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Alex's Trip 08.28.2006 08:04 PM

What Classes are you taking this year?
I got my classes a couple of days ago.

My 10th grade classes:

Algebra IIE (Honors)
Spanish II
Contest Speech
English 10 (Honors)
Ap European History

So what grade are you in, and what classes are you taking?

For those of you out of school, what classes were your favorites?

TheDom 08.28.2006 08:12 PM

I'm in 9th

Business Law
Debate (blows)
Recreation aka play card games for an hour (haha it counts as a PE credit)
Geometry (Honors)
English Honors
and some Science class

acousticrock87 08.28.2006 08:14 PM

College Sophomore, first semester:

Intro to Lit.
Biology (+Lab)
New Testament

I like classes that inform about very specific times or cultures. I'm trying to get every general education class out of the way ASAP, though. The only non-GE I've taken so far was Greco-Roman History, because it was a one-time offer and counted for my history major. I've since backed away from that due to career limitations, but hopefully I'll major in writing/journalism so I can still go that direction with a more general focus. Once I figure out what I can do, I'll go for a higher degree in a specific subject.

Alex's Trip 08.28.2006 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by TheDom
I'm in 9th

Business Law
Debate (blows)
Recreation aka play card games for an hour (haha it counts as a PE credit)
Geometry (Honors)
English Honors
and some Science class


I didn't have Business Law available...but I wouldn't have taken it.

Debate can be fun, man.

TheDom 08.28.2006 08:22 PM

I'm not even joking. It is more for disabled kids who cant do physical stuff, but its open to anybody.

BL was only available for 10-12 but they let me in anyway. Not nearly as hard as I thought it would be.

and so far, Debate blows. I've had to give a speech on ebonics and read text books on how to debate. booooooooring

acousticrock87 08.28.2006 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by TheDom
I've had to give a speech on ebonics

I really wish I could have seen that...

TheDom 08.28.2006 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by acousticrock87
I really wish I could have seen that...


I split it up into 3 parts: The History of Ebonics - The Use of Ebonics - Ebonics & You.

Alex's Trip 08.28.2006 08:28 PM

You should have given the speech in ebonics.

acousticrock87 08.28.2006 08:28 PM

Are you white? That would be even better. If you gotta give a speech, it's good to have a topic that naturally lends itself to humor.

Hooked on Ebonics

TheDom 08.28.2006 08:29 PM

haha, yes I am white.

I said most of the Use of Ebonics part in ebonics (and basically made that whole part up as I went along)

Alex's Trip 08.28.2006 08:30 PM

Do you have it written down? I wanna see it!

TheDom 08.28.2006 08:32 PM

naw, I had it on note cards that I had to turn in.

for the most part I just had "talk about such and such" and I just made it up as I went along

finding nobody 08.28.2006 08:39 PM

Im in 11th grade
English III
Algebra IB
Reading III

m^a(t)h 08.28.2006 08:47 PM

im in 11th

Honors Precalc/ trig
Honors History
AP English
Honors Physics
Basic Electronics
College Writing

acousticrock87 08.28.2006 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by m^a(t)h
im in 11th

Honors Precalc/ trig
Honors History
AP English
Honors Physics
Basic Electronics
College Writing

I think that's about the best possible high school lineup. I love every class on there (though I don't know enough about astronomy to like it, but it's always sounded fun.) Nice. I really want to take an electronics class.

HaydenAsche 08.28.2006 09:23 PM

I'm in 11th grade and going Post-Secondary.

Intro to Computers(Easiest class ever)
Computer Science

nomadicfollower 08.28.2006 09:30 PM

In 10th grade

Drivers Ed/Health
French 1
Honors English
US History
Spanish 2

Alex's Trip 08.28.2006 09:33 PM

Oh yeah, I took Chemistry in the summer....

I hope you enjoy it. I actually did.

nomadicfollower 08.28.2006 09:37 PM

So far I hate it.
I have a terrible teacher, for one thing, and all we've really studied (for the two weeks I've been in school) is dimensional analysis, which could be covered in one or two days.
I hope it gets better soon.

The only class I really like this semester is French.

k-krack 08.28.2006 09:39 PM

I'm not one hundred percent sure on this stuff yet, haven't got my schedule yet...
grade 10

civics/career studies(?)
media arts(?)

(something cool, don't recall)

touch me i'm sick 08.28.2006 09:55 PM

10th grade

math higher
art 2D
instrumental music (saxophone in case you wanted to know)
information technology

Alex's Trip 08.28.2006 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by nomadicfollower
So far I hate it.
I have a terrible teacher, for one thing, and all we've really studied (for the two weeks I've been in school) is dimensional analysis, which could be covered in one or two days.
I hope it gets better soon.

