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Rob Instigator 08.30.2006 12:49 PM

Never forget what happened last year
This is a re-post of something I wrote last year after going to the astrodome at 1:30 in the morning to see what I could do to help the Katrina survivors that were being bused into Houston Texas.

To The Editor:

Thursday night/Friday morning at the Astrodome

After watching the coverage of the insanity and incredible mismanagement of the Astrodome situation by the federal agencies, my wife and I put together two bags of clothing, one of men's and one of women's and we headed to the astrodome to drop it off. This was around 1:15am.
We get to the dome and they had already let in all the buses to the parking lot, after the fire marshall tried to send over 120 buses (official estimates were 40+, far short) away saying there was a fire hazard with so many people in the dome, even though there was just under 8000 at the time. The mayor had communicated to the fire marshall's office that this was no time to consider regulations, so the buses were assured of emptying there. It looked like cops were turning away people who tried to drive in, so my wife and I parked outside the dome and walked in with our bags of clothes. There was no official anything on the way in. Very few cops, no federal oversight whatsoever. We walked to the dome and asked around about where to take these clothes only to be told by cops that they were not accepting donations. I could not believe that, not when I could already look down the ramp to the floor of the Dome just teeming with people who needed any clothing, warm clothing. I could feel the blasting A/C. The administrators and politicians kept saying they did not need anything that they had enough of food and clothes, but anytime the reporters managed to talk to any volunteers or doctors or red cross people, all they could say was "we need EVERYTHING" and "whoever is telling you that there are adequate or suficient supplies of ANYTHING, from food to manpower, is delusional."
I found a red cross worker and asked and she said if we took it into the dome someone would definitely use it, whispering because the 8 officers were still nearby. We walked down the east ramp, into the saddest, most surreal scene I have ever witnessed in my life. We found a volunteer who took the clothes we brought and told us how much they were appreciated and we went over and signed up to volunteer. First of all, the Red Cross is the ONLY organization doing anything remotely organized. They had NO federal help. NO national guards, NO military personnel, Nothing at all. They are stretched to the limit in every possible way. It was chaos, but a slightly controlled chaos, and while it was indeed heart wrenching to see those people, the babies, the SMELL (not B.O. It was the smell of sewage from these people's clothes. The ones who had not yet gotten to the showers were wearing the same clothes they have had on for 4 days.) the sight of the babies, the little children, the elderly,....

Yet it was also uplifting because there were literally hundreds of regular Joe Houstonians, regular people fortunate enough to be awake and watching the news seeing and hearing how desperate it all was for the first time, who showed up to help. (Channel 13 should be commended, for two hours of coverage and Dave Ward's honesty and integrity in focusing on the word from people inside the Dome.) This all started happening between 11:00 pm and 1:30 am when most people are asleep and not watching television. That made it better, and yes, while it was rough in there, the conditions were a MILLION times better than where these people had come from, and let me tell you, to a person, they were grateful and appreciative and humbled, many in obvious shock still.

We got a badge and a wristband from a makeshift Red Cross sign up area. Orange wristbands designated volunteers. My wife and I looked for someone to help or someway to help. We were told that they needed assistance in the Reliant Arena, that they were setting it up as shelter and as a medical facility to aid those ill getting off the bus and those ill in the dome. I was told by a desperate looking Red Cross worker too try and notifiy the firemen and paramedics at Reliant Arena that they needed to find more transport to carry the ill and sick. They had just two of those small handicapped-accessible Metro buses ferrying people to the arena to get treatment. It was not enough by far. My wife and I walked over there and it was just crazy. New Orleans residents everywhere. Firemen milling around with no idea what exactly to do to help, police officers who were waiting for the masses to arrive. Evacuees starting to gather around the Arena. Somehow the command center for Red Cross had managed to set up tables and computers to get medical info on these people, and they had set up a large area with beds, essentially a makeshift MASH unit.

