty... at least where I come from. Chout, don't let anyone influence you.
I wouldn't sell someone else's belongings, even if he was a pedo. Listen to the Priest.
By the way, I put on the TV this morning to watch the news, and saw that John Mark Karr's DNA test doesn't match the DNA found on the little girls underwear. He will remain in custody for possession of child pornography.

Don't be so judgmental till you get your facts straight peoples! Be an individual and think for yourself.

wax 08.29.2006 03:04 AM

i mean, i can understand people jumping to conclusions when there is alot of things pointing to a certian person, but with things like touching kids, people let their rage take over and turn into idiots. mob mentality.
i remember the time in england when the newspapers started a big peadophile craze. they went mad on it ad got the population worked up into a crazy state, (see brasseye)
there was a guy that lived by me, a bit of a mentalist, lived with his mom and had no friends, was in his 40's etc, you know the kind.
anyway, this rumour came up that he was a nonce, it spread like wildfire. he couldnt leave his house or he would be beaten, perhaps killed. his house got smashed to fuck with his poor old mom inside. and this guy was a few cakes short too, so he didnt know what to do. the cops were obviously not very caring. there were parents of teenagers egging the kids on to go get the guy.
i knew these two kids who started the rumour. they were so ridden with guilt that they were getting really fucked up about it. it wasnt true at all. the guy was totaly innocent. the kids confessed they had made it all up to the cops but it didnt help anything. that guy had to move and everyone still believes the rumour to this day.
once you speak this shit, you cant take it back. people dont listen. so be very carefull about the things you say. if this wasnt the internet there would already be 20 people signed up for a fucking witch hunt.

Tokolosh 08.29.2006 03:11 AM

Indeed wax. That type of shit happens a lot and it can ruin someones life for good. Wasn't it Pete Townsend that was almost charged and convicted for being a pedo a while back? He later proved that he was in fact writing a book about child porn and needed research material.

Norma J 08.29.2006 03:13 AM

No. I for one would not be.

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