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jon boy 09.10.2006 10:04 AM

could it get any worse?

my blood pressure shot up and nausea reaped havoc when i read that.

atari 2600 09.10.2006 10:12 AM

Madonna made her Sex book to recharge a fledgling career & then became quasi-religious & political after her looks were gone.

U2 & Green Day do this.

When Adam Clayton & Larry Mullen, Jr. teamed with Michael Stipe & Mike Mills for Automatic Baby's version of "One" back in the nineties, that was one thing. It was a genuine thing and not some form of calculated market synergy. They performed it on the courthouse steps in Athens as an unannounced free performance. But, time goes by to reveal years of (in the words of the late Bill Hicks), "sucking on Satan's cock."

Die Braut 09.10.2006 10:24 AM

Omg. Not U2 and Greenday. That must be a joke!

Alex's Trip 09.10.2006 10:28 AM

oh I heard about this. Sounds pretty bad, but hey it could always get worse and they could throw in Fallout Boy or something.

TheDom 09.10.2006 10:32 AM

it could

Sunburned Hand Of The Man could be considered the best band out there right now;)

jon boy 09.10.2006 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by TheDom
it could

Sunburned Hand Of The Man could be considered the best band out there right now;)

oooohhhhhh haha that has lifted my spirits from the depths of a world were bono and billy joe can felate eachother in the studio while the edge films it.

Inhuman 09.10.2006 10:42 AM

That reminds me of when Iggy pop did a song with blink 182 or sum 41 or one of those grouped wenches.

Savage Clone 09.10.2006 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by TheDom
it could

Sunburned Hand Of The Man could be considered the best band out there right now;)


atari 2600 09.10.2006 10:42 AM

The Edge cums into his little hat & then afterwards, Bono likes to wear it because he believes it cures baldness.

Glice 09.10.2006 10:46 AM

You know how boring acid heads talk about there being two realities that are there but not everyone sees them?

I've decided that this is the case here. There's my reality, where things happen, some of which I like, some of which I'm not bothered by, some of which I dislike but probably am not going to do anything about, and lots of things I don't know about. There's obviously a second reality, where some poor, deluded fool, or perhaps several poor deluded fools, think that Bono, as a concept, is a decent thing.


atari 2600 09.10.2006 10:48 AM

Well, I've heard "acid heads" communicate their ideas more coherently than you did in that last post.


Message boards are the last vestige of the blah blah blah old hat.

"Due to my latent passive-aggressiveness, I've got axes to grind in my sig." - some guy

porkmarras 09.10.2006 10:56 AM

Quick nurse!atari is at it again!

porkmarras 09.10.2006 10:58 AM

By the way.Madonna looks superfit for a 48 years old bag.

Alex's Trip 09.10.2006 10:59 AM

She was hot at Coachella.

porkmarras 09.10.2006 11:00 AM

I've seen her in the flesh and very close last year and she looks nothing like someone approaching her 50s.

atari 2600 09.10.2006 11:01 AM

I agree. Madonna still looks great, but she can't exactly market herself as a hot, young "it" girl anymore either.

As some may remember, she's a cousin of mine. I really should avoid writing anything bad about her, but it isn't like I've ever met her or ever will.

Call the nurse, atari is delusional!

Alex's Trip 09.10.2006 11:01 AM

Yeah. I was pretty far away but on the big screen that they had, you could tell she looked very young.

I like that one song "Hung Up". It is too damn catchy.

porkmarras 09.10.2006 11:03 AM

She goes beyond that.People still can't get enough of her even though she's mostly dull these days.Not that i've ever thought that she was an outrageous artist by any stretch of the imagination,mind.

atari 2600 09.10.2006 11:06 AM

As you are undoubtably well-aware, she built up a huge gay cult following because of her backup dancers & the whole Vogue thing. As an artist, she's mostly sucked eggs her whole career...I'll repeat myself: mostly.

porkmarras 09.10.2006 11:15 AM

Like Kim Gordon rightly said a while ago:''She's not even worth satirizing anymore''.The last album is lacking energy and actual good toons but there are a couple that i really like(Hung Up and Push it,namely).American life was a bit the same,some good tunes but not much to write home about.The difference is that the last one has been trumpeted as a return to form by the press but it's clear to sanitized ears that that's not the case.Acceptable gay men are mostly limited in their taste,by the way.

luxinterior 09.10.2006 11:20 AM

I don't really understand why both bands can't just give money out of their own pockets. There is no need for a song. They're rich.

Everyneurotic 09.10.2006 11:23 AM

madonna's last good album was ray of light. she produces one good one every ten years, most of the time is covered by singles that range from kinda annoying to kinda great.

atari 2600 09.10.2006 11:27 AM

Ray of Light is her best album & the only one I still have. Mine is a cassette.

more obviousness:
Yeah, & her iconic status that you alluded to porkmarras (coupled with the raw numbers of album sales) has been cemented by her early status as one of the first video superstars on MTV.

Alex's Trip 09.10.2006 11:29 AM

Ray of Light is easily my favorite Madonna song.

porkmarras 09.10.2006 11:29 AM

The thing with U2 is that the other 3 are not bad musicians per se or anything.It's more the fact that Bono puts 'intelligent' music fans off with his preaching,his voice and all that shite.I don't think he's an arsehole because in some interviews it even transpires that he can be a rather sharp and intelligent bloke.U2 are not my cup of tea but in a way i find Green Day way more rubbish and there is not point in even getting all outraged about them because,let's face it,they're here and we can't get rid of them.......but so is some really good music too.

atari 2600 09.10.2006 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
I don't really understand why both bands can't just give money out of their own pockets. There is no need for a song. They're rich.