There was very little to no oversight over there. Volunteers showing up were just jumping in and helping where they could. I spent an hour unloading 3 18-wheelers full of cots and blankets and stuff like that, Red Cross stuff. The volunteers were incredible. Just regular people, just dudes and ladies. My wife spent that time in another area setting up hundreds if not thousands of cots with a small group of very slowly growing volunteers (around 30-40), and keep in mind most of these volunteers showed up after midnight, having seen and heard the news. I got word that 3:30am was the deadline for then they would open the doors and start letting evacuees in. We unloaded the trucks (heavy heavy pallettes) and everyone got to setting up cots and tables and places for them to sit and wait.

The people there...the people who showed up to help, just people who live close to the dome, it was nowhere near enough, but we all managed to get it done. The situation was drastic. volunteers will be needed from now on for months, but the first days are the most insane, the most hectic and urgent, and it was crucial that someone show up to help set up reliant arena.
there was a sigma phi epsilon chapter. There were half a dozen or so ROTC kids in uniform. There were dozens of older men, men who were awake late enough to see the news and the need, there were women and burly guys and young dudes, lots of young dudes, college students.
We go the trucks unloaded and I found my wife and helped put up the rest of the cots with the others. Around this time it was 4:40 am and we were spent, and people were starting to fill the astro arena. Our feet hurt so bad. We had been awake for almost 24 hours already, so we headed out. We walked back to the car and saw that there were just a dozen or so buses still to unload their passengers.

Roberto X. Torres-Torres

HaydenAsche 08.30.2006 12:51 PM

What happened? Where?

king_buzzo 08.30.2006 12:51 PM


k-krack 08.30.2006 12:52 PM

will do. i didn't read that.. sum it up?

touch me i'm sick 08.30.2006 12:53 PM

something that really pissed me off is how long the us has spent broadcasting shit about katrina. i mean i know it was an awful thing and that a lot of people but think about this for a minute. remember the tsunami in asia that wiped out areas in several sifferent countries? that was ten times bigger and worse that hurricane katrina yet it was only on the news for about a week or two. there's proof that the US doesn't really care about what's going on unless it affects them

k-krack 08.30.2006 12:59 PM

i's true. thought that same thought.

atari 2600 08.30.2006 01:02 PM

good point, touch me i'm sick.

wouldn't the amount of coverage time be more effectual & meaningful if it were devoted somewhat more to the hard scientific evidence that has emerged on global warming and, more importantly, the repeated refusals of the U.S. government to get on board with other nations that are addressing the concern?

touch me i'm sick 08.30.2006 01:04 PM

yes it would but of course the US wouldn't broadcaswt something that makes them look bad

Пятхъдесят Шест 08.30.2006 01:07 PM

You're pointing out the obvious though, touch me i'm sick.

Rob Instigator 08.30.2006 01:08 PM

you guys are dense. every single bit of the coverage on Katrina was DAMNING and terrible and made the US government look like the fucking idiot baastards they are. It detailed their support for the rich and their abandonment of the poor. absolutely nothing in this coverage puts the government in a good light. there are over 150THOUSAND new orleans residents living in Houston now. the city of new orleans, one of the oldest i the entire country, is less than half of what it used to be. the government has earmrked BILIONS in relief aid and almost NONE of it has reached the people of new orleans, louisiana, missisipi and al other affected areas. the media has been shedding light on this bullshit.

the tsunami was on the news here for over a fucking MONTH nonstop with varied coverage and that called a lot of people into action, and if I include the many announcements and calls for relief aid for the tsunami it was over half a year. the city of houston alone raised over 3 MILLION dollars from private personal donations, from regular people, for the tsunami relief efforts.

(edited to remove the namecalling. sorry for that)

Rob Instigator 08.30.2006 01:09 PM

and you are deluded if you think that any country in the world is not going to devote extra time to covering the catastrophes that happen in their own nation. !

and please stop posting in threads whne you do not even read what is posted.

