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porkmarras 08.31.2006 09:01 AM

Car crashes
Have you ever been involved in one?

Toilet & Bowels 08.31.2006 09:07 AM

whereabouts in italy are you from?

porkmarras 08.31.2006 09:09 AM


porkmarras 08.31.2006 09:20 AM

Dusted Reviews

Artist: Makoto Kawabata
Album: O Si Amos Sighire A Essere Duas Umbras
Label: Important Review date: Jul. 20, 2004

Whilst staying in Sardinia, off the west coast of Italy, Kawabata Makoto (leader of the prolific psychedelic Japanese collective Acid Mother’s Temple) had something approaching an epiphany, what he would later describe as “a spiritual climax.” What this entailed exactly, like all good myth creations, was kept fairly vague, but Kawabata states that these recordings represent one of the most important moments of his life and form a tribute to the place of its genesis.

O Si Amos Sighire A Essere Duas Umbras, which roughly translated means, Are We To Continue As Two Shadows, is comprised of two epic pieces, both deeply meditative and transcendental compositions, but also two very separate entities. The first track, Ses aintro ‘e mene finzaz si ses in s’atter’ala e su mundu, begins quietly enough with only the occasional Bailey-esque chord shape intervening. It soon enters into a more sustained series of chimes and string driven mantras, which recall the minimal psychedelic folk of Makoto’s sometime colleague, Richard Youngs. Using only an acoustic guitar, three reverb units and a delay machine, Kawabata traverses a huge amount of sonic territory, all compelling, before bringing the whole thing to a blissful shimmering wall of reverb soaked sound.

On the almost 45-minute title track, Makoto swaps his acoustic for an electric guitar, conjuring a wondrous minimal drone along the lines of Tony Conrad’s violin work; it draws the listener into its sonority, creating a tranquillity that begins to take over and numb the senses. The magnitude of Makoto’s self-discovery is driven home by the calmness of this ocean. Floating on a silver sea, the piece gradually glides its way up to the heavens, before returning once more to the water's translucence.

By Spencer Grady

cuetzpalin 08.31.2006 09:24 AM

my ex boyfriend died in one four weeks ago. i loved him. really loved..


he didn't have any chance..

static-harmony 08.31.2006 09:24 AM

I have been in one, but I was not the driver. that was a lot of fun, my back hasn't been the same ever since. But who needs a back.

Savage Clone 08.31.2006 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by cuetzpalin
my ex boyfriend died in one four weeks ago. i loved him. really loved..he didn't have any chance..

I'm very sorry about this. That's very fresh.
My father died in a car accident when I was three years old...
I have been in several accidents, but they have all been minor.

porkmarras 08.31.2006 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by cuetzpalin
my ex boyfriend died in one four weeks ago. i loved him. really loved..


he didn't have any chance..

I'm sorry to hear that.I hope that you're ok.

cuetzpalin 08.31.2006 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
I'm sorry to hear that.I hope that you're ok.

i think i'll never be ok again. but thanks.. trying to get over it

Toilet & Bowels 08.31.2006 09:39 AM

how long had you been with him?

cuetzpalin 08.31.2006 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
how long had you been with him?

3 yrs

porkmarras 08.31.2006 09:49 AM

Where there any other people involved?Of course it's impossible to know how you must feel.

Everyneurotic 08.31.2006 10:15 AM

i crashed into a parked car once.

Trasher02 08.31.2006 10:20 AM

I've been in alot of crashes and almost died couple of times.
I got run over by a car once and I got involved in a car accident which was quit serious... The car behind us was completely squished (we were riding in one of those big truck thingys and the car behind us just drove underneath our car.)

Inhuman 08.31.2006 10:25 AM

One of my friends got his head run over by a truck and survived, then had 4 crashes since. He's physically handicapped and has trouble moderating his voice & movement, but he's all there.

ploesj 08.31.2006 10:29 AM

i'm very sorry for you cuetzpalin.. i hope you have some close people around who can offer you some support :)

touch me i'm sick 08.31.2006 10:41 AM

well a cab once hit me but that was completely my fault as i was not watching where i was going. i did scream really loud though and made a fool of myself. pedestrians are idiots.

