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porkmarras 08.29.2006 04:04 AM

What smiley irritates you the most?
;) This little patronizing shit for me.
:D I want to stab this one too.

youthoftomorrow 08.29.2006 04:07 AM

i've never liked this one :cool:

Pookie 08.29.2006 04:08 AM

I love them all.:rolleyes:

porkmarras 08.29.2006 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
I love them all.:rolleyes:

:rolleyes: This is my favourite!
:p This one here is a bit gay isn't it?
:cool: Unnecessary smiley

Tokolosh 08.29.2006 04:13 AM

I like to use them in combination.


cryptowonderdruginvogue 08.29.2006 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by youthoftomorrow
i've never liked this one :cool:


Hip Priest 08.29.2006 05:35 AM

:D I've never used this one, because I don't think it looks like a 'big grin'.

Hip Priest 08.29.2006 05:37 AM

:o :) :rolleyes: :confused: These are the four I use.

On another forum I frequent, there's a clap hands smiley and a drink beer smiley. They're quite good.

!@#$%! 08.29.2006 02:31 PM

i like the one with the toothy smile because it looks stupid. and some times goofy dumb laughter cannot be well expressed with words but with something truly idiotic, like this: :D

though a chimp would be better.

i wish this board had better smilies. i liked the ones from the old board, they looked like japanese robots.


porkmarras 08.29.2006 02:35 PM


static-harmony 08.29.2006 02:37 PM

I hardly use them.

!@#$%! 08.29.2006 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras

you could make that smaller and sell it to yahoo. you could make millions. i'd use it all the time and i'm sure i wouldn't be the only one.

porkmarras 08.29.2006 02:39 PM

you can find it here: t=2&tbnid=CI1jD5kY1yQmvM:&tbnh=87&tbnw=141&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dkill%2Bsmiley%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den% 26lr%3D%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 08.29.2006 02:46 PM

:p sux
:eek: sux
:fuckyou: sux

Trasher02 08.29.2006 02:50 PM

:p I hate this annoying fucker
;) This one looks like it wants to get laid
:fuckyou: this one is just plain stupid

Cantankerous 08.29.2006 03:43 PM

i hate that little bastard.

atari 2600 08.29.2006 03:45 PM

you don't see me usin' 'em

Пятхъдесят Шест 08.29.2006 03:46 PM

I try and not use them...

As a matter of fact, I don't even see where you guys are getting them from. It must not be an option for 'quick reply'.

Cantankerous 08.29.2006 03:50 PM

i sometimes find it necessary to use the one rolling its eyes to convey my sarcasm to the less gifted members of this board.

Пятхъдесят Шест 08.29.2006 03:50 PM

But it works for you.

!@#$%! 08.29.2006 05:25 PM

you all cockheads

of course these smilies here are not the best, but fuck, the web is not text-only, and so graphics are helpful/useful/fun.

if you want text only please travel back to the 19th century, preferrably before the advent of photography.

smilies actually help avoid the constant melodrama of multiple misunderstandings piled one atop of another. "dry wit" is often mistaken by insensitive asininity, "sarcasm" for having one's head up one's asshole, and so forth.


because it's hard to establish TONE in short, spastic, careless communications like the shit that goes on here.

yes, TONE, FACIAL EXPRESSION, BODY LANGUAGE, and hundreds of other clues we get when we communicate face to face. and which fully help us discern meaning.

it's not like you fuckers are masters of prose, wits worthy of jonathan swift. i apologize but-- get real. you fuckers need smilies like larry flint needs his wheelchair.

oh yes


Pookie 08.29.2006 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
Damn, you guys have way too much hate inside you, bashing little emoticons. I never knew. I use this a lot ;) but not for getting laid (Trasher02) mostly to illustrate my being sarcastic or sassy or something. I will try to refrain from now on. Assholes.

Thanks for saying 'sassy'. It has to be one of my favourite words.:D :o

Pookie 08.29.2006 05:34 PM


Everyneurotic 08.29.2006 05:37 PM

i hate all of them, but those aren't as bad as on some other boards or on the msn messenger. man, those are awful!!!

Pookie 08.29.2006 05:40 PM

I like the ones on Grete's board. Do you think she'll mind if I just steal those ones?


samuel 08.29.2006 06:44 PM


GeneticKiss 08.30.2006 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i liked the ones from the old board, they looked like japanese robots.




Yeah, I prefer the old square smilies myself...

acousticrock87 08.30.2006 02:00 AM

The eye-rolling robot skips the bottom right corner of his eye. Does that bother anyone else?

static-harmony 08.30.2006 02:03 AM

No I never realized that, he might have seizure.

youthoftomorrow 08.30.2006 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue

that is hypnotic.

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