The only class I really like this semester is French.

Oh, I loved it. Maybe because it was in the summer and was fast pace.

golden child 08.28.2006 10:53 PM

introduction to microelectronics
creative writing
advanced computer projects
computer systems support
advanced writing and american literature
honors algebra II, trigonometery, modern abstract algebra (all three in one year!)
honors 20th century social studies
leisure and recreation (need another PE credit, play golf and shoot darts)
and second semester i have releases both days first period, so i dont have to come to school till like 9:30.

im going into 11th

luxinterior 08.28.2006 11:19 PM

I couldn't get into any of my first picks because I'm only a freshman in college, but what I ended up with is good so far.

Plays of Shakespeare
Community Radio Production
Earth Science (the real title is longer, but I keep forgetting it)
Mass Media & Popular Culture
Intro to Hinduism

I figure that I'll get the theology, science, and math credits over with as soon as possible, so that maybe by next year I can take the classes that I have more of an interest in.

static-harmony 08.29.2006 01:09 AM

I got begining Algebra
History Political and Social history of the United States
and Astronomy
Hopefully I can get into a English 101 class
I'm still thinking about taking an independent studies in photography but I already have too many units, and work might get in the way.
***edit*** I'm half way through community college and next year by this time I'll be in New York or San Francisco, either one.

qprogeny79 08.29.2006 05:25 PM

college senior.

argumentation and debate
social and political philosophy
philosophy of mind
math seminar on "groebner bases" (almost none of us even know what they are, yet we'll be expected to take turns teaching the class on them for the whole semester . . . this should be fun.)

Everyneurotic 08.29.2006 05:31 PM

i miss school so much!!! it's the first semester/year i don't have school and i feel kinda sad.

i'm school sick!

schizophrenicroom 08.29.2006 06:06 PM

i changed a few things in my schedule today:

economics i
american history
chemistry ii
calculus and descriptive statistics sl
theatre i
theory of knowledge
band v honors (i actually should be in maybe four or just five, but i did band iv in ninth and pulled some strings.)
art i
spanish iv

usually during what's supposed to be a gym period i'm doing yearbook stuff. i already have my gym credits all taken care of.

i keep having to fix this because i'm looking at both schedules in front of me. it was a long day today.

!@#$%! 08.29.2006 06:09 PM

no classes!!!!!!! no more!!!!!!!!!

but i'm reading some advanced web design books and other such smack.

samuel 08.29.2006 06:10 PM

11th grade:

First semester-
Design Engineering I
English III
AP Calculus

2nd semester-
Tech Drafting I
Spanish V
World History
AP Calculus

schizophrenicroom 08.29.2006 06:12 PM

ooh, design engineering sounds neat.

samuel 08.29.2006 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
ooh, design engineering sounds neat.

The teacher's cool as hell. I'm looking forward to it.

ni'k 08.29.2006 06:57 PM

the class of lonelyness, unemployment and 6am strolls searching for sanity

Prisstina 08.29.2006 08:04 PM

I'm in ninth grade at a teeny little IB/Prep school.

-Honors Algebra I
-Honors Biology
-World History
-Honors Art Foundations
-Physical Education
-College Study Skills
-Honors English 9
-French I

Plus lunch and study hall every day, obviously. Except now on Fridays I get film appreciation, which will basically be sitting and watching cool movies for 40 minutes.

Inhuman 08.29.2006 08:19 PM

-French in the workplace II
-Physical Education III
-Web Page Design I - CSS/XHTML
-Digital Imaging II
-Manual Design I
-Major Authors in Translation

golden child 08.29.2006 10:27 PM

theory of knowledge?
sounds interesting!

schizophrenicroom 08.29.2006 10:51 PM

prisstina- damn, i want study hall. i kinda have one, we call it lunch, but still.

golden child- it's ok so far.

Cantankerous 08.29.2006 11:08 PM

study hall was the best thing ever. usually it meant i just left.

k-krack 08.29.2006 11:10 PM

i don't know if i would like a study hall. i mean.. i don't like school and shit, but a) i am too young to be allowed to leave the school during school hours aside from lunch, so it would be hella boring, and i hate when the teacher isn't in and i gotta just sit in the caf for 75 minutes or whatever. boring, boring, boring, boring, boring!

static-harmony 08.29.2006 11:22 PM

what if your teacher is not in you don't get a substitue?

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