(edited to remove the name calling)

touch me i'm sick 08.30.2006 01:09 PM

whatever. the katrina shit has been coverd for over a year, and is sitll being covered. i hardly doubt everyone that survived the tsunami is perfectly happy and back to normal now

Пятхъдесят Шест 08.30.2006 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator

the tsunami was on the news here for over a fucking MONTH nonstop with varied coverage and that called a lot of people into action, and if I include the many announcements and calls for relief aid for the tsunami it was over half a year.

Right, I remember extensive coverage.

k-krack 08.30.2006 01:11 PM

lets not play the name game here, bobby.

k-krack 08.30.2006 01:12 PM

said tsunami was covered here for approximately a week and a half, with approximately nothing being done about.

jon boy 08.30.2006 01:15 PM

your government fucked up. did anyone expect anything different?

Rob Instigator 08.30.2006 01:15 PM

The tsumani was covered in major and minor media networks for over a month. preisdent clinton and president Bush sr. spent tons of their own oney to create the fund that raised over 10 million dolars to the relief aid. it was all over the news constantly.
I have seen numerous followup reports. Numoerous essays and writing on the tsunami disaster.

HaydenAsche 08.30.2006 01:15 PM

Who is this Katrina bitch?

Пятхъдесят Шест 08.30.2006 01:26 PM

Yeah Atari, I agreee with you but.......I now you know that our network news channels (CNN, MSNBC, Fox News) will never, and could not even consider giving coverage to something that's of the most importance.

For example, all last week they seemed to think that John Mark Karr creep was the only story of importance to the country.

They report on bullshit, and have for years. Why would Global Warming change things? I know why it makes sense that it would, but that is just wishful thinking. Maybe it isn't scary enough for them.

This is why I love radio.

atari 2600 08.30.2006 01:52 PM

True, the mass media cares about nothing but putting asses in the seats, so to speak. Who doesn't know that? It's a huge problem. But that problem arises because, as the networks remind us, they are just giving the people what they want & what the uneducated & ignorant masses want is sensationalism & controversy.

Tokolosh 08.30.2006 01:58 PM

The media is responsible for feeding us this crap called terrorism. They make us scared so that we go out and consume. Buying gas masks, canned beans and guns that help feed the machine called war somewhere down the line.
I don't watch much tv, but if I do, it's only to know what not to believe.

Tokolosh 08.30.2006 02:00 PM

Double post.

Rob Instigator 08.30.2006 02:01 PM

It strikes me as so ridiculous that after creating amassive media storm about that Karr idiot, when the evidence appears that he was not the one, the media to try to save their own asses from embarrasment at havi ng hyped such a riduculous asshole, decide to attck the DA in denver, for doing her freakin job, you know?

the same "pundits" would have jumped on her ass fro NOt bringing him here to have a DNA test.

what I posted at the top of this thread weer my recollections of what I ahd gone through in the aftermath of katrina, living in Houston as I do.

to blame the people who stayed in Nola is ridiculous. most were not car opwners, and most ahd no money for plane tickets top get out of the city. the poor, of which there were an inordinate amount in N.O., and the elderly got shafted.

remember, it was not the hurricane that flooded the city and stranded those people. it was th federally run and managed levee system that broke, and that flooded the city one day AFTER the hurricane hit.

Daddylikes 08.30.2006 02:03 PM

What happened last year?

Someone refresh my memory.

Пятхъдесят Шест 08.30.2006 02:08 PM

I seem to remember hearing about some poll that showed people wanted to hear more stories about 'real life, everyday people'. I can't for the life of me figure out how global warming does not fit into this...

Daddylikes 08.30.2006 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
It strikes me as so ridiculous that after creating amassive media storm about that Karr idiot, when the evidence appears that he was not the one, the media to try to save their own asses from embarrasment at havi ng hyped such a riduculous asshole, decide to attck the DA in denver, for doing her freakin job, you know?

the same "pundits" would have jumped on her ass fro NOt bringing him here to have a DNA test.

what I posted at the top of this thread weer my recollections of what I ahd gone through in the aftermath of katrina, living in Houston as I do.

to blame the people who stayed in Nola is ridiculous. most were not car opwners, and most ahd no money for plane tickets top get out of the city. the poor, of which there were an inordinate amount in N.O., and the elderly got shafted.

remember, it was not the hurricane that flooded the city and stranded those people. it was th federally run and managed levee system that broke, and that flooded the city one day AFTER the hurricane hit.