Inhuman 08.31.2006 10:43 AM

A car crashed into my bike a few days ago because he was pulling out and didn't turn his head.

jon boy 08.31.2006 10:48 AM

yes i have had two accidents in my time, neither being my fault. the second one was bad enough to stop me driving all together and that was several years ago.

know someone who died in a horrific car smash. terrible things they are.

HaydenAsche 08.31.2006 10:50 AM

I went into the ditch about 30 times filming a movie once. Other than that. No.

cuetzpalin, sorry, babe. That sucks.

Style 08.31.2006 01:24 PM

not after I got my license but before:

t-boned while pulling out of the driveway, our old house was on an extremely busy street. Luckily he hit his brakes sometime before and it only left a dent. It was on my passenger side.

the other one was getting rear ended at a red light. This one actually felt like it was really intense, but it barely pushed in the back end of the car. An unlicensed driver with no insurance.

on the way to la, our car hit a spot of ice and we spun out. luckily no cars were behind us, we came to a stop when we hit a mountain on the side of the highway, way past the emergency lane. This one was at the worst possible moment. There's nothing worse than parking valet in beverly hills and then having the valet attendant bring your car around, one that has a missing headlight, and massive damage up front. :(

Another time a drunk driver hit my dad's truck in the driveway. No one was in it, but the minivan that hit it did about three rolls and landed in a neighbor's front yard two houses down. They ran off, only to take responsibility later on.

Four almost accidents that I had: which would have probably killed me.

Taking my eyes off the road while street racing, at about 110 miles an hour, when I looked back I lost my place, and the car swerved a little, luckily I somehow regained control. Good thing we didn't crash, we had about six ecstasy pills in the car.

Another ecstasy related incident. Coming back from a rave, turning onto the highway, I nearly missed a car by literally six inches. at 70 mph it could have been bad. It didn't even register how close we were to death until the next morning, no one else in the car even noticed.

Letting my ex gf drive, she lost control of the car at about 60 mph, it was swerving uncontrolably, and I had to reach over and regain control. The car was too powerful for her to handle.

Another street racing incident. Going about 120, the road hits a blind curve, after the curve a car was turning, so I had to hit the brakes hard, and I went over the double yellow line before being able to regain control. Luckily no one was there.

!@#$%! 08.31.2006 05:40 PM

i totaled several cars in 2 separate accidents

talk about j.g. ballard

don't ask...

acousticrock87 08.31.2006 05:46 PM

I hate cars. My ex-girlfriend lost her two best friends in seperate accidents, my dad lost his girlfriend in one back in college, I lost an old friend (granted, one that I hadn't seen in about five years) in one a month ago. One of my best friends in high school hit a big rig while going 80 (him not the truck - he was a Neal Cassady-type driver) and was in a coma for weeks. Fucking hate um.

I've been a passanger in a minor fender-bender, and I've caused one. The one I caused was pretty bad. Turned left on a solid green while distracted and got nailed at 40 mph on the right side. Luckily, no one was in the passager seat. No one got hurt.

Also, I saw a van turn 90 degrees from the left lane of a busy freeway and cross all 4 lanes, miraculously not getting hit. He did hit the wall on the right side, though. No idea what happened there or why it did that.

!@#$%! 08.31.2006 05:50 PM

by "sober", do you mean "horribly hangover"?

porkmarras 08.31.2006 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
by "sober", do you mean "horribly hangover"?

My hangovers are piling up at the moment.Cant catch up.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 08.31.2006 06:00 PM ???????


krastian 09.01.2006 12:55 AM

I've been in 5 or 6 wrecks with my insane friends.....they were all pretty minor, but I did have my head hit off the dashboard and my glasses flew off.

static-harmony 09.01.2006 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
I've been in a couple. They suck. I totaled the only 'new' car I ever had and my favorite one ever rear ending a disabled man on the freeway. How horrible is that?! My poor car.

Well Kegmama we're in L.A. we are bound to crash.

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