& that's one telling reason why the whole thing stinks of market synergy & the passionate sucking of Satan's cock.

atari 2600 09.10.2006 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
The thing with U2 is that the other 3 are not bad musicians per se or anything.It's more the fact that Bono puts 'intelligent' music fans off with his preaching,his voice and all that shite.I don't think he's an arsehole because in some interviews it even transpires that he can be a rather sharp and intelligent bloke.U2 are not my cup of tea but in a way i find Green Day way more rubbish and there is not point in even getting all outraged about them because,let's face it,they're here and we can't get rid of them.......but so is some really good music too.

I've often remarked that U2 has done some solid work, much to the chagrin of other board members since U2, & Bono in particular, are often whipping boys here.

War & The Unforgettable Fire are especially great & The Joshua Tree along with Achtung Baby are very good.

I can't write anything like that about Green Day though; even Madonna is a much better artist than they are. Ray of Light is her best album, but she has several songs from many other albums that are just as good or better...she still sucks as an artist overall though given how many years she's been around and the overwhelming amount of bad material to the sparse amount of her good material.

porkmarras 09.10.2006 11:33 AM

With Madonna,well,Ray of Light is generally accepted as being one of her best albums but Madonna never really was an 'album artist' to start with.And that's why 'The Immaculate collection' is easily one of my favourite records ever.All you need to hear is there for you.

atari 2600 09.10.2006 11:41 AM

Very true.

It's also true that I think it's some sort of law that you must have that greatest hits collection if you are a gay man.

In my mind, the true greats (& anyone really worthy of discussion) must be album artists though.

Everyneurotic 09.10.2006 11:43 AM

sorry porky but i disagree completely with you. the other 3 guys in u2 are awful musicians, especially the edge, all he does is play single notes with a digital delay efect going throughout for every single song; that's not talented, that's unimaginative and a cheap trick he does to hide the fact that he couldn't come up with not even a chord progression even if his life dependent on it. and the other two guys are barely functional basic bassist and drummer.

actually, green day are better musicians, the drummer has great chops and stamina.

porkmarras 09.10.2006 11:44 AM

But in pop music it's a rather obvious thing by now that you have to have a 'single' mentality to survive the battle.Take Duran Duran(to name a pop band that i adored as a kid).When they started taking themselves too seriously and stopped having fun and concerned themselves with making(i hate this term)'mature' albums they've lost the plot.

atari 2600 09.10.2006 11:46 AM

Ain't that the truth. Early Duran Duran rocks my socks. It took a couple of years, but MTV killed that band. Whereas the advent of music videos being popular could have insured their future greatness, they started taking themselves way too seriously & were more concerned with image than art.

Green Day are more formulaic than U2 ever will be & that should speak volumes.

U2's rhythm section is great & The Edge is a good guitarist. I can understand why some have tired of his style because I have as well & I believe that an artist in his position has all the room in the world to grow a lot more than he ever has.

porkmarras 09.10.2006 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
sorry porky but i disagree completely with you. the other 3 guys in u2 are awful musicians, especially the edge, all he does is play single notes with a digital delay efect going throughout for every single song; that's not talented, that's unimaginative and a cheap trick he does to hide the fact that he couldn't come up with not even a chord progression even if his life dependent on it. and the other two guys are barely functional basic bassist and drummer.

actually, green day are better musicians, the drummer has great chops and stamina.

I totally disagree and i'm not particularly arguing U2's case here.In terms of taste and influences Green Day are what they sound:crap.U2 have more refined taste and you can hear it at least for the fact that 'The Edge' sound(cover your ears) is way more recognizable than Green Day's 'generic as drinking tap water' sound.

porkmarras 09.10.2006 11:57 AM

That's it,atari,i'm gonna have to put Duran Duran's 'Decade' on now.

Everyneurotic 09.10.2006 12:02 PM

it's recognizable because he seldom changes his sound, it's always the same riff! to me, it shows that they don't give a shit and spend no time or effort on their music, not in seeming at the very least original, it's always a three note bassline in eights, the drummer with his one-two beat and the edge playing one note or two on one of the top three strings with the delay on, it's always the same, and when it's not it's some rip off (see vertigo, or whatever it's called).

green day are crap, i can't stand them; i was just saying that, in terms of musicianship, the drummer from green day is better at his instrument than all of u2 (or the other two hacks in his band).

Die Braut 09.10.2006 12:03 PM

All Greenday songs sound the same to me. And I don't think that the Edge is a bad guitarist. U2 just sound different and I don't think that they'd be better with more chords and stuff like that.

porkmarras 09.10.2006 12:05 PM

All true and well,U2 are not the most techinically aroused of musicians but at the very least they carved a more(and purely in terms of sound) refined and recognizable sound than Green Day.The latter i could confound with a million other bands.

*strikes a pose*

porkmarras 09.10.2006 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
I agree. Madonna still looks great, but she can't exactly market herself as a hot, young "it" girl anymore either.

As some may remember, she's a cousin of mine. I really should avoid writing anything bad about her, but it isn't like I've ever met her or ever will.

Call the nurse, atari is delusional!

I didn't know that.Does this mean that you strike a pose every now and then,atari?

Everyneurotic 09.10.2006 12:18 PM

u2 might be like ac/dc, they have this very recognizable sound and never moved from there.

i do think u2's sound is a mixture of johnny marr's guitar sound run thru a delay. i wonder what would happen if tomorrow, all the delay pedals in the world would disappear...

ps: i didn't mean they were bad because they were technically inferior, i said they were crap because they are creatively inferior.

porkmarras 09.10.2006 12:22 PM

To each their own,let's say.The idea of Green Day and U2 joining forces is worse than 'The Special Friendship'.

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