Yes, the hurricane had nothing to do with the stress on the levee system...

That makes a lot of sense.

It was defenitely coincidental.

Rob Instigator 08.30.2006 02:15 PM

the people currently running the US are OIL/petroleum people. they have avested interest in maintaining the fossil fuel monopoly of energy running as long as possible. global warming is a fossil fuel issue. the less said about it the better, for them.

Now, the other reason the current administration has issues with this is that they are fundamentalist christians, who firmly believe in the coming (soon) armageddon and the second coming of christ. they support israel because as stated in the bible, the state of israel must exist to be destroyed in the rapture. these people REALLY BELIEVE this bullshit.

when this is yr main mindset, why care about the future? they do not believe in a future.

Пятхъдесят Шест 08.30.2006 02:18 PM

Well, he meant if the proper levees were in place, it would have prevented the flood.

Rob Instigator 08.30.2006 02:19 PM

daddylikes, the rain brough by the hurricane stressed the levves, but the levves had been in severe documented disrepair (FEDERALY) for decades. that levee system is funded by public money for the public good. that destruction was caused by faulty levees. the hurricane was what caused it, but it was bound to happen sooner or later becauyse noone in the corrupt city and local and state gov3ernment of louisiana gave a flying fuck to go get these levees shored up to acceptable moderen standards.

I firmly believ that if the exact same scenario had occurred in an all white, middle class, new england city, the governent response to it would have been swift and over the top.

all it took to help those people stranded in the toxic flood was to get the national guard to start airlifting people out. the fact that for three days the only people helping out were volunteers makes me sick.

HaydenAsche 08.30.2006 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Daddylikes
What happened last year?

Someone refresh my memory.

I'm lost. Something about some bitch named Katrina or something.

LittlePuppetBoy 08.30.2006 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I'm lost. Something about some bitch named Katrina or something.

Watch the news moron.

HaydenAsche 08.30.2006 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by LittlePuppetBoy
Watch the news moron.

Learn correct punctuation, fuck.

Cantankerous 08.30.2006 05:01 PM

sorry, i can't remember last week even.

!@#$%! 08.30.2006 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by LittlePuppetBoy
Watch the news moron.


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
Learn correct punctuation, fuck.

i think the workable compromise should be that both of you READ the news. that way one learns punctuation and the other finds out what's going on.

yes? :D <- stupid smilies say more than a hallmark card

HaydenAsche 08.30.2006 05:09 PM

I love you, cussword.

Danny Himself 08.30.2006 05:17 PM

I was in America at the time. Very shocking. I remember seeing Red Cross commercials all the time.

Cantankerous 08.30.2006 05:22 PM

i still don't remember what happened.

Danny Himself 08.30.2006 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i still don't remember what happened.

A big piece of bad weather landed on New Orleans and whatnot, and then it was blamed on black people and prostitutes.

alyasa 08.30.2006 05:52 PM

It's no use blaming the media for what the public obviously laps up willingly. Katrina only got so much coverage, because people all over America and the world were itching to look at the public destruction of an American city by God and shake their heads and click their tounges and go, "See?"

Katrina only happened because the American government is run by the same types of idiots; idiots who gleefully clap their hands and jump about happily when something like a terrorist attack happens, because they can fight the good fight.

And to think that the majority of the world supports eveything that America does and stands for, and yet in the same breath can display their ignorance and hypocrisy by saying that they believe 'America should change'.

Cantankerous 08.30.2006 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
A big piece of bad weather landed on New Orleans and whatnot, and then it was blamed on black people and prostitutes.

no way.

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